' a " "" *m" " "" umm.mmmon.m~n.m ""'" Drumcorps . * ~ (Mb-th . Aunt It. that ta g. 3 id tab . the box in wms three 232:: :2"... r... :31. .. .. .. -- w. .. .. ....... N q C. I H nah-ht and or ta- mmt-mw " Them 037.3. w "~* ~ andBtuaCor-pareturud Muppbcadnru to NewInarhat after a alaat tournamenttnOahawa weehand rntnthe . I hue to occur win: its third utra' t hone-dd cantat' new "thee e! thta la Wane-they're cadet .Ir yummy noun 0 Wdhdlg'the weak-n: add ht the bake lathe-hue! an at Mr Ian . Sancho-ta waa than and. The last The Ambaaaadora 'nle Ambassadors are hockey have failed a whahave tahaa r-lhIMMII'Ch D M 57 M plala and wh- r topped the Kitchener undefeated thta year that . I, not MENU- db thI'U W mm '3 w I a Kavalmbymorethan Mrnenmme man-III. war-ho archer-a" MM H 9'" OHM lOpotntawithaacoreol wulbeathnpact nm titanium um mm" M. 557 Kitchener was Aurora on (Sunday It! a w _. m mh~. 1 h b W ".3- V second With 3 and Wat! Am ht-mum - m a u a PM ., _-, . "COM-m enurt- m wwmmwwmummm mg o *bnmmmm but numb, _. l) m ataatlany ter and b u THt AURORA , that why he aatd hy m actor-tau. he narch ' 0 TV, Judge White anyone wtth an tn- N .n "m n- thacbdthecaaebdm cllnatlen towards .- 1, m m tun aa a had canola Mace In amides la www.mu WILL BE CLOSED savanna-:1 - When br-aId-a-hal- that do. not stop at Yahweh-Ith hue-momma nuclearqu L... or woman Raellvd. W' h" w m "I" "m " 5 ' saw a... chum- hehbd at. Paal'e Separate 0 5" "' 0 ' hub-u . Mill- 40 The attempted At' JUN: 30/79 School may tryhguh-nhpchechoh... Wit-tang; murder sun-pact waa . this was-e..- ,, w Why. thawhda rm / . / 1 So Gregory r t III M.oqm% haul-Irma m h, Polk. ( matad hl-teda rel equatarpdacallhtethehe departmentandpllce who landhtdyr abed om Mu ! "In" 'm I! 00 Petty'aca lmlaaead Lyn. o! his more Mu! Odom M lift ! "- Har-aa.rIt.he a-l thphhedtheblaxe, 'unn. m mamnmnmm.mmmm (iregory matte-roundly. "I called the operator. It was an merge-c1" (legacy and have lend h hard to II- 1 deruahd why the ee-en. police and hla parents. Bob and Mart-en. were trqu to [any "path to hlu that he shad! have checked with an adult nt hebre callh the updater. "I was really annoyed at all Mu. '*/. IULIA S Y 1' [If It'd [IN/VS m televth shows and vbtta to the police depart- J SCHOOLS (Ca-rd. tre- page A4.) hit-true. average salari- woud be $1,266 under the PM "llll xt r -* OUTDOOR TURF Long. "ht then I thought. well. he an the right at my uptlce and {Ire en) were really NEW June so Garbage can by board 0?: terrt c huh hl- aha they tau . he had aha: One Hot: Mar-uniting on Davis Dr caugm on " " the not thug but an he he than chech re at 1013 pm. wtth an adult ' Jme Garbageonfu-eatthexlmdumpat Eric McLean. l . _ 7. _- . _-.. .._ -._J a. turd of Kim M .r 3mg WA .[ Dtstrlct ll Ontario 9 [0'11 p.ml Secondary School I - J u m . TCIChch Federation bdttnd St. Paul s Separate School on William 551? " 'V" "1 Mr Munroe s averaging bus, pu blic schoo msme 2 3;... w W or . mm, * mm" onJunou terewoawnywmwm WhomtheFacmdm,Mo Yaomo Robert-ammde mummammFm mw trailer on re on thnlfred Dr at 2 The "W" b0" 0 5" Sum HHLVAM) LAN drtv seat was cut, an of mu m Cluu mum pm Bum! contentton haw : the I :m o. wmu' " DIM; \andala here r bre her '5 AURORA No {1m rig ! fits: lztfownc : 'L Thanh! mmmmMmynowrouoenm r'httbr a w N f- (0 O 8 ~7 __. d I 0 "'3 (OLA! " 9 " WW ' " m "m " " BRADFORD No fires " at the Holland Landmg "WM Hound lb! 0 ' . Mr Munroe sand Public School and ran 1 0* wl' {0" MOUNT ALBERT N9 {"5 Should 00 b9 Jr , .kvd the .. A ulndows were broken. QUEENSVILLE No ftra eluded m the board offer hat sd tuol l \Hrk . Pom, another {Ire extmgutaher HOLLAND LANDING No re: had (ountry has offered Mud that re extmgtuaher " d mrled m u SUTTON N0 first ( LA to bet In when the mmvms we" spayed halls. and glue was Pgmmw N0 res consumer price Index mm the hehlcle. the was , a the am NOBLETON No re. [0 38 W 9"" SEE A SLESSOR SALESMAN SEE A SLESSOR SALESM I> Slessor Motors gives you better reasons why.... 2 YOU AUTO BUY NOW 0 No mantle after Mused - Ask about our big tradea'n alowances 1979 MINI ! 4 on. HATCHBACK SEDAN 4 v' "0" ~00? Gnome some 'rmsmmuon wt Mgr Quloul M 4 w l'msntrssam '03! mm MFG? .Mtr Inst} "our man an 80' mm 38" ? Ltlul hm My man, 'wtng mtg . "'0' '1." Sr . '9 (m ma' "gnu "9 s MOW wa- :4 0w or, SM. - 9 mo was $4 850 P5 4-DAY SALE STARTS TODAY 20-50". OFF ORIGINAL PRICES l 1979 SW 1979 out: My 70" sueurmu 4 WHEEL WE moo-c aw Over '4. w ' "y I" H ' I ' our .0 w one farm". eel mlvv'y un tle 350 v 6 Out ow "mam :x-x ) w' ' ' . , ..-' I - ,, '. w j M .mr or w . F! adamant '5 gar ea: 38 ? M" n n "3 1 , v A. . . H M h" "m "" 'W W *W " r ""3 9'9"" p ,. '1 . J", ". "l ' WW N Ull a. 'm. 3) V o c ' _ I. . . H I n '0", at." We! "me m 79 72 _ > "' ' , ' " rear :thr rw moot Name om stee' netted ' , H . I ' r " 'ao-a Menus yew Llassn 'wo tonepa-m lit)" ' ' .W 7.4: Demo 3000 macs Stork a S" 981 50 $10,122" Boucle Terry '9\unwlm. \nytunm Sthvebnotha M ,u-meaowmtuoon Interfacing C3000. "MWIQ~Q 1m x {at h ' hmcma Ooh 1 NU 1978 FORD V2 mu VAN vo enone A tf downy," 90w!" g ' m whole 9 , Man 3411' ' _ L"2.n"l'?3'mm W 1979 out VAN s. W wllhl' W? m 1? " llumt u" mm awmc n." u' 300' n [W gm). N" iu ~99 u 'th tr O J'Utl 'V 4" Naxv' 01'4 ~-$10.401' lESSOR uoross tum NE WUABKET res-235: D (/3 m (/3 if, C 33 ( (,fhlllln N A A