M to m a aim . at the nch-Van (Oatnr 0) Regional . mm. surveywnsnotpublusd them and la andisnotnvnilahle. mmti atboth UdvcsitydTonmtonnd . t h rknt Public at _ has received and in- mm a library. ne- tothamanwho I the research ooplm from Iritiah Colombia and Nova Sootin. and as tnrnw'ny ns Sydny. Amalia. Ila has bani naked to write trade completion. the report murdbythapiblic . ( my library board. which unionism, rum-boon that V . Map eLeaf music students load hall with their awards By lthll nmm Ernnaffranw NEWMARKET Petr Jaroa wanted to be cnmniahopdully.hthswnahksahnadwill iothcitiannoflilnwmarhstmovn-nilviewot tionsomeinthsTownostwmarhetJ wmmmmmhmm anWtooommmicniewlththe music need not be hammered with classical' minic to Melop their voices Modern music provides the same iyonnweeklybnnh.0fooursa.tlnsoohnnn gownyrivalthatofothn eohmmcarryinghi MasthntofltoyGreninrlaryMcGonn ilischimoo!lthnotimmddtobea)our- r Wadimyouitwl nothe! ilamaimhglorh iafaotaaoportiailtyto mmmmicnbwitthsosmminntyoainattnis 'nndrda torecrnntimia iarnllnthe ahead the will touch on such ad- iiveinnttnsnsthsqoomiogninnn'iaanin noncrsatiaiJhnvmyimpirtnntroleofthc inthaoommiaiity. sillhig ighttromtimetatimoheypernonnel t and winners who make recreation in tthnviablesn'vionlthJ'romtimetotime F trinitorswtilben ndtowritnodimnsai abjectapn'tainh'tespaciflcintn'entsin inhasbemdsaiuatndthelntn'nationnl um ithonlyhtthgthntthiscolumndnal , W Newmarkat iteration Depart- maprqram.mrntiomarenowuntr iiisnnticipntndthatovn'l.Mrmibmswill par-tinsometoriniotheovcnllsianmer andJiaiethmtoapm. ' thmswillbetakmntthattimenndatth saainultitadeoipogrnmscombthndnll .daycamps.crnftcmtrm.sunmsohool , my camp.gymnastios ballhooksyandnunicousothsrprogram airhgthsnastsistonioitwenhs. me of our un asis of recreation for itisimportamthntthschildandttnparent theimportanceofrecrnationasnnnctivitynnd W leaders whowill operate theseprogrnms at locatim llbewdltrninsdbythe 'dqiartm-itnndwillbethecreamofthe thennlicants. souraimtooderthepnrentthepa-sonal thstthechildwillbewelllookndnttcintheae -lnnownyarethoaeprm'amsoficedns scvicea,althoui manyofthsrn may tobe'lheynreooncreteprqrnmsthntwill mchiiddirectbodlt. . now we sincerely hope that all housdiolds . lave receivedthesummc brochure. lfthere p queatiouorfurthcidormatiaiorilyouwish '- forthnpo'annJherecrentiaio iceis l ati7illain St..tnlephonem-51s3. theemphashwoddappeartobeonthe Iidindoaditis.thceisalsoagrnatmedlor "of smior citinnisnndtherehasheena l insidefornllofustoncknowleaenndhonor ' citisaisSaiiorCitis-i WeekhJunellto andtherecrentiai twillbeoflcina , opporhs timcmlhtingdWJunch. mcerts. bowlir movies. barbequa and yes. H110 to Woodnne Raceway ft: the senior Tbs is open to all omit: citisnis of the tymd we invite Mr particimtion. For laminationdveusacallnndwewillbevery totakecnreofyou. w iofthisyear.the'rownoiNewmai-ketand - in dqartmnit wok over luau-8" !3m d the South Lake Simone Calcutta! nrnnkmwnnstheWmleyBroohsArsa.Ou dbdantmdwnuldwo dliketoestandlo ,imsuihoeiiymgrntiuideiorihsirsf- hepantomakethnl'niryuheArnsoneonhe hamitulinthe ewmarhetltisour linketheprka " " prhTothismd we . Anthony Martin. who humegoneintooptntiaiwithmddeboats. ndconenasionarna. Wesincnrdyhope that DLANDlNG tans .m.Dnmngswnsnst-slvs. w iiosus. '-Nonrm. - -llofirna. ' -No rm. Nnh '- -Nefirm. '* Math. 0 $31; is. *Over 600 attend Temple s June Day More than 000 people attended one of the most successful Jane Day Festivals in recentyenrsheldbytheYor kPianeerand Historical Society at the Sharon Temple last Sunday. June Day commemorated the birth at years ago of David Willnoa, the founder of the Children of Peace and the , ahharon Temple. Visitors to the temple conldsitlntheshndeandlistentathe Metropnlhaa Silver Band or tear the grounds to examine pioneer displays. Children were entertained by the Newmarket Recreation Department with games. Sheila Mnleney of Zephyr. top photo. one of the volunteer crafters. worhed onwoodcntprhtiagiafrentoftheleg house. Craftsman Jeff Cooper demon- stratedhbskillinwond worhtnaineyear old Warren Mnhoney nf Newmnrhet. Anne Misen Baker of Zephyr showed Sharon Temple volunteer Dorothy Lewh. right. the woolshewnsdying nspartefherdisplay. If you miss the festivities you should consider attending the first of three saniiner con- certsonSun..Jnly8wheatheTallisChoir will perform rare lCth century unac- companied music at 4 p.m. Aasn Hansen Phetm - it 3. Ambassadors may practice in cemetery unwiuiiiKE'r An Newmnrhet band may Ambassador! Drum and soon move its place to won't stand where it miniooallinmspolioe riotse bylaw three weeks ago. are close to finding an new practice base with an announcement Monday night that M acrm of cemetery land on hm ~Msharpd ind- a town Suttonltdcouldbeineo tor mardiim rehearsals Mayor Ray Winney told countil Maiday that he will be talking With the cemetery owners this week regarding the arrangement MI! W. Council wnsformerlypiamiii'to mdorseedlandathoyd hamperith hittinfidihwouldnot have bani ready intil nnoptnsingsr biitshnis I a? w W became die never made it into that exotic pom. In. Jaroa. a music team- at Maple lanai Public School. made her mark this year by worhh mstudaits will they were ready to eompue in the Lions' Music Festival last ninth. it is the first time in more than to years the school has citered the futival in such a big way. tnth in numbers and in who The balls at Maple Lea! are now covered in awards and sitting in the toys: 'n the Rose Bowl. ve to the sdiool for the highest profiCIency in male at the festival Maple Leaf students avenged aboia 82 per cent (hiring the course of the week-long event in the classroom choir mtry alone. Maple Leaf ranked first in gradesfive throi h eiut. Grade eight choirs captured first. second andthird.andgradesfive and sevm ran first and second place Award winning FEIR JAROS solonts Gord Lmdlaw. Tracey Liddle, Leslie Audi. and Bev McNeil wee pdpd to be better than airmen who had been professionally trnimdi That isnot to say its Jnros is anything las than a professional tendier his. Jnros' school teaching training is backed by an assoctate ship from the Royal Comcvatory of Music in Toronto where she is still taking lessons The chgree trainlates into 15 yearsofhardwork iorthe M-yearold teachers Ms Jnros is highly opinionated about the accessibility of music She says children in Mayor, RC board clash on use of gates training' ' to youi vote. and keeps inc-dad, Sane oi the minibus periormnd by the Maple Leaf stunts thedulrh i were composed by Ms. Jaros Ms Jaros says it b lamentable professional training is not available in Newmarket for students of voice. an observationwhich hasled her to offer private inning to May Limile and Lesley Ansell became theyhaveareal intuit " The Maple Leaf teacher complains music has bemme elitist "Just look at the mice of cancel tickets." tie says Few people can rqularly afford ll? to go " lnprepnrntionforthe Lions' Festival the students were training eviry'noonhourand aftc school until 5 pm. Is. Jaros says die woman have true this if thi Indents had not show intent "l have high ex pectations but i try to create a program they can succeed at." she says between homes, school NEWMARKET Mayor Ray Twinney would like to allow homeowners backing on Notre Dame Roman Catholic Separate School to put gates onto the school property but the Separate School Board is dead set against the idea in a counCil meeting Monday rught the mayor accused the board of "tryirg to make it harder for people to enjoy what they are paying for Accompanying the discusmon was a letter from the board notifying thetown its SOlICllOf h had ndvtsed against the gates Ed Joyce superin tendant of busmess tor the board. told The lira the adiool board would be liable for injuries :r. curred on the school troperty' it people were injured while using it as an access route to their homes He h ld the gates onto pm ate property could encourage yandalism and increased pedestrian :ratlu through back yards t .iuni tllor Hot) .800 . llldlrllidn of council 5 engineering committee. requested the issue be returned to his committee lot further connideration Neighbors complain 'about group home noise SHARON Ean Gwillimbury Council has received three letters from neiyibors of a group home in Holland Landing teen y'iolaice. foul language protestim "drugs. and frequent Visits from the police " Raidaits who near the Newmnrket St hum: wrote complaining the ennronment was not statable for raisim their own families ( ounCIllor Alvin Pegg said he had been approached two weeks ago by residents con cerned over the behaviour of the young people and frequent Villlh from the police Mayor Angus Morton live said he had not heard anything prior to the letters about the home Councu have the bylaw en lorcement officer check intothehometosee it it is the in contravention of agreed to bylaw and how many people are hung in it t ounCil also plans to said mpies oi the letters to the t hildren s Aid Society and to seek lurther information from \orh Regional Police Take legal action SHARON East Gwillimbury ("ounCil has authorized its soliCitor to proceed with lqnl action agaiint Albert's Marina for failure to ranove trailers parked in con trnventiori of the town s bylaw ( ounCil stressed Moiidey the marina owner has been sent numerous letters asking him to comply with the zoning bylaw He has ignored the letters said ( ouncillor Jean Lathappelle. ad ding there is no alter native but to take lqal action , cw em Ban on alcohol lifted for Sibhald Pt. campers GEORGINA - The Alcoholic Beverages ban in p'ovincial parts was tiled on the wsehmd (Jinn 17). but it's no ramntogotlmreand oalnhrnte. tow Pohit Pa supervuor Mihe tunpornry alcoholic ban in its prhs The over-night camping rates has remained the same over the past two year- ~ $.50 for a Wat