O Q Michelson-Immutamhla- Loam a W seed ween-essay a! n M so. Marlow a. intensan (a L WI sac. Ier mwears. mas Ger as rates. veer Selma (.00! 10: seen "so We'll-era Era is use e! the Inland Pontoons-0C0 L-Wmuwnan We. more or the twenty/Pusan. News as vO'hSO' remorse Guardian. Durham Peat. Etonotese Gazette. Markham tomcat and Sue. Mussnsaaoqa News. Ooh-lie Denver. Oshawa "no woes Oshawa "m WM. smith Yum. Acton Nee Dress. Georgetown Independent ail when (avian-an (nampm Member (Mien y ham assesme the Mot as... a (wen seem (ms hm: Ironstrahm number "(I Phone Newmarket IVS 233! 30 Cheth 04 mo a. {ask an TERRY CA RTE 1 ho ELL MAFIA FLETCHER he I" WWW Pay-outs are improper, town council should not stamp them approved Mayor Ray MmeyandllqiuialOotm- mmdMMhm cillor rom Taylorarepayim thanadvman Mush-talked! extra8.25fordou theirworhasmunbcad sstimatssand im town couicil s indintrial committee. Themoneyiainadditiontothetwosslari. Mr. Mmey collects for bum mayu' d 'l woo-mu. fbecamo h s .. Newmarhetandamunberonu-brqional couicil. and the two Mr. Taylor receives as a memberofNewmarhet couicilandamanbuof the raionalrcouncil. Themoneywasleftoverinthetownbim frunthodsyswhen orhanwasbothmayu' and the town's indutrial commissiuu. 1b town hasnot had an industrial comm since Mr. Forhan resigned to become York ruionalchairman. Mr. Ninney and Mr. Taylor decided to pay themselvesthemoneyasmunbu'sdthe committee of town council charged with at- tractim new indt-try to town. althot h neithu assumed the industrial commissioner's position. Committee manbers were not previouly paid extra money. This is an agion which. although not illqal. in our view is not proper First. it means the mayor and councillor are being paid twice for dairy the same job. once as members of town council charged with carryim out the duties of the committees to wls'ch they are appointed. and again tlrough Mr Mmey's decision to split up the leftover money from the Forhan term. lnthesecondplace.wefeelthemamerin whichthemoney was paid out isnot proper. A decisiontoincreasethepay ofany manbuof towncouicilshouldbebrmghtbeforeafulland Sudy.theputimofthstownw alottedfuprunot thetownw litcatu-e. Matthieu hlbtrial potmtisl.etc..isnotsofatthattlssmcould notbewellputtoueforthatpupoae. lnalsrriedgatuetotryandlcittmiaetta's payou. couicil's athniddration Monday recommended that a resolution IMMMWIMWW splittmlllbesmtbdoreatowncouicil W.WNmewa nest Muiday. Municipal Act m the ability of mmbu-s of municipal council to give thunsdves these kinds of bonuses. lt s jut not proper. Muir school now a hazard Historic Alexanda' Muir sdtool is doomed. the fate of the old builditg sealed when the York County school board sold it to a land developer untead of returnim it to the town. The building stands now forlorn and boarded up. awaiting its fate. Sunday night that fate was almost decided for its new owner whai lightnim struck the school chimney. saidirg bricks flyim to the ground and leavim the chimney badly damaged. Firefighters from the Newmarhet brigade hadtobreahintothe'buildimtoensureitdidmt burn down. nielightningstrihehas left thechimney ina precarious state. and points up the fact that the building as it now stantb is deterioratim and is posing an increasim hazard. particularly to neighborhood children who play in the yard. And re remains an ever present threat ts slate roof has loose tiles whid) could fall atanytime.andlnuecra&srunalltheway downthebachwallofthehiildiigftaeuns uilihelythewallcouldsuviveanother m, particularly if the wan; is left unhea again. lt'stitneforthetownbuildimdeprtmmtto take action. Muchaswehatetoaeeanliloriclandmarh torn down. wemilt athnittheoldschool building's timehascome. .- v develo mthatsiteisstillyearsaway. ltis certaintheoldbuidii w'illhsvetobetorn longbeforethm oragooddsalofmuieyspmt onittobeepitatandimasadudict. ltwoudbebatutotearitdownnoand leavethepropa-tyopmforueasaneigh- borhoodparh. Make courtesy walk work A large oraige walkway between the post of ce and fices no laws enforce its use a?! Main St mus cipal of- city.justuielas munity.butnotinthehtlueandbimleofabig tionfolhsintownsdon t Allthat'sneededisalittlecoopuationand comidaatimfmmmotoristsandpedutriamto the Way walh wort. sidnp omachinmwueuaedJUtheworhbdng donedtherbymmpowuorhoraepowu. Four horemmmllyhitchedtoeechofthebavy a onawu-eunloadedfromthe 'm ... Dm r vim: TVAE out we no \1' wists! . Dismayed by end of Seneca day care 0p- letter is lit. George 1hpsea. layer. Town el Auera. We were shochsd and w tohearthh week. of the closing d the Smeca College. King Campus Day Care Centre. ef- fective July 31. ms. Oneofoudauhtcs moan-pummel: wan-gimme) an of ate the breast self- or aevm Ocamicsuiandbundhg mammals. aelfhb families mothy St 1hey also interfered with the mm m. We mkyed the manic. fact we w-t down to so we could bear and l know man othlra who dd too. Come on. council. remember the honors these young people Wt Newmarhu lad year. 1h dmcve a in ofcreditaatheypracthed in ev whm it was so hot. ongratulation Ambassadors. ltq up the good work. speiit three and a half ERNEANDFUYLLI may happy years there. and. our other tht itu was about to bash We are cuitain that you. as a muan of the Bond o! Govunors for Seneca College. voted W dad the day care cmtre. and. we are lease the existing facilities to the prmmt my care nah for the sun of 31 a year. We are most anxiou to see this valuable wort am you active involvement in this matte. ANDREW. BUBANNE HELD. l was never so disgusted with our mmcilaslwaawhml readlanwesh apapus mdsawtheyletthe policechargetheAm mm. as Lorne Ave. Newmarhet School 8111101111088 its fun fair 0n Thu-aday June 14th. (run 2 pm. until 7 pm. Part Ave. Punk School of RR 1. Newmarhet will be boutnga Fun Pair". We who to take thh op portunity to invite tyne interded in a funday! Our activities are as follows: - CHILDREN Games with Spudal a draw Kim Corns (bake sale for diildrm only) Balloon Sparky (talking police Draws tie cocci.) mm Elqhant table on Wrath-I) advertisers in a... On behalf of the amount-osmot- of Newmarhet Wehowmatt s publidtybda'eatmal totbwiththsnieesssof bothvdu-m-idweare M can. Thank you. use. IAIY snow. PresB-t. Newman-ha M C.CJ. PanelPertrsitsbylaabd Vanant ltd-suds avail- able. nis recast made by the n Fair will be used for musical in. Inmate and fa buts equipment for the am of Park Ave. P.S. I. W! llVlNG.. my lainSt leapent oeu whethernottoturn business ' use into a puma. pedestrian mall. essdsgtoanlirs min: the tunporary trian malls they tried over the at mesa? lath that mum-diam. diet