Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), June 6, 1979, p. 21

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Live in 0 unique iow rise apartment comrhunity cioae to schooia shopping. motor trdhsportotion and recreation tocilties. lam include: . potting . woii-to-woii broodioom . quoiity stove . troatotree rettigeroior e WOT. ieeonoou $250 2 eeonoou $235 HIST CO . HIST SERVED F0. SPIN/m WV! MIT! Coil 1498-3337 SatJSun t2noonto6PM Mon toThur 12noont08PM Closean'daye Dentoi pavilion gust north oi Davis Or on Huron Heights Or an mm were oeeoetiaarv THAT S HARD TO m M MRI" TODAV! 80 ACT W! 20 In Merni'marn and Cards oi Thanks * PINNII. Voiney in iovmg memory at a dear tather am , who passed I grandtgthar away June 5. W77 AS time union! another veer Thoughts oi v0u are ever I ! Silent thoughts at times Mother, Hoid memories that win last MOM You gave uS veers at "w pm Dutyo mt yean Mt ea yon were. atwaya be Yreaaured torever memory Deariy toyed and ruined by (haiee, Dave. Gayie and Gen JAYMI OOLDS ITN am Grant McKay man to thank each and him who at t- Ided the beautitw shower tiid t0r us on June 3rd at Sharm Mail Special thanks to Mary Ounamore, Terry Dam and Angie (and Thain to an ta yow aim MS and many DOMWUI gr?" II WISN .ro apron our INK . "\MAS '0 fm'tv . trienda and neighbon it)! their many acts at what s. you writ . Eisie and Waiter, Then came sorrow and tare. ; '0 US DCV'NUI Cernmiaaion We wiii treeaure thmugh the 1 a "Sincere thank you" in no.3- traiier, never M 20. In Memorith and Cards at Thanks GROVES in tovim memory a our dear Son and Mar 800 who iett as June I. t ! neat-rig where no Shadows igii in (CNN .09 h. 0" ! UI ail Goo will link the broken chain When one OV one U. meet can Sadiy MISSOO by parent: Nam Recreation Committee is gratetui to all who aSSiat in any way to haip male Mount Amen = Sports Day a tarnoiy attaira in Our aucoeaa To the Sooner: ot advertising and varieue activities. to the Sports Day Canmattee and their hem V have heiped c h i Idran Something We CAIE 2i Articles tar Sale '0 9w. opportunity '0 TOMOMNI IADV CARRIAGE. 60mm Diue and White in 90 cwuimnsoo (were we: I 2) Mam- Ii Xi _ OAS lawnmower Phat-Ia Its t7)t.atterapm In I POOL tabie 4 l a' with pity 9.. and Mitiard Ave. era. Anti... aine eiaaa. aitver. china. ceiiectiaiee. air oenditiener. therrne I. W 0' x 8' (new). (lead Wete andent For there adv-eat. caii Dennb avatatteraann. MS LAWN SAL. ~ June I. 9. aethurat and Dutterin. Antieueehvuwidcaraarta. new . in All WK Em a coat. one aru. ua. twe Menard-near mmetu SOS. Sill. mahan ger Ia windewa. varieua aiaea. aeet etter tar mourn I. STUDIO SYSTII ever one. M. IS piec- In eaeeiient cenditien. Must aeii. moving Aatina use er eat otter Catt M attCSpJn. I-n MUM ciacua v Ftee Marni - Aii Kin. at rnerchendiae at Fl. Aer-t prices. Antieuea and ceiiectaaiaa. aargaina galore. Saturdaya and Maya M an. - S p.rn. Consignment auctiena Saturdeytvmiveicerne Catt ran (Georgetown) YF- YWTO PLANTS - Eariv aeetateaa. diam. aorta eet. rema PIPPII PLANTS Caiiterniawatder. San per tiat d Sixty or Q amoeraoxetsix Nerthet' What on Hint H to aathurat St South. turn iett aid stay at pavement tor It mite Aien any name. no C U S T D an At A D I twingreorna. diningreorna. aEDIOOMS iN Teak. Oat. heeeweed. picture trernir'. carpets. DESIGNS iN TEAK. I3 Yonge Street South. Aurora 777 me TF STOVIS. retrigeratera. (uaed) (tea! and Marti with guarantee Save alien Caii arice'e mans S It aATTIAIIS I29. and up Futiy guaranteed (Eagle) The aattery Man. an Eagie may" __r_r.- ADULT tricycle Coat S109. ptua tax at Sean Oniy rode we: I rhiiea S26- caan At new Yonge St, Noiiend w I) SO. YARDS oi M in aorta twiet piua aQarate underiay mutant!) tADLI TlNNiS oer-route with net and radiate Phone DSSQ? 20 Help Wanted you can on we. rnenthty te OartI-OI-I tatter learn m CUIITY 00A. HS) PULL am part time Welt pereen 9 an S pm. my to Friay. 17 Main 3 N. Newtharlat IOTNID'S SUMMII NILPIIS, live in GirIS trorh Quebec Many available. Call .1101 Iaia MAIAO'MIIT 5P. POITUIITY Earn above average inceme. tuii training math given to m aeiected Natietui (my with no overnight traveiiir' invoivd m. Mr Eiiia. 2-22 NtON SCNOOL STUDINT ta aurnrher that". to lot NOUSIIIIPII baby Sitter. iive in w M, acheu nechiidren Phener me. In PIIM to be In charge at Warehouse. ahipping. receiving, keeping atecA record. gauerei ianiteriai maintenance >91 , ettice. wareheuae and rurai property Permanent Written appiieationa to be auhnitted betoreJunettio m-. FITTER-WELDERS PERSONEL Mannie mums and/or weekender Exceiient wagee and benefits. Theee poeitione re open to both I23 ATTENDANT Ful a Tow-truck experience an aaaet Goodwaoeapiuebenetita VIM E880 400 HIGHWAY MAPLE (Se-ta at Kb. Ely Slated) HOLLIS iILLS GOLF CLUB '23 Muatbamietoworkweekenda Muatheve ownirmeportation Pieaae-oniyexperien cedneedmpiy 888-1955 EXPERIENCED TOW TRUCK DRIVER APPLY ALERT AUTO BODY a "by e. W SSS-S302 m: OrderCeeh ~. w Veuneaezhun'aeruam-amaar 1m m. MECHANIC Opening tor a liceneed mechanic IELIIAVEII SQ PAIN 478-2261 ' MINNIE! For m at proweeaive doe. Top hourtymaabeneilaottered. Attarneenehitiazaom-tzun. Formed! 16364245 LEGAL SECRETARY Redeetate.oonvnereidemenenoeeeeen tidwymwithexpenenoe. _ _Eiw E sumou Wm'c-qu-u 727-31 27 IEMAL SECRETARY WWW .iore amyeaweeii w M. made! do. m a y b mmmwamam manna-unnumnunaea-A mm ! AUTO BODYMAN MUST BE LICENSED Shaveowntoob FLATRATEORHOURLY CALL ME 775-3461 PIRSONS WtTN CAI wantedtepiclwandddiver '0'! C your M houra CanearnStat per hr Tm otter a acheei age children thia meteor NI my m VUHV d the Cadre eree. Li t W. M 000' S pm. NW L23 TlAVIL NSme tar elaanding agency near Newrnarbt air I. an. The (re. 3 Chariee St.. Newmaraat. on. LIV on , i-D (LII-u in I at . A RELIY LA... Fuii Tithe Peaiti-I. W training. Wanted irn. mediater Apply aartiey Lenea.UpperCanadaMaii i-D mu SECRETARY Manatme mauuamm wma WLJY at u t ILICTIICIAQ, 2" traitor reiIaaCeii immnmu TUli IA!!! W ' T..T '0' Of! "ht M acrap i-tighe. wic- mid. lree pica... mrm.m.m, i tI WI buy aid care lid ts in any audition Phone 77S a WI; m I IT. CRIS CIA" Cevaiier It . Chev to marine. mm, M no. i2) IS IT. (Ail. ci illl. urn-nacme aeratewteteiterheu 29. Saies Help Wanted 29 Sate: Help Wanted Jt- Farm "0m Sales Representatives for Insurance Company We reouite two addii-oriai reoreaeniativee tor the New-market . Amara area Theae ooenmga pro Vida an exceeent oooorturvty trorh the standoont oiincorheandadvanoemeni Theooattionottera anexceiienicomrrvaeiattcaie inacceonthereia an extremer tair trairvng aiiowUIce and noticing arrangement that guarantees y0u Suf cient time to iearnihabuaineae itaommewmimnganacaveprowmgaaiee agency with W o ice tacit"! aridtnnoa CIIPPLID CATTLE Picked up p!OtT\pNy Fer direct tine caii Len Distance and an ter Mina MMIQI Cali ant'i c IO MCDNI a SON Wodviite. Oat L We Inca: Livmg together coat yOu a tartune W.YOU andywioved attarii'Iabreaii. do-it-yourseit t v. e iegai tees Certi ed Legal Services, 801 Mile Rd. Suite " 74." H a in .I I V. . u, TWILIDV OM N tail TILICARI .5 I! mauheurueay PACIDWITII MINING" Perhaps Aieaa Anenytheue or a Fainiiy Oreup can M 12,- w W III TN coat Prch testing, eating. Preeene . TM Ming: ISI lid My 7 t g HeadactlJiew aSttt Ne appoint my. S4. Legai Notices NDLIC NOTi Dy Virtue at Wrehaueernen s L the hauemeid g m 00 Roy Herr hewh address a- lfadtard. Ontario In Irene at new and Storage. I Newrharhat wiii he NOTICITO CAIDITOAS iN TN! MAttEe o (STAY! or ' ILLIN aIOOKsl LA TH! town NEWMARKEY, 'l REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF WIDOW. DECEASED Creditenetthe A deceeaed. who a Newrnerhat. Ontue. about the I" reeruerv. It?" 0" netitied pursuant Trvat. Act to Sell MW preet d ciairn CI or hetero any at June it", one date the eaaeta ot the wiii ae diatrieutee regrd ehiy te the c which the under that have naice DATED at NO Mariethia 15th card I ! Victoria Trd name ayianr Hat Cut FerSaie an . theta-duet mane-L Maniacs-ma. tiowen. prayers in the ion 1 d a WOO "0300 CM brother Frank Moorhead t Warm. and court cover Phone I a I 23 r a 7 STIIL garage nor. I. T" "k T m a S O '5. (mpi g'im htrHtft S50 I Mi ttitf 09 "i. Um. "an. ; Church. ev Suvtor, the AIL J! t AIIINS riding lawnmower. trienda who too; 9 ,0 t . hospital, and thg um. coed audition S175 ting.t , Mona: In retreahrnenta ;' l H. iw.i ' 0 . room. SA. A. aeiung . Your thoughttuineu wilt ' SM ' oae aiove S9. eiectric FULL 5 PART TIME W" WWW NIGHT a DAY SHIFT t Appiynperaonbeiweennoona400pm ' Mrs Kieman 775-5794 at Hwy. too a ea coueeron Thieiemexoeientoopor tunitytorapgreon experiencedhthetieidotdemooaectimr Thieieapennanentpoaitionwithaproweea company - otteringaoood my - Frhge benefitaapieeaantwortimoonditiona. mman mm him-thud SSS-Stitiueaaaaaealpn. WROM anions-manic. . m Rm... mum-mm: with radio. rue not... pay. tact audition. Mir. m NOW NAV at. a hate u, avaiiaaia new. Catt an M miioge. Caii atter Sp.rn. PM Milli? W 337 at K mo TNUNDIIIIID. 4 " aitchana, waahreema. N"" "m~-~~ 4i. bf wk "a. u my pr .5, L23 _ . m caii Vina an mo cuavv noun with "m' m. 3" "~- w' v ' t ' - mug. Mint Seii tar Milan "n SOA. Da Care teee min. new. cream a. E aarvoaw mm or... wm W L ""-._ "3 Tn . (Zr-a Service me te your home E: hDATSUNaNan. eeiierdrder-Icea. ma running cenditien. "7S. NEWMARKET CALL In _I- h w We : hoarneari woe won. :Ii Meter Cars ier Sate condition. Pia ea. aute rm ooueaa xat. nae "'"" " "' "m " "W Ianavatiene. mum cueteni caainet. ruidotiai BESTVIEW LODGE NURSING HOME 329 EAGLE 8T. MARKET IS PLEASE!) T0 AWE ' NEWS Ii OUii WIT were u Dixon Pencil Company Ltd we } Experienced Maintenance Mechanic-Machinist Ouaimcationa Minimum 5 years experience. united in mechanical repairs ability to work with limited aupenneion skiiied in machine shop tabrication Manna-em mm PUDLIC non ay Virtue at Wretnueamen'a L the heuuhom - mum F media-t" LLThdt'aid. ' are In were 0' an. and QUW' Newrnariuet m" N mm mic." caaoit ' iii rite 65*" JINNII Evans. LA 1". TOWN hawuaaxef " neeioML W" .77 0' YORK. DECEASED IIAT iNPLATION. Join ibthe aaiiery ea a aaiea aetun D needed Horne Matt-Ia at trend picturu. Cernrnieeien with guaranteed minimum; No MM. Caii aiiect IT S "Sit in Jo. Erna. Wanted IIIAL WWI . . m wooos TINT traiier with SM. SQ. tridge SQ. tuhe mmmmnv In YE OLD SECOND HAND SHOP O NALLOIANA May I. ms . You are otten in our thoughts ' An. you wiii be In our m"! ivever . Sadty Miaeed and aiways - W by Norma. Jim ' u Sheila .IAHAI in ioving memory a a deer hueaend and rather. 60'. who Dam away m 4. "77 I Wecarmet haitrhehaneot' tithe a iive again the peat Within Our haartS Wide TM Witt torever iaet Sedty aimed by wite Dereth and son had. It 23 K AY 'I TAKI thia Q Inc coat a wood atovea propane atone 30 with a can: m mun T0 MANAGE TOWNHOUSES I AJAX 0" rniiea. P.S.-P l-P W.. air Mitt-ting. cruiae m, aertha Shine wan. JMMMW mutate candtuen. never mmmam me .rtunttytethanaoutrienda Old Wiv- tU their lira candeiencee and tierai M in the peeaing ot Couch and (hair. ItaOiQarId chain. aar e 0. you taoie. picnic table. hurniditiar. mac DOS)". 1. "do than PeaeICa. L 531M D. Mei. V OIS Enceaentooooruutytorhouaewdeiorernuietham Sean ~03... tivai In winter. mm DUMP . mount Jen re 0 PLUM . new and m. C. W S In. .1 W Dan a Moth. Mra Edith Sea-Ice Yhenha ta eur cantarnera who were Aye (near Quaker Poet) It?) (IDA. POSTS 8 ate ? i2) \ 7 N.P. IAISCV riding maintain M eaeaee AND uovme SALI Satordav and Sin .y. June 9 A I Teeia. garden equipment. athe. m MI . recerde All reearder. heuaehue the-g- ' ' and Min. tar everyone. mliver .lm. xtu " u 2) m1 MTA TYPISTU III The) For medical recorda department. M. ' a Knowtedge ot medod term recited. W AOil'oxmieieiy 20hoinperweeti 0 m Drakes. mm an he... .manm, tir t - Two week day eveninga a t day on Nu-.OQWSMJN: 2" J W. ' Ant- w mum-aim m m In BRAKE mess orennon u

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