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Shun-er mm . nrlr ) mm My mum (Ia- u r... so. u our vac-mum : w n. In yum-n Iron-n. have cu " n. M r mum l Irma w n mm (all. mum-u z rm." nulh-e un- no.1 cum mm a my... - n cF-u' n mm u- n mar-o m. mum m u..- I In. Mr. A... xm mum- rum-m (lo- u v n. .- Op-n - VlG cnoeumg or Sumo: Account w. boll-yo our servlceu are In. our Suma- Accounl W295 rnlernl. Cneqmn. Account 6% rnlornl olul Inc cheque- and much more Come An end m U: about morn If: a crime you don" know Cour-c! our olfree In Main SIro'l Newmerkel I55! OquuingorSavlngsAoomm .m. a... mnmnum r. .. m m m u raw mum"... mam... um I mm mm rum-mm : ma... rm Aw." cw- a nu Solo .9... I 1w! mum Wuqu 0.... rm blow An mm . In In..." A . 2 m: c. rm. 1 Inn-u um. Ann tour-Iv mun" uvm Im (A... 1 mm w H: m. n... "orku ( 'll rm sol. u may r n. Srr.(|n1lv 1 mm Son-r nu. MUD x D"le 'Nrmll (um- 15 was Ow m run-wan . moan. .- Ma-a my} 1 svnn or... m ( Viv um. (l.- n mm sou u win and m u w- {your Sharon 7 mm. wu oumova I Mvrnm Mum Irnrova liner ext-Km mum-m m- !r mm sa-o u nu ma m: r um aw Vnornmrl 7 Dun mum-nu "mm-v Inn'ory 1 new Ion-n Awar- (Ian at w... 5..., u no" m m r (larva raw-rue mum-nu 2 W Ian- y Au" ) Ira-m urn-m Km. m, rm emu-v Vrumrll cm- I no. a. a gamma r garnet up Vhornml 1 .mm no 7795-0er ) my Mm can u Fm hlo so mu m m r nm morn-y nun-u 1 run a. thrwull 1 Var mu. rap-m n.- u "no mm man. In um me odor r rum Mum pm 1 mom. mm ovum: : mm (um um- (lu- In 3qu v) mu m mm 0 mm a. Hourly-l 1 r... um. mum. n... v. Perm um n mu m w... l \uvrn- nu Shaun "rm" 1 - Vurnhrll ) mum um Numulnr mu m 31M 11... . ~..m.um l Ann-Ir! lam-m .n. u mumm TRUDEAU WANTS US TO BUY FOREGN OIL. Canada has more all than Saudi Arabia We have enough lo meet our needs Ior at least the next 1CD years But by the year 1990, Trudeau wanls us to moon more than a (had or the all we use Thus means we would be payrnq more man $8 billion a year lo Vorergn SuppIrers T ms Trudeau 'pollcy" makes Canada's outlook very chrlly We would end up erh Iuel rallonlng cold homes and very hrgh prices THE ANSWER: MAKE CANADIAN ENERGY AVAILABLE AND ATTRACTIVE. Yhe Progressrve Conservatrve pany believes the key lo enemy se v summency rs reward. no! punrshmenl Where the liberals would punrsh Canadlans wrth hrgh pnces. we belleve Canada can become seII' sumcrenl m energy by 1%), N Ihe prospect is made worthwhile A FIVE POINT PLAN FOR SELF-SUFFICIENCY. Joe Clark has set lonh a Ilyavorm plan which would make Canada sell squcrenI by Ihe yearlEBU ll would save us that $8 Drlllon a year (he Lrberals wan! to spend overseas lhal year Here are the povnls or lhe plan 1. Conservallon A Proaressrve Conservalrve govern menl would reduce the growth ol energy consumpllon to an average 2% per year by grvmg allractlve concessrons lor e rcrency measures This reduchm rn energy growth would mean a savrngs 015450 (X) Ior every man. woman and chlld In Canada by 1990 The consewalron manure: would Include - Changes lo me Home lnsulal-on Plan to make Il work. 0 lncenlrves for unduslry lo use energye loenl equrpmenl. [,u, l / SINCLAIR STEVENS ,. l '.,I'I..v'r/.I ltl l/ l./. l n...- wmm... rue... .._ u-- 0 In rnoorrlrvu to make energy- omoom mm more Iltrnctnre zOISupoly Development APC oovemmenlwiworkwnhlne prommolvedlommuod Wmmwoiproducuonso rmrbymeunyraemmor wmwcwmmwm Molowruquuemenu'n-lwm mannposu blelomtalolour neodsrrornCamdunnourw 3. Toklngldvmtagool whet we vegot Camdanbonannmpleupolresor naturan We loonhoprloeolw alalevelw anrwm for Commune subtmulegnslorod mammdom 4. Jolnthoot toEost Thelcvcdnexl mepuloensurelml Cemdlmeneruysu someone EutarnCamdlAP. governmenl Mmmumeuum promueconnecxodtoCaned-M ou.odandolectncnysystems. 5. Energy supplies Irom nature A PC governmenl wII make u attrac- uvo Ior Canedlans lo develop and us. enemy lrom th- Inn. 000 W. the (Idea and other renewable nalural sources We ll provrdo [he lax Incen- (we. necessary to gel this man under way M'I BE ROZEN E.ECT THE RIGHT GOVERNMHIT. memnmmless. oWeandunfmrllmwm example onhownylheoovemmenl oICamdahasboonmmod mmormwmw Pmmmdlolhesrtuatron Pmnn gridlomequ On May 22nd votelortho Progu ve comth candde In your rldlng. your Progressive censorvative candidate is