. _ . I. ~ . . MWMNM.MKeswiek.0at..Wed..Ap i8{lm Rails bolts mark - ..a..,-._., OS&H anniversary. 1 01! 0 N TO ' operating the Oats. ' Canadian National's last so , and Hay Steam opcatiu steam angina Emission." starting at will travel throth 'l orontoUnionStationats Aurora, NewmarkeL and W on Sat. June 2. Whammbe travellintrom'l oronto toColliu'woodtomark thelsthannlversaryof tincompidion 'ofth; an Ontario. Slmcoe. Hiron Railway between thosetwocentres. The Upper Canada Railway Society is am. and retrurning at 10:!) pm. The fare is 813.96 for adults and $14.95 for children 12 and under. Tickets may be ordered from the Upper Cannada Railway Society. Box 42. Station D. Scarborough. Ont. MIR 4Y2. or at the VIA Refund counter. Union Station. East Gwillimbury ' claims Ontario's lowest debt figure SHARON East Gwillimbury probably has the least amount of debt of any municipality in Ontario, rdim to Fred eid of . Hector and {Newml 'kelf ' During his auditor's rhport on East Gwillimhury for 1978. Mr. Reid commented favorably upon the town's healthy nancial state. Clerk Jack Hopkins said the $36,900 surplus for the year. will be used to reduce the general town levy. Finance C h a i r m a n ' "Featherstonhaughr~ ex- pressed appreciation to the Newmarket firm for the good relationship which exists between auditors and council. Law is explained NEWMARKET Susan Piamondon. a Newmarket lawyer, was guest speaker at a recent meetirg of the Epilon Omicron chapter of Beta Sigma Phi. She discmsed the significance of On- tario's Family Law. At the election for the 1979-80 executive Bar- bara Leggitt was ac- claimed president. Vice secretary. and York quon representative will be Verna Killarn. Several activities are planned before the end of the season. In addition to the Founder's Day banquet for all sorority sisters in York Region. local members will enjoy a visit to an art gallery. a trip to the O'Keefe Centre with members of Theta [resident will be Yvonne Lenfuty. Sandy Hill. Epsilon Chapter; the annual burthday party secretary; Judy Jackson, and a progressive dimer treasure; Marion Un for the ladies and their derwood. corresponding husbands. Accept non-residents at Sacred Heart H.S. RICHMOND HILL - committed to havirg the Non-resident students Simcoe students attmd will be accepted at Sacred Heart as there is Sacred HeartJunior High nospace. School in Newmarket whenitisopenedthisfall by the York -Region RomanCatholic Separate School Board. Fifteen to so students are expected from the lower part of Simone Comty. York and Simcoe boards accept each others' students upon yment o! a fee. York board director John Zupancic told trustees the board is not Company- 727-5711 NEW! ne54444444 ILLS 44444444 "NO Jusi$ Hwy. pane-rice Ii discomrr on (add tax a grat. on food only) ' Paul Dove .- Pao/nqa. *tit****t**********t**t .59 . .. . Nb. 1 . it 56 .4; it The Notre Dame SeparateSchoolteani came upwitha victoryinthequarterfinalsoftheAlloas-yori rehch version of Reach for the Top contest last Friday afternoon when they beat out Our Lady olGood Counsel ts-23. Team '- A REACHING FOR THE TOP Farren. Paul 'l abone and Chantel Macy. Back members are Gerry Van Den Berg. Lucy Fayette. Wayne Del-yet, Coreen O'Reilly. Cheryl MacKlnnon and Brian Miller. MGrade'lstudentswlllgoontotleseml-finals and members are. front left to right. Maureen Klbhee. Katrina hopefully the finals in May. NEW/MARKET The April birthday party mounted at York Manor Wednesday (April .11) was paced by David Brown. born in Moscow 99 years ago; English-born John Stallibrass. 97 on April 12; Herman Den- nison. 95 on April 17. and Mrs. Dora King. who turned 93 on April 8. Thanks to the. Bogarttown Women's institute there was the birthday cake and cake and ice cream. for all residents interested. Daisy McCallum. of 2 . CHILDREN'S DAY BJCHMO HILL York Central capital is celebrating the in- ternational Year of the Child with a children s program on Hospital - Day. May 12. The theme for the program is Hospitals are OK Hospitals held to protect children's health and well-being.ltwillbeginin the lecture hall at 1:30 pm. and will consist of , two hours of tours. slide shows and displays. Cannyiaq Place- Couarny Club was Auaoaa Side Rd. GOLFERS TOURNAMENT Special - 15 V Includes golf, diauen, scoaiaq, ee pa' es ThisMondaythruFriday, 11 amtill 2pm, trythe new Special Luncheon Pack at Scott s Chicken Villa. It s a great lunch; with 2 pieces of finger lickin' good Kentucky Fried Chicken. French fries and a beverage. Great value for S 1.59. Fried CdmdSams' boysmdgrlsn nmlidun' good . "i" ' gentle chickenvi lu. MW LOCA -ONS IN ONTARIO-SE! YOUR PHONE BOOK FOG 7N! ONE NEARESYYOU. . r 8 Birthdays celebrated Aurora. who plans these tertainers from York Kathy bashes for the HWnds Chapter ofthe identsforYork Manor Weet Adelines led by Auxiliary. welcomed Vivian Brown and back a groin) alreadf featuring LillianJackson. popular in York Manor an lrish thrush from auditorium. They was County Down, with both the hand-picked en- vocalsandviolin. INCOME TAX PREPARATION KEITH w. BURLING C.G.A. ' (CERTIFIED GENEFML ACCOUNTANT) .. 435 PARK AVE. NEWMARKET (OPPOSITE NEWMARKET HBRARY) 895-6291 Dina 116 some Elbow 1'00"]. ' ;' ".7 o- - - 5-- WMNJ by to that wears adoqm manhcinthspolitical entertained over a: history of Newmarkat adioolyear.anda junta- m . Mnewposltbu maddedtothebodyol heelectedbypadeninos. thesinallenocisiveofthe dudent coimcll as the result of rdermdum. N per cent of ll favor the W 4. 7 to 11pm. Ad- (or. addition of a social is 25 cuts for! b. Thursday who will one Wham KprilKlllam.hesdot . undone G.A.S.; asked me to titty-ho mote Canival nldit n POSSIBLE DREAM mart age money and time to talk about HOIN (IA(I[ NONI} if Socie W! n] VG