Trinity ladies 2553 handle birthdays ' I'OVOS nnu- llll Ill! cl * my 1* w h-b amu- Ia limb dun lulth rum-nu H nine-on Ihw ll helm mumm- n. M- a mm, MIAMIT vm b dllpoud o! h In. um I Godwin. d M I n Inna l ml h t I I an: arm-r no blur-unclu an m h Ilrurd Inn. cl MI-m In ande Emir lm 'l shimmer-d- lulu-.hb-dbyl lld- ll M The Count. 1an (nun-mall 1" WI! VII on In I win-mm mmyund'l ond Kmart-tw- amen-telnde - an arm "hm-I Ilud W4. ONTARIO LADIB'COIJJ'XEE WHITBV - now W W from any nun-m- and boulder: rm nur Soon-your arm-Villeme WWW- N35. The memo Imml n to W m m. This space age technology water conditioner canprevent and remove existing 1'. Am 21 4 LI. - 5 I... Q my. comm u. Lag} mum!- MIth nun-113mm Mr m'uwm'o-olpr-cnoon MMEmchm w-una Em h. Ellen s dim and le. WIMMHLWTOIIIIII III-vs: New-mm m: 47 M M rm (415)9953737 m Ollu: 51! Elam Shut In 526 In... (705 153137 WI. 1. IIOO LI. to 5 II. For an nun om on" III M n A II . FOII TIIE On Wednesday April 1th [he Headmaster oi Slanslead College will be ava-lable al The Inn On The Park corner oi Leslie and Eglmron Easl lrom 2 009 m [09 00;) m lo: rnlervlews and reslmg cl sludenl aDDIICanTS lorrhe1979 80 school year Slanslead College a we year ola pwm (,0 educallundl school m me Easrem Townships bl Quebec :5 open [0 qualrlleo 9! and boys m grades 7 rhrough 12 tequwalem gradESSlhrGuqh13lu0 la'lol run mlcrmallon plus a wsual shoe presenianon on [he College and rls romprehenswe iacllrrles war he avallahle at me hon-I Fm lurlher mlornmllon and an apoomimenr wrlh lne Headmasier mm: m lelephnne tolleci .5131; ~ g]; Sinnsteah 'nllege Smruliid 0mm JOB 320 mm M alley Mea mu'r- B Ql um rm _l WIIOLE FAMILY build-up in your water system. It has no moving parts. THE BEST CANADIAN MADE CLOTHING :1 Um no sell. The I: m nhr null-Ir works through powerlul. permanent magnellc force lrelas ll prevenls and removes mineral buildup ln water ow. hol waler ranks, dishwashers Sinks. bath lubs, lorlels Because li uses no salt. water pumy and lasts arc not a ecleo ll can be unsralled m 20 rnmules and once lnal rs done you never have lo do anylhmg wrih ll or for I! There :5 no charge lor in- slallauon TI. I. hill: on w 45 a true producl 0! space age technology II has been thoroughly tested and seamed by moaoendenr O 898-1291 No lters to change. laborarorres and CaHIBS a 10-year Ilmlled warranly, orovrdlng assurance ol quality and long llle wnh cost prolecllons For more In lormallon on me space age Wall Skunle waler condmoner come rn ro Whlle Waler Sen/Ices. or phone You on pain you II Sim m m ouinghl or. ll you preler lease ll lor only Si O a monln ll aner a l~ monlh home lrral at the regular lease vale you are nol completely salISllled Wlih me Wan Skulile waler condllloner [he unrl wrll be removed at no charge The wan mum: water oondltlonon from WHITE WATER SERVICES 506 Kent 01.. market. On. LSY 4Y0 FOI THE LAOV OLOTIIIIO FOB TIIE WHOLE FIIILY IT Ti! IEWES I SLITS Fm THAT III I TM LIE Hm Fm ONE STOP 20% BELOW WE NEH WAR". 0 LI TO 1|] ll. WV I kl TO I ll "(l\| III' \IH \lll I \\|llll\"