RED TAG SALE CmyoneGenprdec eeoluwh K A m emu W m: RESIDENT Pmmcnsm NEWARKEY PeulE Montgomery B A LLB R BrianCorbott. 8A LLB 431 Davis M" menu-e.- - ~ "4 . -m~un -mtnem g3? We repair-all makes Cassette recorder players. 8 Track systems. Amplifiers, Car radios. tape decks and CB Radios 0 mm 0 mm 0 10 MIAV S 136 Ml.le 8!. ram Am 415-4039 (DEW BRADFORD 8m HAZA) 775-5 35 n... amnesia-um... ... 1 ...- ur rug-um A... 3.. HeuHIrtSI-vn II ennui-lulu. prevellll. slu I . you (c betel-dim Inks-smut Mel lid. d ark-lure In one was she a the toilette. vice r pr'ldentn were also elect-4' Al's Boyd. Imam ~ am. Hi. Hum. Am. u In ea-ah ud Be- Bnyley. Neva-"In. Keith Clreen. Eut Grimm Joe My. Tensile. Dr Bob thlenl and George cm Cale-tn and MB 1117 [or youth BEAVER Amormmcorro What is e Beaver Home 8 What does it mean to you. VetvaBeevevuon-nemlwmmlocmred house The'pemeN nnemn-lweleecm, realm..- erIdgebbendIer-memtecrured-toneolrheB-vev 8984500 883-4011 DANNY S HONDA ll t vobxu bnuI I NIwMAHruv Pemberton A bug rem more lr home on two oors Feerures four bedrooms Ibund-nl clues! Ioece plus a large low end lmng erel Gauge shovm and boot hang are not lncluded unit-cc peckege 21,564on Basic Package Briarcrest A mum: home mung! v52 Iquere leer ot Imng space Note aloean the hips lwmg roo " and wide upon turchen dining one Back Inc-nu Ihmn vs no! pen at the beoc pecuqe 15,49 mmmm - mm- I-Inlellllllllulllnll m ammo!!! mm: emu um, mourn. o'. Read-b.0nude mum 1mm TIM" DO-lT-Yg UR ELF SAVE MONEY PANEL STRUCTURES Franc Free Construction Light weight Aluminum Alloy to Mt AsssunLEn mm It YOUII AREA m 895-4923 FOR APPOINTMENT HOBBY FARM DEALER Humphnuendmenaelmredtovourlol The Mdmrm-mmmm pr.- Mmhmnvouneemt When WWW-mtoywlnwuvmg Yousee munuMbuddaB-w mvouw Nol mhl yegmrd-lohr Formonw omubon endlbrochure medthecouponor w" vmenmCmm overmlhl Ind mounds o! I d M ll: a! rut . r At once, u e u rum." h! have I choice m I Vote [a mew-mull: Amencuu or nd remove xisting uiId-up In your ater system. 3 It has no inovlng parts. 3 No "Item to change. 3 Uses no salt. laboratories and carnes a toyear ' mmWworks 'Ough powerlul. permanent gnehc lorce trelds It prevents and ' Oves rmneral build up In water W9 hot water tanks. dlshwashers. 3 "01 allected It can be mstalled In Omnutes and. once that rs done 0h rVet/er have to do anything wnh It 0' ll There vs no charge lor m- anon V product ol space age - "n0|ogy It has been thoroughly 5 90 and approved by Independent a ' 898-1291 ltmlted warranty provtdmg assmance ol dual-ty and long lute Wllh cost protections For more m- lormatlon on the space age Wart Skuttle water condltuoner come In to Whlte Water Servuces or phone Vummwlut sum Inter need-II outnght or It you prelev lease It lor only $10 a month ll alter a 1 month horne tnal at the regular lease rate you are not completely satlsmed wrrn the Want Skuttle water condltnoner the urn! wvll be removed a! no charge E The WAN-MIT"! wetergondltioner. from WHITE WATER SERVICES - '05 Km k" W. Ont. L3Y 4Y9 Inn-.1 mud-nug- In n - a use. it l-Oucx unre ned-unnatur- uuwmsm -Qnm mI-M I N- n W u . . gm hhu