urn-or. Ivonne-i W. tornado- Deal. I". GI! W It ll Inn. Mush-Ian pun. .oalvmn loony. uno- tat- . M' M 1.. 3mm- VIM. w Fr m. m new w (MM cm w Canadian '0 haul-oer Audion-nat- the Audit won at (vista he (I not. mural-i moo: n- Pma . DA VD R. HASKELL TERRY CARTER some n (mot JIM DALZIEL w Eon. trailan JoCnariaaSL mm "1 Council seems to be dragging its feet on the arts centre Town ootlicil an." to have led in Motmwhuiilmmaahtheprwoaadam cdtnralecntre. Whaithepropoaalwasnita'nittadtoooiaidl. mention we (aim. all ovu- aaa nth in alien: to about how with they waned ti. caitre. Butmwthatthetlmehaseonietotalhahoia gum; the project Indeed (at an diluted mldlas.M)cou-icil.andinparticdar,layw MmyaMunmalCuaicilhr aylorJn-r tohehaviuseooodtlait'hta Paul Aopiand and Fraac Milne. wb maduieinitiaquortJndmraditwdl. duavealotola'editiorthehardwwlthey mtogeiumtherwortroadyandbdmootaidl Mayorhmney saidhewaaall iniavnrd Iheartscaitrewhaiititntcaniew.a ay parmtly still in. but pint he}. in favor ol aomethuq is not nearly enough. upaeially vh-i Itcomutoaprojectnnhaauiamm There are at least three 0th: mundpali u in York agwncmtiytryiutounaa caitreimtheiraroaaanditaeanatohe developmintoaornekmdolracewiththw andalargedtunkolvisiton'mooeygoh'totha Victor Energy and enlhustalm within the Newmariet Theatre Caitre and ill allied urgariiuliona. all of whom Will haie t from (Wlna ion oi the cattre. are cta'rcitly at a peak and council should do It: umoat to harnau Ihem Slrilte whiletlietrontshotaoloapeal. Mayor Mmey raeaitly said D W m.mutlielown'ssharoithematolthe centre was a good invuumait. but that balked at asking comm] to chip in use to have the min lmd bcaiu "that mean $5 {or every house in Newmartet Unleae there is a undead price. aceordii to Paul iHboar \oa-prolii [roapa nay place an Inner-nil in emu-n by m unhelorespti ay city wrhh tofhe Era. Hal 2 . New-arid. OI LlY txlI WEDNESDAY. APRIL! H-oa Hei ta Secondary Man! will hold 0pm house Wed April 4.1mm 7 to in p In All welcome 1 ! Lair SA-roe Dog C will hold rqmratiori (or IWH dau- Wed . April 4. at no m in Sutton Arma Fir more iniwmatim. call 476- )! or 478- Sam- (olkIe u attain. an cat-ween altarioon We on natural cod . hm is. April 17 Thrcoet iam utiotor mataiala For iniormauon. call Isl! At least is Untano Cabinet minutes are expected to heat Newmaria Com inity Cuitre oriWad Apriit atapmtomeet whlicand anawer question Atniaaion to the meetu'. wed by the Val. harsh Proceed" ( anamatlu Manchu. not: 82 (Mr-1w ( hapman producer at the film. "A PiaceTo wxli begun! apeaac at the World Around Us kill! at York Pinea L'Ilad (\I'thtetileby caiWed.Awilt.at!&arn Admiauort coata Si 50. babysitting so mu An tnlormal all on the Iaaa l faith will b pvai at m Woodman Place. Newmarld. on Wed Junie-up m Foruiorlriation. call It IEIIDAV. APRIL! l. Pad'a (m- Ca-euratho Nancy nth-otmuuapeaiaaraui Ihow hia-I.Aprils or 7 pm in Newman: Community Caitn, Fall'qu by Hunt latter and Fanaoo Fair Door priz- and rdreahrneou For tidal. 52 so am. call Donna Amid l! m thcah'talouhtl-cm aithaiaarythatw ahou naoy. monument: mp mbaaaoaa nierie. Wa hvathtMi-u d Ml thirtaainnaytoh a- ma reality. We m h. 'a calliaiiniait to Hothth wilhoilMt m, laitil Ir. A aad anon-til gain an availatla. u no will lbw. Me. tha Elbandnioneyieapodm. Doctor's advice a bitter pill Drha dllmwelthei'm Ootalyl lcalSoddyJayaltbmto Whalhmmvbhanw maummmm Wet nkthnt'aahardpilltoawallow. Anymm aaallnem hnwmlaotha Ml path to our petitiveJnymmwnwiim theexu-anpu-o-it Theme havetheri tn chooaethehut micelor the h. pd e ricoAl'Itoldictu-le'aihavechoa-itooptout MOHIP-uiuhelpwiththatpoo- HoQital my tnatin-it ia wy.Poplewlthavalidroaaontohein dn't need the add pain handadapiooeolpapstdliuthun goutohehillodhecaI-etheyhappuiod IiclwhuianonOHIPdodorwaaon The Canada- Caarav batty will have a GaplayandethicatioohoathatUpperCanada Mall. Newmartd. on My, Fri-by. and Saw y. April 5 to 1 A b odil aale will take place April 7 1 (Wu Par-'1' Fad-Illa- al (iaiarb mtltioid an mlormatioo maetir' Thun. Aprils.atlpm mHollamIamQr'tian School. Anariorvaidt For inlormatioo. call m an: FRIDAY. APRIL. M United cm in Newmariet will hold- rummage aale Fri , April I. irm toa m to t p m SATURDAY. APRIL 1 a. horn Cab-Ir on youth pimp in Newmaiiet will bid a aui-tormal idiot war-danceioryouthonSathriltirom Ipm toth Manna-mau- oouple For Idorrnatioo. call Gquihm at Mi NVarICharalmywillau'Pl ai uidtol amd'a Mandarin-Palm Sunday. ' .atlp atIlai-ylahamaniilo maqumommumu by the York Iy- -y We. Wad by Word Poole For inlorn'iatiai and tidal, all *1) . .401. 77511.. or main: walnut/menu Am Crawford oi the Baker s w .-.!;;.. af 1" many: AND M \$ ' wait TR com is Bibi-ping mount-ta , soon .. .. .. Save universal medicare: reader 1 'would like to comment on the atatunda made by Dr. Wihm Vailon on out at Dill? i an v.7 m concerned about the hmdtheuniv'anl the varinul provincial pvt-manta inhaling (litarin mdadati-hynany boon to ahardoo tk .overnnaat plan throat-i- to Iliad-uh: md d ny balth at- vicaaai a Indy-lei hub tor a [rant many Canadiana Not all Man cut claim that they know the raal nancial mini 11 Mr puma and will m them according] it didn't-aim HIP. no I im-y mm hint that it will with now Patintarhocan'ia ord to pay the additional alum-i it] 7. have to bran annual MI] W DUI it b too late, And an Indy have none control av. the walled all-I 01 m yin. l Int to pin out that i an not owned to than" aarilq a aalary manna-irate with thdr protauioaal ahititiaa. M Wit- ui thdr patianta. and to the m tlly male in wovidli balm m to the community I aympathixa with the unann- any ready. in lain-mu I the magnet-ad th- poar ad- mannn- from 081?. but. it h my Won um rath' than out; out of 0H]? and aha m Mr rut with than a|encin (than m the hub on their pelt-ta ad the annuity). the down and ll! that: Ilka. The Ontario Medical Aandatiuo - and the nathal body. lb CIA - to nepotiata with the purl-annulment MIND In their M M. :th in increaaad iaa aahadiilaa and proper admiaiatration oi the an? wot-m m inta- have Ii minutiae-Idl- Irta. lamb m ma at Ia.- and bandit: they d-arvo. They can't in on at and lay we will W rlba otl wa aa and fri a Mia. 15. Indetydn-Iaitworitht way. and i would rqaninlly an that what appliaa to that! Flt-Ia not at. to apply to the in-lcal Jana-w tnacaethaithmh ummmh humming : mthatn-ihtadthe MUM-an mumm- It Doctor spoiled baby's arrival Ala WHO! It! 0' Sta". Yul ym. i won a maturity MLtha ato atli'l'harowao vantadtopohonielarlha mt 1h III'I- m tryti' to convince tam that they mint be needing hla urvicaa nth-rhyme! the Inorniu. on tha tum tau-Juana daeidad l handed an ml to than n- hirth quickly I waa horri ed to no Ilia aioraaaid anuthotlat Mylle nallyllttn' a "hull". remain. to mum MIVN ARDIU. uhy. Chi. Hockey. fan protests . awarding of shots on goal on isn- t. in. Gi- I-h. New-arid Minor Iloeley WW. I an: In the l a beluga-(Hamil) hatwaon the Aurora omit-ammu- tor tha Coaaolattoo Daupup Within- mandarin nun-dormito- tin-.muniawnihn a In * A The ral- no that ii utthar toain math-doth ordination-pal held-them. Thamon Pavia-Ml : Cancer examin PATIICIA mo. .0. I A . GiaricarioGiaminl. ldato kMJIWVIG-dla i ouiliiaideiaiuoondioycavec mulliaumua aaaliunme il moment-Wattde rstolitdom'tinaananythiu. ittbumaitlon. iunm".intha -