nice um- i l l l l NEWMARKET ISA TERRY OR. (at Elan Md.) SUNDAY, APRIL! 1 a. 5 RM. ; Exceptionain appealing! 4 Cararriic trimmed kitchen I. bathroms impressive , Tudor tinished rec room. I , cold cellar $59,000 I ; FRASER BAYLEY HAY , nsmi SAT. APRIIJ 1 - I II" LEMAR RD. S"... Come I. see this Im I 1 maculate home on m- landscaped lot For turther details call Fl ERALD M 1725 $50. . Economy is key tor this 4 bedroom home complete with rec room, l': baths and hardwood oors Try your otter MIKE or DAWN IRETON "571 . "S N37 Hardwood lioors. sparkling in this a bedroom home, it has a tinished rec room and is on a quiet cres MIKE or DAWN lRETON 995 7331 IRS W I... A Mooms' Located on a quiet crescent this home loatures large eat in kitchen with lots ot cup boards. 2 washrooms. rec room 75 per cent comp pleted, lenced yard a attractive stone lront MIKE or DAWN IRETON 9957131 or "SI!" one sums Reduced tor a quick sale!' Features beamed ceilings, stained glass windows. separate dining room, 4 bedrooms. den 5 garage Very mirabie location MIKE or DAWN IRETON I95 733i or "5 $017 if E XCELLE NT VALUE J bedrooms, l 1 baths, separate living and dining rooms with walkout to patio, eat in kitchen Home sparkles Try your otter MIKE or DAWN IRETON m 7311, "S 1337 ssmss Big with J mourns. IT a ll kitchen combination living and dining tor largest turniture. baeement. this home I spotless. MIKE or DAWN IRETON rum, Its-N. Attractive three bemn home on quiet street. This is a very well lint home with Quality mm. attractive decor. dish- washer, tenced yard. LARRY PROCTOR IRS 7131 . l LOTSOF ROOM For the growing tarnlly. Alli. 4 bedrooms. J baths. t.p. In living room. separate dining room. main tioor tamlly room SHIRLEY FszGERALD Ito-U15. some. a bedroom std-split, main thor tamily room with replace. walkout to All I 200 lot. separate dining room. duality broadioom. Still) down to one mod gage DAVID HARTE "I 1725 or m-SIJI Paoer In W. ._;l Oseotlhelowest priced homes in thearea. J bedrooms. large living room and dining room. Quiet court locatlai sum down carries tor S406 monthly DAVID HARTE 1725 or USSIJI Pager In H H..." lly 32,500 down. 4 bedrooms, rec room. smny, H'le kit, chon with walk out to lenced backyard, steel storage shed. brick and aluminum construction DAVIDHARTEMJHSN USSIJI Pager 2' .4 'JH JUST S5. MN immaculatehome In "Just move In condition." J bedrooms, iv: baths. separate dining, broadloom throughout, walk out to I x 20 patio, tenced yard, shows as tremer well 855,! R06 DURY "5713] "I , J IEDROOMS PLUS 2 bedroom apt tor Iniewsor your teenagers. 5 ap oliances. new kitchen, tenced garden with gas barbecue. paved & clue to Go bus and schools AUDREY COATES nos 7]]! MAIN FLOOR FAMILY ROOM Privacy and luxury on this traffic We court.J lot. J bedrooms, with master ensuite. elegant dining. eat In kitchen and brick "replace. ion. per cent mt e $71500 JOHN C FEY "$7713! SNOW! EX EM WELL! A betoom home backing onto perk ltd WE cart. wall to 1] stone Iqusiace, tinished rec room In bemboerd and stucco. walkout basement to tented yard. AM. ROB DURY ROS-733i. Immaculate 3 porn home. upgraded broadloom. linlshed rec room. bar. log burning replace. located on a quiet court, pie shaped tenced lot. $4100) at 10 per cent ssnom ROB DURY "573. n X no TREED LOT $71,le 1 bedroom home close to school. main oor tamlly room, tlnlshed rec room, tireplaco. 1 : baths, walkout to deck, broadioom throughout Try now down ROB DURY "5713! EXECUTIVE MOM Located In one at Newmarket s tinest areas. A bedrooms. builtin appli ances. lloor to ceiling stone replace. linished rec room. beautltully tread to ii I!) lot in quiet area ROB DURY n5 IJJI REDUCED TO VS. Backs onto golt course. swimming I. boating within walk i dis noe. 4 bdrm si ospllt, 2 tireplaces. main tloor tamlly room. huge tamily kitchen Easy access to they m BETTY Mc WALD "5732 mg I. PER GENT MORT- GAGE ~ Sparkling 3 Indroom with warm eat in kitchen winidlng stair case. in lot, heated garage and paved driveon quiet court um down JOHN COFFEY "$77331 SUPER SEMI at. Just listed In mature area, this line home otters an above ground pool, ensulte to master bed rm extra bedroom in basement and a ,iarge low. per cent mortgage JOE VAN ROOYEN or MARY MORRISON USUJI EWMARKET room extra 2 pc. upgraded broadloom RALPH HUSKISSON "5 mi LOCI PRIVACY GALORE Tree lined lot provides privacy tor this J or bungalow with large kitchen built In stove, finished rec room with extra J pc. + wet bar RALPH HUSKISSON Its 7131 a some. It you need a large home with a lull sired kitchen. rec room and 5th bedroom down stairs at a realistic price RALPH HUSKISSON .95 7131 REDUCED Ht, J bedrooms, extra large living A. dining room with walkout lamlly room with tlreplace shows to per Iection iolx. percent linancing MELVA MILLION I95 733] ll I-I NOW ONLY to! Don't miss the value at this 4 bedroom home with 2 tiraplaces walk out to 1beautitultenced yard walk toGObusl- rr biockto school tor inspection call 506 REDNEAD mun. OUIET COURT This immaculate J bedroom home hasasuper walkout basement to a large lenced yard. 3 bedrooms. IV: baths L tastelui decorating Sol,$00 00 MELVA MiLLION IVS 733i NESTLED AMONG MATURE TREES Lot on x 200 immaculately kept :i bedroom sidesplit, replaces In both living room A lamily room A must to see at but HELGA SCNIMANSKI "5713] A N A I S O L U T E DELIGNT 4 ultra spacious bedrooms. sparkling tarnin sited kitchen loaded with cupboards, separate dining room, patio walkout In a tine r bourhood untoo FRASER BAYLEY HAY "573M NI Y MTIi i priviiedge. walking dotenoetotenntsoourtsl. 90" course. 84,000. HELGA SCNIMANSKI .573 . MOVE lN I DAYS Immaculately kept! :l spacious bedrooms. iv: baths. Ntvit l7 kitchen overlooks cedar-tenced backyard. doibie paved drive a. much more ssa.spo. FRASER BAYLEY HAY "Sgt $9, . lNCOME - DUPLEX 2']: storey brick separate entrances. sell contained updated services in excellent repair, close to downtown, good income MIKE or DAWN lRETON "57131. "53031 g . Baautltui a bedroom quality broadloom, i 7 baths, lully linlshedrec room with bar, kitchen walkout to deck and patio A real treat MIKE or DAWN IRETON NS VIN. E 337 PARKIIII Very desirable solitantry bungalow Fully broadloomed, sparkling eat in kitchen lm praesive Tudor style rec room with patio walkout, 2nd washroom A. much more FRASER BAYLEY HAY "5731. NEW LISTING 10,500 Be sure to see this Irn proved home, separate dining room. beautituily linlshed lamiiy rm with tireplace and glass doors to patio and tencad yard ss,ooo,down JOE VAN nooveu "S7111 "4 E SUPER I. X ISO LOT 1 bdrm bungalow, huge tamin kitchen, hugellvmg room, small price su,5oo BETTY McDONALD I95 733' / FEATURES A SUNKIN LIVING ROOM ~Id separate dining room. large eat in kitchen, 2! bedrooms. 2 washrooms and mature landscaping. paved drive backs onto open llaids DAVID HARTE ".1725 or M SiJI P er m to x SNOW! LI E NEW - Spacious open concept. wiltleveientranoe.0rlght tamlly kitchen. J nice bedrooms. large tented yard. mm. MEI-VA MILLIM "SJJJI. condition! 4 bedrooms, beeutitvlly 5mm. lamliy slxed kitchen, lenced largerrth n average backyard. seem. FRASER BAYLEY-HAY DST!" . MOVE UP TO LUXURYI All you have wanted In a home and more Main lioor tarnin room with tlreptace. centrally air- conditioned all on e V: acre lot H.000 MARY MORRISON usini ASTOR DRIV Sest Large 4 bedroom tamlly home, big eat~ln kitchen plus a .parate dining room, T V room tlnlshed downstairs Ertralargelot In a good section at town MARY MORRISON "S Hill LERI Extra large tully lenced yard with sliding glass doors ott kitchen to patio Baautlluily tlnlshed rec room plus A bedrooms Prim to soil at usm, MARY MORRISON M 7JJI SUPER 18' LOT a bdrm , 2 storey im macuiate home Family sited kitchen. proteaslonaily tinlshed rec room. ekcelient nancing Super buy at STIJOO. BETTY McDONALD I Hi" sums Imoeccabie in and out. J bedroom sideagllt custom kitch-i, walkout to yard. tlnlshed rec room with wet bar and Nick "replace, main tloor tamlly room. backi on conservation MIK or DAWN IRETON "573:". "SW. A ACRES OE RARADISE Magnlticent land otters a pertect haven trom the busy world, M x W pong nestled t the tree; Assorted lrult ' trees planted. Or at bulldi site. 845.000 DIAN MacOONALD eta-ms r a IA IN NUN ERSI the ot the beet buys In Qiekw tells, J W. leree mater. morale dining aree. re: room awaiting your finishing touch and much more. 7.000. JOHN STEWART DIS. PARK AVE. TaanY decorated and sety wanted ! lulu. .boasts custom built-In- unlts and wo. to private patio and germ. Many quality Inclusions. DOROTHY KELLY use 1725. bungalow. eat-in kttd-l. full basement. W worth at awed insulation this winter has cut the heetit cost by JOper cent. ELM, JONN STEWART PIS. E51, . $5. doan to one mortgage. carries tor Ills per month P l l. Spacious all over. tmtaatlc decor To view all JOttN STEWART M3725, Res. "557 in. - To one mortgage. A bedrooms. 1 washrooms. sunny bright eat in kitch-i w, o trom finished rec room Poeaession July ist. JOHN STEWART "0-1725. Res "5570 EAOL NILLS Three bedroom backspllt, exr ceptionally well kept. quality W. main oor tamlly room with waikout to deck. L-shaped rec room. nicely land- scaped. backs onto open area umoo. LARRY PROCTOR ovum. 1,9. ULY N SEMI With sunken living room and cathedral ceiling. a separate dining room. i'h baths. large kitchen. true ller value MIKE or DAWN IRETON "57!", may, CLEARANCE 2 ieti. low per cent mortgage. w: bathe.wa bedrooms. balcony trorh master living room walkout. tamiiy kitchenptsediotoe. ot colours. MIKE or DAWN IRETON 057m. snow. Nas oldeorld teeturing cobbi firm? In My ltd r-ikltn tir . tarnlly sl- kitchen inheard ot extras, 2 washrooms. Try Own. EILEEN 0611". 06-9.. . v sass nhursl. l mmnr . living room and draperies inclu Situated in lm' l ment te in Franklin lirepl Alunlnsen It tor care. o'unlc tile In chemo-swung : tot. Aaklng saves your down pay EILEEN CAMle I . ' NONE In. J betoom mm on large 7! IN lot. Solid pine Ii - cupboards. Plenty storage space S Hall block trorn LORNA BELL "7-1270. I E tCK S33." ' your own home I bungalow, Alumiii siding. tuit toundat oarage, Iorced air Mm. NIoelydeoor LORNA BELL mm 21771270 l WICK START" sum Nye J - home. Large bright than with huge Ii room. Steps to beaai. Picture set! Inspect now. BRI TMIN ELI". 2". Mi. ALBERT m i I ACRES - NEW ' -Locatedctoeetot'hrt 3 ea. workable. stream. 10 ii 0' bars. bedroom, Wu ~ tirwIeoe In living venurmiihoid ~ .. "35.000. JOAN MUGALL UJIIN 1! ACRES NEWMA NORTN Ieautltvl roiling lot. 10 miles west view. Loaded towerhg pines. MA m aid stately ' w. .O.IIO~.U v tparoentmortgaga ' DRAPER JSIIM. s.r scees W00 STREAM Bu corner tot .00' trontqe. 2 east ' Minna pines bird! coal-witt- clear-print stream. MM. DRAPER 011] H ACRE : EARN Itooml ton Road I "lien workable oerntortable 5 i - u home. barn. Jo moouoau mi