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The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), April 4, 1979, p. 11

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. MY; I'UIN w AGAIN W 'l M I attan i M oiitario Fold than. week t: at: up, ,' mlvewau the Ray's in in. (on iheieamaita'tndtheblddown.uiBwliigtoiituibg=d mks-um! lylweuldhavehamthe pateu Btulit'tou in turned it down, mmmuhmmmoru .Raylanllpmmariochampaandcamedoae lhemmp,mm_memnwu .gainatadactadtaamammtheunltedsutaaam mmiomlorthaweomugomarioand ruialaandtheworldcliampionahip in Baker-mid. leagiiawhoaetaamaareatraidto aythebest l mm0iuario?T-matrumlldiiganand eiuiaylvariia probably drawabatccrowdanyway MEDIA WALIDP IY COUNCIL . it came away amiliq. W Hun. .came away heardeaa. The new: media came away . but everyone came away ham 1i: Rubha latch ot the Gentry" was held laat I'huraday wick Aruia. with cot-id! wimim iz-z ._ ria tacilltia manager Pred Horvath sparkled in net W11 team. one aave alts amther agaimt the .tiedmediateam. true clawiiaier'iawhuihe inywithpiemtdalaeeie-t oregg aih s play was miidaeatt at the tint game what he . ynneverymtexcqittheoneathateacapedhim I was obvious (mm the bout-um ot the match who was l he the choice for the have," What mil hqan ay with the game. thecrvwd started ihoutu' Harry Swan led thewa lorcoiaacil with llvegoalaandJim . . .NormSmythe.Joim McLean. Smith andWayne Wont chimed indium. almtatotallonlorthemedateam tortheltawick drowns-f "Jawaot 'ru'uea lrl l. . , huheractiothmodlata-ilaatadoaegametotha ei Neil. H , eiceoonxrottmvn Cugratulaticra to Man Silva who bowled a 321. 015. an for it more at Ll"? at the Newmarket Bowls ma two weeka siver 5 score waa the higheat ever tn Bowlerama history HOCKEY MOMS HOLD MEETING TheAuroraHockeylothul'Auxiliarsywillhelnldi'an meetirgonMon .April9.atspm at tJoaqih sSchoolon Drive _ Speaking at the AHMA. kudoa are in order for their handling toth annual house league twrt iamait last week at Aurora - t ty Centre HOCKEY AWARDS The Aurora Minor Hockey Aaaociat ion will be holdir' its ardi Night ' on Wed, April 18. at the Aurora Legion Hall peewee diviaiona wtll rue ve their awarth at 6 attdthehantamandmihet dvlaitlilwillmeei allp m FLYERS' DANCE The \ewmarket Flyaa ot the Provinctal Jumor A hockey ttr Iill be holdir' thdr utdol- he-oeaaon dance this Fnday he \ewmarket CoInmunity Caitre Ticket: cost :12 a couple he price includa a build Tickets are available at the door ANMB STILL WINNING The Newmarkei Magna lntq'national atom hockey team ll tvimuq No weekx ago. the team won the YorkSimcoe hockey title last week the atoms won the Bowmanvtlle hockey tour I Goalteridera Kevin Pineau and David DeBiirgw shared a out tn a Ht Newmarka win ovtr Oahawa tn the llnal game Darrin Dona. Darryl McKinley. Matt Snetau'er. Gull .mdhtarelkairwl'o gmm thein- M I" 'he playo a. the Magna dda'ice came up with a big REN S HOCKEY TOURNAMENT r tort: North Mui'l Hockey [agile will be holdlr a mail Ihia week from Friday to Sunday at Aurora Com~ '! Cattre. The toirnameht begins on Friday at 9 pm. with T H Olivetplayii' laal year'x W. Stalin champiora pgame will bebddon Sunday at 2 p m BOMBERS HOLDING mISTRATION 1 - Aumn mom Football Club will be hold"; um 0|! SIL. Art] I. at Alan-a Community Centre lrom ' 0 noon. Nduhiaop-iioanyhoy iaori'lyeanold For more in on. call now or main. KING CITY mum snow 7" Ktta Cit l- Igure Skating Club will be pruaiting "Alice underllnt datia'day at Ipm. and Sunday at z p m at King cum le (hue. "him will teatta'e nub Deary and Carla Holdlworth who l'ttrd in the Canadian Novice Dance Champtonatups two ago Mica-t on: adults. animator emu-ii. Tnmhutu beouaiiiedbycauiqmsmormaybepur ~-avt at I]. "m 1" ~10 team waa ma a aa'l a'ry Metcalle ' PM Bali-t in the din wait on anyway The game "' Ihnut "Hint Tigers hir other-b Told-baaIItha-k-wa ArgOnauts, Steelers have fu NEWMARKET Nev-market Stealer?t {netball did: In a in the leaned lulu Esau-Mm ba hall -HMal tho Unlimited. 1 I !de Paul Coatea. aa one-Ive guard III the '11.. nethernlwin-aaathat q HI YA, BUDDY Mdcalle was a Wt tomouomietamwhoatinded. Gabriel. wi receiver Rob Riley, and putts Kai Clark plaque! tor their respective teama tram [Aerie New-arketstederlo hl chi. Mallkehe lama-euthemgbrothenotk heu~caad loudahaglaatfrludh'l'mArg-aat qaarterhoek Cheek Ealey.1 he two roedvadi latheggw. House league team AURORA - Tony'l than. Aurora Cable. Summa-e and Smith. Ntl'th yin mum. and Aurora Auto Body akaM away wima-s at the toth amual Aurora Hockey Mother's Auxiliary Home [league hockey tournament at the Aurora Comminity Cntre. Aurora Highlanda 2-1 Carnaizuli and Grad Lacomhe scored the nre goah and Jamie Train popped the Highland marks Mike William mtatuod a ahtitout in the next amt-3t. aa Tony s ano noth a H) vic- tory ova Toronto Airwaya Dun: Khami-a led a hat-trick in the me and Ed Hortaiatua and amen Bolaby chipped in ainglea in the third game. it waa Eric Winter poatir' the ahutout y blanked DIR 24) Paul Ardiihald and ve Van Pails acored the goals in the aanrfinala. Canadian by Virtue of that: on goal quy Mammal] and Don Fawcett scored for Tire The final game saw Tony s Eaao. which had received a hye. wallop Canadian Tire 5-1 Silrax Khan'uaaa scored three goala and Ed Hmeaiattia and Jamel Bolahy aeth Iii'lal BAN I'AM Mary'a l- ruit Siore and Pant Pit kicked off the bantam action with Mary'i taking a 3-1 Kiwama to in the third game Paul than. ond que. and Deck McNeil. each with two. Jet! Barton and Don Jones acored the goals Hewlett Sparta edged ()mar'a Shook 2-l ut the (mirth me. McClainy and Wally acored tar Hewlett. and Jet! Ethic rQIied tor Omar'a The game was protuted by Omar mach Jim Bird but the Hewlett victory waa ugd'tdd Brooke Mcliariy notched hia sect-id out at the iota-nay aa Aura'a Baka'y aoored a H) win ave Mary'a hull Store Paul Haahem and Mike Beukehoom acored In the other semivtlnal. Aurora Auto Body scored a H ' ova Hewlett Sparta Auiowtin on ahota with the game tied l-l Don Joriea acored tor Auto and Aahley Norman replied tor Hewlett The tinal game pitted Aurora Auto Body againat Aurora May and Auto came out on top H Mark Williamaon scored for Auto and Brian Van Patta hit tor Baku'y PEEWEE Scott'a Oiickui and Carla's Furniture kicked all the poewee action as Scott s won 2-1 Gary Gliddai and Joe lawaoo acored tor Scott. and Dino Banardi potted the Carlo oal Aurora Ca e alanmad Boh a Plumhii' M In the aaoood game Pat Rimma' acored the ma in the win Mark Price and McGrqor. with two. Join McNe l, and Jamie Jonea amrod the Bill F adored the Bob's . , De-nac mad Kniglla 3-1 in the next game. Tommy Daly. Ray Preaton and Tim Hutton acored tor Deernac. ltd Kdth Hannamand Mikeii-lia rqiied In W. Al a one no man'- Fuel in the game. with An will-ii tho #1. Rickey Bo . with t , and aaaaal Argo-Steer basketball game earned use John Green smred tor Al's Doug Goobie potted both Winter goal: in semi-final action. Scott s lost 6-1! in Aurora Cable Pat Hummer and Mark Price. each with two. Rob McGrqor and Van: brat scored for Cable Gary Gliddm Wllh two. and Billy Alexander scored the Scott goal; In the other semi-ltnal. Deemac took a 0-: German lrom Al's eon Steve Cola-nan. withtwo. teve Westmiand Nut Ferguson scored tor Deana: while Rirkey Boyd knocked in both Al goals The championship game saw Aurora Cable beat Deunac H Mark Price. John MacNa l, Scott Ansell. and Jamie Jonea scored for ( able Rust Buchanan nutthed the Deemac goal ATth Connie": ( leaners edged ( oaaie'a ( leaiien and Sam-era aad Bulk met h the nal game at the at.- dlvhl- h the a wee ti: Art! will took pr! rt-t'a the way it alwaya happ-ia." aaidStedc o uaive uard Paul Coatea. "The a cart like Mnealle I'VE come and he ddn t " DeanBurtou. whoorgam'ud the avail It! the Stain. aaid. They wee w to ame me and tdl me that Mecalle waIn't ' l gun: aom g up lt bent advu'tiaed that Metcalle. Paul Banal. Mark Bragagnolo. Petr Mudlc. and Morrta Zubkewych would participate. We Dually have to lo 12 guyaotltoagamehutalotot guy! wrebiwy W ludi- atnd Mott:th wee out at town. Merrie Zuhkewych waa mm an exam. and Mark Bragagnolo waa in the middle of couract ouationa." aald quarterback ey Ealey. alao in the mi le 0 contract nqotlatiaia. waa one of the me cite-taiia Argoa Steele players K. Clark wu amtha Argo who made the crowd unite with hia hams After the game. Ealey talked ahouthiaoontract ' te with the Argaiauta We' sit down with than next week and hopeltu will he worked out." he aai Despite what a lot at people thinit. Ealey and that. deapite two new collqe quarta backa ( ivttan J-l tn the {int atom game Scott Huttm. with two. and Bill Tallis scored (or Corr me's have: Johnaon potted the ( ivttan goal Summers and Smith eQed Duane Hall :H in the aecond game Glam Graham, Colin Stewart. and Ian Mclntyre scored tor Summers. and Charles Caaadman and Jean Paul Candon replied tor Deane In the tlurd game. Kevtn Milne pooled a ahutout in a 14) Optimist win over Trio Heataurant Scott Collina adored the lone goal ot the game The lam-finale saw 'l ravta ( iood notch a shutout in a 24) Summit: and Smnh win ova the Optimiat Club Adam Neal and Colin Stewart acored Cunie a Cleans: earned a bye into the linala but the team lost to Summea and Smith M i _ ' - Uaa n despite no-shows being in camp along with mm and . he eodd tor the doth! n t a a . l m l m aa gaud n any or than l'm mt about the companion." h Ealey waa rookie-ol-theA yearinthaa'LlwllnHamiltm MCata in imand led that theSaakatchewanW. Ealey ldl lrom grace and waa e'vl'ilually triad to the Wiml Bhiemeu-a.whoin turn himto'l orootoin W15 whee he haa been the rumba-me eva- . . Wham SIM .d-ptte aeva'al m lll He aaid he mjoya o aeaaoo haaketball gamea with the Anal-ml Wer mice. maybe twice a week. a charity Next week. weplay atEmoryColmteand North Albion Collegiate in Titanic." he laid, Alter the game. Baley apologized to the crowd ta the lack of playaa in Argonaut ixiilwma. Denim lined ip for the Argunautahuthadinhetak-ito York COIII) Hoqatal with a separated ahoulder The Argmauta played with (our mat after that and ova-powaed the Steelera {or their second straight champimahtp After the game. Big Brother: director Laurie lieBlanc preaaited Haley and Paul Coatea o! the Steam with plaques thanking the teams tor their participation 5 win at tourney Brad Barton. \Vllh two. and Ian Wither-spoon scored tor Sum ma's Scott Hutton notched two for Connie's Jl'NIOR North York Plumth edged Aurora ( hryala in the rst game 0! Junior play The amre waa 12 Scott Bahon adored all three Plumtai' goals Mike lit and Miles O'Riordan hit for ( lryala in the sectmd game. a 3-2 Simian Shoes win over OCAW. Mark Yaranko acorad titlice Keith Scott acored the othe- Siaman goal Tom Heyd scored both OCAWgoala The (trial game Stlman'a lose to North York Plumhin tr) Ben Kammaki. Nal urton. Mike BuriinJndScottBartuiamred tor Plumb"; Kath Scott.Steve Harding. and Gary Winter poppedtheSiaman goals BIW ~ tetha-aalAarwaII qtau- aa-eothA-wajan-arla l-hwaau.

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