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The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), April 4, 1979, p. 1

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00,000tire ailmentson guts uron Heights Dr. employee oi York Coilnty lial at about 4:15 LIL. by whim line the root (1 the W was on tire The re was brought under ctaitrol wittdn 2h baa-a, laid acting clad nude. but ayed on the scene tat pin. tenan ce room and qua lbw the beats eeod contraction. A rewall ented e to l! iaiitain burning and W kept the tire I"!!! spreading to the adjacent ss-untt building. The Ontario Fire Marshal's dice la inveetigatti'. Pu el the the. see page A-t. Need lean for tennis clubhouse NEWIARKI I' - The Ne'tnarlat enniaclubvantaa tum) lmn trout the town to belt build a tao-atorey clu house adjacent to the downtown tainia cm, re not looki tor a mutation trot-n the town. we're ta aorne up (root tun- ivtiich we ll repay." said cl [rt-dent Mike Gracie "The club already haa about 811m and a provincial oom- rntailty canto grant would at another 310.001, which inm- ee maid only need about 315,000 irom the town " Cost 0! the two storey 815.0 ) loan. lncluthd in the hulking wiu will have a balcony th a wrought iron railing was ve-i tor a co truction start. but Mr laid "it would sure he gnu-"NT Au urae candidate in- doatad they tavor more rail ti'ort. but idate Richard W bdtev- tbe POPE nahdhtoatudythetndlvtdual heart-II- 'nuw1th~ ' services trout slCtiaaertr H h; air 1". . QAFI'QDILS FOR CANCER CAMPAIGN l . Al- Na-el Marquee-hamlets robe-en like MtattheUppeICaaadaMallNeI-arhetAitheeadalthe Te Hale-Maltla laadJ-hmM-ea-Caeeer neeth.adattedil theme-ham Miranda- gum-.muh-maaymx Aspland charges council delaying centre Mare at least ll toundattona in Canada that regularly con- trihite male] to projects atrh as the W arta cultural centre. according to Paul Aapland. artistic director of Nevin-net Theatre Centre "But taile- we get a ten- dered price. we can't go alter any grant: becauae the loun~ dadona need to him: how much Ontario cabinet meets in Newmarket tonight NEWMARKET Two chargeahavebeanannounoedtn the list d Ca net members who will be at Newmarket Com- muiity Centre tonight (Wad. naaday) at I p in Claude Bennett. liniater at Housing. and Leo Bernier. Miniatar at Nuthern Attain. will be among 16 miniature at themaettuorgadaedbythe York North Provtncul Progressive Conservative Annotation Unable to attend Wlu be Larry Gruernan. Minister at i-try and Touriarn. and Bob e. Minister at Labor ad minim to the meetit . which is intended to let the public meet the miniataa. cute a Melt b mhairnaa. the building Will t onl ' said Mr Aspland the most important thing at this moment is to get a ten dered price on the building but we can't get that until council agrees to put up the money." he said "i can t understand why it hasn t been raised at either the committee or counCil level when mmldttl cmncdhaasaidthey favor the tropoeal "At least get it through council, get its suppon. have it put out {or tender and then we can set about getting the money, said Mr Aspland He said he apprenates the difficulties |n\'0l\| d in askiru cotmcil to pa) 335 000 the estimated cost (it tendenngi "but we wonder why it isn t possible to at leaat discuss it at council and then we can get the ball rolling " TWINNEY JUMPS INTO FEDERAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN d on trains, crossings, theatre Candidates challenge candidate Stevuia w thee should he more commuter m relght train aide ot apaation became it mah- nmnmy ieyi-cnindrneot restaurant on. eta: goth centrewuudbeaboontothe area "If it is deta'mined the community wants and needs it.l would catatnly support it." said Mr Guatar "l've been to Stratttl'd and the Royal Alex and Mr. to rival Strattord in this are would certainly be a boon to the community We e the cur-run cutback in cultural grants A natitat haa to have Ill men Hm. write it; own novda. its on films. etc To ve a Canadian idiotin it's a min to have a cultunl acne and we have to some way at ulnulatiu int in aitmadtheartainCana ." heaaldi Hoe-vi. it's a fatality 1mm. and tly a lot (i p ttciana laid to thy away (run it." lllbehelatthest. Jehl e Pam Hall and he. 2 la 6 p.ia. Mra. Phillipa la ca-paiga chair-an and Mn Mayor Ra} 'Ninney said the matter will be brought to counCil in committee at the whole on April to "and it Will be diacuseed there bdore helm put on the regular counCil agenda l'm not about to ask countil to dish out 835.000 mthout havng a chance to diacuae it." said the maytr "I m not adverse to the town putttrg igi 3300.000 as its share d the cost if the building because I think it would be a good investment but I dont think SI million intimated total cost at the Mlldln 5 a good invoeunant and it could happen that the town might have to tool the entire bill it we didn't get an) grants " he said Paul Aspland said we: t l'RAL. page Hi muldn't tilt! of a better way to tughltgbt York Region than to build a ctltta al mtre hie cottage countr may. ( ll-Ii "Nematode-tee cano u-totou-Iathmee will be ebb to 0&1 the trench-mum." hes-"d and. our e am York sets $250 lot levy tee WAIKET - Yort It - otandl be dedtd to rahynmrdhdal WWII) w new the rim. coat a! reg-tum. tempting W deve nt,cenne'il agreed Int ytolinpaealevy Wannaan lot mum-remit: at new mmadal m emblems-ham toot. According to regional preferable alternative pa-ing on the aervictrg cut: through higher property taxation '1 hia won't stop tat: from increaat' . but it may meet some at it." Mr Forhan told counctl I He said the iedenl and F Wlnclll governments Ibould be 'ble it: education and tbooataand" tnt the povtncial and lean] govern- muita a the rupml'biltty tu' health and citation. and y'veatairaharedtaamaraae a: local government, My tax WI" continue to increaae " in calculating the levy. council darn-ted the increaaed cuta d , prom ner has tta bade. maintaining . admis- mortal services The total cost is eatimated at $476 per new reeidenbal unit Other regional governments and local governments already impose lot levtee Peel Region's levy rangu from Outta $1.3 )- iot, Durham s is from 01!!) to In YORK page A4) 5.6. balks at York's lot levy SHARON Protesting that we're drmng developers into the States." Eaat Gn illimbury Monday passed a motion protesting York Region: m 3250 per lot levy Councillor Bob Feather stonhaugh noted that the $2.50 for resitbntial. or 2 cents a square (mt tar commrt iat. is not paid by the developer in any eterit but seed on to the purchaser terring to the developer Mayor Angus Morton said 'l felt we had wing has met to the end " He added that developers can reach the construction stage in the l' S in tour or five month. where here the) can be tuned to wait up to tour or five years ( nuncillor Jean Lat hap pelle said 'we should have had a chance to comment betore it \aas passed and t ounctllor Alvin Pegg noted it's taking money we could have used here in the munictpality idea at an anacultural cattre might wellworlinNevt-narha, "but it would have tobeetudied timtnaeuhtwouldwortYw can't just build it and hope the peqale will crane. You have to know it the panic will tune Once you have made that dectaton. youhaveta look at lane mudirnmeyiaavaila l a W I D I! III.- nmauarrOntitepiliini-ude. have to led at t. aipltcatii-aiolatv'loea availablein ta'uao.htatai pit-ddethre-enuaeth- hilltop- . "Ah-th dhh m teal un-

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