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The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), February 28, 1979, p. 8

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D Mmh.M.AmlA-III.M.IOLWIIID NTC expectsseII-outplqy - mme d . m m A Illa-u." It; NEVIARKET - lt'A unqu [or an Net-market u, Centre'l IAAt Ain t-Min... MW amateur that" Mill-M am my .n Newmet Communva Centre Intern. hon COS-5| [Am mm 7 u p m. Ind-r gems kl the Compass www-muucu. M LAST m NINE EIIEITM' STARTIIG MARCH 5 NEW EXCITIIG [1800 WITH A DAZZLMG 800.00 E LIGHT SNOW - __-_ WATCH FOR OUR NEW COMPASS COUNTRY STYLE BAR'B 0 CHICKEN COMING SOON ll DIIIIC [Io uncut-utm- "A than 07 lyl II I 7 I In the W s-Lunch |. manila Mum-I. thy-Tune Mh _ vlll he Ace-out Incl-fab. I Fm l-' mm. II. It. I lanI l Mum tn- luld'A Iuk mlm t,d My 'I'IAI. Yul . Am Concert slated for children AL A m A Il lnl [roup thAt arr-0y MA the lam Ailing mun-'- roam: album In Cunt V|l.l perform In Atlvn on &.In . April 1 "the Elem , Dan h) Shnron. Ian, And Brien. ha been tun-Allied lor A Just: A'Ir d AA bent Canndun duhen'l album In In The Imp mu par (arm San. Awtl I. Al I pm At the Factory Mm, Hm Dr. enamored by Folk MOI At It. Fwy and the Untarto Artl Counctl Md Ill- Inn bur mu: m the In A IIIIIII or IIEIIIIAIIII 1919 EllIEltl l RESIII III S tax Assistance Programme TO PROVIDE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO ELDERLY HOME-OWNERS BYLAW 1974-12 AUTHORIZES THE TREASURER TO ALLOW CERTAIN OWNERS OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY A CREDIT OF $100.00 AGAINST THE 1979 TAXES IMPOSED 0N SUCH REAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING OUAUFICATIONS TO QUALIFY, THE OWNERS OR SPOUSE OF THE OWNER MUST A. BE 65 YEARS OF AGE OR MORE BY MARCH 31 1979, WHICH IS THE LAST DAY FOR FILING APPUCATIONS FOR THE YEAR 1979 BE IN RECEIPT OF THE MONTHLY GUARANTEED INCOME SUPPLEMENT PROVIDED UNDER THE OLD AGE SECURITY ACT (CANADA). OCCUPY THE PROPERTY ON WHICH THE MUNIA CIPAL TAXES ARE IMPOSED AND HAVE BEEN CONTINUOUSLY ASSESSED AS THE OWNER OR RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET FOR NOT LESS THAN 3 YEARS IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING MARCH 31 , 1979 THIS CREDIT WHERE ALLOWED WILL BE AN OUTRIGHT GRANT MADE BY THE TOWN AND WILL NOT ENTAIL REPAYMENT OF ANY KIND AP- PLICATION FORMS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE TREASURY OFFICE, 171 MAIN STREET FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR ASSISTANCE, TELEPHONE 895 5193 Stuan H. Parke. Treasurer. Applicant)" must be made not later than Hatch 31. 1979 3. RAINBOW TROUT REGULAR $6.95 CLUB STEAK RFGULAR 55.50 SPECIAL $4.95 WIENERSCHNITlEl m mu AR s5.50 SI EQIAI 53.95 All dinners include: Soup noun About an the Anne thy M11. 8: each. Are nan-Ne In Aura-A at Mty Fun Shop. m Banner, ad The Hut: Such. In Ne-Inarhu AI Kdly l Stu-Io Inn and Budd'A Iluale Centre and In Redmond lhll At Cuuno Music I) DIANE HUMENIUI Stuned gle- IA a runny ulna II mvu In poptIArlty Am In nutty exacts It IA the Intent [rot-rm; hob hymn In Cut-d: We are renown; our waned guest mu week. Loretth Bender boa Ended, Inn ApeCIAIIAeA In Alalned #:2299292! Lnretto l huaband Phllt lhertothe art He boulht In- IlrIK ll books And "my Attended umqu theh featured thu bemulul rrAIt Her {Int adventure Into the ne - held In a um e lnu (uh Ivde took two day! to complete After that [arena Ira! AmAll m 0! medley bu lItIle dud Ihe Ame that Ahe A hellon the In} to A new t IIuretto I]! em played wuh tho Cm In the drama Iepnnmatt and AM: dunner thu mu hobby she mAde A very Important Gannon latency upher no to (W her AAIIIA And knowledge at AtAIned glua 'I hebasn luobtur the beglnners are sImpIe IAlASI Iulter pIIers glus lend 0ldfrlnl Iron, hummer lend Imk And Ideu There If? many unuAuAI and untque de ate I~htrh Are In mrporated Into utndowx And Inmp whldt Loretta but MAny pattern IRM IMI hutAome Are nelected Irom Molt about stunted gIAAI terrArIumA or Inlermr MOI MAhInl your own pntttn II more ItIIIcuIl lhnn one would thInA Genmetry IA the key to a SWIM pnttun and arcane endnenn Jmn uII Thurl Much I and Man March 5 At 7 pm ( Ablernl In In nee the beautiful Art at amed nine ogal Simcoe Ilngl and 'l l'll OFFERS YOU "">P Green Salad Ithouc ol dressing! o"?7:' Govlu Brt-ud Bush (-0 (oHcc or The Dr . rr' I NH Ill/\INMI NI IHIS W! I K BLACK RIVER Proiect Hostel mov NEWIARKET ~ sun at emu-I "out hu moved nu It. not heAdquArterA At tut Dutch St and IA do! mum mov-(lam M am rum-e A bulldan rnut. Aconnhr. to Bob ArtIn chamnnn a! the hoard d dtredon At a recent tat-In oounul meeunt a Mum at mtdmu In theunmednteareeolthe Mel vowed lhelr ob pctIotI to the proyxl movtt' Into their we hot-bod levoln tn bl. A durum on IM a: prom ll A wed m moved hm the plnnner mt Aha M It: cum butldm. In- Ipdor F rnnh Powell not to IAAue any buIIdI pernuta lo the [nap At lru polnt. we'll a) put abut anyqu to y In that Ann! Mr MArun new: home al the man hon on the board at dIrectorA And gettIn New huntciub opens in VEWMARKET The some 0! Porn- Am hotnda 111qu the Amt at a lo: acrou the munlrynb IA wmahlq moat people would auoctnte nth Ew-nd But It may become A typcAI Acme one mIIe mnh d Nevin-rid. on the can Atde 0! Yoga St me o! the new HI eId Hun I Iub lIllllIl'I MArAhAII owner nI FIAhermAnA Whan reAtAurAnt In Toronto. bought the wqrrty toy-n Ago. AA an Imeslmctl Mmmanmomhu heat I?! In In erect In 7000 leet oI tmceA prepartnj an Indoor m In the born In AtAlIIn; AApnAIt barn nmn huIldIr )0 an: 5,000 to play at festival \l-TWMARKET v The Net - Llnl In. A I u-k IeIIlvAI IA | I I. be Auger (AAA ever Inl- yur AA .ore the I! y- Inlan- p led." the juke- Ap'll D In Why 4 Feulvnl Arreary mrhy mun-n an the Ade In; em. MA al.- bM IA III-hen any-rd to Int you There out he III Weed-rth Aenal nlee It the tnthal The Atrlll cm AAA '1'- Ir. 8 Int year to II INA year I thee "ll be no" Ihnn A pater-en II nut m lq 'rn- sum QI-Mu In Add be. The lJQIl Ire nun boll-l Int eIlIAenA Illernle II pp.- Aorln naly d the Ieulnle moan-I.- Anyue and h hub. to the en Iloll phone In. sum, WHIIA-A II nun: Aroo students win moth contest VF. MARKET FIIe Neumarlet Iernndlty Irhool Alum am well In the York Report mathe malicn cunt-t held recently At Markham Dunn "In School More than 115 mmnetttnn W B IeAmA tool pert III the mntell with Thonk Secondary SdInol uhq tnp honor: hevarAeI School Stefan \Iormetter on neon-l In the You I eAIegory and Kat Wlterlon Ina nod In Anmth It. Stw Hm IvAA nod Ior mm! In You 1 In YeAr ! Hm Ncl hll AlAn Perry tame tmrd And JeII AAIIe wu Iowth sp ng Ialls and relurbuhtn A 7.00 Aq n bumkw to become the memberA alum The clumouee ml] hnve A munber n lounge. and mu methy AIAo NY! I rmurnnl JameA Gretg MI MarAhAII A huAband hope the club Illl be ma, to own AcmeLIme In MArdI He eeltmatu Another $150. will be uent prqxnn lumbe- The club mu have In to am ml hon- tar Incubus uAe. AA wdl AA woMe llnl-RI. to board Inna Mr Grew up the ml III bolrdttu hu not been clearly id tut may be About $31) per manh A manbcornp lee MA no! but mbluhed Mr um; hope. the dub IIII Atlrncl Iocnl Ionanm He uyl III In)! menu! to be An elIuAt Club but one 'hat II open to anyone and where the hone: Are well looked I - TI! club I-Ill Icon toe-rd: )umperl and hunten rather thAn thornughbruh. Anyt Mr urn. He warm lhe club to have 'tne beet lacIIItIeA In wuthern tmlnno' and to Attract a couple uI ttlymptc equestan team mun hen .- ,_~_ v. 7:30 YORK smcoe MP. BILL HODGSON ON "THE PHONE IN". THURS. MARCH 1 REPORTS (VIA PHONE) FROM JR. A. PLAYOFF GAME IN NORTH BAY 8:30 30%.. all, T1358. THE WIZ Em TWA? ICE CASTLES" SHOWTIMES 7:30 & 9:30 7:00 St 9:30 ODIOI NEWMARKET 895-4641 IIIt ilv ruwtily iulu ) Immv. ltt/t'xllt' ." It tl/w III/ \ttll 1.4;] 1, . II, :n/ I/I. [um] t/"tllllll" hull. ~. mtw I !!! 1/1 : I ! twill/III Ir WE DO! Call anytime 898 1831 ll/It II I It'v l/I :t/r. from I 95 WE DON T _.I.v." ? it: MAJESTIC

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