MMM.M.A-nmou~lat.fhrynlm Churches celebrate utuanln N AUIOIA wanna UNITED (h YFI. I366 1. I-J-n-aa- dlcen dallIaIa-areuw dlo lake Intheamual VI DayolPrayer Each year thla acumemcal aervtce u edehrlted uorlderde and It I expected that abull 3.500 mmmumuea acroaa ( anada and another 163 counlrlea amid the world wrll partauple (ha year The program II annedandprqaaredb) a group oI Chrlanan mm In 3 diners country each year The aqvtee Ior 1979 has been [reduced by the Pan Alrlcan Leaderahlp Course lor Women at Mmdato Etumemcal Foundanon Kill'e Lamhla In lhe community of Aurora. thn wvwe mll take place at Aurnra L'mled l hurch al 2 pm The guru speaker ls Emily owl pastoral aunlanl nl Aurora [mu-d an. mH ne .i messy on [his year theme spzrnual hrth Spnld- mmn- utll tealure mlulst Judy Rodger and urgamst Mane Den-rm: Tm- ullrrlng um} wntnbuuun: ru ened ll be will :u Ihe prnmalenul mu mam u: ( anada The omen lute Cour: 1 there r . he tau-d to promote lhe (impel uorldumr and um: human nrmt awry-her.- Retrrsmhen': uxll he au\ed Am the Lance and babysllm mu be Mall blr m me nurse am [he wnwe lIIl Kl MI (.01) Pl \Tiil "ST 1 wry:th are held r4\h Mu :4} a' 1hr lahary lTturm bulldan an Mull" \l at 7 pn, man [he ul ltraaan Huluut My \l Du I r u retinas av y (Donald In arr bud eadt men-man} al 7 m pm For Inlufmalxon call 7?? JO I IRNT ll \I T m A. U! \> (or) m 'ta inpu fur lhe :1 .1 n: \(1\nl tir \un \Tarrh I The (null m {he him wlea on mm) 1.1. n, Dr Menu Hrandl ulll lulure rm mm rm To Mart'mslul Manage The ptauw! ommttmml and predutahllll) I. marna e ml] b.- eaplured hma lpm All ( ICIIH N MARKET mum "Paul and Silas" vull heapeaku allhellam and 7 pm acrvtcea on Sun. Mirth 4 Rev and Mr! Stlaa \ egoaI Kmya and Dr and Mr: Paul \ aughn returned mlulonarlel, are the Iealured guest: who nll mug and hung lhe meal e during the We oI \acauomu Re and Mrs Alba-ll Revdl Bus transportation [or [he lamrl) ntghl [Imam lot all ages at the church at 7 pm Is Mallable by call"; lhe church olllce GRACE ( Hl RF" A munonary on Mammulm laland. Sun \Mlltama vnll be speak"; at the mm clan lom l durum the rqular Iarmly program at 7 p m A general meetmg LurlCPrnln lhe \eumarket and litmrld \hnsuan Academy mll ra- held March 12 al 7 m pm In rtneh (M can rep! ml the lhrlsllan school and lo ans er [he quealtum ol all lnlereated and mncerned parents I \IIKIDE I I-"TI-II 05TH sauce 0! baptism mll be held \un \larch I I'leaxe arrangemmls tn call": [95 9] Bus Irauptrtanon u lnallnhle lnr all \t- market TI'denls m [crested m allmdlm {he lan.ll} mghl program ram Tuesday a! 7 III p m lur all age: on may call \lher! al 8956071] lI Intervene >1 \\llRl-'V PRI- Slll T} RI \ \pmlal u'rnrex tughluoued 'he .1. 'nmes un >ur. lvt; :: tn 'lfbr 'llln ul the lhurt h ~ tum an mu nun - wrure lur [he Man-punt. .I new mvm hen wll h hem um Marrh I Mn >un \lareh :1 IN scfxnn alll he [he mum-w n! Huly rummunm. Thy nal'nmenl u! 'apnsn. ml; m held un Mann la I M lniwmalmr. nu am ul these ~er t pm. nomad Hey I rargtnbar al the L'hurt h nlllt e st JUII a ( nm [mung run an nuns a El he held a: ' 44 Lloyd Sedore heads cemetery board In IRE I'. THIWIPNH In mnelpodrll 91 r;|>:x_\\lr.1.l-. The annual meeunq uI (he plot unners at Queen nulle (mm-r) In held Jan I: and (he ulllcrn Ior 1m ell-clad here lJayl Sedan presndm' ('hrlatle mu wpenn leader! and lrealurvr and board members (lave-re Wrbl. in Hall. up. 5 I I I h I l l I I I III mum and u... w acrrelar) An evenn meeuru at the Queauwlle branch ol the Women lrutltule Iealuru Walton and Pullural mm-n he held ar the hnnm ul Mr- Kou (hapmaa Man-h . Knll Alll mll he une lhln mu am) almu' [he linen! m mul'n will he [he 'MN I . ur hunw urr reapm' rneranrv and reapun mum m- n-pl mu m madr by Vln J \nldev mam prugram gum r un no Ihlpmln Lunch all] be senm h, Mn (hapman and Vln mm not tel anadsanlnrla .n Tran-r1 gave [he hm part 0! the February meetxru of {he (mu-d (hutch lumen Jan AI THOMPSON'S 58th ANNIVERSARY S LE FINE FURNITURE 0 FINAL 3 DAYS I ll av vat make . lurlltev .Vvu f rom the PP us In "ulna hone IIHI-al was. a m and? mp m andal 8 p m on Salur y The Sunday maaa II he at 7 p m Saturday and Sunday al I no, lo. and ll ma rn Mann Sharon taal loa ll! acts- y, The Slauom o! the ( rua Will he oberved eva'y Friday all: the 7 30 p at man thrmghoul bent There Will be a lune oI ldkxahtp over co oe Iollowlng the 10 am mass on Sun. Marat I A apactal mm In! the World Day 0! Prayer on Fn March 2. will be held alter the 7 3n pm man an St John s Members 0! all denommatmna are admme The \ oung al Heart l lub Ior the semen of the commuml) all] be hanr a SI Palncl a Day luncheon [or M. March I] Please call U "u for dath The club mMseac h Tuesday from 1 m In J an p m A program {or ( alhohc channel wrll be rescued aI each Sunday mua mru' Lall uml W l: we .lr 'le 3m: \l w 'n -l Iv: vim MM: u. an. m} llt 1 , wt Al Hallllw .n v, rm : .rllm ma campath Sun . Aarll. la n 1-! reerall volnaloer cal- VII-I S'I'.PAUL I m A arvlce oI Holy Con-u- will he bu em WMy m lutalloaa: andal'l 9 gm Following m' an; aim. Aw W m m "m At! Pray-n" Will he brought by Brother Jay Luau Iron theAr IcanOMcnlthe_ Holy Cnla ~_ SALVATION NV The yea pool. at the mum an]: be homreddmnglheavard My DEVICE on Sun. March I Captam lac- Meechen and etght IIMI mu m the servrce Special programlng lull be available all day. begun": al In a m tor the children a! the mm TRINITY l hITl-ZD The Ural ( hta'eh Woman are prepanu the Hal Noon BI!!! that will be held on Thin , March I {mm llam loll) p m Thu luncheon LI autlable lo all and ltcleta. al $4 each. are available In Clllll" as I or 5117 VICTORY BAPTIST "when you lall lo people today about Jen- ( and what He haa no oIIer. you metve all aorta oI elcuua [or dram-sung Hum " On Sun. Marat t Faun: but your w .tk Alvlvlmt'.l|ul (In v xl (l I v, . u x .v m 'lm ~- MI. 'Jl aln-n .. ll ('11 ltm l\( l' \Vu Kluu-a tl. ! um- r. W r .1 ml! I my 1" ll .vl lutult Wvlllkl lt wll lv muvuawtaoavaa and. "Ina-a m " a World Day 'of Pro ENROLL NOW AND SAVE WITH 78 MONTH WINTER PROGRAMS COO-1.01 POI-ail!!! a an PERSECHINI Uh~~ a "nan "In" I H\H'J FITNESS CENTRE I|\\I\I III\I.\I I\III\II l ..u :wul l' .ul' In .I .mle '. r r w \m t A"t' :mw n ml' 'mm you n " r' .t .' >(ll\v\llll lJlIIllJll'IlHI w v wv Mummy 'lmn' m 1: HM rI IIHIJL L u' Sflll .. \I'lll luv vlu' (ml \ml \A-m mum 1kl.|l~llllll\IlIVI( Hut. w Attvtlvtlu ml u - Ml ll - l ;tll ll.| 'vI ll 'llI .v ~(,tl 1t murmur. ll Hut wt'lrl .w 1 m t. mrmm rlsr lm ubh : HJPX' l ruplr I Vuml. .t (with in ml: .I~I|IUIII11IIll,.llll/,Illllll t- It 1 ! xrllm '~l mtmm lul tumlx .th \r-u I'M A \cvt \la\\ l lall aslu Av Mm l\t.ll \l'uh your name on u 0"! "I ll" \ll II\|I The world may forget your face seat will live on. lur mnrc lntnrnun m mum llm tnuj nn Ur lllJll \nuv \lletlur In NH \hw'y llall l'uml, 10 Km; \m-tr West, lumnlu. l )IIIAIIIltK1;Il ll -I Ner Atldrru Day Cara Contra: H105 mun: 13. ll. Flhlyl 1m: 1 Al 004m Hour Fm mth speaker ~ Clo-by MIUAUTV: showunq teem to: other Doom Wm Eco . Va hint mmmmr ~ Evangalkat You an only a stranger anca at Gran welcomes you Sunday March 4. 9.45 am. 5 , cm, :0! a... Pastor Wale apoaamo Reason For Repel-On 7:" In. A Spocld Cmstm Somme Bridges Evening Guest speaaet Rev Tom Swan Can Dvectot o! Brigade II). p]. -A Name People. PASTOR Dam RWalla 8 Sc H Ow ASST. PASTOR Paul White 8 SC 373 BOTSFORD STr Pub: RC. AM! A. MI H260 HEAR PAUL and SILAS [)r PautVaugh Iu oooh Mussman Rev Suns vogo Kenyan Paslot SUNDAY MAR. 4 at 11 A.M. & 7 P.M. All Art Welcome a progresuve Iamlly (hureh patsiu Barnacle 47 PARKSIDE 0R PENTFCOSTAL ASSEMELIES OF (AN SUNDAVS I an 7 (My Morning We, 5 ~ Chnstm Edwin-on Ham ":0. I 7 Morning Sew-Ce a "I v [yenan SEVVICE TUESDAYS 7 an an Fanuty Mom EV JAMES CANTELON CHUIICH OF THE NAZAIIE 7' MAIN STREET PASTOR: REV. GLENN H. BOY l Is a a Sunday Schoot Hour 1100 a - Wovm Somce 7 00 II Evening Sotwce Inn, 100 an Frame and playt" Chum s Haoov Hour II a n The LIQHIOI The World It orid 0t Truth Channel 3 O 30 I. How To Be Happy 30 an. Pam-ty Bus Study 7:). CW 10 CHRISTIAN SCEHCE SEHVCES SUNDAY H A M wsuuesoav EVENING resrw MEFY 'NCSONTndth wsomw aTeP M ALL an: WELCOME m1 wunao ave. NEWMAIKETI Attend the church of your choice a this week