Aurora man - I . muslin-Watuudd- . Mynlmu. Inna. Mal-( 7 gt} - mummy dmmm ' yearn-mule . munmnlbuuu yd ' 4 III rdeered to the pllnnlu and develop all mmmae THESE CUBS ARE HOTSHOT CAR MAKERS Thmmtmnbmmmnblxn rely-lummmlhnl- uy untrue-h nmw.wmnmmu.knurmzz Guy usz Darre- MeC-ol. m.lunh~eleuu|ez and Maul-L Ill ilyle 81 - only. But m m I. Day of Prayer service March 3 NEWHAIKET My UM CI" - Hull IL. New-Irlel. Illlhh h lb! World DI) .0 Payer edema-e .- Slutty A nuke 7 h held I"... All-rem - nun! King students want help with busing costs "" YORK PEEL MOUNT ALERT - MI" 7 . I. museum-dim. - ENSVILLI l.., POI. I. m northo Sumo-sum M. mum. sm-mN Sun. Feb. I. cum hn. DICJIHIdehmlhudm Ml. In: All GIL Null Germ-bury. 2 {null car; Marl We ll-g. lull-me. 2nd mild-1e heel style. Jellery hauler, bl Hell-ll Lend . hi style My: tort only; nd (\rls Oiled-It 3rd Nun-rues. and bey'l wort .ly. Aha-l are Pnl leel. Bethune. 1N Ital-0e heel style. nd Berk Far-er, lu Hound Lied-g. 3rd [Isle-t cur. mumbl'ynaop. muerddlnuunlb-aamnl.m Winn-hummu- Amlmh i not M lot can; Manama-dumber: mu.- Iven clone lo mm 01 wind: the baud pm lyuun ol Iago-2| sport: to uccommodale mler the uudenl KING a" I muncul. end ndau Clly Secondary School uremia-velar: Incday,veuremi .wnwen Houepenmmmonmn [remit-unanJo-voumve Fur-mm b ally W for wum lbu'MInumthe Mllhnwm. mmm.nmmmn v Inmrmmmmnm MFuMWJ-Iu dmin m the Broad the m Dyna-u and Inlurmulmhru-unnl 7| IR Ibo W m Ille- In the u- d noel Innu- Ind dual-l sponsored by choir Ounce-lay at Mule ""4"" AURORA Judy Rodger Illl be ind-umme late he mu they don't 'Ill mm: wine I ! huh ow: ll Kalle Loldnnn. council dw-umdmmry, and (mil-tun Indian!- M. um Mun. um: col-ml when u a p.11 )- . mum-loam: mum nun-nu by a. Vu wwmmm mucu- unl- u. lot I minim-n ol tum to help mnlnuln bl . ~ I u u service [or Iludenu son The name a! use law In pun! hy the IMI counnl wmm pul u In doll The llle bu Iervuce nu Coll the undenu Ilsoo nnte Septuan not counur whal they hnr p-ld m tum lunaporuuon man The Mudenu ll loudly I meeunl prom-ed dawnin coca Eul Gwllhmbury trunee Dr John Demann uled the lam why [My Mh'l mm mm Mr exln nc uvme- dunm I wqu double lunch hour copying Iludenu n Sullon Dulnu Hx h School The yrh told the u-u ee lhu would mean Maul nwru The uudmu told the bonrd Lhey hld ron "had bum lblr mm m- but the ml would be Ihuul snow The) 16M mu Iller Ihe recent Trnclwnyi but ("In nur Burne no m Imnce comp- y would PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSWM ANNUAL MEETING VIEWSOAV. MAM! m, moo Ml. AURORA MHLAIOS GOLF CLUB - E LECTION OF OFFICERS IADDRESS BY OUR MEMBER OF We ways haven the revamplng the enllre Mud RUMEWNS N... 'm h. lcipaunlln eur- unu' 0! I annual (or M m my: l 'l n 1... : unmo- = 4, .A.. wemnmhhmmlmm mmlhmw nmdmmw Ill-rel Wynnhllbll yuan n the Roy]! "" _ '1 ROBERTSON tuneup-le- v l1 prh and; rm! mnu V II] Md m . holiday lul' - ) They mud ' uu ume all College 'hun' tool noun..- mmnve er.- 1 minus-alfr- 1 H l l m o I t lheard m ; uI minor " H moot In mm; It. and l e u. l (he unuhlenc l mu gin and lo IIHII . und 0! he ; An :1 l on WM] coqu h I 1! plly. TM Sede and we pen-lull. mom-mu. P"! Ron-n h. and Al . were on! NI 0' My. V lay an. n-lu um .52. ".31 Out lmsl muf er Demo vov max-mum protocnon lvom mm ms! Oul condenuhon Au mm sump locked so . quad count! has and blowouls Um our-nice Don t msss "us buy menls stolen IARKET _ Cumul- Ion We l replace won or choc pads brake Mid, mu We WW3 and iron! 0 node Yum md true rolovs Nebula who-l cyhdon ma clove Ropuck "on! Menu A wa' In-4 nun 4 ;- men 1.. moor-19: Impeaulbrdwmns , nu In A (Ikrul Iu m \undov mnmqhuul Mum you Luv put up a Mam! hmdb 5 un In! bd luv Halal! a pa. how at My mnmn and m {-nll'n ( Kw-1 nw aw m-m mm Imn snnnq u cocs huds m m swank n. . hm, mm .uhl ull nnwv uylwy SI NIDAY MARCH 4th. l979 "1 E! J, 16nexnmp~ 7| arcyl Dodge Reg 520 99 mle Wanna-19nd m-wunmmm WNW a mama-1M 1,. lm Thu-amour! u- an mm "mm ml \lm-v myme to: Van mum A own-mu um um ppm an \und. Offer good nnh. while supplies lasl at panmpanng Kentule Pned ( en slums lkivfillt d-u mnwli'ne vhwln ,..l lulu lul- "' ' cInnm ' u nmnqnqquqtum