Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), February 28, 1979, p. 16

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Excellent busmess. lee In vaner store GEORGE CAREY y Lemar Road exceotnonal home GEORGE CAREY Hobby arm 5 acres barn Mt Albert north I54 00') U3 DON GRAHAM Br (I name 7 acres heated workshop pool Mt Albert SIOSWOOO DON GRANAM bedroom room park at rear 0! 06490000 DON Newman-Qt J v msth '0( lvrt lplarv D'ODerty GRAHAM Bud 0000 wow Na} " 5' u u R.. .NFLL home K E N 9mm v "eed not brlght and mm KEN RUSNELC we; A If; _.~.. n Large landscaped lot. m town KEN RUSNELL 1 acre tarrn I'My , Pellerlaw KEN RUSNELI. Immeduatg Newmarket ) (lean home JIM KNIGHTS Doneumn bedroom 0.900 00 7 acres. largo pong, (ountry settlng, Vlcroy home. 5.00000 JIM KNIGHTS 2 acre bualdmg lot per nuts avallabla MSJWIIJ JIM KNIGHTS ~ A wenel backspllt, Iuropllcd JOAN ROSS . E-ecutlve home 2 acres In town GEORGE CAREY Starter speaal. close to QVO'YII IM GEORGE CAREY 20 Years old, Immaculate condltaon. tireplace. separate dining room. 7 4p: baths 00 BILL CUYPERS Starter home 2 bedrooms. new broadloom um mediate oossesmon S A] 000 00 8 I L L LUYPERS 2 acres plan now tor ap'vnq Just north oI Nenmarket BILL CUYPERS J mlles Newmarket $38 500 00 2 walkout: lureplace new kvtchen Lupboarde BILL CUYPERS . 2 bedroom Ilrepllce. broadloom 33900000 JIM KNIGHTS Mm: Iarm 26 acres and barn in 900 00 JIM KNIGHTS Sutton (lean KNIGHTS 155 900 (1) home large J IM Walerlronl, ultra modern 0" 900 no JIM KNIGHTS Newmaraet TrIpIea Good Income return convenient location completely rented AWN Make oNer GRETA CUTTING Ilbhmmdmm rmgtr ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED, REALTOR sum aoeclal. menu. JACK PLODER. 5': acres. Quensvltte. solId oltr home, 3 hot stall ham RUTH CRAIG 5 ANNE DAWSON limit In the things that count 360.000 00 AUDREY L TERRY MOXLEY Him 00 Aurora orange area, "replace AUDREY A TERRY MOXLEY a: . 9 I Old world charm 15090000 AUDREY L TERRY MOXLEY a $19? Fully $67 900 00 TERRY Duplex rented AUDREY L MOXLEY Aurora n OuDIex Newmarket Wm 00 IO per (MI down AUDR E Y L TERRY MOXLEY Aurora locatuon snug throu hout 351.900 00 AUD E Y A. T E R R Y MOXL E Y ..- Super locatlon bedroomms and Iully lunlshed throughout AUDREY a. TERRY MOXLEY Everyonesdream Iacre Queensulle SUMO) AUDREY a. TERRY MOXLEY Marsh term 7 arres house and storage shed Enrellent qunly deep yor: soul produrtxve 79 900 00 GRETA CUT? ING Big lot. mlnutee Newmarket. JACK PLODER ~. " 3.000 sq. It industrlal bulldlnq. 10,000.00 GRAHAM LLOYD, Gillord. ultra modern 7.900 00 GRAHAM LLOYD I l I e . 4 Budget consaous Un beatabIe value NAM ) AUDREY L TERRY MOXLEY West side at town, 3 bedrooms central anr condltlomng $66 000 00 MIKE O'ROURKE III- 1, East Side at town basement apartment l S I 9 0 0 00 M | K E O ROURKE )6 room: on Park Avenue. 6900000 Make your otter MIKE O'ROURKE 5 miles lrom Newmarket. large wooded lot 35LPOO 00 MIKE OROURKE .HM". wndwood Drwe ground level. Ian lly room, wlh ltreplute $71 900 00 MIKE O ROURKE 7 log bornmg lureplacos. plaster wan: throwhom RUTH CRAIG OR ANNE DAWSON QuaI-ty area spotless home 175 000 00 GEORGE CAREY Va<ant land, possibly A um usooooo 3' SWEEZIE mtg bringing . . - '0' 055,000.00. PLODER. Eagle I-lllle. " lmed re: room. $64,000.00 GRAHAM LLOYD. I l h . Brand new! Otooee your own colour scheme $63,000.00 ANNE DAWSON OR R UTN CRAIG Parkllke aettlng. new gollcooru and lake sumo) RUTH CRAIG OR ANNE DAWSW Watertront Lake Slmcoe Fully wunterlled Im maculate throughout, ducking tacllltlel "0000 RUTH CRAIG OR ANNE DAWSON Somahody cares! Sharon 375.000 00 GRETA CUTTING i I a New home Newmarket $73,900 00 GRETA CUTTING Century home Mt Albert, $71,000 00 GRETA CUTTING m Open House Sunday. Mllchl. I070 I 9M '00 P M "0 Greenlield Crastent Newmarket RUTH CRAIG OR ANNE DAWSON Extra large lot, Newmarket 055.500 00 GRETA CUTTING TnoIex Nnmarket 900000 AUDREY Iv YFRRY MOXLEY 1 acre lot. 3 mlln east at Newmarket 009,000 00 MIKE OROURKE M 005-003] 000.000.... JACKSOI. Envlable locatlon. Newmartret. 1,000.00. GRETA CUTTING. 070,000.00. GR E TA 1/ 3 ICIO. aloomln ton CUTTI For lamily IIvIno. Newmarket $73,000.00 GRETA CUTTING so acru. K-ng, 0109]!) on GR ETA CUTTING v. k 1 acre mm: Iarm R08 SWE EZIE gun mllty and charm mo sq n 1400000 ROB SWEEZIE put the: home to be bullt. 2 acres ROB SWEEZIE ~ I New loaclooe. country home 2 acres ROB SWEElIE We" slde at town. Ilka new. walkout basement 061,000.00 MIKE OROURKE I'v w azrea wlth barn. Newmarket 002.000 00 GRETA CUTTING Sop-r Starter sermon 2 bdrvom home on 50 l lot Meat and clean, mom we". Excellent Ilnanclnq Commerclally zoned GRETA CUTTING ond real as I an together m m-nn . 0. Mt. Albert. Lhth M. .D. KEITH JACKSW. 3 bedroom. octet street. 050.500 00. LLOYD % A treason of harmonloue decor at 0.00000. JACQUELINE WOOL- MAN MovemenahomelA llvlng experlence tor mama JACQUELINE WOOLMAN ' R tor large lam. " Cg? alr, 4 near 1w bath: BIL SWEEZIE RuetIe mung. I0 acrI. A bedrooms "6.500 00 JOAN ROSS Attractlve bungalow. Franklln Itove In rec room 0.90000 JOAN ROSS r Sharon, 3 bedroom. GRAHAM lot. mum-a roe .. summoououu Roywood Beauty bedroom. llnlehad r room. complnu redecorated BIL SWEEIIE, wnldwood supero I bdroom. 73 trontaoe Set the extrae wltn BILI SWEEIIE Owner II movlng I bedroom well decor-ta home 3.00000 llLL SwEEllE Cute as a button' Don't mlss It' $150000 JOAN ROSS Main lloor tarnlly ram with Ilrwlaca I. walked. 160,900 00 am. SWEEIIE Flne old home I bedroorm. den 70,501 on JOAN ROSS . e d e J bedroom suntan Imre room. ekcellen' decoratlng BILL SWEEZIE A bedroom udeepllt In Town. only 0.00000 JOAN ROSS slum. J Tranlterredto Cale-r13 lovely Iol M. I Ms I " 055 100' 1 ISO lot BILL SWEEIIE Perlect bedrooms. $31,900 (I) 4' 2 acres, 2 bedrooms. llnllhed basement. lust north at Newmarket, 06 A . 000 00 B IL L SWEEZIE II you like country n mouphere 7 an. Brlck beck spllt Curved none sIllrcaga, Newmarket 2m n I LORE LISKA U$WI llreolace. walkout: to deck: Prlde 0' Ownership 2 serviced lot: raadv ' ,Mowhou, build on Anon my "woman AUDREY I. TERRY MOXLEY each DILL' SWEEIIE " ADVERTISE WEEKL Y FOR BEST RESULTS PHONE 895-23 "

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