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The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), February 7, 1979, p. 4

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V7. mat/Mm In I - a he Poo-moo (a Lamina-mm mum innate! m- eta-MW no- an mum Brampton Geordie-h Itimevull Deal Emmott: 6am W am .- Ion. . hm 0"- m. can-no "A m on... van ween-ta. Mm- "lea-o4 uuxvum,mw~w um. Lump-a Mew-oer canoe-on won-iv W anaemia-n mo Anon our-u or (menial-i tar-u Ciao- nail vniat'alm non-w n. TERRY CARTER Editor -n (ma: JIM DALZIEL Mus (odor Phtrie Net-mortal 0513i NOiartaa Ht. Phal- Aurora Ulla Experience, ability make Twinney best man for mayor m Newmaraet is at a_ [m pun. - a watershed in Ill political life. Theekeiiontoranewmayoroni dt lzwtll proveiobemore tumult. the general municipal demon last Nov-bu tor the eight seats on council. A atria; mayor influences every denim. "y policy m by a murrtl, and initiatu M at "all. Nev/market has had an lormostolihepan .amtolmeila mummlum by rcttllil weak tl mutt-iced leadership now would he diaaatrotl. Bob Forhan was a atria; and mpetuit mayor Very lew Illlllltlllu Man Ha to: terms came lroi'n rank and me ml malt hers. and ll was a rare oocaaion what a coin t lllof ll d m buck the executive pow- ol the matur This is nol as much a criticiln d the trium illors as il is a stalanail that the ayetan \tiirkl l prt'tl) well as it should A ootltcil wta'ah is t onlinually split by Merit! and political malice is a council which Id m'l m mulling. and alien ends m a municipality harm : are not soundly lhoMit out. new businesses shun an unstable. controveaial or unreliable munitipal (oval-Inuit. and im- purianl daemons are pulled to a back him while muncnl hitters over mumportan ultra, Sound busmess Mme is ill-own to the \AlndS .- mum-ll Without strum leada'ahip may appeal In legit-mg stable [Ovaunait but in fact I muall) hang swept aloru by evaiia - iti -Vl'nmi-nl b) delauli \i-utnarket over the years. haa had Cl- puu-nu- our: lhls type ol Malnutrition. and m h wuix-ils which spaid more lune blck ll' liar. gmornmg and has sullaed aceortimly tut-r hf past eight years. Newmarka has lmwhv ed (rum a sound and forward-loch dlll'lllllhlralllln There have bear to large inuninpal lax hikes. facilitits and mice: have luv-en upgraded. and a realistic plan drawn up [or 'hv future The mum IS one at the lew muructpalitiu in tlnlarlii ln have virtually dimlnated Md! Iimiu-mg (rum Its budget Certainly. this haa iHboar \un prnlll groapa nay place an- no-iurar-u tree of dam h BID-all by nrltlna to The If." lea no. New-arid 0 .. I. tti in bi lequ In: halve; pt- l'rldat hi,l)\l l)AV. FEIRL AR" l \r. exhibition 0! vial: color p-lllu'l by Dr Norman Brown will preview Feb 7 m I and 1H p m al Verb Flue Art Gall-w Win ltd tliw-si will be saved The panitiul will be an i-thilvl: until Feb 13 lrre public lecture and mowie on l-ikanaar the annent meme a! aoul travel and the path ul total awaruie-j will be prumled Med Feb 7 at I p m in the Aurtra i-uhlvt Library \ ictona St For irdormatiai. dll 7!? 2034 The monthly meetin olthe Mala-d bah. \tlooland Pan-I Aaaoelatlaa will he held at the in! Holland lardlm Pmlic Mail (I "d. Frb 7 al a pm Guest ape-am win daeuaa anion-n; bdiaVior A panel m will lollov. TheWorld Arotnd Unlocturewlaam Vted Feb 7 atllsam in YartPheaU (h'ra. Aurora Sidaud )un out of Hwy an (Aral spaher will he Kara Prdpdit. mv animator at Proyect Hotel. a wopoaed anergency shelter lor wot-rim and childrn in You Region An introaictory duct-ion o! the laha l faith with ond Gautier aa [neat speaker. will take place Wed Feb 7. at I pm at m Stewart Si All welcome For intonation. call am Armand! Jame-til apatalameetin olthehlelaallcaol Manna tir-p on Wed. Feb 7. fruit I 15 to its pm at theaainol in Newmartd. All 'doolne Canlie.funtance. dloatheaouhrn Yarn pow-r Nook wtadi ia lot-it an wit; the rqionalaihnlnlatratiwdleaa-dallltajohto Richmtlid Hill? Will be Cline that Newmarhat is not hypo-ed whim the r-ta! devdopnait annotated by the arrival at llwy. tot and the lidimdollaraliothaaouhmu'. Canhe continue to hold taxudown without bureau; largeatanaolinmey? laheawareolthevital forces witla n Ila'a community wlitt are main; ithiithaapmauidaciiltiralcaitreoltlie "In" Canlcwwlwlththecxiatu'ootliciland stamllalbetheexpciucetolmwwhaethe leva'aolpowuliehereJttherqlonallevdand at Queen'a Part. and to pull than" Newmartet's future. at thia crucial stage in its devdopniuil. W on the selection ol the right man. and in The Era'a opinion. only Ray Mmey has the expaiaice and the m ability. to do the job Mr Nuneyaavcdloreiyit yearsaatlie aairor councillor In the Forhan adrniniatrat'ion He chaired the parka and recreation mmmlttee. was nance chairman. and with the mayor formed the two-man turn whidi nqotiated the developrnait mail: with the large buildir' companies which even many develops-a admit Meet the lraauta ol the citizen 0! Newrnartet betta' than citizen" intents in most other Ontario commands are guarded. We 8W Ray matey lor mayor ol Newmarket The monthly meeting ol the Hungry Group. aQr i-an Mm c lellawahip poop. will be Inqu .Fn 1,at.p m inSt Paul an (hitch. Newrnariat Gum speaker will be Father Al June at St Jamea the Apoatle Qua-ch. Shrn. All welcome FRIDAY. FEIRL'MYI 1h 53h titan! d be loyal C a mw-smadMNUtF .Feb llrunil'npni tolam Threwillboan dimmllndraw (oranJourmprh-Jnd 10 hr!!! Ell-Walnmmt. hr. and Mid M l, unannareavauable aithelqluarlrom inunbta M e Theatre a proaictlwi d "Tl! by an. Cm. Feb i, and 11 at Bdhavci Cunniuiaty Hall Gin-in run I. pm..eaoqtl- eb l7wb-ithelbow artaattn pin 'neheta.n50acbortiloraulwdtiana. an available at Woodatul World at Mill: in Sutton. man IA'I'L IDAV. FEIll'AIY ia n lle aa Meabaa Whed w bld lu ml Val-lur- dame Sat. Feb . at I!) pro in Newmarh Cunniunty Cain Bart doorman-Julia Titan-.nsoapcaan.m available by callu' maria: ,. The New-arid One-Parent Fa-Iy Aaaoelatl- will hold it monthly dame 9|. Feb ID. at I p m in the Liona Amphithedtm lame Ave For more inlormation. call main or 775-740) A Ahaie marpauq mar-thin in aid at The Wlhwyw eb than am toSpm alVic aSoeRQairJYoqut S.Aurta1 mwhncutaapai r WNMV.'IIIUMVII he New-aria. Knuth hr in Ipomorii auieaytrlploln-atonaaki roaortStli.Febll1'heco ,ili~l-w.ia IN tor dew-tall and G [or am To min-r. all an: aim ta-liiaaa boil! ATS THAT ABOUT ? 5. . lNSOMNlK. . .. HA5N'T SLEFY FOE WEEKS... KND THE MKVOBKLTY (Aliment: Al: on more? mm"... Advice for the working mom Thu week readlu The l mother-a have maa no mu (or their at on the teacher-1' by on. It a-na the tm hlve to be thy outer: and l Iuppoae matiacommittuhaa tam to none alaci by gravid"; a drwvin baby Illll ' Ihop Than pot-a they have to Ml! [Mr lm Do theae warble. mothara ever atop to tlaii about anyone hit themaelvea Do they raallae all true utraa mat My Do any ruliu til mane) oin- than air uln Do thy totlanhinn-iy daywe to pay a l-by am. oundl or atay time How do you think it make- |- led Id at: in money Dd]. uaad to py [a hby mm wblla we: nah-it m- tn hand imm- ar retde pr- awns can handy Iaap above wat. When will parenta atart to reallle that hart. a baby la in ia- atart ol mature reaponalhllily [or that child o lite and their future If they are not mud to at:th that r-pnaltality they abould wait to have a lamlly Where are then chiliiaia' grandparenu' Nanniea if you have never baby on your [rand when th-i you have iniaad the no: wecioua mu you will ev' have Nud are w lor treata.tripa.atuytdhq rocking lllnllll re ardlau ol Ioundl Nannie Illi be lrla on your bdavior. bid can punctuate her rulaa with atly olhu. and the. Thu l ) and I I a? Donald Smith of dud! Airipioirieparnor anhourhput to take magnum .- l I n din l y o u r madchlldm ia on way to turn back tk dad to the tlrne your Own children were amall Throuh your lrand~ when you can a. little thii'a that their par-it ad a law yuan not What ll Nannioa' reward The aweataat manta! Haven, l love You." lollowed by a In at )am ll peanut bunt _ Aunt and initial are an excellent aub ltl' arotaid their little "gen 1 rweall the many hamhounlap-itatiny thalr own and every holiday (to at l-atl (lllt Ii 'ti thehrouauha orn-pun commad hula. In waldth WI lea-Mum! nun un t-g! . m nth-ddtmday.Mlelt.' I Ion-er Yuri mammal-W uni-k mutt-mantth riaJdboth-Ilr er l'l Wand I; Minute l. rnar aaoltn You'll be todoltyeuradl betweuyowbaautyahop Wu You will be able to mnmmal maala aa whn you are ywhavetobuy more raady prepared mutuyoubnothave time. Youcandoyourown hot-e wot! a yui will haveallihyminparedto Lryu'uiptiidorna - adayattlno n Youaaveonanenra caroratloauthepato rhvewandtronwort Another advanaoa theiayatliomeinam havetamleellr allttk READERSAYS: Clique not best for Newmarket Co rlltdatlau lo the ow the leadc" Paul Ndaui who or will lit. council'a action in Inhrraadi' on Town dNewinarld a laid- llaawotldlhettnaa haunted Abolladlnpdladlo Inqu t]: lad that all aevan townuuindllrnardow u-niayor openly an- donadooacladl ta ltuunathatp'hap inter-t ol our town Vet-I lelt lncllmd to I". DAYLI TAYIM. a my 0.. New-ma, What happened to Salisbury's sign? On my "tour In lame rota. l lune-I mm" wal ant-d in waa the block lata laat waa normal by Saturda altaraaaa. I .- Ib planed the an no m that it had but: large (4 a 0') wall- tab. by an i-aaown con-trusted Sallabury m am m 1 : at: at the coat Id at 0 Gab-at at. u - M I... m". Karly the tulle-la. m. ._ New-arid. Youmgaunkeymtnimm Blightorllnnowacouyooinl ldiect DanShailionaaheiaalwayltakh'my racquetuid-lunpactliahaaaoopy lliavetr'iedtoleavetheo ioeaadoaa couldbutlinayhavem'i-edalaickey . two Jill luvethemonmylawnaorneia'ah l lltheevaitualoocipantialtay'hrit Ch" Sa lbury. youcan ad the diair a little light! by ttrlduupide andtwiii ltinacloclwiae ltliOr thewurh toomeinandaaui uichea o thedeaaleu. Yauwtllutetheo exitamartheinainatalrcaaeandcanhe alipoutwhmlhewiatryil topotnd themalndoor. Theplantaahouldbowltedome a ext-wtlwtheonethalw-u'amplamai Fairy Lake lt tlrlveaonahllydoaeofm pollutedwalar hiccups iatrayedmdnnewallhaai darts in ihepanell n' 1hat'a whte l pra alapahota Thce ia a puck dirme bdiind lmallholeinthewalland,ilyoucan - leave it on the lawn am With any such nd You ll find the official diam ol office in top drawer tunlsa BobSoott has in, am some otha standard amt {or the Ma Newmarhet Tliia uicludu bluepnnia (or huildir' a swimmlr pooh. lit-aria and parts should be givui routinely to anyone who I they want to build a "lithium in town You can throw out thoae plan lor an centre at the old Aleunda liar bulldina with that pile ol drawima to miovaie Newmarlu-t Plaza They are all impcau You can also di ol that photo oi P Wright on the far wal which haa all the ho il Youcahkeepthedartad The box 0! diet biacultlln lite bottom it isanlyaweettrlwooldandlemdm'l them. said than dawn to Shaman iii recreation once. Inmy yearaas mayorlooinpileda n- ot my own theories m variota (unaiqu 41 job and I've left aortic 0! than for you formation You'll find them in the top, ri ht - drawer and they uiclude' "How to pet your with the provtncial [oi/mail . "K - taxes down", Make the develops pa)" "Trying to get mdutry to locale in your t Vdumea l to a I did remove one at theae. How to get way at the ion". but I am leavim my theory. "Gett alor with rqlonal a mail" Tliaeiaalaoawboleadolbootam' wage an dectlon campalyi but it": heat so airicelreadthemlcan'truntmbcdtlny at any help It iaanlceolmaeandll nkyou'll UM lime here But. don't 3 loo attached to place The landlorth are Womble they take a dialihe to you. you'll be to-ad' your ear Don't lot-get. it a only a twoyear least

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