iox eneca College has inter classes 100 ID list in av inn HUTCHINSON Era sports editor 311 old song ingrown by and tore me my mm the iootbail games whl are Mnnmtlpg my television screen to deliver some length to various sportsmerrin York Region He fled me wdeilva each one onaliy hut Juice dont want to miss 80 Grieso touch dawn passifill announce them through the press THE RNurE nocnna WIN our son ms oligran AWARDior coach ol his year in yards Regio Santa said this one was hard pick because here area number at mentorsln this area who eauve credit He uttered number of law incurable mentions La Bone oi the Newmsrket rFiyers Harry Carter Georg garland and Don howls who coach football at hammerser Ponderosa Panthers He passed note along Ralph Beer of the Aurora Tigers saying he didnt qualifythis year because of his short time nlhe organization Theres always next season This years Wilmer is Gin Verge Nemarket Rays who took histeam to the Canadian dmsteur than tinais alter winning the Ontario title icentre who mnodetgid Staneburg lfllfiafifim thousht the fiiger organizationu lie played iquilt took place on the ice an involved Jlsil wuflams neral manager oi the ora JuniorA hockey oantbeileve hey brought back like fitnneburgimi wi msreier rauniii oi Flyn def semen Ron Stoneburl have nova gonerto ROOKIE OF THE YEABAWAB Another Innd pick for the Jolly old gentleman antaivas undecided about this one so he named on Milne Receiving the award are jhawn anska oi the Flyers and Norm Roberts of the £0th to shave with bill their heart and duire would inspire Gordie Howe THE COME ON TEEDER AWARD FOR OF THE YEAR The hockey reierees olind the provincial league helped Santa pick this onerihe winner 111mm All flatson the always audible relereetiater at the Newmariiet Flyer home ga es THE NEXT YEAR AWARD he Newmarhet Steele walked away win his award Although they have won only one game in two yearsuipiayrthayawear wand mwnthataheyaregomgmrhsngyhah 77 Their organisation seems sound new wlui Roger Holiday as president and new executive In charge Sarita has decided to all back in his lawn chair In the slimmer to see what msteriallzee BOOSTER CLUB OF THE YEAR AWARD While the Flyer booster club certainly deserves an honorable mention Santa decided to go with he Aurora Tigers supporters who regularly gve out newsltlters and keep everyone in ionned about Tiger happenings MINOR HOCKEY EXECUTIVE OF THE YEAR This honor is awarded annually to the hockey executive who is most likely to give nervous breakdown to the local sports reporter The runaway winner is Bob Elliot the Aurora sinor Hockey Association liIE POSTER BROOKS AWARD FOR smmwn witness The vildneris the lil Fiyers lounge run by the Newmariiet Legion Oldtlmers Special thanks go to Grace at the bar who elvfaya knows your favorite brand 11m SANTAJIONORABLE MENTION CITATION This awardwgoa out to various people througiout York Region who have made name in regional sports They are Ray Twinney Larry iwinnay Dan Shannon All Neely members of the Newmarket Rays Brian Cuiilmore Kim Sturgeon Fin Kennedy Bob Elliot Lloyd Chambers Mike Wright Larry and Mrs Llcbrucks Stan Hoichkis lli than Bruce Russell Carlo ioilus nny Lee Nestor Peternuk Ralph Beer Ron Needy Jim Williams Cindy Neale MuiiyMcLeod Bill and Pat Ferguson $13 milnu John and Marg Cole and others some wisheshauld name wagons hdt the list endless As sou heads back to the North Pole ld like to take this mantle to wish everyone merry Christmas and happy holiday MuffyMcLeod skiing well in US GORMLEY Skier sly Mdbaod returned night irom the whire Although Muiiys lis at th lunltnownriiioAnE head at on lie ans iorths southern riocdlvlsion oi Ski da said she is doing kitsch Rob Roy is pleased with her its she said Her as In the slalom and hi slalom are only two nds oil the top time Ski teams time irials in It isnt bad con KING Seneca Allegas Kim Campus is re than just learnin rs Ior high schoo Iduntes who are hitting hooks to pro tor it is picturesque 19 Lo iieid so ira In and scents as which oiieis the losscountry skier permitted or otherbIse chance to hone his lls Seneons Conlro tor ildoor Pursuits has griimti that would eat anyone who has fill at crosscountry lug an sport Oi Intaest to an would be the Croat mry iikl ToniInn class ch ioltes students to rnp Wannhita In rwlthsaiaty inm ndfir sidering the fact shes oompetlrg with people from the Canadian and United States national ski teams The Christmas holiday will mean more skiing fur the 15year old iromGormieyr Thrdsy nitor she retuer from Vermont she was back ohitla slam at her home dub oi Osler Bill in Collin wood Athough she will taiio Christmas day oil she will continue prao tiaing as she goes into training tor the Ontario January llailburton during the weeiimds oi Feb lo and Feb 24 oertliied Canadian Ski Association tour leader will be on hand to teach an yment ras pllago will supply earn Ing aquprnentondor user car pool and Us par Iiclpant must bring his said agai tAliror ri gall halting Nevansrket us tonight13yliiliams had said itan periodsi the cant theyre in protyoios shape He nianagammt and owners could play hockey Look atgthe way hes playing tor us now Thats how much Forhan knows laid Williams Forhan gsneral manager the Myers denied sayim any such time As matter of fact heraaid he has lot at respect tor the Tigers inig goalie Norm was was reierrlng tothe neg tto our camp and quit that the Tigers were without regulars Gord End Rob Law John Nixon and Jack Shaw The Newmsrket miaway xamm He could play for us anytime lve got too much respect tor him to say anythlrg about the kid said Forhan TheFiyarlsibrought in rabobundnng lo the gem ironigthe Parry Sound unlurC tea lid Williams said halcouidzfl believ ii lll out the Newmarlret owners wined and dinéd fihimq Why dontthey let the managemait take care of that said Williams Hes Just mad because we got him ilrst Thats why hes spiraling off about that responded Flyel manager Stan Hotchkiss Flyer coach Bone laughed oti ay such Selécted Fireplace Tools and Acéesflsories Our Reg 349 own sill gear and nod Cost oi the program Including orientation is 56 Scnooa also oiiors to the student who labored over the Christmas holidays the charm to cul loose on the trails ior rid Organlurs are wiping that sdiools clubs and municipalllios will not Involved in lite program BEA 414 Davis aim Mullet 545 Wall of Sudden Wood Strips interior Panelian 325 Sq Ft igejtion We airy estranged to get Barry througfa rind oi Ray Mnneyfpartowner oi the Fiyell All we did was set him up in school downherlethe Boardol Education knew we were wining and diningkida in the cafeteria wed really be in trouble said Bone Fiyar partowner flay Twinney isnt taking Williams inmsz too seriously Williams is just trying to get con troversy going so he can get good crowd or our next game Hes just shooting his mouth off for pol 48 Fluorescent Tube 40 Wait NOW ODIN snowman DAILV FOR vouo SflOPllNG CONVENIENCE Williams also Slammfid Bone had lot of respect of Bone iuntil he started being dictated to by the owners as to who plays and who sits out he said have never been ionnaliy introduced to the man Bone replied hear hes pratiy well respected around the league Why he would start this is beyond me As or lltterteraice the team He was given his walking papers alter tantraout with Forhsn and Twinney It was also learned that right witger Shawn Baboock will make return ap pearance with the Oshawa laterals oi the Major Junior league in to manager Stan Hotelikiss Babeook is making his presaice known mind the majorleague The have had none mounttelevision commentators hockey team plays its my job to say how things are run Flyer captain Rick was inipressed with him and Jim Morrison the Kingston Canadians coach raved about in FFTreesfland hristma iii5c Our neg 96¢ tinluaéwoi tai to pin llsr tifljdllsmrmglfll pin teams very pleased with the gay or Paul Flucherrwho Walt up with Eahnock he said The Tigers took an early firstperiod lead as Brian King broke in on goalie Jamie Boyer in second McLaughlin oi the Tigers made it 24 beiore Randy Ellis counted for the Flyers Aiter that it was all Aurora as Sandro Sylvestri Dave Robin son and Jeff Smith scored The Flyers hope to get Tom Robertson imm 9aaidivhme¥ Uttely is no longer wig The Generals were also Wexionl Our Reg 37995 Davr