and what it day and Jim 01 Ibodolng on Christ summer fireflyterm p3 Wmumfiim1wmgm orkim working on Christmas is Illremsnetorv thyJiLnext year In ewmrketffirebecausroirthawsy tmmfiisjust one oi department Ihiita set iew wholravetor elated warning hell be his it 51 briefimere mantra and their two thedispatdlerlatationat Tchiidlfl Newmarkm and dountex to deal with too much Wya WmtuWMymm on the dayrwhen working the next iour one else hasVChrlstmas days uted ta vlslonsoi Polsz rplums nundntnavaua nil Christmas day bad break lireilghtar who going to share the with Ken broke leg Km la hellfire row and its not his choice ram higher authority than Eolioe Chlel Bruce crawford who save his mm choice between day oi the year wottrhu on Ehrlstmgs or 93 There wereno New Years Daybomes last year raise Wmtiomcameirom his in 176 and car wife Connie it 2175 lLthere is Lorne rldchurch plans asonaewrces fiogggnt argrofi oi th€amflrbihle combination will class Sunday evminsfst llflby 19 101 Holt Free Methodist Church DecJA This will be candle light saviee The command came rantriirstipeflplwntbexnjoying lioneg and Jlle have him dispatchars micro und on New Years pltone at Newmarket Taxi iourhours pay ihwyearpeoglewuu Midis tor dinner aiter This Wm heswveg hla ah finish Pam tlrst mutmr the mierophon In the one day at Taxi utiices were its slow said one driver loungingfln the some niiieea if theres good drestggleld around youll jhe daywith their family do elrlght lie said the number oi REMan dornestlc incidences jog mmfi Wm increases on Christmas have chance be because theresalotoi New on the job wish this time 01 Christlnasloeis the diet Yeah at Sams Ait Cabin Lomes Christmas Seafood House on Davis glit tram the police Dr and hell be sweating department ls anadded an lihour day over ave Joe says he doesnt mind working 5m stayhamean enjoyiheir families seyav lame added Taxi ve Grant won have to work on New YearsDay but iromhao chance to get to atlfer am to pm thisrwillimdrethanzo easily Monday hellbent ng members matter the Ecosascnou In our test minute gift guide flyer please note that the Whoo Whoo Train Set does not come with real atom great welshnight sirvioe is planned for the Holt Church Dec Four local churches are par ticipating with eats and treats and lots oi good singing The service begins at 930 pm and vconcludea at 12 15 with an open communion saVice set Joe and Suzy rRabba will be spending Christmas together this year he as ehel and she as waitress at Sams Mt Cahin Seniood and Steak House Seasons Green NEWMAIIK 89 4661 IMVFIAlulnvmv oloninl Ehnmilrl Glosmuhilr ut PP Candles glow searon with loud thoughts and oundeap thanks MacDonald Auto Service 276 Sutton Rd NEWMARKET 8954663 Mfivefllseumogsmm with Whoo Whoo Whistle Sound Customers who have already pur chased expecting this leature may return their purchase for full refund The 993334JCorvett Car requires Duracell Alkaline batteries as adver tised That VERY SPECIAL GIFT JOY TO BEHOLD FOR YEARS TO COME ALL GLASS TERRARIIIMS 7THE NEWEST UNIQUE DESIGN TABLE AND HANGING MODELS WERE rnuuo OF OUR LOW PRICES TOUCH OF CLQSS IN GLASS GLASS mason LIMITED 524 navts nmvs truth can and tinny NEWMRKET msrumurg SHOPPERS MYERS VARIETY Emotioncloses it to He Wont haveto KO iar to spend Christmas cthavin 2th one at his ialhllyr phone and dgpamere because his daughter Suzy wui be one of three waitresses working the holiday ram to 10 inn V7 Joe and Suzy dv been arotmd in Viet times Bob Crotchit wouldnt have stood change York police probe mothers charge NEWMARKET York Regional Police are investigating an alleged indecent assault against slxyearold boy The investigation began alter the mother rqwrted that her son had male babysitter Ken Bone ls working this mgw Med Newmarket fireman said he doesnt mind working when everyone else is WWW th if as en ge 11 En Nevmurde Auron rtewick out Well ominer Io wOrkfii inns and the next tour in row The eu yTor the uipofifliflhfi May ynurChrlslmas be merry and bright as you kindle IIII ire of hospitality in your Ilean und home To our good friends warm hnlldny greetings nd thanks FROM THE STAFF 0F in run morons nu SALES SERVICE lEASIlIII 315 YDIIGE ST NEWMARIIEI 8952366 LOUfl FRIENDS 810U3TOMEIIS WE REIAPPYIO BE OF SERVICE TO vo ALL Tilt YEAR FiOUND AND HAPPY TO 0000 WISHES YOUR HA as THE MihAGEMENT AND STAFF JOY THIS FESTIVE SEASON OF Inluniul wrill tilimcnli mm rvw EnlMllJtl lUllCliBi MEATQX as suomanwhu you mu smowsomrmas mom rms mm Emu 31an ELDSEBXMI DAV mu sogluu or an may the beauty of the season bexeflected in the hearts of 511 men We extend $3 our warmest Yuletide greetings and thank you for your thoughtful patronage