Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), December 20, 1978, p. 4

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Kcswick out Wed mechani to ma rnmmmm Serving York County since 752 DAVID HASKELL um than every Wednesdav Itll Charlels 5L Fuhllsher subscriptions our two years sumo JoFJLoiig JERRY CARTER the inland an manners newsartPwu II Guardian Butlln on Po Vsiéarzirr Jrrsifafurinn Economist and so JIM QALZEL Mississaug News Oakvllio Beaver Oshawa Thls News Editor Wflkr Osplwn nlli Mattelid Sluutdlvllrle lufffgml wagE3 Acton FreePreuGevauawnlmcpm en anadlarr Champion PETER GRIFFIN Msrnber Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association and anvirltslng Manager the Audit Bureau at Circulation Sxond Class Mlli registrant WMDHJYW Phone Newmarkei 8951131 10 CharJes 59 stdnd ggtgt at Whirligig and aéodglnil 777 4024 Phone were shallower was allowed to banish as If iTerrlgheldabythelrspechstEhgav hisnponurlousrtwaya an gave in housacleaner moneybought turkey the Crawhlt dinner table and gave an Crswhit raise Charles Dickens would write that dilterently toda First of all Crate would prohablyze in unlonand not have irz¢mhnW¥hEWH$Aeu¢ wmwmmwww tirfinyHmudtlierest loeta The no at Scrooge and Marley likely be in the business of making mo FROM ALLTHE FOLKS SWSRSSRSRSR lgtiilli hocke teams to gain incredible financial IN YOUR COMMUNITY WHO BRING YQU 77 inimuof YOURERA EACH WEEK slightly bombed rat the office Chris party and find himself charged with in polled driving on hiawayhome to run The tall at The Era the people who work CIRCULATION yeEafiiiindfiflimburihefiwwedifiomfudsmdiadrrgmstecéwmllmflflfl newspaper for the three separate communities Jim Parker Tim The latenight visitors to Sorbogos bedrooms would not ghosts but theydbé hmTaTEfiifim Scicog we serve wish you our readers and friends CARRIERS find the tax man th to sale allllti very many ChrlSlmBSiand happy and Deanna Adams$usan Andrews Steve Bdbin Elana papa5 Christmas Past prosperous New Year Chris Boniface Dennis Bennett Mike Boonstra Hedbe followed 553111 by gmm PUBLISHER Craig Brown Sheldon Bolitlllallmrnee1 Bootlhd eSlleve and grab man whod tie oldEb up and steel David Haskell Bootsma Geotf Baseley Bus ey ante ever thing in the house Christinas NEWSROOM Bmger Craig Burt Shanna Burt Mike Carey 7z 010 mm pmém Te Carlerr Jim Dame Paul Hunt Rich Mark Canavan John Clelland Ruth Crosby Mumn Rod Urquhart Ian Hutchinson Aase Andy Dunn Patasha Ehlert Don Frigault Hansen Ann Slimmer Mary MCGWHL Ed Scott Gunter Wendy Gilligan Richard Guppy Wrmmrwmwd Dania Hanged vim Hamilton Brian Sharon Crawford Marie Wheeler Donna Hollander Chris Hunter Shannon La Brash viesl the book would be written till denEngelsman Leighton Cameron Cathy Kathy Lewis Chris fiddle Mark Lawson Sean JerelLy film if onhctiris tell is Christmas commerCIal lzarlon detained acclaim Hours later police officer would units Eb and inform him that his son was lacing charges from an incident in Gay Bar Christmas Future Tony Drew Roland Gammfiher Nickle Evan Nitschmann Mark Osborne make its point to rerea Dicker ADVERTISING SALES Sherry OReilly Coreen OReilly Jocelyn By RICH MURZIN Although see nothing wrong with Santa Chflsllinilaio Imluuldd Pillar Griffin Boyd BlaChlmmr Pew ODesser Ranger Roger Robinson Nigel Shaw Traci Era stattreporter Claus and tram when commercialism goes mine SE 1mng mummy we Rod Spleen Rita Marlin Slichter Gary Smith Ernest Sperling David NEWMARKET Angels voices heard on ovahoard it obscures the haste message Ian maid the wmm of myl BUSINESS OFFICE Stacey Carol Stairs Gary Steven Samantha the first Noel would now be drowned out by the It substitutes tanporal things for eternal not which runs on Chrmmas Eve 53191 Wallr All Gibbonsv Sheree Van Heeswykr Stewart Sean Strachan Gerry Thorns Richard jingle of cash register bells The 05 Mix day In things We get so caught up in the here and now MEMO Beulah MCFaddm VandeVen Paul Van Rooyen Gordon Walker Christianity has been translormed Into we ignore tiletimels message of Christmas doemm seem to mam how mm CDMPOSlNG R00M William Warburton Steve Wilding lsn Yorston businessmans heaven and some of we remember our gifts but we forget Gods times ma me book or Mme mml Jim Grainger Ed Gsbourie Bob Greenfield Rob Yorstgn John Websy Trevor Lewis Newmarkets clergy think the condition is gm Stan Schmidt Barbara Buns Cheri Length Melvin Highan Glenda Murphy Vicki 3mm lamentable Others dont think theresablessed We major on impressing not upliftIlla gféirgggffigflggfilgmggtgggét Male MENPUIE Martha MCDOhaldr Liz Fear Cheri Brown fiavid Graham Jim Gaston lhhlg WIDllE Wih il Ch ch said Pastor Yall Werreunot 55322 walk son Velma Perry Clare Pollock Steve Renaud Andrew Van E98 Steve Owen Michelle Mun 3V GlDVET CTOSbY Grace 53 OPPOlPllllly 59 our me Inkewhear again that touching 30 Jim Warm Crosby games Maureen Bosdey Mb lts easy to be negative about the com meaning of Jesus Christ about me woman who sold her beau Joan Currlclr Hazel Collst Carol Fairley 5er C3 mafia magma huggfi merdallzallon Christmas lie said the The commercialism builds us up for let eannlne Filealr Paulene H3 Jane OSullivan Richard and Donna Daley Sloane namingwrongWithlhemsplaysmplams and downInaumeacuvmeaandexdmmmtwe 8a chain tortilla Wald back oundmusieio LamoureuXr Camllfl Laughlél SUB Laverdl DiekenStuarlMacNeilBrad Barton Tal Clark figfigggtmas can gr ggrflfl lfiedfiggffitmb hgd gig Winch Wbuy Joyce MacDonald Barbara Macbwd Lynda Kimberly Rance Betty Anne Koppens Laurie 18 5e 161685 3p aspect that mm on Jan Middleton Sandra Steven Carol Sutherland Ann McKelvey Maureen Kelly peopleaggoma mnney mtmas bulws You can do the mines with gm Mtgdultdaeallfiagiéfixfigdegd the lliet Part Olll Clmlller said Pastor CTNW and Santa Claus but you must remember why posed the queauon IS mere as Rev Bruce Suitor of Trildty United Church you are doing the thing in the first place Claus said the church is not in position to ludse the Pastor Sieda Vandermeer of the Christian mink value the has more behaviour of the business community Reformed Church said Commmcialization has If they take the birth of Christ and abuse it always been detriment to Christmas and lhemr he Bald were 89 thinkitiaout of place Traditionally the two have year because Christmas seems to less and less each year Christmas many ways has gone out of our control Nunprom groups may place In nailncemenlo Inc charge in Billboard by wlrglng to The Era Box 215 Newmarket tint will take place Thurs Jan an pm at Ilurnn Heights Secondary School Newmarket The new courses include dog obedience mens Illness country the church cant dictate it can only grown up side by side but think it is not at alla We aLChdsunasrmtm ulel or by iclephunlngssezm belureSpmlr Conversational French and German home persuadeh pan of gamma gamut mmméfiu it wafigfigfiame we are peeked Frdy WRAPPING SERVICE HPll 0le managemtfL dis dflhClflll And also We cant ludge we 101 know Fastor Validermeerls not againatlhe giving do mwe send outgreeting oardstopeopl gururapping same is being offered halrd Er cake decorating oommonjsense whatson themindsof ttlepeopleouthlere on the of sins at Christmas as long as people are we see every day daily until Sat Dec 23 at Upper Canada Mall gifiinliggrnaytlihliflcziisagggsgflu and qulmng 5mm 11 Maybe the way °f CHEM about the mullvalhm He allld We fight for parklngs cos to ll celebrating the birth of Christ who knows As Newmarket orynized by Epsilon Omicron chapter of the Bela Sigma Phi sorority The sorority is donating money In the Newmarket Library building fund On Dec 23 Lisa L0 chief realizethetruesplritofgiftgiving people should mmugh mob in crowd 1mm they play carols in their store maybe that give to someone who can give gun in return dated rudely by our brethren we gm becomm their chapel Maybe for month they There are many agencies which seek to Wmdows minors and shrubs 381 llemelldmls Billllhlal f1 by in relieve the suffeng of the world and would say enough neon ugh the any The King campus at Seneca Collegerwill hold opal house and registration for parHime courseeTllurs Jan mm 730 tomo lihrarian will make the draw tor handmade their stares or when theyre decorating elf this is what our aim should be It is sometimes And mist new the fact that wear alyran oftered by the sorority WTOHRSSYROHNRYER churches difficult to succeed because we are part and supposed to he energy crisis And Th Pl PTOTrEnY counsr new Lib heyquemmunfh Lecgréviefgu Fatléer fig 531110 5lIchn ChIYSOSWm parcel of the world in which we live gm of the fact that meme somewhér ne rec othen Guild is ac or so ere aabeenare gppucaumfmkaimmdudm mflfi meetllg entitled nit Family Relation to the 0m Maybe the one voices are still the will dle in tire caused by Chrlstm Breastled Baby may interest you informal awakening of Chrlsllfln spill1 in the community ta llgh potterycconducted each Wednesday mm to lo au pm The mede malaria Wheel discussion wiu centre on how to manage those 81 Chrlslmfls and all Year mmgnmnmmmm And In sun crying in learn to llrsl hectic weeks with em hasison the entire This is the first year he has nolhefltd people Wg he 1min of other modem Christin gfiyagsgjgm 04 family as well as tlmcly tips tor mother and tell him they wished Christmas was overs gamer 35 XMAS mm SUNDAVDECEMBERM baby The meeting will he held Wed Jan lo Children he has spoken to duringbaiiventtarér CHRISTmMI 01d Chum Diskem in mm ID to 1130amv lorirltormation cull 478 eXcited about recelvmg presmta mos Chrislcmsnsvzrelrvircese Sufiffifffl fliflohgfmf 23 them understand the gifts are symbol 01 God strrmmhm calendar will be almmuw SATURDAYJANUAIIY in gift to mm mnmnhnmflnmnmmn would become The century Social Club will hold Pub Night If anything the commercial onslau is so we emu to vmm Edition or Sat Jan 13 at the Legion Hall 701 Srlgiey St to the church occur to m9 shgh3ra=g3aabilgemy atme summit anatomy $25 335 35 families brought firms flefiuiiii iflfirfilm think its almost backlash he said mmhnn gay cum win he mauled 5m bullet bar cosh door prizesxAdmission costs try and create all enjoy the meaning Dec 74 at prn W30 vallibe 393W Its rllceto get in the church and getaway from the teen of on stmas ffggsvufiymmm bycrm 5955652 the noise and Santia Claus and all the noniteaise aid Volunteers And 59 madman 8th will prescnlurm finalizewwnoif Firm 3353 FflDYMNUAM I9 ml mm Eve have NEWMARKET for Christmas gilts or outward to our fellow man to sh on D2 my pm use me he new The Auxllllary to York County Hospital will someone make me k9 50 About as lnmillea across needy lamlllos After something with him tot fear of be time hold its dinnerdance have Boat Cruise Night the 3811 showing the dam ml link some York Region will have needs are deteer by rebulted SATURDAY DECEMBER on Fri Jun DTI NewmarkelCfinfifiilW geople woutdaaylnetotcour Mommnmuiwmaa Writer in family Would we like Good King Wm531 nmmium OMUmm hockey Wm be Centre featuring the music of The Ken Jones reathe Innkmlhe the maybeellslblewrecelver invite onder peasant into our homes mum Sat Dec my when Swmm am he Quintet Tickets are avhlléblc at Hohins Rev James Smell of St PauleAnglican Fondly and ldrans lgilt oonslstl at bowloggmelor whamvernwu my Bum Elam mo pm in me mom Pharmacy the hospital pharmacy or by calling Church also sees spiritual awakening inSernllcteafolgork Ion air ray dinner lldrens mm Arena Admission costs szlor the adults ti for WSWBgflmorsmrleyChum 9727 peoples utilities wards the mam $135032 Md 8dm nk adbo afraid that yo children and students For advance tickets call 9933 Chrlllm perils rgfaci is totally peasant W0 rape and P111880 and 7751369 or assaults FnIDAYDI€CEMflER2l Sevl lycors ago it was common to dress mum momma by Mum mu homes and gamma Softy yond suNDAYDECEMuEn3l The Hm Valley Square Dance Club will the Christ as ageant in the modern idiom mum year volunteers Mm and mm Md wasnntlmeisalyfiflon Army F0 church will combine their allorta tor hold New YWSEVE we lhe days when Pageant cm are helpins the CAS and other oblecla are all Thor lsnnothel thins bothering New Years Eve Festival Praise on Sun 1mm am to Admlaslon contact50 dressed like treet gangsto tell the Christmas wrap deliver and shop donated contemplate the changing Christal ml at lloit Flee Methodist Church 530 WEICWE °°l 595 ry ver nnd people are favoring more tradition igllt ol the evening will be the communion historical Interpretation of the overt Our old triendnSanta Claus has to liarvic sAruiloAvlANlJlllva pm 12 The mm mm The auturr Julia and scouts will llalda bottle Wm 339 pasta Dnve wam Senors serenaded WM everrmkaed m8 mm commerclflllsm obscures the mm NEWMARKEI in our llt id overlaaungmldnlshtlrlpstobrlngsoolll Christmas and alimalel people fommer The residénts ot the down our chimneys lrlenda and relatives mgl hmngglmm not militile meieglhfimi sool tan in est so I¢ ow flWflflWW Wm raoallxgd an tinny ggggynregggghgglmfi mild gymes Decembellfgdth atmns rasan on Friday is til rain of 3351 reggfnrmm gr concert the va mun Em mgr band electric piano Iloh Organized try Mrs Clary Reader on vocals Florence skoiohcr us an oltanotlvo to the re ulnr The lid filayfld No bum wny can Spools than 80 Mill ha llcta uwmlmfl cl supra my appreciation Scott and Hope woo wci received by tile lhchflflhti the R0 51 me who saw and to lump also Tllunsmv lANillllv drive Sat Jon Plensé save empty holtlca tor neglatruuon tortile night school wlnler term pick At thfikmus time Our hmvts are liked With ove omd Nop re Amdeheev= Skeleher lead guitar and Mu roaitl Moithohulldln Slmcoasmlinnnd ho rllvorclse Mi East who mot set grd Home Canaan mfopmflfiomg mmmg flac Flhllltl oils buttoeuoo bk Lde Zzfinfi llvo rhhnthlncoldsgmit trolliimilio Into Ito ort Mr Bell come proupunddoaanthaveo KennedySomomiiaoo Whanunr ML To use Uttruoghotrt recording contract but thlnaoaalheyiiraandaskJdofiatl kc cox flgygthgtfilmmm their in as on high wily while others lion Pepperth lhoy wri and portorln thlm that never were MH sin Mot 190011me Iolno oi tholr own and out why not l1 ch in oilmhdrcill ant materm but much as mean wathol rt dtdhtglinnttohoitw dodrmsyrzlihgflllggiiroaam

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