fiennrmmmmwomwmmmm Traveller fllL 427 TEAQMUHMLOU can take anywherel Consists or blackandwhlte TV AMFM radio public service band cassette AoeherTnéT 68 receiver public address band and nuiltln battery charger Car cord included Cassette the t0 If 943 Lizsgzigizfizigzvggrsf 36129995 HereIare inspired ideas and1héy° re all atEatons Dontani¢i Philips Miniconverter 2mm Lets mrlurg into the extra channels as well as the regular ones Fits all makes ol sets with UHF tuner Ask lor the PhillpsrcabletoUHF mini converter vat Eatons today Moder CTC1 Note that you must be cable TV subscriber to use it Each Dept 460 VikianAMIFM LED electroniqciocT radio 426 Lets you wake to musicornlarrn60minutesleep ii ismtch Snoogbar torgive you 9minutes extra sleep Fast slow time set buttons Earr phone jack lur private listening Slide switch 10 highlow dim mer ModelCRSé Each 3995 Viking multiband radio 426 Salecls AMFMATV air weather pollce CB Slide rule tuning dial LED band indicators AFC switch lor drill lree FM Jacks lor earphone mic input Operates on house current or with battery not incl Model PR23 Each Dorchester stereo record player 426 Plays 33 or ASSRPM adapter included 100 solid state amplilier Separate elllcienl speakers Headphone jack Slide volume controls Removable hinged dust cover ModelFlPSO Each Memorex recording tapes 596 Model vcreo Speciallyrpriced to let you stock up Ml79 Eaton price lor Mrvrmi um no in E0 Dept 260 PHONE 86151H EATDNS Jerome Eaton Centre 6th Ilpor 260460 Yorkdale Scarborough Sherwey Don Mills Shoppers World Ware house Store Sheppard Aire Bramalea Oshawa Rockwoud Rexdale Dullerin YongerEgllntun Victoria Park Gerrard Square Pickering Sheridan ummznnm Nuimnlflu 1mm Cassetln 90 min and IT EATON C° Inviflnuwmd wn WfiEATONSfi i5 Santafs Store 930 9301 Eaton stores open tonight 00 930 203360 13 gg eatensprrgimzsazw is Check these tlmes Satori Tfronto gaharva Don Mllls rorkaale Shoppers world 861 51 gun on re 00 woo Toronto War it to the Store hours YongeEgllnton Rexdale Gerrard Square Scarbomugne firmer er for your nearest Eaton Pickering Sheridan Viotorleviark Sherway