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RBWHHIM James Banner WITCOIIGIIII Mlkq Brut gnrdln Paul Er fill Flntll l6 cogkrallr Gary Tomllnwnl WHILCIID CARY Lllllhlrl 75mm Llllan fimnklln Mnenlim Hon Pin Durouber tideul uro lOmJAakhL sh Roper Roblnlan mm Gran Henderson Wayne Lavls nnllmm Alomt Brent Slewnrl Steven smurl own an Won Franco vrollom Brian Show ed tonsilnoun lollowlpg are last results from The Gmuldlock Brian Mlllar avn crollannr Irilflfmllal Danld1 Auto Mark goroy FalrhWh David Mitchell Klrk Havklnsil Markings sun Yonnafl Spurn Ind cm sunningr Idol LEE Garry Thorhurn steva alolrl lM Manama TAIDNL Blnnlll urnv Yyler Pllle Brian Thor bum Mike toss Mike print its your mortgage Ofoneperoemonaisl orznd 4Tnortgage doesnt sound like much bul over the years can add up to thousands of dollars Your dollars Thats why itll pay you to ialk to us before you take out new mortgager After all il is your money and thats no small thing VEREO Mun VICTORIA f0 00 190 er ears lC man MR TRUST Newm Barrie ZlTSteve Patrick defeating Thinrith +1 MAJOR PEEWEE since Gosse had the Newmnrker humped 5mle In rhvasArlzltEEigess 33 nawgrgxan and Brad Sullivan not Greg Drury Evan NEWMARKEN halLliflkfl Newmarket Richmond Hill 72 other Camucran 5mm manage und Mm Arum novrcsn Itwasa EXILEIDSE chad the Newmirkel Bolsby rim Callaghan RICHMONDHILLI defeated Orllhflm wfinmrrdresrr an Minima checking game but small and Andre Cleghorn ScottCoIeled the way Hurst Anthony Simpson Kent Judges Mike whim Mm em wmm WM 439 MLNDRATDM banged in goals or the uNemnrkel tied RichZ and Paul Patrick were Jolllmore and Chris nichmondrrurs Ted Colle gnd nnoiinrnutotonrroyaL EVEsLuMBEni Newmafkel squad mondHfllHJdLamb rheolhoumm Scott 198 Mam Street Richard Bangle 19 Mike Kennedy has in AURORA Mmonmncrsr nndKI Emuson had the NEWMARKETT HYDRO Newmadter vld Noble Chila or one rapléce but lone Newmnrket goal Evan Bobby was the BARRtEs other Newnjlarket omunns mmNHAMZ 8955104 nun0M In and Jaey Markham won on to win PEEWEE leader win two goals as Kinsman markers Anthony Simpson and Todd Pm and Chris nwgrethe snipers the game or ALLIED HEATTREATS Newmarket pasted Scott Dnnsmore and NEWMARKETI Paul Porrth notdled two Scan and me only marina NBWMARKEN RICHMOND HILLS Aurora 71 Scoring the Jack Book notched UNIONVILLEZ npiecem Newmsrketsj Newmarke goals ma Hummus BRADFORD Nawmarket held the other scalar were Tim singles Baffle John pom and gm lriumrh over Cnnm 1055 the hands MzrnberCImdaDcpmiIlrrsuranuCnrpommn rsswnotssnm Derek Grant Kelly leadlhrougnautthe same McGowan Greg Dmrv cmmhedemrw Cormormdrpar my Jay mum ann Jim roumnorn Sorenson and Peter but endede tyrannicn Brad nolano Mark BARR an Newmarkez doubled HuIst and Chris Paine nvnnor Pvlak mlchedslnslesas momI Hi 55 my Seam KNSMEN hadtheotherNawmarket monmnus yea and Chris Nowmarkeland Brndlord WilsonJeIIVonrlergrorl Callaghan Newmankc caulan $011533 our markm Bruce Kmle had two so deadlocked 33 Dean Sampano DeWnne EVE SLUMBERS find the not sill nlght PEEWEE for pair as Newmrket as Burgess NOVICEB Smalley and Tony 1W5 BANTAM nswwlnxmr deadlocked Thornth as during er NEWMARKETI Powell kriotchiir the $01$31 Tfigflhxs figrtslfdliEfllNlis wwsmpnc RICHMOND IL Harper Shnmons and oertwrzon mater THOBNJONL Newmar NW TANKS Chris Néoirersrnred Todd Peat 52y Emmi um Derek Lang on made JUVENILE rad findWANT mm lumped DRILL three muss ns ror lire Hydizulfiimles his dehul as me pRMAsTcoNCRErE Armstrong were the In thélfrilfio pariah Newmnrket goals late rally unsswrrOLEsM Nevmarket guahe and snipers as Newmarlret and desplte PM paid all us he shut mum mlme Ajax 52 wuldnkcome back as AURORA3 EVESLUMBER Thornhlll won 52 Jelf ha Thuran out we Steve Galloway THORNIIILLI Sandercock and mm Eves Lumber won Its Murrl had the Bainnd nm theteamvlts lirstvictory big night in and Tom urs MyhodtheNowmukeLnala as fire lhe goalscorers as vamarket goal Cast Concrete edgedsfivmhmwwwmww risen run 5r Ontario nu 10 Hi to fluid lunhnls bvls Dr mlrket In ism Mina ESTAT WING lLING INOING RAISING Ifyou as driver were askéd wdescnbqa Canadian winter chances are your answer would be unprintable Canadian winters can be bitterly cold treacherously icy and all too often theres snow up to youknowwhere While most Canadian drivers face this one common problem not all cars sold in Canada have the one common feature that canhelp alleviate that problemlhat is front wheel drive All Hondas have from wheel drive Chevette MedianIbon Datsun Mazda wm Volvo and most of the other carssold in Canada dont Charge2 Klicersf Basically the difference is push versus pull With thetradi PC lo propgforce nonaLfmnt engine reiir wheel drive system the rear wheels try and push the car through the snow Wfortunatelxm Io lrlls roomy all thats over those wheels is an empty trunk they tend to ride up on the snow while the front wheels sink because theres heavy engine over themWith Hondas front wheel drive systemjust the opposite is true The engine is mounted over the drive wheels so the weight helps the wheels to bite into the snow and pull the car through it And because the wheels that are pulling the car are the wheels that are steering EF laces IOT SUI Wm re rum reaS°5 5W5 mgyo nas exmaY 77 the car you get better steering control But car does Georg appeal not make it through Canadian winter afterwirlter by seeks leave front wheel drive alongle do that and live to ripe old gumde age it must be able to withstand rust Every 1979 Honda Vim En is guaranteed for three years against rust perforation due to cor rosion caused by manner or materials used in building it Ask Honda dealer for complete details Hondas also come with manualchoke for easier sturtingin cold weather reductiontype starter threespeed heater Andan electric rear window defroster All stan dald Canadian winters and front wheel drive are just two of the reasons why Honda Civ the best selling small car in Canada There are plenty moroYou can see for you ell by coming in to Honda dealer for test drive and talk with one of our sales people Youll lmlflhat our sales people arent pushy But then Your edrlidnflour MrwsrArrlr HERES WHY 00000 THEONTARIO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIAHON ll they dont have to be because their car has got pull BEITER HondaYou dont gettobeN 1bybe1ngsecondbest no1aEsrLymigcgfileadlragffss rm inn rm 2331 hlyfs Honda Pi Build 139 lungs Street South Ilawmarlrol Ilnlarln oi 4W3 3934500 y= N0 BEST FRONT PAGE IN CLASS N0 BEST EDITORIAL PAGE IN CLASS readihg small urwmnmrnmou 355 nuionnillmo n53284oiuiirisuont627 YOURDISPIAY 0R CLASSIFIED AD REACH 23000 HOMES