fiémarhetfiheatramtre Non5axlianse wereknrias directed by Paul Asphnfl Va the last inurpgrtormsncea last Gary Sinclair as prominerantlllil Ollen as stage pager achieved an eye pleasing set and Fay Vina and Valerie soylr dressed the set to perfection Hart Dannie John Domitialll nonrrt Vial and Bob Pansy spent hours on the oonstmctionfoiithefisamra tobe ulirnrynuilding magi pf TineTimon special comm nswnaaKrTPLazk FuLLv nausea usasaeclatseaelonnlnngrwhq orSirioinSiaak Dinner mrnooxnoeariluurur marine CentreiLJstest slab production No Please were British Tum peru W119i 7A iornpanca at Nawmnrket completely sold out toialprnrhictim costs for sexficrlmev dir group seminallimos ntast at Accordring to Gillian moralnonay lrom No Sexjine next production sourkmsapokeammiar Pleascweresrlush our in what looks to he the theatre group the to the ralatively iow Newmarket Theatre Musgraves vDianne lyitsDreanL copt us play hy dehumi ighLLDream more Amigos said revolving had had only two Mrs Rourke mutinous soldierrettha moi the cmtnry andl fair grisly gfitlwar ngnnt Musgraves Dance will wobably he more ex pensive tpproduoe ihnn Midsummer Nights SerguitLMnsgravet Dance will behaldat the old towu hall on nutrient St Dec 11 at $0 pni Ediearsels will tart area or two later the play will he pct termed March iii 11 1s11 and is in the ol town hall NoSex were only in the like lavel soon we said runsli£LLHEtDV WW completely sold out as anthem nishiami the play We had to turn people away every night and had waiting lists evxy night too she said This production new alters the record books as the most sugessful prodilction evrn stagedby director andrdesignern David Lawton is to be complimented on his setting up thenewly installed light and Joilnd systen and Barbara Milnavhendied the complex lighting with smeltivity BoliFinney made the most ofthe necessary sound controls rut addition to the ime presentation Maureen and John Wuiiakewere hosts for party or the cast and crew at their residence on Henley Cr last Saturday lliQlLilflfl the per formance congratulated yours 3th was matum The lluron Heights Secondary School produdion oi Guys and Dolls in starting rdiearaais with musical director Duals Kara and drama director Locky McPherIon Patti Cooperlalheplsnist Jeil Allie is Nicely Nicely Johnson Greg llohmn Sky Masterson Mike Marin plays Wesson two very Natlla etroitDehhiennnnaislsSarlh Brown am nmlmnmmrammnradunl mm um Nancy Maori will create the choreography and Candyn Enlie will be costume designer and wardrobe director Susan Lent will he in charge owner ntrmmmmeoctinn costs in Celtics most proiitahle Dream according to The NATlQNAC TAP DANCE co OFVVGANAIADAfSi EHEARTWARMINWG islVELY NEW MUSICAL ITEHETIN SflLDiER happy coiortui adaptation oi the Hans phrlstlan Andersen Classlc 4QWHALL7£TLAWBENQE NTRE DEC 1935M will show you En of aer ions moan and Jo have painted on location Hden received her formal training at the Ontario College of Art Seneca College iiirem Greg Paul and John Hall nthoiSchneider school or Fine Arts and from Jack Reid Anita AGarsonendJohnlsenne She is very busy lady embiung and in structing at the York Fine Art Gallery Snowball Village Helm also ln structs an interesting mmfirl mill oil painting or children at the gallery Exhibiting is very firijoyable OF HelenanL The show band sailor band are into relearsnls and tmtative date for production has been SE for Feb 15 is and 11 Guys and Dolls the smash musical preamted hy Theatre Aurora the past two weeks aids at The lactoryTheatre played to lull houses each perionnnncerlvhera was also a7 waiting list every night in case anyone can celled he casrwmIgeTonatheriargests in this area in some time and among the list were four members of one inmlly Les Patterson played Sarah the Save Soul Army girl Jim Jr pinyanioethltmolezlflgle syn the drunk and Mark Patteron portrays Big Jule emnfiwhekeepstheaflionmovinanM floating crap game Collin Brown Michael Hitch iii5k Wood Brian Burton Pete Meslerol Tom Fines Jerry 5mitiLandr atLWnoiLazeJhLothel kilogram ADVENTURES or ule Dec 24 30 3i 200 PM Aduus loo Performances Dadmsm ildren Spafilaichlidvsns Dan 21 27 526 130 PM AduiiaSADO Malineosu hrs 7300 PM onllsran 8250 My chaqualmoney order payable to the SI Lawrence Centre In anciosed Ami DATE IME ADUL CHIL TOTAL and Fieaae charge my 2nd choice ChargeleSA American Express Exruntoala Send to Card No 81 LAwnEncE CENTRE 50 OFFICE 313957 assnza TORONTO 5515 Maine Mmew Plumnation mm ull Indium moiopaieanudualalmalilm neidly mg Talepho in the past she has par ticipated in art shows in King Aurora Thornhlil and at theyCNEdmd has received many awards Thspntario Arts Council has awarded two Ontario Grants to Helen to con tinue her studies at The Schneider School of fine Arts Jo Iveison received or ram Hall The Mary Schneider School at Fine ArtsJnck Reid and Margorie Sorokn of New York Jo enjoys working with watercolors and liils hit prefers the different ettects she can create with watuoolors Both she and Helen enjoy working on location especially during the beautiful tail and winter months Every artist has the favorite spot where he JoanneSpitrE makes line cameo of the role of General Matilda Cartwright followed by her Mission Bond of JackIeDiaaio Sue Meaoock Pat Seougall and Marliynne Lainey Laura Barrett Lee Henry Sharon Stephens Shelley McPherson and Mary rriru are typical night club showgiris who perform at the Hot Box Night Club The New Yorkers tourists bobby soxers and juvenile delinquents small roles but well rm sJiln Stanhury Kim itsworth Clair Jones Annabelle muly Eadie Henry Marg OConnor Gloria Watérson Greg Heptinltall Warren Dove and John Clement John Clements musical director for Guys and Dolls for Theatre Aurora is the music master iorSt Andrews College He has been three years at the college and duriru that time presmted West Side Story and Man at La Mancha InEngland his musical background imludes productions of West Side Story and Fiddler On The Roof at the Lntymer School North hindon He was also one of the original members oi The Moody Blues siamng INGER NILSSUN as PIPPI wrlh an SundbelqMarlnPeusnnBasaaonlh wowsnanrnlnsu wine mm mm Dlleated by OLLE HELLBOM colon av MOWELAB no coworlgmons um SAT SUN MAHNEES AT 200 ONLV NEWMiiiiKET es can really relax and nun create and in Jos case ARLFS this is her kitchen if she NEWMARKET isnt there painting you will find her on location Although iloth tiles ladies work together their work isflvcr lerent Helen paints an abstract flai whiie the pieces that Jo creats ha very dreamy air abo them For years now Helen and Jo have been very active members at King Crafts and are now beginning paint and work towards the Kim Crafts Spring Sale Ellery Monday In Newmarkel Community Centre lntermaiion Prince Charles students and stnii will he pmtlfltheir annual Christmas concert on Decl it lat130 pm The school band and senior choir Visited Massey Hall Nov 23 to listen tothe Toronto Symphony Orchestra Parent teacher in tfivlews are now being sflifiduiéd for Dec Royal imcoe Lodge an Tavern OFFERS YOU ill Hifl $1395 $1495 lobster dinner $1495 includes lobsters per person Prime Rib roast dinner $750 SP Lll $895 SurfTuri Lobsterioil dinner 3955193 Early Birds pm Regular games too pm out ifiscéaliisa on Club Steak dinner $550 nanny llunt 533 bygdlnnemnglud Lem Forogreol 1759361 dmg CRISP GREEN SALAD choice of dressing POTATO if GARLIC BREAD BASKET COFFEE OR TEA spacial Surlarnrl Full Course $850 ends meel without indulging the Pondemsa Because Pandeis ls Canadas largest steak house chain we are able buy irrhuge quantities This means we always buy at the best possible price and pass oursavmgs on to you in fact we be you cant make steak at home for less In mesedgys pl penny pinching 35 Its difficult énuugh in make both Family in luxuries like steak But now theres iamin Steak House in iiéwmarkei where you can eat like big nder wilhoul spending big place is got tree parkingxuesday nighi specials daliy luncheon specials and even special menu tor the kids And it you we dinner and you want ii In hurry hurry over to PonderosoWe make every minute count Were knovm tor our last iriendiyservlce with no impingever llyourelookin lorawelldeserved break imm kiic en chores and are tired Giiile plasticcoated num rum or most lamin lestau ran take l00iatus Ponderosa features mstic brineblamwarm wood cascading plants and cozy nvaie tables that give nadlananieetingMelv GreatMenu MM Sitv iota Staakbnml lunchavflills mqmumumm snowman 12 59 upon slur ly Izu Edfifiééafi 62 mull WM rm €L$u £521 Msmnm illh run ham oi riln Wmkumm MM 19 mum huh burn or nymmn WWW JunlntflulquChnwrnuukpauron mm mw Mr mm mm 5c 5mm some 35 Mm WWW mdmn 41er MM mix Wm uymmmnm MinimumM MWHHFNWMW Runs pm nilwnrhlnst eo fitflfilfiflm mu mmynnnswunrm no LulaCmfihtu new um SvhnlamSleIk arms was mtiudl Wm rm halts mil aliynuanai ulndnol um nnealtuadhal 5s ell Snowing Como rm NIKE til rawd nus wwunmmmm an in him Imzhlmn mumswrun Iron Relills on so mushreamnmL ii DESSERT Uiiiiligiciii Di iluilrocklnii Dinin anldboncing Live Enierininmgil Friday and baturdoy PC BAND FEATURING ROCKY will now for reservations 4764003 lBALake Drive Keswick Suturflily Night Special Prime Rib Full course So come onover to your Pondelosa in Newmarket Al Ponderosa youll get great deal more for whole pi less Email whit webackeve Yongé Streetust south of Upper Canada Moll