Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), December 6, 1978, p. 13

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ET gap an berm iiie7iead7wiliia ifi chmetéllfe Inthe second iI won7 Coloulalgat goalefrom lyingf I7 hairpin up or Cam se or haulmnnflegmcl aasi iI Inf Ednalmfir and Jlm Ea Ni kl 33 seem11y Tfimglllmam me7°mm85ued ilnoin IHwlnovgr eurunga 7Treulhlen end Dun finial 7aco5ecli Ron dnmiegec ii hznfiwh icoliinIaLeJ Ini 373th Gléfiond on gnaia by New Cerrulhersfforffllflllngv Mclnnle replied or lwice marinara AT TH ellllwnwluez htandkmxi Norm uwnsgl and flux The teams traded Rim Fii endéd lhe Bluavllle mmgbackagbdww IntWle TutuF om mung enmi7mnir7m gaminuieiiiaipeaioiaa spomigfwffinlflmfin The llilrd arioiisaamda goal and Kelly COMMUNITY CENT necking Ior Calbnlal mkthelend again RAP 1° PZTAVILLW maize hm Mil banged iiii9 ARMSTRONGSI rm Mme 1787 and of the Traulman nnil KANDLSPOMSE Bellamy notched lian smi Manning is $352233 7REALEETATE5 final artery Gm $153 coinilgrea apizfiiryuigawxledlvus goal nniiaym Iiinlbeiore lire Mfido consee 5501153 mil in win 7777 EIIIEIILIIIIIIIIII We LIVE IIIIIIII 77 Les Cheleson deiilaol Smelvufihesnmen 778W $35 the rEEeconiIiliieiiiriniliriisaiin Arm7 gag wllien they can latback Bohhfif unrgndwgft an early In lead but iell Ifimflfimfi 781 ANNAH ms mm Bum rill mega figgfflgfigg in 337e ll Holiiaage and 7Bruce ipiamaililn scored for 313 MM She ADDED FEATUREDOCHERTY DISC use izzev iii After 13 limes it poinia lo kr my Reimfilnltr PURLINGSBUILDERS IIieliiird periodisew The second frame spurts and lo Colonial lamina 10 JOCKEYSEHVCE Brlen sag period Kane notch iils second of saw Barry Bellamyand dominated the In leanloop MINE by or Sani il erred sew Lance Perrln nnd TRAUIMAN ELECTRIC tli dJ TlfKHsINOLUnE lllll HOLD BUFFET re CE liriiien uie cuneson gaye Armstrong oozifl iiIllfihligrfi 7321351er iIVizxviiigffl fililiieda pg 21313 $533 and Emu sror nAIIcEuinIlIiII IIIIIZEsPAiIrv EAvuulis FOR oIILv 535m cIIUIILE 777 77 77 Erurncmnnrsfim as MSAPPOINTEb GET THEM How wiiAllKEl oallmiil Menarclll Armiiznaconilrucliai psswés An Blultil erian sliouier Rubble Frllly Aurora no mm mm 5m2rz¢2i 4373 serumEssa IrziIIrgmisr milséofilrxfim Tm JUNEWME 32 Is Afflh CW 27 Tommy Dav Granl Rabble MalhEu Vameflm Wm Ewan SEW Farbam Brownli MynonIiii nullii Lulon Oldilmln JACKnUIE MK 89547410 deadlockedwllli in coinniai ChevOld r4 Eioalrie James Dolmen 796 ledr Sh mesh Garland Alan isma McBurn Paul airrris i2 Johnny mm ml M° °° VWJGHESTIBQEIMI 75me el EIIII comm Hm Mum mnmu Loirm ANSI lJohwsarlwm nave on lemlrhl LIons paler 77 Muff Steve Downing agile SmllhT il VICE Scroll Rambo opilriiln Nevin Mfirch 305157 fllreur Corey Bend llleerfilsunI mam 77I Jlrmnln cable rv V5 SET lad lJosEph qunam Ppul Gillbvlll slam vlciorinn Grey 3903157 roanelk Harper Paul following are the Name sleven mlcoaiel Irrrii last weeks Rllnnlnulr Sflfl mihefiewznifléei Knnnv carrier Opllmlsl RoyIi Blalr Smllh em ill Kilb ChrisMan 77 any Timmer EulLE Frau HDD QMB Knewre lPElEISandercock slevbn Rananii Jasen lilierson Re Loriarmrin Karl Mimi Armilronu Green Valley 6mm sggL iriii Donna 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i9627rocnereiiocrioiryilunmaroscyisva2337i971777 3995 more an mm 25775 2351 BYLAW NUMBEli 7864 noninminaiaiironirrirmciniinmi 79 2745 This biq zgelassmellad spew lire has leayByway lread Ilia really makes fun ol winler drivingo Mill Nylrmplles lor peace7olmind selely 2935 2555 30501 27451 3030 2736 mm 257601 BEING BYLAW NDERNING THE REMOVAL GROUP 2d 24F 196270 luIIASize Chev 8r Punliac lop lerminals $qu ll V8 283 l96577 lull7slze Dodge 95 Plymuulh E7cyl V8 273 318 1965777 lullsize Ford Whilswall Mercury Meteor 67cyl V8 289 302AII197177 Dalsuri Ell all 07314 2850 2517 0F SNOW AND ICE sin igslirr roynia 4cyl dlsceulll 3195 2545 FHOM SIDEWALKS may 7BVW73V PV am 29 is GROUP 27 27F l956177lullsue Chrysler 196577 Ford 95 3430 3068 ll Ellllllllll uF THE riiwii iir usr EWILLIMBUHV Pickrip Van V3 351 352 and 360 engines 3590 3220 Airniluws 19150 3372 in owner el any nurininn in me Munlclpellly ln mun 14197175 Chevrolet and Canaiirari Punllac ve 3057 2930 2593 leriiieriiral Commercial and induelrinl premise 197177 Camera Chm NM wrili chde and v3 395 509 32740 28788 Irrr WDIIC bulla and irio occu enle an WVIIlBWi 3490 3125 305 engines side leIrrlInal balleiles in la miin oaiiiy Including lhe aloresald Mr more each allerdlscnunl 387 3268 min inimim olmiiainga are hereby required lo oinar nwny 36730 34 fibfitmfir We snow and me sidewalks on PllCESIllElulJellanIfl Add $200 wullulilliaile lnslallallan 5150 extra strong glen ol snow lire wllh 80 95 rugged plles lDuPonl 56 Nylon Deepmolded sellcleaning lread gives plenly el pull in heavy snow mulletrm lfl lronl el7 alongnlee or el iha real or such ilfiéilahliirana wrilnn iwanrylour nourn nller the snow ar lce l2 lbnvlrleror occume snail nuqlucl or raluse lo mm Iris snow and lca mm lhe eldewelks wllhirl Blackwell DHCE WWIIr 01 hours alier in snow or ice accumulales am new he lo remove lhe snow or Ice is an oiisnce snow Travel mam la xwmwll IayraWt T7 77 WSEM law ul East Gwriiininirry may clear away rm we lime mow and ice lrom ma alanwnlk on any mm nan cl lllghway or my class lherenl in Group 22F Are13030043 77 ii imafille II II IeBI an Down or AddSZOD 97913 37513 6504 18 war war in oing or Viach lol and may recover me so am mm in we in iira as WIlm 309 Anal msb Blzszlcm Egg ffififlinm mm Oflers plenty power al moderale $7844 525 lawn ol Eaai ewillimnirry may cleel away Donl buy ralraads when you can gel 77 COST prlce Touglrlhinwell pnlyprapylane Replacement case wilh unllied unsaniBCé cover Plastic gang venls allow easy lluid lop ups Armoursealed lermlnals guard againsl vorllamlnalion i77iri Irma snow and ice lrom Ilia lIorIl walks and lrom the aldewalks an lhe mom in Maude or at me real or hullulnaa occupied by Guaranlee DI Innariin slxiy Iva yam nI age or over or oc lliaas leclarylresh7 ginnimrd Nylon snow Ilies el such low prlceLBulll Io make big lrecks Ihroiigli snow 5601511 F78177515 19 57815 92545 llquaii uni shown 777 mohair Jmmflmglnrlnslallallufl VMiaeiawmlmemylmucmammwav may order inn cluellrlq ewey iian removal and lco upon aucri Iornia nnii condlllone as may nadvleuhla Ir person convlcled ol brawl ol uny ol Inn 43 INB EVIIBW elmll lulloll and pay Ill 010 nl llio convlcllna Judan or Juellce al In Wall not exceeding uxcluslvo ul coals lrlil Hundlud Dalian $600700 loI ouch ollanr Wm WW and mm Em ol our new passenger llree an msi All our Passenger Car Snow Tires are hIIir slsnflafianmrerrymr WYED if Ema anon anon eppllcullon he almale Schmdewalm mounwumwlm Check llleéomplele benelil lelms ol our Tire lus$l700 We musl Inglell live and Warranty posted in your local Caligula Tire Slorgfl valve logsllier rliiii $2700 willioul trade H7774 iIssutIIlrE AnnSpill aanary wllh lube or cup lypa vnnung Ihil infiiinaiTnimi in In leL my rm MMlIIrIIMVflH slain HHHUIHH Epoxyanchoredalemalilelorlapperlormence 07 Cash paymen IIIInnaiiriaiiiyaiiiImlriiiiifliiiiwfi i75cronlilrig arrios TIRE Ll Sllllihi Ii SON lon tires Bonus coupons NEWARKEL If 25 DAVIS IiiIIiIE7 5954564 nIIIEcr SERVlllE LINE lulu1415 Allan Marlin lulu Meylillil cLEIIlI

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