Glnl ldl tm Io ha the about 35 an atlasnatlc altolzapucmtltra isxpertalce It ribar said the should urlfi the all in minkis III as by the and Share Ilen Mehl Rad lb aa page It Regn Project In Canada Pnpa halod He reeeII school with IIbaldlao ras LtCTION neponrs No grudges industry is tap chief concern next two years Ivebamtllmybtltn lot lsyearsand thee is urnedusaunaitandilthte waalwoddstllloouihthat mayouvaltdmew studalt ratlo youre to in isms to down that 80 neatyoartheycornelhdand hit you It bi salary raise and all youve done is ddayad it year Mr Oribar said ll the boarduvesthetadlmwhat they want it would mean tulltl bacllnothaarsiaaot treatice He said the board has cut back as rqiain to school bull in the past and he would the to see this dianste ll repairs are not done when problems become evtdutt were to find ourselvu in big mess somntay what bulldog is to need lot more rqialrs There was one school in see CRIME pale AZl Teacher board mediators are named TORONTO Two mediators have best ad temposer County of Distanti and its seemdary and Unitary leaders satie their contact otiattons pnvstdy labor relations cost litanl will assist in the talks bdwan board and the my sfiool teaches Gary ONdll radiate lb Ulivity ol anmto and lb Unmaty at Ottawa was to the dancitary Idsool talks Mamaythatahasshaasevydayjhaastaaada mil emuWham not Ill THE SHOE MUST GO ON Mthaveaaypahlewhealealaakhashaelthe mlthreflyfljaebdhflflauhtkw myTeplecpaayWTaIMePeterfllbaIlansa Yaw ssa Htssets Caelull Board will try to sell Muir again EWBWWAWsMuflwshnhmw NEWIARKET York Cotmty sdlool board will try to sell Alexander Muir school again tn time by public lads An atlaax last ninth bytheboardtn themty at an auction tailed what mane would it bid to matdl or exceed the boards rsave btd Accordir to Newmartel trustee on Criwl at least thrueroaleatatefimn havenow expressed interest J3 the popct but they not mu tyne nam ol the digits Wt At the maetuu at whim tnmaes dctded to call tar scald man held the day altar the Nov ls tnunldpal action Ir klbar united that to be Mable the tar den mint meet or exceed the ruerve bid The boards rascve bid is routed to be about 1101 Tcndas Will be called Nov mandcloaeNov mat tpm and calls wtll be advutlsal in tune area mapaptl lheboard noted It woulth necessarily accept the highest lath Alwdlllnlluvtidm law oi the commfittest me mad and are we abut Gaorflnas Kath ave the trustee the board was tryiru to give the propsty away Are we suppmed to pve it away accordu to policy he asked Mr Cnbar hid the board alts mm his amaldnlmt saunanasa bheaanaallalheNMWJAtlartht aretbeflhlyhtheshnaflkuayeflldm WWeetl that he ldt it was and Indicated what he has laced in his dltru to get the school sold After battling on this or two years you tthe boardr had better mt adl it or la than the amused value became that is what you have rattled the or he said Bayview Hills CA Guides had the top floats in parade NEWMARKET Bayvlew Hills Assodattm wtai raisinss lur but float in the ta Clai parade hese Satuday and it tool sevui yum sevai dwarts and the eddetamlnatiarl of Snoopy to lt Association entrles have bRn smug the top our since 1971 but this years ellort couldnt be beaten The presentation started with Snoopy IBernte Martini in plane aid with Charlie Brown Grq Bdlumthl In lardt ol the Red Baron The plane was lowed by Tasty Iarbn 0n the in that we Kdly Gray plath Snow White and the evil old unnamed by Morgan lavi dwarfs were portrayed by hayl Maximal Paul Sohaap Chm Waldal rq Wsldsn The om muntty Lyn Wllson misun Eustace and Graham Mm Nadine Marian plade the prince while dim her own horse Damee Walktr battle the Smopy float wee Jaquelme Mayan as adogandtieorgeflmnus bear All floral snsiuanaus and costumes an the floats wee handmade tor total cost of lists than two First prize was York Mamr won the second prise With an oldtime Christmas lloat Main St Madison took third wtse WIUI Star Wars thune and Circle Randi was Isa1h Lm with wins bd in same way Til the wt catqory the Girl Gut at Canada Newmarket Divtslosl csptursd top harm 5min went to Newmarlel ti tipslive Nunay Sdtml third to Newmarket Montessori School and fourth to Nevmarket Hint Schod The Aurora Llons Club wwi fin prise tr ammu the club dis ays the sound year in Followtr Aurora tn arm wee the Nevmarket hosts Club the Kinsmal Club at Newmarket and the East Gwllltmbury Optimist club Searstem the mdmtnal and bsmneas catqory allowed by Stunan ShoJnd Buttonworks the only uttry lrom Koswick The mattrial and seaVice duh first winss received trwhy Midi they keep one your The Aurora Llona maydtuwmatrophy lor but mapette corps tor the second year Milll name stand municipal oosasctllor la ls years she said Mr Fraaa curmtly the rejlons planning committee diamnan said his candidacy is Im ruditu the and there is clear in lcatloo ml would like to aae Mmbsitthsearealotol mnmtttad people Allthr podble carotid1e is Gordon Rosie newlydaetad mutual Milli la ludi Stole hydro two fined $1 000 TtiRtNTVl Nu button mm uhu appeared in Toronto murt last week were lined tor stealing HKlrltth mm Untann Hydro Alexander Kmach 42 and hi brother Andrew 19 owners at the mantle Restaurant tn sultan were min med $1 out and ordered in pa restitution nl ll UR each within month The ltl men wae also placed on tmhyear turn at probation in Judge mules tlpper aim heard PHdentP submitted tort Regional Police The murt was told that the two brothers were charged alla an inwstigatton lnlarto Hydra and York Hello detestne tkirdun Marshall and Brian tnustneau Both mat pleaded nol guilt in the charges The mminmn came alter twoday trial which hqan last Seplentba and had but ad yourned In Not in Tutimosiy revealed that the two mat had been payim tor onlyahosaaopscaitoldec trlctty bum used in In 1977 and ma hydro meta had been rewtred tn slow down registration at WWIr use Construction delays postpone library Opening NIWIARKET tithe Newmarut arylsayoosna In tune for the and renovated facility to be Dem ltothepanpte titlemax ysdduldtube raady mallNolel oatpleura date was lirst uttllDaclJrsdnnw didalasaythsbutui ht ytoberdyltrma dlnaeJaeraols Illhsrtantlsa baud tiiit hymn with activity 7r Were raaa worklnl onlllhave ta tupthenewshd up ughYmiiouficonu la7wevealllnlourjeamm Were really to be opal bdtae Gamm became we led lot of people wtll want the Christmas handlad like the llhary expatlat we is aevm da week to at the library wished betase tlb salary asumatu used in his taidu wee based at an Oct ll completion date so eaoh day hes Iatereducas profits tlsnl they we little misttc in thur utunatu said of the builders propcted Oct at date Friday workmen were laying carpal tn the pinion the new ths adult book With lb carpet down the new staeh halibutattuned andthebonhnowpiladtnthe new auditsdun put an the navaltnthecarpatliean beputdownmtheaufltaritan Thesjustnoway that canallbsdmslntwowastby Dac limtaln BC knell tubal Mardthewhoohaithdr Mm new lurlatiae now in lwfiugheddlvwedandsa at our deanw Canbeme Maoltheboohahavebem named with com constructtort but library wars will have to out cadt anyway and vacuum the builds bonus are tnpuntwlthth delays ta the library the calls waived an run panplewstlttohowwhullt monummetQtltsI The lttrary has 111th to honor commuments rnade belare Sqit lot the loan 01 films andlfiolecton and it still Wvu intalihrsry boob loan course serm daily but uaas camot ards bath on the savtce new the Newton facility Instead they intt llll otitanorducardatanqh boring library East Gwlllibury detmmd Hill Mews is she dined ntll the new year and the bone wtll be Hind to the Newman llhary unnat will lb ldqilaae the Helpst and can tech up Ill but