Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), October 11, 1978, p. 1

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non mi estate saltnun waiiitrd inflth my ll North York it hu beat or pmnrket lot to out he would like mount tiretire pimple at mid llllUfSlId in mm in tun tit mt preset council anvhlnfl at pros terp industriIl mi tu said are rt lot at new homes herP armt any In The only til tin is commute to HO ttgr had one un titd tor it tourictl seat iotilti ur betore the wt was armed is ii titrmbq ol the um wihrhet Ind mti JllOn tor the lituriul and used to War tor the not IITK1II lrtl has lived in It il tun Ind in pt turn on hhviiu iiui rate of tvtd populIttori it in reduction in tt4 shim to pIr artmis prognmt recreItton to ttett gutted rant wrllupluofl tn iflr llusttetl MenI Jatll and the Town Harley at itltlfflm about that paraits tit order that Laughtas an Ippttrturilllrs lirtdw in ice ttivi pfi hm Ads itlrttl igwlrallofl lee it resulted attit irttppirig lrrim ti on titirming ht some patod tit something More it getstmt ttl llll and An eitrcuttie tl lll tirk anh ill Pruittshite 10 tun ldltln and hns twluanY in the lite iiiirmttad Sditiol Am Retarded He is I1 til hr ewmarkd rt Lrgntt associate trim membership iieiei utuyit electim it or political olltce Mitrgnti mnnba Jiitfiu did he is mnlrmpldllng running Du It not matte mm tho and iii lhlh 0d pple lay in Cult Beaters will he lnutitovgiwn hirlt oill mean lot ol HE NEWMAIKEYAUROIAKESWICK OCTOIII ll W7 NEWMARKLT 45 Wednesday was McHappy Day all arms anada Is McDonalds Restaurants donned all pmceetk lrom the we ol Big MIC to The Scitext tor Crippled midrm The McDonald Restaurant in Newmaritet sold more than three times the usuiii number oi Big an McHappy Day 1000 oi them according to the mana Mike Moore It aeration raised $266 or mooted thtidrrn the mo Sweezie makes NEWMARKET thiLson Sweetie is stressing the sIme tues alter drOwIM out of the regional touitiil race and deciding to wok imtead regular seat on tvutttarket town council HP slid last Mlth his nltlt is prompted by lountilur Toni Taylors decision in rhiitiengi RI Twinney tor the Yan Region councillor position in NewmIrkeI ran in lsrtt tit reitttiit Ray Twinnejv tntm puhllt tiitti He has made loti llidli minutes he has too math codlicta oi interestt and lee he LINN very popular at this time said Mr SWRLIP le retired buslflPSImall He IIid Mr Twinne tin encourued great deal oi nouni in man resulting in the rind or more schmln and higher taxes Before Mr Taylor In nouncement he said mined on the only one running qatnIt him iMr Ntnne had rupomibillty to the Lou pimple who voted or me tri 1976 lhey wild or me became they wanted to remove him lrom dlice Mr Sweezie IIid he thinks tatuicillor TIylor hII an eit mineralle Mr Many have in In doom to tow ptiIllim to result in moon the to my Ind tn the FlvryeIrdd LhI Barrid II OIl MugdhtleIdIIAMWMyIel Tying III mile ha IiII the Nelly DI Ind BrtIn AnIlI Ir wl head unite Over as NewIr IIud Crippled kids benefit from McHappy Day Big Mm pita no drown1 into duiation butts in the rtslBurllIl The totIl fur the country wIs 36963 whtdt mun hungry anadiIns ate 75 Big Mm tut Wedncodoy ml figure represaits Him pounds at hIniburger or ions In Newmarhet there iiire celebrities galore ttmklns Ind servtng the doubledecks hImhIinzas patple such as Mayor Boo Furhan York North MPP Bill ouncil candidate hh it hr wrkllu setit or town rtiutitil It seems to be it logical place to tie to represent our liters he said with dotml he run tor unit on the 5th board the tourtooi most tax spending lie nplietl whit tan people on the school mom do ll housing is Kotng up om the other In lddlllofl schools are hetnfl built mm at inllntiomtn prieeo Mr Meitie aid net drieiopntent has also put pressure un setup facilities prompting plam tor the York DirhIm Ieinge Ichemet which he uya it In expertltve propoattton and maybe not neceIIIry There Items to be their time to help McDIIIIldI ll lhb ll th VOIL AI stillled III rib Dy MeDIIIHI IcrII CIIMI the In the IIle at every MI tendaid in The acetoty iiir Crlppled midn Ilmfl IT mill Cl an IIIIII In Hm dlice suit 1mm McDuulds hed office Ind In iwtui int poopie hunt the Newmnrttet Lions club sounding to Mr Moore During the supper hoarhemd we hadthe AmquIdors Drum and Bugle Corr playing on the lrml lawn and that sure talotolpm IEIII But despite all the we got tram those pettple it wIs the pwple ol the community who made the day sm said Mr Mtnre switch somebody in town who has great obligation to the builders to build homes Why Its in ens ton to get initial money but as it lIrsighttd approach ll shallow hmth ll not heneiitttn the pimple or Vrornortiet It iust Increasing their schooi taxes he said WantL to run for council MARKEI Hurtti HLh toot present too Tired oi the old riit race Want an eitriting lnlrlsllllp chalierge Why not run int municipal council All too have too Ll picit up nominaoon pttpor from ewmantl tuvtn Clerk Jrlnl Blight He has the plpnn now but he doesnt have opts the electors lllt Everyone who rum for public Olllceis entitled to two copies at the list Get it people who are on the elector tut or to who In dtpble to be on he ltIt tn Itai your paper hand it to Mr Dunn amt youre oil ortd The boilin la Klimt Headon collisions tgflkg lhree lives plain we killed and two dinbud ate critically in mlnllIthdonwllilmm Salinity One look flncean Don Mills Rd our the QueenIville WMM DdcaiIrrival It Yah Conny thttal We wee Mu Wheaa so of Amate St Twain Ind Henry Dummy 74 of Yarrow Rd ln aiuul medium on Monday in York County Hulk mtaiuve care unit wIs the the me cu Eldai Heldmil ol lndtIrtGrove Rd Tormta IltIo involved in the Dirt Mill Rd colliIiiI martvaoltheucondclrt AIIe Sharpe 50 ul RR Newmtkel Iitllered minor injuri The Newmarket Fire Departing wu dupatehed lo the Item to mute the wreckage ol the two can The we Metro idegla wrr omitode York Raionat Police Ire unmovlflu Iaimit but have IItd meal the two an involved in IppIrently traveflin II the wring ude ol the mod and diary Ire whim hrltq Saturday morning Inotha lItll heIdon crIsh occurred on Hwy near the Vandort Rid According to York Miaml Police this also tn WINTARIO WINNERS valved or lrlvdlln on the wring Itch ol the rind In Culhbertlon ol Marilnm tied It St mandl Holpttal in Tmtlllo mm received in the oolliItan panama in SuaIrt Jammy II in at Ierkfl brth ankle The driva oi the mound cIr harla flILIon UxMe iI also in Yuk County Hoopla in seriou audition with lq Ind internal lnfllllfl Both accidents involved car being driven en the side of the fold both had we tims that were trapped in the rIrs and had to be cut out by lirelightus and both was headon mllisiom Twin sis fers to share l00000 By PALL HlNT ErIIullrepurler NEWMARKET We may not All Win with Wlnlurio duptte what the commercials any but its ruce to mm the gum pnzeszrehtttinx closer to home In the Sept atdrti held in Wellesley tint lite urk Region residents picked up lot it pocket mane Four people including set oi identical twins lroni Newmarlet cashed in on two til the slalom grand prizes and testh ol Newmarhet riur sing home was $10 011 winner Erin sturge 27 oi hehmaritei is totiooing through on verbal agreement she made with her twin sister Ruse Fem and is giving her hit oi the will windfall We richer match the Wintarlo shov said Mrs Fern its at short the papers the next day Now that tio te oon well both be using to pa oil out mortgages she said The tin toroui agreemen orplttanymitutthey won in lotteneo The only time they hId ever had to call on the agreementwas about our years ago when they wort 8100 tn the Olympic luaery The only we haw or the money rig lnul Is to pa oitour many there sari Iell tiver well decide what to do With it then Slld Mrs Fem She said the winning lltlll was bought in Toronto near Bathurst Ind 5t latr No partners in Weston construction company Robert lIpe oi King tti and Adam Kunst or Vioodhttdgt also picked upxtoo out in the sept 21 dun spend between at and till month on tarious lot tenos said Mt Pipe and thtnit needed this an tutti to tweak even He said he would bu some property with his share iii the money Ethel Widomnn til resident NrwmIrIet Nursing Home on Davis Drwoi1 $1 in nitirilhl bingo gnme held at the mining home the Kinetics with that it she ttought ii Wintarttt llthll and won vi inldll pnie oi book oi uckeu she gate tuo at the tickets in htlok at and one oi the remaining thren was swim IIanl She mid she titter had that moth money belure and wasnt sure what ht mould tin with it Ill Lr to do tfllil K0111 oith ll though she said eiomrltrt lull RI lerrt ilelti Ind tutu tiiriu are hlrlnfl litttt one Ilier Wm Sturgr won grhnd prtie iii the ept 1n mum drIu The SIP hId erbIl afirrrmrnl ILi share their IHIIIIIIRI Downtown car show Thursday NEWMAKKPTT Mgln tong tomorrow Thlfhdu at in Math St nil hi chmd to tralllt so that mlnlldllh tdli put on rat httl teoiurtnii tluoie to ititt Wis dr Pidestrians um muted lti brth among the new ars There will he dlta stall rum local car dealers on hand The street will be blocked till lrtim ldrh Aw to alei until it iii summit Park Atl currenut under mitstrottton will hr ttport to tnllir during the car shot according to linin tlklnaon hdlrnlflll Ul the littuntumn Merchants stxtalllm lhaw ttmt insured ht lht tuntritlnr that Lhi with itit lark Ate hill in linished the Umt the shim open but it it isril he has inlormed me he uill NPiIHt his touipiit hi and open tit ninthtint pdpvx pit on it Ll dilll utt curlth tr might tutt mrite them is Mon tat 16 Then are leu con titttum that mint he met tiy thoe plnnning to run or tiflice tttst titu him ll be tandim tILllln or Hnlish subject tirire ttiu pass that hurdle you hint to he resident in the munlctpllil in which you are seeking elecuon ti ou Irv not resident doiit AtlTt ou have In tiut it you are In inner or renter of property in the mlllldfllllyJulhtmd In owner or renter that II it inks One more than you havetcbeilyunoldonor Mile the polltn day Ultflml illinnll tho that out Mr wiltimttn During the shut lht llilnhanLh titt poriminng ti totitw otth pmt at not hlth ton ix how in titttp or Main It mt utnmr uf mc me dmdm in out tor he will also rtitiw dltullkl Lilt domith tit iiiiiot tti thi till duhn muting titlAi tit uiit unitit tdll hc tiwi ill ih our tdl ul new air 1r Wilkinmit mid lhl lllanlUVAll ltrthnztt txititittri would like to see hr tdl hfil bevunir an onnmtl merit ttut ht added it lrprlitb pnllidlll UH him LlllKll ll witit thi nidltrr tallit up CAS budget under study tuutithht irlh Ktxitili titutnil Aili tlllllllicll ittitroittt tttt Mhttiwi lwlt in it tuttiiit wtorntttr tl utllltll mddc in ht Ilitltlrttt iti tltll llidl tititttitti latxlmd on tittruttrtitttttn titiitmuirtiu tlnlit ti llr tt tittiiptt lilll him till titiiii ittttittm tiw aimit tprrxttilk Mllllll liult nllHVI AIrklltll lktlmlt dn ititp ltiuncil I5 ttetnit unitrt it put tt per ttnt the pindtttirt tttd tht llnthlr tt tttttiiiiuttttt tthl stuidl VFllt lkid got mt pet trlll llI roport tit mom ti llliuibeth Erringtoti til eiw market thalrmltn ii the IAS board Ul directun said As Nprwntauves are to meet him the depth Minister tit tlnmunit Ind tll service Jutte Thomlon an Mari Mn to diIcuII the matter In Aiustt the nuntstry clued the payment unauthorized and said the provtnces share would be limited in III month sIlIry in mm tlltf tittittru tllll isittt him Nllll hr illtll tliiith ll to tilt gititrm titit ll mil uiiriti titit tlttlltli ilttl it thitm tit trtwl it Even affluence brings problems it too got out 04 breILh tuning the mpi beer boltln oui In the Ir smoc allele in uht too iiied pIge its Slti Patrol waxes up Inlrr it on it on iiiid mu an pet the ohii out and on them up Then when nu rr out on the open you In tii oithout norrv iiiiouiiiit that Klnd Robert nd hundreds oi other memben iii thr ttnurio iii Poirot hIir tour torture in mind tor dehlls pIXe NJ Form or school on the block ll tuiiti thr iirii lounh hard 01 It din llllNl truure limit Ilm tit mIIe up their mlndI what MI do itth the lrIIndrv Muir school No thei hue su mm nit pop FD Fillplay breIks records eIIIIIrIel Theire tentrr pitm reIl whim tor the Inopener Aer cerdhglaihetleauarer ol the group Hanoiinn up nreIm brute III retail limit on page in DIRECTORY fill I24 MI at CubII Bl Idal Mu IIAN

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