OFFICES TO SERVE YOU BETTER SOVUTHTOWN OEFI fiW MILL dnv Jam AREA Bookspiii nlce Ireed and fenced yard canvenlenl kllchen large bedrooms floorrloce ling slone replace In pleasanl lamlly New S7IVDO00V MELVA MlLLlON 8957331 MOVE IN and enloy Ilils compleieiy bedroomhome excellenl decor $90000 livners anxious Io Sell haul llnlahed rec room baths Quallly bulll hnme wllh bedrooms for FAlaULOUS VIEWS bedroom kyard prlvacy Selllng lor $53900 mal dlnlng room large llVlng room land bungalow on acres iusl mlnules lrom HUSKISSONMBJJJlFRasM magnum own Newmalkelv Feaiurcs Include large ealrln VALUE PLUS ln ihis bgdroom slorgx klicnen bolh living dining rogrns have home In Zephyr village Large lamlly room walkoullo 2nd slorey cedar deck masslve wlln barv Renovalad years ago wllh new lamlly room games room and sewing aluminum sldlng 50 and eaveslroughv room Healed 20 40 inground pool wllh glimmch lnsulaled garage pane and change rooms sniRLEv FIT Mlhjmohop Fenced ili above graying EERALD 89873721 011169 pool Well landscaped 66 lo5 Inl Asking 9900 JUST bid 368500MEL HOCKLEYWB 725 ILJW 4L0calekonvrqulolri rhflflflfllowifisnowplacr homei Gr 77 or roam mm 7wasllrrgoms rec room shows law as lollyflnlshodbosemenl like second llvlng room CLOSE TOKLL n9 exira bedroom rec room wllh AMENITIES MIKE or DAWN IRETON ace good alzed ioi RALPH 790030 Mnuie5 om ewmar at VS73 Res 8953037c ISSON 8957331 8519549984 Two bedroom detached home wellkepl Inlerlor Lol ls 60 5200 rented Wm many mature Irees Try $350000WN LARRY FROCTOR B95435 SUNDAV OCT lST BEDROOMS Newmarkel Turnlng Ihe lo EM eyd agilensl lhe way In Illeslyle of al bedroom brick bungalow on lanlasllc or egance Adlacenl Io park Even acres with slream sill Concession norlh ol TO SCHOOLS $59900 Four arge boasls maln lloor den DOROTHY SharonML Alberl Road walch lor slgns KELLY 39813725 No l375 TERRY MOXLEY 87373725 No HWY sqlld lamllthomn T0 INSPECT RALPH HUSKISSON 3957331 Ros 4ya£oaoo EAUTV IN VALLEY OF and mumlnum semiamuched Wm NM THE CEDARSuIVz halhs lamlly kllchen wrmf broadloom and kllcnen cupbards IV Shaped VIM dining room nearlY balhs rec room wilh bar Fenced Iol Jo ll nsmd r°° Wm Wflkm ASKING 147 ll ASKING $5350000 LARRV 73l7°°°° MELV MILLION l9757131 PROCTOR 6957733 0RD ismuo Thls wellrdecoraled clean bedroom sldesplll has ii bruadloom oak lloors large lol edrec room Truly lull value lor lhe you Ilka golllng swlmmslggE 59 YW VILLE AREA Privaio ien acres WLL BUY RALPH wlIh luxuryhome Tnls aiiracilve brick 5° 5m Res5B home overlooks pond and has many lealures Includlng calhodral ceilings Iwo PEACE AND QUIET JUS whal youve been wailing lor and only JO mlnules Irom Meiro Overlookan rolllng meadows and CHAMP BEER BUDGET parkland lhls ever popular spllllevel THIS IS lol YOUl One ol Ihe llnesl serper delsgn ls unusuallyallracllve and bullf lor oelached homes we know ol Decoraled In Comlorlable Ilvlng and enlerlalnlngv 900d lasie lnIeresIlng slreel large lol $7890000 KEN RUSNELL 83775 Nu Asklng $52500 DIANE MACDONALD 855 3725 No HAS Ireplaccs deck llnlshcd basemanl ACRES SNARON ssamoow 6w cLnIral air candiiloning and many ulher 14 BUILDING LOI Mm 200 lronlagc lromuge high rnlllng land beaullluily Wt LARRY PROCTOR 375733 tHughanddryrolllnglandAmlles numeral mea Easiflowingslrcamrwrlecmrmar $12 oi Newmarkol Prlced lo sell al $59500 dream home TERRY MOXLEY mans ml MEL HOCKLEX 39373715 Harlan No 1255 END COMMUTE Jusl ulh ol arklzi on acres lllls bedroom home maln Hoar iamiiy room llreplach Wage plus many orowrmr EL ASKING $lil5oo JOE VAN GREAT STARTER HOME 5900 WE EELE EN 995733 Ros 5957119 bedroom bungalow on 80 200 ll lol In Quoonsvlllo Full dlvlded basomenl garage glove and Irldgo JOE VAN OOY 39 mil 895 NW 6190000 bedroom homo pc Gr pc bullis oxlrn bedroom beaulllully opEM nousg llnlshcd roc rooml lar living dlnlng 130 400 RM peved drlvorlmmucula UlnsldeTlryanmi him member 30 I913 Down ROB DURY INSJJIH VSHARON HOLLAND LANDING NCED 00LSIZED LOT ONLY PRICED TOSEL $19900 bedrooms 90 A0 coumnv 393325 loss lhan mln no Ireed loi good area llnlsimu rcc room filfiwcxgr laglkgfiomhflglkgm lmm Nowmavkulx llowlesswtcbadmom replace buuulllul parkllke selling In lhe sunny 00 when kmg Sued masmr brlck balm Iormal dining ilroplaco rf backyard ROB DURY 5957331 71m andrmuch momwmomw rnc room double garage lrull Irons and mgle°i7FlRASER BAYLEY HAY smug shrubs MUST TO SEE TO BE AP PRECIATED ASKING moo OWNER ANXIOUSL AUDREY COATES liesmi 71 TCIIERS room apnrlmnnl also on Tim only nolghbourhood slorol ER EAYLEVIHAV 095 71 be 30mm washrooms wolkou oqocr lin edmchffic oovallll bar Billrlifilace llvln slomo PUESS MIKE or DAWN lingmu M57331 bedroom humor Lnrgc cailn kllclien sopornlu living dlnlng room Family room wllli llroplace and whlkoul lo dockl rpluvwnlkuul lrum bnsumuni lo booulljully landscaped backyard Large vugolnlfln gardenQuoillyliroadloomIhru lNG 0UNDP00 oul $75700 HELGA SCHIMANSKI in 3900 Surrounded by lnndscaplng and mi pullo pool slde bnrbccuc lomllyslmd bedroomsiv blg brlglil kiiciiun 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