Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), September 20, 1978, p. 24

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ACRE DUPLEX Just east oI Newmarket onpaved road Exeflfipr starterfia $59900 JOHN NEARY PETER LAWRENCE jun baths bedrooms Awalkoul basement garage ideal Ior large family JACK PLODER DAIRY FARM husesJ hugehamflset wlth plpe llne mllkertorA5cowsplus loatinngarn Maul xotherexlras BILL SWEEZlEl 55ACRES WITH aREArHTAkING VIEW Plus5 bedroom brlck home gl anllc tlnlshedzrecsroom com let wllh 549500 Finished rec room extra bedrooms appliances included $300000 down JACK $6500 DOWN will moveyou Into lhls nearly new room home with ensulte bath tlnlshed rec room and Ioppl the Ilne broadloom Reduced to $64900 MIKE OROURKE wurEXECUIWLHDMEw OnParbkvenue Stonrand rbrle on structlon treed lot rooms baths car garage $107000 MIKE OROURKE bedroom ranch bungalow wlth Ileldstone fireplace rec room covered palm and 330 Plus large lot $69900 MIKE OROURKE SOMETHWWECIAF Dellghtlul home every room overslzed baths Wm JWOSS BILL SWEEZIE VEARMEILVSEARMew WEST OWILLIMIBURV 700 acres of level hlgh producan clay loam mlle oIt nghway presently heel Poolrspotlessiarfidr3mn7hungalow Ityov car garage Shows be uly HILL unlts In bullding Main Street Newmarkel BAR BARA EGG ITT PARKLIKE SETTING nght in town overlooking consefvatlon area Iamlly roomwith wet bar large kIIchen and livlng room Excellent conr dlt 90 AUDREY MOXLEY NOTSPECTACULAR But It Is appeallng Ior young tamlly requlrements nestledson 75 100 town properly Iamlly slze kl hen flnlshed rec room $59900 Further ntor allon call JACQUELINE WOOLMAN RETIREMENTHOME Just across road from all shopplng con venlences bedrooms recroom treed lot alumlnum sldlfig and more GEORGE CAREY want space or large garden see thls home seem 55986 FAB MOUNTALBERTNORIH 41 acres large home barn $129900 DON GRAHAM asklny sHAM RGE Lor Reduced bedroom Fome aflloufiwner COUNTRY SETTING Large lot bedroom Immaculate home pond Ilnlshed IamIIy room Asklng $72900 DONGRAHAM 3500 Great starterhrlver WW Iiroa com $4350000 JIM KNIGHTS bdrm excellent flnanclng owneranxlous JIM KNIGHTS SHARP OLDER HOME bdrms large kltchen $600 pays heal and taxes Frldge Val slave Included $49500 BIL VPERS veal AleDUS Low Interest mortgage posslble double garage $62900 CLIVE comm re HOME Exceptlonal Spanlsh style Iarnlly wllh brlck Ilreplace Illls the base lhls large spotless bungalow rooms throughout Good slze lot in area$66500 GEORGE CAREYl 1101i all Loaded eRAlIAM LLo room gourmet kltchen trasrenl SPACIOUS OLDER HOME In QueenvaIle wlth Iuture posslbll Corner lot 94 134 $68500 OROURKE CHARM CHARACTER Areevldent In thlsErbdrrn mature home Just $52900 MIKE OR yRKE WATERFRONT $44900 Jeapround homeliame llv aud dlnlng carrles llke rentuAUDRElléMOXLEY ulwr MOVE UPTO ELEGANCE Golf Glen maln floor Iamlly room replace walkout from dinlng roomto covered patlo super condltlon AUDREY M9XLE¥ ENTERTAIN YOUR FRIENDS Famlly room wet bar eleganLIIvlng room gourmet kltchen wllh builtIn appllances NOWONLY $69900 Ownerels Jranslerned 3an wt selLthla spotless bedroom bungalow on 100 150 lot GRAHAM LLOYD and sheeg oflrallon Verz comlortable QM mgue we we use enfiancedby To BILL SWEEZIE fidReamauoscueme BulIdyourhomeonIhlsattractlvaly tread lot I00 150 In doalrahle area Ior orn mulers as wall as those who enl ex Us vefiurroun nosrflaathngtfls Dmr Mllls and Elodmlngtan $14900 GRETA HMS alr mlslarlerorrullrem Vlvlng space bedrooms masler bedroom hasd pc ensulle central Newmarket Ing CUYPERS JRYANQEFEL drm staere on 14 acre In Newmarkel Reducodfio $46700 BILL tweagg room Sortable doék wllh boel houseT GRETA CUTTING suggests 10 room home In South Keswlck maln floor Iamlly room huge galfige $53900 Beautlt ad nlnlngr AWFme iedil uv $5670000 bdrms broadloom throughout tlnlshed ARK AVE walkouttn large sundeck Prlce has reduced to $72900 MIKE OROUII HOUSE GLEAMS MUETITEEVELH 0M Farms slorey arge Rllé en room dinlng room bathrooms ipatlo etc etc $74900 CLIVE LOCATION IM ORTANT Just walk from plazas and Davls Drlve Broadloom throughout lover hardwood Reduced to $47900 BILL CU PERS SOMEBODY CARES Thls ls Immedlalely apparent as you ap proach thls prastlngUSspllL evalahoma Incaredmmmomwmsjrtdflfl REDUCEDTOSHJN Themewa dggor bdrm Jeatures paved drlve large iced lot Ilnlshed basemmand cks7lonlogreembelt GRAHAM LLOYD IMMACULATE BACKSPLIT Open kllahen to Iamlly room wllh replace randwalkoutrQualllyJItroughoutwmlnutes ng Iiil IafiillTroomerltlJlreplaceiandmalkoutCAREL Many morefeatures to attract you to vlew ammamrwniz GRETA sunm6 fiMlnutmromNewmakan elegant ILvILIg sea hardwood floors lranslerred AUDR MOXLEV NOUOWNPAYMENT Duplex wlth $7152 Income per year Extra Iarge Iot$59900fIVE MCCALL re YOUEITEDVEMEI 74 bdr EXECIJTIVE STYLISH EIVINO VILLAGEOFMO rALar Completely renovated rcentury shadédqUIeIsTréeT must be $99 appreclated smoom DON GRA AI Commie rreannaladflnslde Super slayrfir famlly ha REDUCED ment aI fietloor fig dry and works barrelban 95 in Keswlcl onto June Ke mo LOVERS l0 mlloes ronla I1 Brgadloorh room Ian Roughed In ge Only SIM 3211 2971270 on bedroom oltkitcfien Iel Iér bedroom end at Keswl 29772170 2974 LISTING II urnace block large llvlni Ihly payments nihg 47mg CRES star llr old hum llyaieco acllve property sly Ienced lo lllmbury Ernie L29L1630 ODMBTNEAL plus large Ian ardeck Home rate dinlng mus bedrooms Vlll SI 00d wn 7072 15307 RESIDENTIAL TBIkc boaloW YWFVEYIIEW basementrExceIlent mlly home In good areawGEORGECAREV IamIIyroqmlireplacowllollandlfii Bmmololiaxl7oaastend ommmarkeL anHmfifimnmnggmmewauaosa may GORGE HOLLAND Ifoown rowu COMMERCIAL osl beantlful areas roads underground servlces Tl pre gr CAREY 12 ACRESEIW Good bulldln alterallv ermllsla ExceJltlonal Ilhanclng JI aulLomo LOT We dont havitho uppnrtunltytootler so much In house at thls prlce vary otten gmvoo CLIVE McCALL 55 bulldan lot wlth many HnHollandvbandlngwate posslollltles Vendor wIIIconsIder marl 1500 JACK PLVODER gage sav9oocuye McCALL MW 207Acres In 5nd mar can 99 mm ends revlou MC

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