MMMMIMICWILM THE ERA Sontlna York Coutty Santa IN Munrmumst tumrut out by intts rooms to llama mopm maulmu malno nrhwnr in mulltaawa an lit in intu now on urban or tununi Im nu mu who mump NM Mthwv oultut swatn lyvttnto pint tonicl it mm Elwin wt Mtutmw who Butav out her rt no ma hone Newmnrkot us nil in Charles St DA VID HA SKELL Dom twv TERRY CARTER an hid JIM DALZIEL GNU PETER GRIFFIN AH IW Ma Phone Aurora 777 m4 Hot dry week for Newmarkets firefighters It takes week like this am to bring to mind hot mom we touni on the when in wt int brigadc and on the cooperaum at their all players About noon Wednesday tire brnae out in urge old prick house on Timothy St and by it in the Nrwmarlet brigaoe win hilly waged lighting ti Th tire was burrung insidr the walls at the ttd home rid stubbornly mnlinued to bddl out tmtile and nkmes throughout the allflnoon tittrn layng cloud iii acrid smoke on the tfilwnltlel If The inmm hot dirt lungs and eyes llurltlllfl with iIl until finally tleaned up thé sue and tell about to pm Moat wait sullhl mm built Inu that Al Imamtanncametn Ahamlullol pigs tin Bayvtrw Ave wu burning and the same met lulHlme Iiranai and voluntm alike rolled out had and out again Thrum wuwwhmthelutwmt homeaaain in some cases Wlul just aw time to let may to go to work at their rqular you Towns the sin til Newmaitzt can allord mush quflmf liranai to give rmmdthedoch micrage with Adam crew but what bl If urcurs the voluitm mml pmvtde the necessary back up support REBELLION OF 1837 Family Compact loyalists unsure of strength in rebel stronghold By mun Citnu Era adlo III The puiple oi cwmsrket tutu musll mimahlr dissiioctrd set seatled panic lrltkm and hut in astcmhlrd tor the purpw ill defence tarot the Km Feathasttxw 0516 on its lKli Km tisltr lad an wlican minister tumor Royal Ndi oiiica and it vay staunai UWHHI ut the established order in govern nimt His bitter DMWZUDU on the rdtrm minded politiial thattine oi the pmple oi the small ttlmniunll ot heat iarket renewd what tilt1 to hit mint ritt position during that urhulnlt suran it Itm Th9 remit his rimdh taptalna Hill and AIWA rtcrlim dt anltam Lyon Mackmue August mmtng in the tillage was indtcntive to upptlrtkrh til the llmll 0th at lnl ahat Ii mold ptct irom thar naghhors Th meeting has called to express support It the rdmmers Laura tanada and to elect delegates in mnvultiou Madame an organizing tr Toronto and on largely at lmtlfil iilording tn otirnitls iii the day in dicating mint tit Lht Illag probath turned out it was thalrrd by John Bogart hr and among those it darted as romaine ddqata we Samuel lluunt 01 Holland Lending and Ndlon thirliam vamarlet both at whom wet it tnliiilr leaders in tho becth what 1trr tittinl and Markutllf had spoken Iartm hallpay British officer amaa and tintti um All prrsnns now pram who no against ldpllwau and the tanadtitru let than step this wit HP that chased and wheeled to the rlght shin he was olned by up Hill and two tthtrt truth tMw mum M541 It hr anllmml in twmarktt and the virulilruidc did not htrtmgl laiur Mackaiue and hi rrtorm mttvnnml mainly tew mm um utilitiil Ul risk hr tiraln oi those neighbors hht tiiti spraking out on halal til and ldlhll iitmpdti what in Parlt Mrmtifi ititm aftually took upirms And nflad tor Toronto times became its mar tor lhiiy tvvi in Netmarket who had stood tirm tor the gotanmai Kl 03 who was staying at the Hill home while hia wit was going thrutgh the finals week of lrr Ilrst pregnancy tallr rdated The ladies had asaanbled at the homo 01 Hill whidl is about halt mitt out at the Village or mutual moouraaanmt the galtlcmui being away with body of Loyalth About mtdnlhl tol iarthn came in to so that than was evay rfatlm ltiPxpaTl the rrbds inlaidd to punk the htw that night Much against Lheir he pm siltrt on the ladle lti rain to their rooms with Ihr childral Cot two boys and myadl kept which Al unr octock drsptttch lrtnrl the potent tibltgkd lot to late that assumtd tummand til the Harrison hile with my two boys three dug and live guns The hotstuntiby ltadland lhembiedogs as it aware the watdtlulnna was meanry kept patrotlm aromd the house and gaunt 1km paaudm tho ao hfi mat ol in Winchshanitwtofiha larday My arse palm inridda were moot oi the deluded min milgod in the mum Although the rebellion tattoo mlsaabl at mlllli idlon mum of what Mukfilllf and his rdumrrs tough in the name oi responsible guiernmnll Wattuall was won in less dapuate meale lt not surpriitinx lhat Rn IPSIH lallua to appreciate that so many 01 Rise Cllltals of hll newly1W land held tumble View the pruvinas political situation He was recording to his hioprsphcr and ducaldant Anne Ilklnsofl wdl meaniru pig headed lormer 0mm 01 the King and mfinbar til the lLstabltshtd hurdl She might also hate added that he wits prubabl little gullible apparutll swallowing whole some at the sure nimots which tire umttable tlmu ultra Ne wrote in Mardl Bi lKlfl almtt out mmths alter the all titscribing how he urnd despaicha and le to arouse the loyal titualr lrl an ordinary war this would hate beat out tit my sphere but we all stood tor our lives it havan heal discuvaed that the rebels had sworn to span none who were to them not run Aumal or childmt The Icrg lit the oi Eng were among the first to be sacrificed Had the guod reinrth been in the back ttlunlr lull longer he tinl arnved at his partshtn ltondiiead alllageon Hwy 27 lode in July iim he might have had more charitable asaeumalt his naghtxxs the rebels HP might also hatt realited that although lvrk uunli was reform stronghold the rebels were IN same impovaiahed larmas and utirkrrs itw oi whom could aiiord guns who he might than nl market in Saturday morning Hl might also have realiud loyalist strmdlh was not as may as it appeared to be As always happens many people renamed unmuvtd by the stirring political 9an and many more simply mailed out the storm ensuring that when the fun they llntd the sat side Next wttk will relate an account lit the rebellim left to us by an dDW£d loyalist lmm Sharon who almost hacame Casualt ol the rrlrlllon when ht tallzd at his brothers home to liorrou sword and was run oll the property by his rinetotllng sistutnlavi Mackenzie supporter illboar IIIIIIIIHV IrolI uai pIn aa stitumtu tree charge ui Innasaid hi urinal no hrs not cu tnarfid tint at at uni noun More at Inai lllrsbk REMEMBER ii lruup uhihilion tit ta tnd Pauay lllinp tailliin at lar iork rr tiaH yitinhalltllut unwed WI sndturlliniir ulllll hiin tilt humid win it truHH hd htnr will hr W1YInl iii ii iii it and allan lhr partnlplttix srliils hill ht ll ttuwinnto tnlnrmiitiiir till Tunic ritui iii hath l1 isniiii and tr hrsutid lull is the lopit ll thr nut titming lhr Kit in iit Wamillk wed sq ll truii la la till int unble art uhmumdmhmd but for traumaact call mm hirtstriiliiin tor indies viiinrn ptiup till hriii win th it min it lll It lit at Amrrv lrohitfiiaii hurilt mniirkt ht itvk stunt Hath vi lmlllllllfl dlhttut lttr unitiii war no list namarlfl xiiiiii rt itimnu hr wravtt An Ipl tuttliiitt and ittwrtiile Thanks from 1hr in it vlmarkel recreation ind mints dtpalunlflu midget girls Letters to the editor Rays youll Speaks out always be for rights tops with me ofsmokers lltitmnldt tiur tituiiim Iptttilur iittii rep team ittiiim Arniklrml tor innit tint and wood llr liehal iii lht luv vmpmpm triallllmhufl hrlllrlrl tum up hot tlltt int in tt in hhlV Mlallut titiitet lrlrlh trim lttp lull lwouldliiit tit porsiiiitlti thank Thr hr Iirlatktmtlnlvnllullhi trititigt iitiiitiml vhi mm Mm trr Jttlll lithium inird ind ial MK thank top to tv itiiiit hoiirkiir iii lYiHHlllult lhr ltdu arkti1 inli tin tall nil tr in tutti ioiiiii ti llltht ittlttrntir ll th lAllblkirv irl lalliall intro 9H iliiiirr lfntltmvll Min tohrhnd Muttpr Mr Midilrttilris Hulltlll nttd Mall Mills tilhoh who hrlprd 1rtlltelitltiuhlv iter arlhur lqhhtirn whit arranged roirms tnr in mm tint Nana nri udrn antltnon Mikr iiitnptioll tiii ltonrt littit Hlnllall riitn tuitittitml Jim itrkins ti tiin rtn Jlrll wlrttiikr Jlihii Pill tron ttrrt lAIIi lal Intuit aai Itaah le tfihappulnlld in The Lra iriinl pl hudlinr it lose Thr rhltlarkr in trr tiul trail Tmy didnl lm thtfl tlm In will inn that iirr lull nuinttr ms in in book iongrtlulstiont itiii tm proud ui you too men did your mt itd Wt lion ink tor hotter than that int torn to lullan be in hrs Brunswick to thenr lllutfl but it us motto bawtal my baa at th impmaion that Mr Armstrong with hit tituni canplnaom ul dtitnpod inquiry and nut otlnpanlu pdluun rum ta dalth thni sitloin have no rain lln very that tilt lull man ti tmokcrt are nouced through Mth article too am amulu III bfn nlatl simoa too too lclalm Utat do have IdI withth metic hotAda MI JAMES HER itrprum xiiiwsi ltnn ltiflrh Dull lltititinrik lklthh Labor Day MW lvtfi trolls lghr Killl and th ltdirh lt htrr tatr LN thrr SUCCESS iiitho VPlAltra initiation ittd pitrrltu WW hhn rtiaiill thii tour hill sotwr lmfuttltn Krv with tili tlnrttrnt what tin iiutot litiatl itiiiiit H4er to NW thi tiw tirgsnitrii pititsitil llwiui VI lirlp mrmmrm rm oi itsnt ittultt palpll lit ik mt pttml thitmu to in iii thtit tittilii it1HlR lht PM or Lt iownkmrittthirinsn rt the Aqu Milli vuniartvl iiiriuliuitiit my group moon mm imian and hot mllwn ii and it triirt olddrr whom to low Fur Inltlfmllhll tall Jlnl Nunl at Main nit mini hi Prrvtmiit ii iii Moth main tunp Alll tttiw mitt rpt 14 iv to tn tiirtirt tittiti tittiritt lot lnlt who all Wrlli lldrtlvt Al Mn mm lTlIBIN is lliroIb¢1tnludthufrh wit lllwl it uivlik lllllfwthunltdfitinn ll hopt at ttlh lhr tilt will teniii turnltiiri ilishot turnerlilo will tiiintt llllnfl still omit itliuuis itqltstrstion tiit thr Oinlnll tta hut tiiiinihrt tiirit Mach AIatlfl will trld rrt snd sl Sept is sod is mu indzt trnrtniormattul callnonunion PImMIH lion litait iouitn atlhuai inn imit tlt tiitt it ppfi iiniitii Iull rwt tkrl till it Vpl is irlirri lttl liil pt thli it tintr prize ititl tit tioit iii in it sii tpirr Vsniiitrtwmnnidio hmiut tilt iiiuit tallith th tirk it tt wt Hall riirhu lt and me knd Denim he Varnan iii drlnnx your Lua tarttiled to any hat and Corn roast hoidthrtorl sotu tpuk would alao litr In tmnmuntty Annnon tutiliuttiiitr K0 tirttrit at tahlfiafl lo nd me rat oi the new tor the tinriosrrr iii the Im ittii tor lhr excellent shirt they did on thr incl the trim Ind people lnttihed with our nrid it slimi corn and Wiener mall on Sat sopt and with the help oi the weather nllll had outitliul day which hcipad mnkr the went the huge sum that it tut tiahrhall Elfin put and chlirman iii V09 thr aIIoclattun km would lthr to WNKI stint Kai iiiu imp thank au those who pit than in in holy keep let us down crowd ntimatnd is Humluv pwylt supplied Illh swim in pl to at and drink IIIINH KAV strong it It Pruit itd bullet le iitnntrr Poi lickm in critiploor tiny all us an or Mail toutr houac tor tau will the hch sill hop to it nt in Kankl atlrd tllrrl lt Mll he tttortthly nail on the third haturday oi hath month rtmpt in tictooa hon it It ukr put hilt lirl Ptrtormcn muting to take flirt slittuld tall shirty Sula ll ans ihr um orchard lintunsort RIIoftatla hill hold in utrltinl soaptxik dab lll lpt at put on tlrrhard Haunt ltlxlt bottom Hill In and Han Dr in loopsant lb tinnun al that urwllhddkbonaialcSati Sgt ll IranAlain iotpni tlwhwieu thttrth AWI Prue1 la the town Ithtary tuililtrnl iiind thr unr Hankhaul my will hold its Innal all tit Frl slid sit Sept I5 and is it 996 rutd Mall hrwmrkrt WD lEPYlIMHER it rhr QIaral tprrsliu aatry Vhoolllllllartlllltam Mort hdpt it than ire ill irtt optrim in ionic youpa Fo iiiiormiitiiin ull maul nuou SEPTEMBER ll our new dlayball mm in hold mmmnJu IliatYme it Aunt NII School in Cch lociy hqins weakly pramth ll at at lchaiy Public Scull tn Richmond Hm lull in thin yearl Wm still he tttrkt hy Handel Malrt and GM All Sullivan New monkn are Idftlnf FM tnlonnatioli call Dave Icahn at as Tltll th la mm in at UIafll wt mtimtthTidaydaauhror liartau nan tan Munfl curlcu in pink Mr um tuna ii your old 047 nordry amaam1hun qu mutt MunIMQJIIDCVHDI nun In MaSauamynmmahi mmdemtnalobpttalt our uliiiaisiaocnillmmimnndn mmafluhuStndayuflmm notathllnathiahtumay Oram rally lily We Ilao playi an haunt it than andliillnannt miss Lalyeartnounnlyumcwe as the WSI but puttjn than initial min would onlyeonluaepaple thinkweanamothrldWarvet taborummtxmmhii Sowuettladlarwm ltaeemstti year the Wara was mmbinei tranth what and about team ployeeanlthia vay newapapc and tit fahteTV Thi vaynewapapahaalta own mvlcanbtzxndtrtlnmy MM what they played with us mytidnotlonkoutolplacemtihewwld aoltball team lnlmthWanuvnllbem anployeeaolJamauiCableTVand World people who ants in on tdtviawn Warm hlecul lt Were somewhat proud tit unpliahmalta We have patent rtrwd has and mwma We have never as daae to winnln an thatclaimme Nut enoihtoltreme Andriomecars take an the woman tan that IWllu neuron in mm for our game nitI mad the FI rd caine to me lnm an Normand Jay organized the touttumult taker Saturday at tht Fairgmuida the home Newme Ray Thai mill acan the opponuon in anyone In the tournamail has diam to us thua 1WD our record This chance uiata nuMEDIANde diviaion we an in find Banner Th Era Errum The Topic and mind Bananasareabundiothotthpwhotan tmaaiomly and try to win all the time The Erratic pramd they arm in winning to mvu up their elloru is secretly or Victory and truptuts known that they W1 may pa not over beat Banana dont know anyth about the Tip Howevq lbbotann of Topic is lit Argo tan and that lhould tdl mm warned that the might rave is imp Worst will be tilhir Iliad cralla ouunp me want For itiiotrruttort uli alum IIZDNIJDAVSEPIEMBIIHV nt ul tnrli lhhl want utu titIda potluck diniisr led bevt ll pm Brim your own pot ria nr wdmmr tritlnn SEPTEMBER 1hr tnititd thurcih Viaital will hua itcmt annual nimch late st Amr IlfhmiFfl Sept run7lu8 3MP hourma hila northll ti will hold its yearfild thrice lrt hept in the Newmukt Community tenn ticknt no wink ui nthant it mt call hum or mam uwmAvJIPrlllnin Th NevId II holdtuutntildmhtsapl Ncwmarkrl Lqidri Hall Admintori cm touplc ind tnclttdu hat bullet anti mini Huntum call Mu Septembclt an amt to ram mtl tritrioi iporu nilihohold 5m swt in xi llvloIlualty at For iiiuu KKK 5am The iron mi iith wiu hold it full part hut Sept It at pm dutihottu Mumnut Furycunn can an and inchd honor Nev time For littorallint all no The Navli lnitit ind aorta di holddancesu SQI althv Community Centre ILLIK by Alpint Admiaumctlltlamhani intlud For iniorliutiat call mis HONDAV damum in nqtti dupl at wt Ftlruh II lflvruly wn will propin oi tpnn and minus tIw Wan pin IIIDAV lm Newarm nun an 71 Nur Drtn Supt kt