KSMIT GAIAGE Fw leyels on pool med lol lrymg dmlnq rooms baa long with chore saqu duhwasher and ol cupboards 24 re room wlh ed oar Low Hues loo MIKE now In lzss POOL SIDE LUXU vou Atten on spaee ln lhls gorgeous lour bedvoor backspm Preslloe area Baluvlnq mam our lamrly room wrlh Ilevlar aals om lo huge shellered palro overloclmq lnground healed pool Flnlshed room exlravagamly BE mama Mm We ousAcnisuum landsraumq Many more lealures Call rancher on lop ol hlll yrlh ls mrle View munlvyalde Gorqenus decor ace slqu glass doors lrom dmmg mg larruly dlnlng klltlen Jusl lrom Newmarkel RICHARD GEORGE or DOREEN BRUNT BEBE LAKEKEONY PARADISE Adlerlranl heauly almosl re eyar lplare mg llwng voon All rhlu owllanses separale dlnmg MML maell addslo sun es vasescount us foam rm Md mm and lla ermed Engllsh garden small FORGE DOREEN house large lomaloes Soolless 1Mij home Itdr garage Low We BEBE EJROE H0 895 38 OUIEY SYIEET INAURORA by allrane Drilspll 30LIDBR cx onAchD 3W de 005 my one apanous 109 00 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alter lould be rm 0006 Mr mrw luv nah was ms LIVIN ls EASY um ll uelree 2Beorooms humoroer and 31500 dear spar nu then sllualed moor loondalrm all mmmwm Mm awrmm mm Hollands lrlr an Ipplllnmenl us and wall ry Mm 4m hg bargeser lddr was ooucm Why he lry an on lhls beaulllul eecullye home or slnlroe Over lhree lhausand leel ol scam on lo lloors weaved daume ymrmm homer rs 94 a7 leel deeded lakellon mlh boa PM am 7a Gladysovaham Ala A179 lll Um RV PRETTV FAVOURED AHEA OF YOWN sun weed lul Ulr garden Dalvu U903 lr all on renres bedroom whng room mwn paymenl raqwed all 6016 vhdld an am A7 DO YOU KNOW BARGAIN WNFN VOU SEE ONE ll VEAROLDEICK RANCH If Askn9 UA ll 500 00 ruslom bulll huma lull An ed ll Sblhenl ouldool Ifk Darbeul dlealuve mapleer andlarqeao lAfiH 203 lol all Brue more no 179 All lrr Almosl Hem lull dry hasemenv large bedrooms Olisr SETTING gelslone bungaloa Oom llraplae N7 °loom larggklkhen omblnedlwng lauv room Dom mlss lhls one rmlaev vn bavorn 15300000 all Mr rel ms 05 437v us 47 all arr Pun Cosy bedroom wled lullaqe plus guesl an9Q Large Pllvlll we med V°°V Ouvnnulo 49 bench 47¢ um 47 er IV as New Yo see lhrs vs Acres ml WWW larm homes wells mm rnsneuflhnl ondllon plus lmplamerrl Lnrumlxrr mad onh Jslnllrmlageon pavemenl Call 70 yJauw Len ergmmul no 07 DI mm Alvu wr euzmnlyl mm AURORA 1274288 um 96 YONGE ST AURORA OLDAUROIA Thls lo room slorey has been laslelully relurblshed and oners qreal llenorlrry llvlflg 5ommodallons Lavge lull basemenl llreplaee sun rooms leneed back yard Blg enough lov Inmllles 5500 00 SKAIPASAYACK lroorv slorey all allummum wlh garage payed drlyv Localeo on pleasam well lreed lot $51900 YNIS VIEW FROM TNE FAMILY ROOM ar wa lov 40 77s rll VI hrlrr bungalows 0l almrlqr rhe ll srdrnq el NW Mr wow COMMERIAL RESIDENVIAL BIG BIG BIG liIJal BIG Callus lordeurls REDuci VDUROVEENEAD ra rr mus rl llld VlfiVul wlwmr nu Wag was ms or ma Nr NM ll lNl FISHINVOUROWNRIVEH YREESIVRAIleWAYER any Wm Ur 4w loACREs NOLBORNROADBJQDW FOHELOSURE val hm 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