wo girls coaches frustratedqui GWILLIIBURY Gllllnbury Ilaor Sdtball ha only one gtrla Htflayiagmaaaaaon and It two other reclined recently mm and lack by lityen than acuona me II to considering lla up team ac to preatdent Paul lmannedthebench Chev Ola and tilt WP it hudeinui naming Wevery uuto hm THE JRA Bill and Rhonda titan who eoaelied and managed the when Armatrong Novice girli crew quit July It alter they couldnt field team in doubleheader at the Palm the day before Ult me Mmday he again LWldnl field team lot match in Claremotil Even it lhey could Claremotit llnally cancelled you cant held team than iiit ra point and Bill It waa jusl one big lrutrauon alter another it has lnltraur lll tin and the girl who really wanted to pla They never knew if they were gliin to have game or not Torkolla team may be taken over by Norm Muglord When contacted by The Era he said he i=ch the hen til Paul back to me with Inaeeillcaaorhltaround rrune The TM Inn waa at Scarboro lit againat Wat laat wait in the llrItJIialcli they were fit ll Id In the Iecond aerondlmli nlnenmlfllnhul aim the mulch Twiofl ofiaed Madad the ctrchi pmltion tell my mldnt play hau tor me an maybe they ton him lie dont take the team it will dd it hes Vilnitotaae them that okay in not take back the unillrilia rlmll Anon Kaitea OIL Ina AllU ml ASI WAS SA YING IV 00 UIOUNAIY Good evening iadiu and gatuenai welmme to the arket Fairgrounds home til the Omaha llamle ii In Raya and an henna another Thursday night th the voice at blmhllm burly tarry Blight Some at the gratint say his mice sounds tiite the annuuntera ll Mash TV seriea bull ve yet maee Mllltn Blight however than get the Ray announcing jail by good lotto alone he know baublll ln lact he line of the sun in the George Huaett Men Sdlball lraflur who been Wllh the league ince it began to years ago unda guidance of Ute tamed Huaett when the league began there were only tour team now Iuatoll Dual lint played on the let Muchanta the lynarlhey weretheTacl Deena Ni and or the civil yean including iaaam theyre Hurting In Hair loyun in leagu Burma haa won championhip aeven it Mia aeaaon could see he aght but not without battle lnatead cl three gctubi an in the put live or slit that hunt down WIUI out light Thu year mm in lie to more balamed than Ba ever been say the eyed deVil Every year in league little arranger with the playing together tor sc LARRY SLIGHT In the to year Burlings has pliiml unl tiir men hm the team and we he made tew changes says Blight llh only three more games left this season bell the ydls BUIIIMS l1 lope wtth point tamed by It mum Sparta with 25 nd Mills Spud Kttib tlul year mpar and Ptafl Motors Wlm at each Hall at one point had lint place in the league vilh tune and miaaaea but has slnre dropped him drinl mum Ptalt not They hatertl iiiiii thir rham ship yet and lhinit they want it real had Astor Burlinga wellbethae lieu exclaims it want more Hm than they have We have tour or live guyx unit can til am Thla Sunday pm It the Fairgrmnm hurling will LSporLI in what could be termed preltevi to the Ydla They hiamuiated us pretty badly in th HMM Ttiur ml and well becomiru out looting tor Vltlut Thanh to the urireproachahle atau oi leagui tallsllcml Weltlahe received the complete rundtun mi Blight mind be having good year Sham leads the league in double and ula Mia Elis mered hita and Italian live doubles Hes tied in with Gary tooper til Eves Lumber and Rich Lunney til lLata itii calling ayaage at in ii only mint platt vii xicii Hwy even son He haa iicind ti runa helium oiin ni brother ml Wllh Dave Spencer 04 Mill Spud Kfllfl hu hit the moat sinyu Hi to date with Blight tied in mood lpol al iiith Mom or Ween and Dave Rogers tit lappierre tutitriiitlin and He nu played at first and been catcher is niiu Hunlo There have been so many inpnn it the tliiti ttii will Ive had toga out into the uutlteld he say rattan reported Blight has not midt in mm haiku attainpia that have come llll in uh tiara llle that its no wonder Blight has been mun if Crux3e Haaaetl Allalan Ray malth Aug it rn Flirgrataida Bill Forhan from Milla Spud King will chath the squad Rich Liliney aral Richa brother Bob Dale leag at Mill Ind Burl with film lny Doug Diane mam the pitching duties tin the outfield Baya wont hale chance the way ihia II my tut tporu mlumlt lll iiitt Wm ltnliiu MVIIGVIUIMI Rich Muranwhutaoit lemlualnwNlelwaaunholldayswtll now I8thanwinpagetrimliiamug Twill vaa peeved With the pala play in their Wood game uliia Walt Elleamere Ive been warning the girl 11 quit tliia haa haweeied halalTly played like bunch dd ldl Illd 02m ll you dont give limpet cent non coach you anymore ctaildnt believe them today lStindayl nine run lead and Now it never coach atlalhn girls team in Ii lile he all aiil Glave said he not only had problem inch Na team but lheinanagen dothen had Ml time getting hold of their manaun lur gamea There llll dithl seem to be any erllm on the part at the managen and the girls Next year he raid we arent going to latte girl learn and Bill tool over coachiru the Armstrong girls week before their aeaaon began alter the original coach had quit The team was reduced to tu piaym ahoflly after many at whom werent ahowtru up When two girls went on holiday or the slimmer and one other girl had her lather pull her the sun Ia Bill With the Armatrorg girls team lolkd If the Colonial cm on the deathbed the only garla rep tum loll IS the Mr MUM Hch may not be around neat aeaaon Becau the woolm the prla rep team have mind thiayearJMDotGaIillimbury Newmarket Minor Softball Anodation ia conducting not having any more rep learnt aaid pendent Teddi lihubeenhtoughtwata til meeting but there ta nothing definite yet Tttkdl mud Hall dourcttaareduetorep team and it than no intereat whydowemloall thia trotible That why quit viiiital my butt art with my glrla but the intereat yuat Illnl If He noted that even in the houae league lve had nothiig Miranunfilte minimumalarm PAUL TORKOFF BSection Sports Classified Section EDGE CHUBBS 10 IN FINALS qus capture Labatts championship NIAGARA FAth Tl Newmarket Rays hi won yet another mayor championship trophy as they went live games unbeaten to capture the title at the Labalt International Fastball Tournath held here on the weekend It hunt all peaches and Cream loclhe Ray SMWIVnfi as the moi arth rival Oshawa hulibs tn the final encouan The match merit scoreless lor tun inning until Bob Rldlard son doubled home teammate in limiting Downing readied base tin fielder choice Richardson and lhuhos Phil Solomon were up tor the MVP award with Richardson losing ll on the flip lit min Bill Luna totaled hree hitter tor Newmaritet lanmtu out It batters lainney gate up only nlrk Puts and allowed no runs in his three but Ill the mtiund tin tilulllflmfill hir his gladialtrr villiris he Md auarded ellh the llial alualile Pitchers trophy in the ninth Kay tell tiltan Rh t1 Quinn made la grali lll hold lhubb Mary ltaytralt In single 11 thi hit mi himr Katy hum have lost the game It hell tiperllng match Kay Slum VtaLerduan Himlh timnri hammerlilg it third inning hiiniir liir lh am It win market only hit On the mound Lunllt flair up trlll lat hits and llutk out llllll lti their and mums iuiilrkit tlrtlppltl ht Ktithihltr IArlllm under lw thhll pitching tit mug Wtl xtir thruster alml nut eight illlliull mc urmq Doug llartle humeral iii tiltlino inning iotlowrd bi itiinintwn ingle and Kin IQuln met lhflmtfi Frank 14 irtll has three tir ftriar at liii lllh Richardson liiiii Weletrr iiiiinil it llll three ll ti quarter tint tut uunqm wum tirii llaMttt tiimtrtatiiiii ll with anni lirlinia ii ltlllhlllll iil mining kiwir lrl lli iiuiiinn itlfllul iiiiii iitttm tit third in iiiml in anti llrlll Ht lwlnttitt griiiiiiii tilll llrllt Minnint tlt tr ltullh lulltmwl ii Harth single ally trim mathd anti Lin lain small scored all mm iuiii lit iirth lirii ktnlrt tirlmr lathd lllalt mailh lll ht Iilth iiqiiinii will with snetstiin dllllltlrfl him it wound All sumd un bmrdm uniiaggn llllll Iatirtli ltlLIllrtl ptnu ii liiiiinrdmn lnXll In the ltititttnit lime tagnrn vtiv Kiiv liliirllttd he hiimr team iiir Vtrlmtr tossing li lili ltilr iiitl iiiiuiiiiig nini lullPrx Iii lte mitt linnliriuiiia relthrd hau rl withh ihitltr and mints hr iiipir uii hanger lit he xii liar Nth tirul llllnlll taitrrili gm lirl ill all IIrtlr ilntl xliirml Ml ll Downing home run twining um hm ini hne ll ht malth atth uh tinuiilm llllll li humor Kn atlllttdli Jttv liillltihr tlhlllialkl mini mum uniii ii iii1m iiii tiiii hltultl natii tum lillli rawr ti tii Kiiy uiri ItlnK mt itll lirm he iiurniniti lll uill hairn ihiitcitti rtiltiin iiivliin lll ltllalllldlb ll milling tint HlilllalKlY tillii inzi in fitting in priiiiiw hllll Itir tun aimin tmlght lhiit mgb lull AIrklilll llllifl thin tliiiniliam uni lLii lldt ugiist luhtt ll hit me flldllltllh amtrt riii mni lhl antii vii llt latliur ll awatrnil Pia minim H1lt$t1llldll4lt llrulhvl it it rule Inltrtil mi tltt lAlllx thii hunt rim lav liturtla in iltulilehiutlir home lli lttl Jiihn Iiliitr Real llAll lltt uire tn ht first tumultr ntli1kurikti llillllltl rtlghttapper llt thi tint iiintmt it lratll in munuv lath1 Kii itiaii mini Llitiiii piuiiul mulling ru mm mmc ll ti glint rim timul thH iiittir iiiiii lnimui tin fir Alli liii int hint inning lint initmln mtuiiulii iviu ili nitiii lltlll tin iii tt Qtldtt ilflll limiting iiiivi it in lint Vinimn liml hum ii li it put lNWH itiiu ii muting iliii it milll we Newmarket Hawks have shot at first place Nl it Hamil1 nlrte mi titttllil gilt runiarlirt Him iitiin last well and hatiit iapturtng llrst plait in in moth simroe heniut lasetail leagu Hy heating iii in tlidl ganil Ul the regular season he lluuu riiuitd iiitii utt top spot but the Kill 11a there only it linllia lllLl to pick up point in its remaining tun game Mlae Mallory led all the her inning nurry th single and then scored when Uan luone doubled John ludrntire Hugged three ruri homer to ralae the count to An error on Brendon ltlkarts hit allmed another tlauil wcroais the plate Mallory allowed with mule tor two llNli mm ttamex dotllitttl iwiii in miniiv runs tiailti ulllmid MW Mb ml ltt lltiulltl Ulltri nut in tiring lle ll lllllhltw seasm lllh nint Mix limits tiii italii hPVr griiuiiiw iiiiitiiit lil llrtillil Kaidm llurnflllvll held tin the umwnl evtiiiarkel Iml l0 indwr in the llrst game all huri Edgar litth inning hurrer aiiiiuiitiiig tor the single run The Mail tell it runners triititird in the second game lint ll orunna Jerry iluver Filming tor tilen eedler scam in the nitnth and Brad Rogers liitluued him acruaa the plate to account tor the Hawk runa ll iv Qulnli mite it lains iiiil laPr lilitrnl litvme unlit hostm up it tint Vetsltlll singled in waiting tir the third run lit in liiurln lhv rlplnl mi aiirm an iuthaiitwii minim rt Rays are in min iittiiirtw night liu him the Iiuelpr Ingram iii an rlhlbfltm tlttullllnlBGPY Saturdah 30 in at the lairgrounls ll iiiit immii hit tiiiii hut in hiiii Kai al llll Alglllullflx tit lhulda night iti ii liiiiiiii lllllllllx hlx in iiiri hiinir plalr infill rumaihrt iaithii nail tiwiiin iii Ina4 IN Iiiiiii tiuir atthei iiurx Kattaglia IJ attunth with atiiurt anidlma ii hit memtrriu uni lit inn thi la and umpirr Nah lttihrll has hint iim iii the plat auran Ihe ltllltltaynéd thi miiiia Aurora Merchants come up strong blast Bradford twice in ploydowns BKAIIPIIRIJ Ihr Aurura lm llidlt tallllt up strong tlfldlihl Hraitttirti in their best iil thm 1tr plaiiltmrt umriiru in mm lrrllflhl in they blanked tlllll It lint Ht tn la double heatltr lxrt lav iavi ilriiili piihrr ir vtilitwisim am he tar Ul Mimil tiiittti am he toasta nu tiittii ll mi iiiririnnirui tll itiunlrl lll lilt it trill Kllfd vllllx nigh ll EWVIAMKET iAlllulklt ptirh and liiie lidliil hil lll All Itll pllSMU 51 iltr titer Bell lvlvplitii lit ting tletensiie ealli vlittr ri ewmarkel iintii Baseball Association hall Holly Iinitue dttlufl last iwi hm it it turny rairharn itiiil ltiti uslinlt ted the plyrla limit htilllx riraiit as thin mi itttlutll hirlllt rull ripi in tlltullll ndrvi peiiti tiiil min helm iliiiitiir liiiii mi slllflllt apetci initi lawn Litit Hairll Barber leniiliiger hills mi lHl linii tfllft lrightell helped out tallh tingle lrali liiir rnataed three Till tor Hell Telephtm wllh Plnlllldlth Kubert LeBlanr Hrtat Ttrxeltl Huibliie Taveld dltI Ka altvmmel each rimming tit uvrlng Jaaort tdsa and Mike hlalackl added hula ln unolmr inmunttr Botany Applianu crushed the Aurora Banner 12 to ellh Steven Randall belting out taro beam ultirrl millmted ttiur mu llflnltdpptl win hrtt tum funlmerlr tyiuhiii tinii lnflle Hugh tinirn and triiiit U0an added tingiii urtira mmmtlttd line Prur littti trl helm mm tin luv Nradltad mam halt Prrtirs ti he iipflllnl iiiriiiinar urttra luirrt hurled tiiiir hitter and ltouiiig nu rum iti mum mm futilefa and uaikad iii Newmarket Sports and Cycle bats their way to 25 victory triple and utibauer tiir lhilkln liaiiiiiiiiir Paul or Burger iiiiiniitad iiii thi doubles Jason unit ted the Banner ltiliit tilltri at mi Ath in tho liixl Iiiatt and non tiling limih laiini hrce iiigie itmri iiii 1arlt tlltrtll iillilit Her Pitch llar liltittk arm mm l4hltimai alllul Ulllt tairh in iii tum rt ha iiii lllllllllt mi iii irrurs urttrn in pin ill Hi In Ht iiiiltirvdgr HA ir quarter linal plat The ltrthanls play in the tirlh iniii Mayor siiiiaall liaiiii an Ji iii an miniir lllgll ltiil li wi and three liuggli intirvnpi thdurll tiantntim riuitti run and two single Clements Pools swamp Town Hockey Tykesl 06 lrMRKPIT tlanuils liiiiii iiiinput Tmm linear lino lllli Paul Huthanan tiiurtne Murriaan and Jim Wells sharing the mound lul tternmts in Vevnrtartet Minor Baseball Animation lyle house league play laal week Mlan hammaeda double or lemerita with teammataa Rob Prue and Buchanan adding tingle Iald Beholay headed the Titan Hockey attach with home and Ru laantaag ndld and Stacey me we JeremySpuiceand Stqhui litlin shared the Ilflm tale ll Town 1M Iii dilllillll matih li lllllllllunll pnrt edged Bob tree Hulldtinru 98 with Paul tintxt hammering ii hllmfl am athreebaggerturha shun tooriey Marti Cain and Robert Divecha alu la It lid shitred the pitdia aiu la Victory Darryl McKinlin nailed Im homer for Bob ree Wlm teammate Michaal $m Thy Stave sall Ml in and God Suhl MW me McMayathmvdl hiaH tarmac