bul waldi Lhdr he inith maria nu the coal la aael anal cland laid culdflifliladlhal ilive pini in nine Wanuntil ork Region betlia Gmlnbwy in and Man lava vd mu ralii than than Sioullviilai Rich Hill Maple Dd Oak Mr Vanuatuwould emlyalevdayaflflm yield in mirth1 Yuk oilrid larah farmer ld comier lhemulvu land imam in mi cl lhe Muck Pm on Hard arm have had the with head irrilauou or by pug wala lilo irriulion hr mid lropn oi Him and my alwa needed large of v18 an taunts millied lrrlllllnfl iinlhepaal ERA INSIDE CLASS OF Era unm Grado 13 grada Silly aaaaon hhmaoah II Ibo vanil hmdmwl humuni MI la him mun no Inau DIRECTOR IIWIKITAUIOILKINICK JULY ma rm abI hungry youngInn plm then ll plu parlor nu youve gal pici3 iii anion nu the um Plnavllle iiii sumrm Thnrada Menum Recrcauoa Deffluent Not nly aid in chance iii mu nlimi lrighll iii vb Dr REAL PIZZA THE ACTION when ioiinpien Irom inner propm vhllld llnle uiiipuiig along im BA THUPST ST WIDENING IIIMAIKI ll Mu unc aru UII vhhtf Ibo received Ilke of pi Iliei en irar old lb Hm IIQU Ayeraid Kiln Harper and rlxhlriearvtd Ian Nerhier Imevel healer one 11 MI relik all LII ran ll leal mallrd do ihn lumhelp li llllmi iiih Save the trees residents KING TOWNSHIP Emotimal plan In late lrees threatened by he wudallng 3th where made WI liners lul week ill land expropnalim hearing Mall Smllh owns 01 ml acre larm al lhe weslerii boundary Aurora argued lha 2A maple lrees in lruiii at his properly should mil be dulroyid ralllm them lrue nativu oi the aru They are believed in be lit yun old They llhe rum were cum here long berm many we burn They haw nulls Mr Smilh said later in an internu lm speakiru not behalf became am speak or thermelila Six ulher reildaila apple iiul the hear against rrmmal oi lrees in lhe prufll KE0VI1IIDTIU Inquiry lililll simuil Wakim Id he will hit rqpnrl lhil week making recom maidlion hll Yorl Rixlm coma can ellher awepl in rvpil Deain wurii mi the our mile union of Balhuni be Ilai KIM Rd and Aurora bqari more lhan lliur years ago The region proposes lii maul Halhursl Regional Rd iii lm reel lrlim lhe presml on in and rmlmd il in paved lwolnne road will at in annually permit lam oi Writ the mad MI 7an the II yuan Armrdiilo Mr Smith the project shim lhal rexlunai govanmml II eroding llal auimorny Nobody un Blnuis mudiillheroad whims but ii wu Wed by other mmcipallilu at mile hilly min probably had Puff lean lhu siren he uld eval Kiri mum Mayor largarel swims than ly ml Mm authorised the riallou and CM ALLi Rinimal iii lhl maples amild hr pariltullrl Irmlt iilnirdlnfllu Mr Smith because and Farms pnixillid lhii me seedlings mi iii in mil apiece and pie limipln he an naliiinal synlblfl and ddHCP hr piiiiimiil giiiiiiiimiiil hr hearing an pmmuli liiiin iil the inn mgimrimexpmhired Mr lmiiii ilgriru me tall when me llama are changing valor mad design lo sali the maple mixniiiiilarmis lllllfl Powelliilliunuii Hows llilli landscaped arm ill and Amines le ald ll would wulmrn inlariu he said be Ilblblt to curve ma road to sum luv Itlt planted on in amid the trees properl mm 20 inn iigu 1r PUWPH lllfd iiiri linlarin lieparlmml iii Andi Realm lnlerlm Polio lor Smllh groomed Chimes lhe Air conditioning for old court house IMIRIPT lmdllbofllnl being iiiiullm iii the iiiunrooiii ol the as urnold lormer lawn hall on Howard although ihe 00 Ieaiu and the building iii Ilkrh be iiini uniii iluim tr iii have ii dvmfllllh Ih Houliwd iiiiinham the baudan Qr hard iii mlllllll HI at hiltlrfllll IKIIIIII in iiiiiii II lll mm aoiiii Well IIPII rnulkll mnun then niid II in hi to Henri lime rrlloaal MW mnugemiihihp Miniiii Judxo we lurrnmrfll smile iiheii WWM reld Asked the run ul it In llnl llnl undenual Milllilufl HpIIM down In It toa ihiiili ii AHM minim WWIll Ml himl iliiiil giir IA ihl iiina iii Milli Harmkm My libtried Mler ripeIna aunt he Iho hulath al Hell unii Recfly iiiniieu hut able suel aim betnae hl hurl IlIdIlNI nun not all Il Ill imbibetrey nialn inihe rnrvon my MCEIII iiu painu ii there an pnaim Irllh the mi iiimin flitI have ha mug ram hie Idler III run an ndjuurned earh II niiiruai In mm min In III aim ll iii iilil imirlrtmm ii ii mi dllflrflfllx iiiiii iii plair iiii iiii iiiiiih ma iii iho hulkith hmarkrl mu runtil ropeltd iiiea iii iliii iiiiimi iiio hr Iiiuh hiiildiiix Ihlrh ll renu lo Ihe pmi lhr yruilnu iilli the MIHIIII mill in when million rounhoue con and num we fit pleled at iiiu ind Illk ul Iiuu lerunur In la min aai no limii rkrl lam lulu iiiTil III inn he hDOIIII Ii uninu mi ireml idr Rural HlSldlnlldl lwchluii mail which Mala lha Tlsidtnllil aneliipmuil iii lhii rural area shall Imh linur ml basis iil mainimi lw nlrm hammer at lhe landsi apr and primalling lhi nmainlniz minded and 0an area NI ROI Mn 5min nhiiw afwr RUNIK Watson mans llilill hrrarneli ll lipriiprialiiii qulhlluncd lhi wisiliini lll aimvim Balhunl uhen owln highhd nm an east hinge sl ix huill iii lhm min handli Ilflh south lriillii Mr Vizlsaiil Alll Malhurs has liiii niani siilerlialls aiiil mlervrliiim and should ml ii viperled ll liirr iis mum rallii as Hui ii The ma nle are living ilmulopul air he pnssun lirl imi uilh Hm ii liming piiliii ii iii eighl lanes Ministry ordersk Muir appraisals NEWMARKET Towr ml ranvex lull Mon ual run the Ilium iicaliori oullllllnl the MA to be land in arnvuu II lair met or lhe Aleunds Muir dionl me The Ieller nullined lira parlo luclun which will mnemloph Themsl lathe adiool board or similar site lhe coal of lhe pruail land MGM rm subdivision basil and an amiyua nl lhe van oi lhe land or allermle use Mayor Bob Furnan um lhe liril laclur irreleunl Decline the school build has declared lhe sile surplus and lhe second liiiilir ll equalli ridiculous Mame we re nol talking Iboul auMlHMOfl Ie re laliung ahiiul an historical slle RH riiiiiiiii ald viii mlnlslry should use lhr nird lacliir all iii alrudi luld he board in anii gum in pai talk II ova and we canl that well flu but bun am il they anlou mud LIURMIHXIDWM laid Myix rumn The mmnlr aao said it plans lppolnl lwo in dependenl proleuional apr prniuvn to carry on male appraisals of lhe prupaiy but lhal is Iasldul ac tllrdln lu Mr name The board already hu ui Awfaihll or the land so mil uhx lhe laxpayax Ilould luie lii pa for mm more he dld Automotive centre approved forYonge hWMAHKPIT The llmn planning llimmlllw gaiiv ap iiniil iii principle Imlia liiglil vii proposed iuiimiiliw mm he lealid iin new lll ululll Hi Im iiiliin he building will be iallm iii uuhiii Hill ulumlillie iriiiiii iiiil will lie located on liii Mimi iii Hrulr and Hrll lami alm iii lawiiii um ii mi iii mm lii nimmllmm iii ii liri ldllddrli lli lmim mi Alli Uponii ii ml lr as salliili ml ii liiiiui din llriiiil lhuliiii iiiiiiilm Klaipniiiling are all lIV mmmilml he added Mr Lawton lnld lhe plan liiiig mmmlllee lhe same at iiiiml arm designed Ihe apnrlnin Dulldlng near lilianl kw Bhd and the priipiml Quaker Hill Marinl llaie designed lhe new aiiliiniuliie return He uia he would liiie in as iiilwlriiclilin lhe project arid in lirlliher iii lhis vear ailii ilmpiflllm mile as early Ic hh In iiilal square liilage nil lhe wmmmg II he bill min vilrlbh mail area iii iliise our squari in The planning iummlllee gale lls awniial in principle ulfll in sullabl slle plan griemm Another Boston tea party brewing EWVAKKL Ma Hill Primal ind mcmbcn iiiurlill are Killllu more and liilin lllhhld alli mi southern lllflilllplllli iril Kallill lium ll lellri liiiillax liiflli nxmnai Mi miii iiiti um um iwil iii ill iiiliiiliiziiii iil iirk llixliili Jk ii 1li lriil rill lili ha ll nimil 114m iiil llar Vii lmillr iii 15lllr iiii li liii minim ipiivn sir lhiarli H1 nuiwlf flli mi lirivnl lii ii ilnwiiq liiai iiiiii liw lii hl iild miunlll lii lithe iiiiiglihl lenimil Hill mi lilklilln dilllil Alii will iulxim iiill iii iii Arliili Hr Milli lix lil The PM the whole ihu mmm along lhe line drastically wrong We are part regional iimeminrril and aa decided in th lllmlllm c4 thiil regionl gmemmenl mal ih municipalili in iiould miw VU meinlien an the Wfllliml mumll in here in HAH iiiiiil in when some HiJliJ lpallun don men hae ii Iillll rprewiilaliie whimum ii will llllll illlwr Zlilnilif lilol xi 2hr separale ITIth mull an lii uutsl mwllna all the Ieris the innl wmherr municipalities and we Ihi in in do ahmil riiili it xiii aiii iii wiinixiiuiciw iiima lie limiie ans reinr7211 ill lilniiiiiiiiaiiii gniup liii minim in Civic holiday set for Aug ilhll lllull WEI ii UHNIi drrIand Ilfl lhr iii liiiluiiii lhr Ilmlh iil iigiiii iii mi nlxhl liiunill mnlinx Knit ll in mi thl llaum lhali hi male uiie rienuair irl h1 iIumil hlmhfl himu lh liiiiiiiillu Ilenrx andeiihrrx nhi II in iiiii urlin the Minor iiirhan nlm mun1 oi lriihahli NIur hr iixiiil II Iliiliaai lllii held iiil Hu Hru 1Midax iil iiiiiiliilli Vrplifd mm uu hniiu iixiiil ill llldPll iiiin CAS budget unapproved after submissions livululhrT iiii Karim llillilmi Iiiil slimn has submlllm ll MP1 iii he primm mm limes and will awaiting llnal financial ap pniil since lirllarm linanres ill per twl iii lh as lipsraliiin Queen rm mm pprmi the but While Imc sources some at the dell can he al irihuled lli provincial magil rulhacb porlion iii lhe dd hai been caused imlmiiiii iii cunlruierslal 50 001 wall minedim with lhe reurrncil at executive dimoi mid viii ramp Ilh unintui lll if liiheruiirnod lean three or our llmfl More Ilnal provincial appruul accordiru will liii iiiiiiw iiii illdlli iiiwan llal hillsu in KrIHltN lth iiiiil il iiil liiuli my iirii Karim lo hmlgia uiiulll har iiim pprlnld iii ihlh iiiiiiil iim Alihflu liw twill alfln ul lrniinl The Lu was min The laliulaliilu haw mini no and in and in In WV nulld The will has in iiiiiriled in wrlli lifin and mil hlddm in lhe lurlm al as nliniales alliuala hae ureaed that urnlunch nl lhe some men ml repriIenl lawnee the iirimipii behind it mllanail bill rlhr lhe lac IMI lhe liprim ha mm mm milmeiil lhal mill ha met NWWAI lilliiials aim lkh ixiiiiwmw hailziilllrhelen Llrlniel rim lhei wixilasiyi mauls denim with ad imlml In Mr Van Lamp The iila merii ova in mm impliciillons iii the ad lenielil and said both lhe prm we and region should have auxindine expaidilun bell1 ll was finalized Meanwhile AS hal £50m bank loan insulin1 lhrough the Bank Manual at Friday in paymcm had been mark at the loan AS Marl lair lIluabelh lamnu Ill rlarllkd cancan nodh inury lui moan1h inknaner Vaauq lwkrtoIaumh iheafl pr