Parents positive on iunior RC high thItKIT IrtiptMI in tttlld Heart ltmitlr Hlflt stmtt 11 ptisttiie Wm liniltpdlfitls dllmdlm winmu new last met It In inrit Rtgttm lhtxil lluhlrl it titttit int questitinnartet hand parmls attaining the unit titt ettpresstd atAtVl lfliHPtl the mt laind iitiitt that Is with Just ti mm The Era ht manna night ti trl name mi MittII Thertsmme ttwr tht iunttir high tii It tantrtl taill tiller trad prtttuant in Srplember rqurtdlrfl Iii tirade to In In two ha point the hoard llmtl on grade that illtnd she noted lit sacred Heart expand it and beyond in mt it Intuitnu yurs initirtl iatll haw tti he it tittrmts Itntm we cant unit In lrs Taylor iv nipti in in about It lliitld Brennan AtIVIV resident who It in HP principal at SI tothtilit Junior High Inirqpiu ti tpprttittu the name til min school trustees It ittt the turrait Sacred witil tn King Ttiimhtp Nvt phased wt olland Landing Ith party HUMAN LANDING km Holland Landing lit ttititil burned to the Ir 9I2 and the on mtnllsmfllmlu min fire wall III matter rtaaat Wed Jun The wait ill be an old mght with more than 35 lmtl utheugmthe ttti to bid iamdl to Yailttt mater The in flrtild sdtml ts zittn in net sditiul ratPSE ti Inilltun tmhur Hills ub Ittittna Landing it htltl ill be used until Itl we Nhflnl ts read for Wu the hint taunt school ti nit nti deltmte plum tor uhtitil and it could be up tr before neu use Is thul final hoard has ttrst ttirl use ltillnwed iii letels tit govern Ilitl the public Thelma Bone school since 1960 Dr iiimired at the roast More space along llk the Lake sitroe anon realmct In Public ware along the should be laneled the la is per ceaii more particular an llr swaqa solution or fund flush In arlel mentor Taylor The at HQt IIth an inn hit Tueta attit tttatnlictiu reala are llc spud Klngs mash and spa in talet Merl Ialt Leaae eraI ll our hool closes Vol Int 00 TN Sweet AMI harbouhqatyle ahm are the earl about aaatta tin can ta Alma this unit LEFT Ititiitr Wnay Inaamt my route Jane Hall Kathy IIkL Molly Intt Lu Ill and LyllQ IIQ celebration begi utta Mutttent my not at the Aura tntnnttttttt rain Iiinut THE ERA NENMAIKEYAUIOILIESWICI JUNE III YC board ratifies 10CUPE pay hike AURORA In vote hwirman John 11 lapel ptihttc nbool Iladay niht ratified aalary contract with caretakers national and adminatrative stall represented by the Canadian tnton oi Public Employees Although terms the agreement wont be related until members of lPE local 714 tote on the prnpmala minus meeting Thundl evening in Aurora The Era has teamed that the settlement In 19 month alreement vetroacuse to June Member oi the LPE local mth an annual payroll at abut $2 mtllitm will receive we per cent Increase plus in crement allauance retroacuve to Juno Salaries will jump an ad diuonalitve per centJan 197 and will increase Wllh an In crement lllwlntt In June 1979 Board linance Chairman Bob MrMonagle praised the settlement Weve got deal over that prtod of time he said mum that the tymouth areement await neouwomm In year union are expected to demand major nlary increases to oltaet losses cmtzd through the Anu ln Litton Board regulations Markham trtsteti thinen Quirk was among the lx representatives toting against the ptciage While all retused to discuss terms at the agreement Mrs Quirk noted it not outrageous but ginn the uther decisions we v2 made It little high httchurth Stuulhtlle Ina Harry Bowes said he the settJement because it In ttoo high salary scale that could become precedent tn other contract talks Alsti voting against the prome were Richmond tItII Utltle Eric Baker Aurora representative Norm eller tughan trustee Don amemn and Markham trustee lion tousens iig him of Neumarket declared possible coullicl of inteiest and ab stained tmm mung Opponents of Muir sale win another round Al KUKA tratg lrtbar itas thwarted again Mllnda mght in an attempt to ha the ark tiuniy Board ni Education agree to sell he Alexander Muir School to the town tit Newmarket lur $00 rno Newmdrkel ltlhltt tirst taceda battle lu ytttru his motion recognmd tit chairman John Stephens King trustee Margartt ttthttnt questtmed the alldll til he Milton sintt Mr tribar has backed the proposal flmtt Since the board had Wfitoubl flld the stile he said any motion overriding thaI decision would hate In time in lrtfltee who turned dtmn int AII liul itttt tmtiigt tit hettrt ttughtiti trustrt Jini tintirilt had that tnaiut nt heart and stud ht mtiultl trtidutt 7w lntititin tintii lr iephens rutml to 411m hl prtiptisal Intl it tirtgtnattd irtim it lflHlItllltt dettgttmn tp pvaring iii iv pret Illus nineting unite int dPltudlitin nit Mutt int iliilrtl it tpprttw ht salt itir it air and rtavmaitli prttt lrs tniittnt alld ill I1lllrt Isstr Is titVt iii iitttiti til ht tutattun tittntstrt mi sutntltd in Him intnut ilt Illulifll it lM taunt atilr lhl titall ititrlttm until ht arittlralltm ttitrtltlh lltitu tnrnttt Hill in intv titpttt it rumplttr Bogoritown museum future uncertain AURORA lulurt til Whtlchurch Slauihillt Boilrttown rests Board tit and the Museum It unit ImIt bunt Educations pllnnlnfl hutldi etimmittee Alxelqatton 1mm the tinttt inked board Mnnda night in Ionadc plans tor movtr the farms adiool hulduu which has aervtd tor the put years tour miles to Vanda The ctrratt site lonm part of lhe dovuteai lor NISHWI it tattirttntttt Itttvtitttwnitt lruhlleK vtittii hl itirmir tiuilshtp ii vtnttiIturtii dflrfid in par time the HI Int the it lhdltut at timer rtfllsltrtwl dtlhl titiptrx tuiving llllalllltlllllt utrt tittrnrtl In tiri it he ltltniship Instw ttttti Mum the Hunt whitti titiiirti was armed ht tenant tttinnrtztti nimptutttin tt utt prnvtdtng hal the ttt in maintained as ti museum ltir at least ran Council sets own 85 hike FinARKET tirl nittrial routine1 have given hrmsthfl rant lhal II highIr Sinca 1852 IMAIIEY mun CEIY tn permwage Iwms hut Iha Aas xtmt nuttm ImpltiHr ttttutttlttin ias atva tti primd rats tit it it per err Int anht man in Mimi gm mpioym In new In in mi II Htin mi tw mitttat tltdlriiinit ll tth 1m tnuiit llnr lt Imi liftaitivi taunt gtiutt it rlmlll it titnut an rtiw in an titt ittttrt tittwn inn 5w tnm llli fraud yum Illit xplt lll utti itt ntitttt vtv taint ii tut minim HVI ltiuii II uniting it It hin tttmi tvgtm ImntI he hut it iwt 1nrun mm arhttai II tdlr it til ti an int it my twmrw it Iw inn tmtirgmtt mu ttun it It ttrxittnt timid imui Hill Luigi Policeman fired gun miit to score uaman pan the ham drllnh and mam thru and tonllnun with fiancee and bauball MI Frida apzradr rats hrelighlrn IOIIIPPIIHM and blrtMin MIMIIIY¢I and the hints at the rum Hatstin ter tournament on MindI Off dogs lr It mm Ittgtitrttti tittn tin nngttr tr HIIV doth Waiting Alima NEW HYDRO Pioneer Days crowd COMMISSION it llat ir Mrr las Iiil APPOINTED estimated at 4000 ENMRKET Tman fplunne ire lax italka llflfll mm mung tuitttiritttiiti muietpi nyar annualflan instiiesttit tntr in tiu¢ tame imam tr intcited ilr in gnittnn tit intm Ietc 1day hint wllh the addition two member rum the IIPII to be annexed nhen restrut tIirlnx lattes plate later thti by organizers 21 tt rs in IIlltIIrlti174llii far Mama plum ah ittltfllv rtilll Iumm buur it He Vlaun Hob rorhan trdiltttttr tmt HtihtlttllMlitl ht tutti ItiIIt tutti Larrt tieh mutt it ti nun Ittg aummltltlll mfmbr oi the continuum na mumi at 7W iii at it itg ltltlttl minted Inter In chairman Htlltnx in hlrtlJutu in titti tittttutv 4in1 the preterit mmnttnlnn it in Ail 5m tr pmt mumi ii tr tiirr thit tiit 0m Iw mnmrw llartiuarIs lug implt inimittt ttnnt mm in it named to tit tut Ihe rummintoa who mnw Hm mm In allrtLH It intr ptrrttttv intt ff Ffluhlhgy Knnm tit Itll rttlt an Xi iti in writlimit Seneca not Im It nttnuu Tum surgeon Form tt Iii mapwamemberolthrpruent In rt PW mmmmn In Mr rtttttinnnt sziipriitiertnm ti lltl titl it it tnntt tIitt Hultlr JIM ttttttr rrt tit nttritti ttltilllrllfl tttnitx Iti mu it man bound uuflwml JJV PM it titanium tiftll tzti Mm Mn mm mm Tux tr tttitrtit tt mth it It at the tinsel9 wetit ale and In xii hm ha tyted into lat Int wool Hm mo tuttiunitian it the sit int tutJinn MW municipalllles unllIJln tm twig wit tin hm Wm iiwr up tittrt1i ltNlHtl trip tint In m7 mum KM JIIKkVn HI IA VAtthttl tit hitIt rk LI Nd nttuiott ntit renttit In amtt wmrm MWM WW mg it Hu tttttit the Ind 04 tittt mt to minim do Wm iitii it WW In tllllillkii ltrthtittt wnttrxu Hittt It It hat the tieiv timed nlllmt Itll 1m MW WW or It itk mtt nit an IMiilurktl mm tinipiigni nmqtnppi in in nt mt tints mm min mums Ill Big Ntls Jmm rtitt titrtttt Hdpltx um tti at nit Mi Immrhaiariy Lwltbttfielht tit Wm Shfmm MW twp rt at IMpi Httl tit it Hintrunnigigtiiwitchrniruiit Itmtnttw platt Limittutti oum mamv to titan committout wnwi it ttlt tit mrttniodepenttenu ti in mm run mitt Idtln tit utiittt ttilltiuId iii Minl iiirulurt Irrthtints lPtnIlI hr IM mttrkt tldltt ttitl GRUNTAND GROAN GANG DELIGHTS LARGE CROWD tr grunt and xrtuh Kant rant tu enmarhrl last Heel pfulflmdl tam In pretermd Dianna night tit tum 0mmIHHI rnlrr Crowd at ppmttmieti 3m th attended Referee haunt lhmln Ilh kept ttn bus during hr luhls llrre he checks to make sure Hobo Hranl do not stranKIr Ihr allied Irnger durlnx their Wminulr it rm tIKhI 1mm out about mutum taIIh bout nxntm lMllIL dnqualiltrd uhen the IHI the ring In continue the battle In the aufllemr ans Inland it hard to at In Ihrlr scan the Men battled their Ia past them with chain and arms ting ltnl til the Miter lilhlrr In the mallh HIM ll Ihe tint Ihrtr han mfll tanner Petr Ind Itln In lrrnhlr pill on xrrat art rununit around MIIII uttit the trlrirr tine ItrI umni lighttn tan rutm rm mm tn with time an also audience partittpaiion spa talurs um umtni In utt on the Upon umtttng hear nquippcd Utlllt all hu Ira1h and clam mutate turnout tor an hm hug remained underrated at the end ml the Illht alter tttiiintt tt dlflllI tun men Aase Hansen photo