unstr eImn tara hestea ILIads THE ERA Sevth tats County stnte tm TERRY CARVER QOBER MARTIN PETEQGQFFIN ps0 wt Assess amusement park impact before it is built ttmtstruttiiiit ttt $60 mlllltln dttiusmtlm parti on izo atrts ttt ltrtd ttt litttbttty Jill and Major laillnllr llr atll how nidytir mpati on the economy And planning or tirlt Region The thiiaritttahinet nutnil bticltesl tr tintarttt Municipal Board approtal ol the reluniru tor the prttyeei planned oy tt ttrm Famih leisure enlrr Ltd rtits itlwitss lIfdinl ensth that it utll ttt ttuill in rubber stamping he twill dutstun the tabtnet setms once again to hate trampled upon those ptamiru principles set out tn its Toronto tentred Region Plan ttt the early 70s envisioned witiile wide swath arotmd Metro Toronto to which tours would be towns and only let uuuld become ville and land larmland would stat that way That is ml to sat be tabtnet in allowim the hug development host to the tillage ttt Maple is wrong The mlfllalfi had It wettih the hundreds ot yobs the parlt will create and the tourist dollars it will attract against its impact on Maple orlt Region and the Tttrnntnlaitrcd Region hat Midll utmdering next is what bill that impact he ltou tar north still it he tell Wmillton amusement park on nu acrys bound to be toiloued by molels restaurants parkth lots utme and other amusenail busineses DAVID HASIKELL They still spread tIul lllll In the inter Tttirtt flull north Lake himm¢alrudy ourtsi paradise ltut uiih its ultimate potentI turrit slpptd And the ttitat iii the sandwich Nelmarld tittl urtrti tintl thttr surroundirg communities Ml mill lw hv tllttt here Vtill the die tutet ol the lorotiiotenlred Rgton Plati now lurked up it prtittnciatly imposed sewage realment liniittiliucs htld or does anyone know tel The ahinet approved OMB decision tuser Julhurlll reloning The development agreements Illh Family Leisure Caitres Ltd are yet to be negotiated Since the impact Illl reach at 0930M Vaughan ownsthip the tabtnel should now ensure that the Eu tirtinmenlalA sessmenl Board has its chance to study the propst orit Regional munctl slioulduisure hal iLs tout planning department has all the tact atatlahle ttt it on the parks Impau beyond aufhan Tovmship and local countils must star dernantttru this information trotn their own planners And ll limt we heard lrorn York North ilPl Hill llttdgstin uppnrler cl the Famtly leinrettntrts proyet on now much he learned ts tht lmpat ttt the park on his total riding ttttort making tits tltttsion lrtmi Maple its Researching Newmarkets history Tho lace ttl iuftlttrkll ts charging llh summer tiny tild htth landmark on Dans Ur tut many tears Itll bellirt he hulldozen leu steers sptt totem or tntrhani st art going or gone ontr green lieldb are being tilled utth new httmts and more spartmtnt towers will poitt up at the siyime Just as the town oltt physical loaturts urt ihatt¢tng 4nd disappearing so Mn is ho other motnot oi ts past Durumaits which should he preserved art throunauay remirusmcnlost orltirgotlut old photos discarded or itetr tderttitits lost This summer undtr tie ttuspttes or Pumarkt Hlsttirltal ltnlnllttw and ulh iIIboar tttt prttitt ruqu tttt pat tt Ioeillflih im at that in lolltare bt ta ta mun hvlorr pin rrtdat nr ht stats no tr itot 21s rmarlet out is II WPDII ll rrtnttt suitettt hurrh hoist utlt ttttltl sprtrtgtttntnettrtvted June irom it lttttm it so pm trtmit llall ttciorta turora Admtsttte lot adults it tor Children tttr tttarts tail latrainr lldddtln 727 as it Hand school iittusr tssor will hold ILtt linal tttmat mefltnl lbrlhe scrunl year on rd June at at the tdtutt Parenl are fltlvulhlvd to ttttertd tritiuu Kl t1b al set rltet will hold ILI thirdaiutuai Monte aria rttghi and sup rrt June rum ltd pm to midnight at the hewmarttti nmmumly rertire iitmt attttn dtas and lime oi thante llirttter and rash inertia Furlickeu tin um callmttw 31 now it II TNT llll he II mariet all JUN ltI trout lit to at Country Jttres us Yonge St wlnarlrl xpmuorrd by the henarfiet tune ismstut lor is Mentally Retardd Donations are needed To umtrtbute all list no ttr drop on titsrts at t7 timer The order ot ttt iastortt stat utli holt grape ulesat its in irttmut in map at Magnolia two ewntartiei Antiques ap pitances mimllanmln artitla rioteats ttt lowrd baieutlenl your The Aaron uona shut and lair tinnitust Sat and sun June in and it at Mfltbl Park troop 5t omen stttttttt Plhlbll will he in Auras Community mire lienu Lllm trtan mt ramp lll hold reparation at Holland Lattdtru ornmuntty Ominoust June to lrom in hi The mat no child tor each itsoweeii period tor details call II in or 5773 MPII 1sin hasttats will mutuntotuhlydance hat June to at the tunti lNOFVZN anEA 325° Vt NHK LfiL suhuvm win luxrtsuvhstr lsNtV CK UNES$S liriatictlid lrttttt hl ttiiiaritt thorrnlitrtt lLit llflmtt ttt program run remarchen hatt set out in tr and Hum this ltle Their hllrl is ytttrlt lull lfltl during the touting ultllnlr Altkh to ttpatttt ht titsiorttal tttiitiitttiiv tttsttng alflhflt collection It ttttt tor the lite ytarttld Historical tommtttee boy httrtlt scratched the surtace ot lll tlplltill ttt ltk ttt enlistting and prysorting ht it utt hhltlr But it must be tittntt it this klttmltlgl it to ho presersed tor lulurt tatnerutttiu ttt tumarltet residents titn titttytptn ttttt Kathy Anderson the itttt rtseurthort utii tttytt strong support train the ttttittitttnttt ttitrittuittrlt htttlder portion ti llllr trtttt so sutttttt ilul vtttt httitr flltrxl ttHl tndrht Members and Ihr rlmdrkrl llnlnllill otlelv It hold tr lihh truth June ttt at Yhehmariet tttttttitttt tttttrt inhibits are to be placed mutton tttd tttttttt ttptnioihepuhitrtrom lit ttt lnv admission st you it it Thr urull lltpne film at Mllltfll lllk tttnintttts sll luit utih the st om tttcit ttttt tttttir stotttt ythttltt jumpinx competition ll at tht tintst itttthntan trsnd PHI Iltb it ittutstttM tttr sutmmtrot lessons will talie pittr loit Jiilli Ml June it and Fri tttnt lh ttt he tutor IlmmlnxPooltm thorpe lttasott twin Jult ll Ill II Lighting ttprt ttrt Judd singer iriue Rush and spunk1 ttttt sitdribattrr will attend the ttot iittvttttg ttt titt eiamlrlrl hrhllal vttttttrttttiuhttt tint luneil alcewmlrlfl ttnltlultl tlf tt itseruttttn call as sit in hilt tut llsll ult tttttrtit liteptial sprin htttm tuittt tits tttttt tt IHUIISli Inn tttittit ttttttuly noon luncheon pm tttltttt ttt hospital pharmacy mmnnu un im tt tttoottttu ttt ht tors ttaty itosptiai twtrtatttm stll ot tttid tiled lune llt it it ttttpttht atrierta All uetmme Hlur iitiit radmh will httld its annual lllfvlltu not tuit nt The schoni uort HllKlmlnRtM tlrtl ttttl mtlt uesi tonne St ttuth ttt ttntru student IAIIFIIPY ull optsttt ILI titula sitsduttiprourtt vt lot it lrrimT ttiius to ttt tttlttttttut ttttttt leiephtmemlaxt lht reuutttr tttttrt srtt tt to Jti nlt MM ttt Newmnrifl and ivn trt urttts lhr it lrthe Ieilur ttt uureosttiie will tttlrt tts ttt tin Vistd Jin at to witl tn tttptt tttrtttttr and tumour ror tntttriidtttot till rtt 1w but mean Jusreenmvritomnnw Letters to the editor HHSS students respond This lflter in ruponse to an article on the ironi page ttt the noon banner on May it conemutt Tom qh and itattdy Meyer who hate been inttu ti tttat teriatit chaiaes ttt tluron Heights stttoitdary sthttol student tuunltl tttn stttuum Any member oi the ttorstudaiibody may addreaathetutnrtiaiom it our mtetlnga can trnin tonsttittttotttt mutate Min he or she Ml Muted her cm the floor is oputed to all council membrrs tor discusno it then held our tor the next meeling or iurther discussion and lhenaviieialalutonlhe unettdmartt which must pass by 75 per cent This tr Lhe only method by which change may be made other than the ttsaventian ol the adtml principal who has uvsndir potq tom th mm the last mauisd business merit of the school year to contront the munnl at which time he insist on dtaruttu the pl0llinll allllnl that only grade it grade it studenta my nuts the poutttn al head boy or head url The Banter article uatsdthairotrttqhwu cut olt The only time when he was cut all was at approitimatrly the tpurtb line or hll presentation when he sitirndprut head boy Tom amulet The matter nah dssnimd lot minutes until theatltlted time ran txit vole Ill liken whetha ut hold another meeting lur lurthet duetaim and sui people toted tor yoied against rhr article is Ital it ule al that tint repel his Torn euh proposals There was no yule taken til it matter at that time tom and tibrtdy went to the itsttoer wtut proton uhtch contained 200 student signatures and tour teacher stattorn lrom school Inch ha 21 Mail and micthen wetaei their IlllDll land In arrlsh the imp our student tttunttt and sdtpol vtt uttuld liat to pttini am that ltltll tth stttl itutdt trtrr mom tttmdattoiu in not ttttes rtn ttt their tour points hatt curtain on ttasthtltim and it ts tor these YINyam that they hst not tttett prettttttslt sdopud it is interesting to note that naer Turn nor lundy are returmnyt nut year to see the palsaihle toruwiuonttt it such charities Tom and itantty int point was to matte the purchase oi student ram and mernbaahip in the Student luuflkll voluntary li ts not lully tltar ttt ttt what Toni and our ltaitdy mean by yotuittbry The pur dine oi student cart and membership tn ibt student tourtcii is up tiortal The ice tor sludml card is so The money trim the sale ttt these rarta used to Imame club and ttt support the Athletlz Assortatton which rum all school teams athletic events and present wardt All til than thou are open to any student holding student card Tr money also nuhsidiies school dance which tire open tn student card holders only The money also tinances the maintenance oi uur auditorium tartlities art murals and iulplure rl in out school ttur httttlish departments literature mlaanm mustt clubs musical prumutions backdrop used tor both Mrs itiisti drama produtitons and the musttalr contme picnic tables uhich uert set outside our atrium and pin ttt spprretatitrt truth the iudent body The article also states that at present they Torn am Randy say students arr pressured into buying student cards it they do mt pirqu the earth the students cannot ptcit up their timetabie on registration day but muat wait until the tirsi day ol sctutot ii is our opinion that this stateroom is untrue School tqtstralion My NV fihtcsa oz AN aEQAT CN tt NK st ads 9RCD le sEa ee AND go su WEL AlLLD MUM sat sun NCuQ rA stew day is run its tulunteer members at the tibdent ruumti Mudents are entouraged ttt buy it studtni rsrd itttause mltvmers to the achml do not realize the hetettu ttt holding ttudent tard ll they dont not to purdtasea rard they an R0 itt the gmrfni ottue tthere they out let timetable At nu time has any student been lurced lil watt unttl the itrsi day oi school In get hrs timetable betsine he did ml ptirchas student card The article also state thai one ol the representatives duties is to ulte itat oi non members in his class and continually prod ihene students to pin repraitatiya are gtyen lul oi non members in arda that they may to torm these pmpte iii the brneiits oi titrim siudrrtt cud tin members are risen another rhnnte ttt pur chase am at many students are not rfiillrltion day and do not has the opportunity at that time The reason our constitution does not allow students below year thrte ttt run tttr head buy or head girl ll tor the same reason that is year old prom is not allowed to run tor town tourtttl These pantom are not ytat good ex pertriices they are responsibilities anti require tremendou smotatiutitntt Wma mmpflmty Turn and Kandy third point is to Patnil students to cast ballot at any time an eltcliui day to ensure that each student has an op portuntty to tote lhe present procedure ts that students cast secret ballot dlirtn their homeroom rlsss Theretm every studatt does hate the opportunity In vote except in the can at lhmu The main rum starb an amendment has been passed ll that the muncll executive with to trry out the entire election With the Minimum amount at mmptttat to daily clas rmtine We are already pulling 20m studenta out 01 lane to attend dadIla speeches as wait an extending the humeroom period on eisetlm day We must nap in intuit III the adtmla am In allow us thr print olhvuamlludlb datum le Dd LII IMO liar ant1 Tim and Randy htrtl iteratethem til the scent ballot at tutu dotId mu taai lna unfitp irtitnttdattort ttt uur leIiu Vte ltrtott at no trttimtdaiton being tutd at any at our meeting Any manbfi oi munctl can htroduee motion lur it mrei hallol ll mould he tan time can stimtntt to haw rd ballot lor eyery tote tttospeci students to ttilurtta purthase atutknt cardl Iilmul lny iitnd ttt scour emerit and to thaite all voting ttt it umberwnir system til secret ballot in order that no one III at the intimidation II somewhat idealistic aetore ant chimes are blindly made we must weigh the ad anlages and dilad tantages is the amount at extra administrative hurl llta it re ea worthy ol the lavuuilble mantle that it lle tn the system ideolao boas ii push il barlt turiher than it pitlies us lurvIrd Vte arr rinl lrylfll ta malir pattet ttudutt qunCtl te arr lrytru ttt maiieu writing one we are proud ttt iht tum ttorunu system which he hale managed to inllill over the years hen Tttm and Randy are ready to tollm the proper constitutional proaduru to matte their amendments the mmcit will welcome rm ubnm sTitzthLitt HAROLD Haunt FlLl2 iiihni Maintain Muir pleads neighbor lorrner Mull rl Alellnder Muir strooi rallyyer and rutdml oi Newmarttet all my life and ttt rtdatce close In the moot In distressed at wruii ta happent Why does the ldlml heard not matntain lhll buildlfl Why du ll nu repair the few brunt patt ot uau wbich would repair at my own rapese ti wauld give me the nibnee to the Why do it not cut the lawn and maintain the Fund it the board win out tautt alter this propcty lhy dot it mt will it to the thi of Newmaill when ta uttertied in mvu this Wall flll am about ihu probiu and have heat Vilma too kn lot Ioliilim Why Iurli lhil tluHu inth which an in immunitystutte um OmenAlum ImHlI have blt ldt Um innanal IIIfins wonder ti aldi the than war novel by Joseph Hdler is reqmm Int trustees on the orlt ounty soy Jutfiiru hy the lettie in last we lurther wonder it the novel lVil regularly as guide to pollr main board or at least it trustees who all txpiatrt board p0lli thtttit im hutimtria uhl tilt ty ligure tn iteiltr ttttit nyer tummy uho along with his mates has ntturttaI1 missions and is alarm to crarlt up say that tor two reasons First that in writing iflalfl about the Altum school site That quickly denath my tttginning to haunt me And Im begtnntrtg to thinit Ytd on the subyeti by trustees such its 1hr Margaret oburn tll King almost lde Maybe tr tatttrt itttt many misstttttt ltaltrred tnderuood Mr luhlisher you can snort itiarrate lilte lhai My tied Man ll 71 the Eiluir thing again He says ht Alexander Muir appeals to him at night in still Stats burr The Maple teat or Mrs oburn pained letter to Thai week nulllnlM the reasons the school wants ttter SHIN tor that old tttitidt almost ivttt acres at Prospect rind struts The letter is clean and orderly documentary which says the board tar bulldogs unless it abides by policy it submt In llklt the board would lttl in uiih the public if It did anylliiiu 1450 he The Ietitrt as it stands makes ti lot at tine needs only read it to condemn murutl tor tryiruz lo mn the board out building lot anythiru less than the polm sitt try litamortd BobForhdn ltttte Kerwln and company but the board little too sharp tor that The letter howeth does not ritett tiltte alth intttlytd in this whole iludim ttpotogus to lel Heller Mike to ruin ttttth 22 taich 22 tn Heller hotel is based premise that nyers who continue it bombing missions Olr heaiy tstemy are bereft ol sanity Nuts Loopy Dim saitt Wattut traiy iLsptetsily ytmt them haw loru since mmplettd the missions needed for their release lrom The dottor in the novel says hr itmt are crazy and ii is his duty to relietr iurther missions But ttrsi and his tsi hut they must ASK to he reitttod tt lltauM they an traly mo 22 talus place when such nuts to he relieved til duly The doctor saw in asit once they admit they are crui lot irtttttnemy tire day alter flat they mm traiy lml they ttlnttl Hwy hate tiesn trait it they pass tttt the line and batit tnlU And lurk Inlt ll ttt missions betaw tlt no longer crtt Numerom rlttrs were lttiiett httstat altit 22 And mitny tti them never krlrtl lllt hed tumor or same man The ttuniy Hoard ol Education has its out is In iyidence In the Alexander Muir tsz lrs oburn does not reter to ll in her lw does say and quote hegttttatni the sale ul the Alexander Muir hdiool lid fimlfllPd in an orderly manner to tilt Is It orderly ttthatethe boardatteptttt ttt Stu tor the stte inert reyect it is negotiate tar river is year wlTHttt an policy on the subyect that refer it hr tiller it has come into enact And that the boards Catch negotiations began the board did not tt poltry on the salt of us sdtooh Int6 Alexander Mutr issue my memory an properly incith the board to mate qulclll establin some type at policy Nanetlieleu negotiations continue there seemed to be some guieral agreemd unly tukm sum would be involved be old building had been paid or by 19 ago and turned over tothe board in we Mrs oburrt points out in her letter board assumed all Newmsriet school it along with dehatture debt at Ft mtllll the Muir site part at that Fa milllm oburn1 im not gong to recite again all happened since those negotiatiom otherwise mmmmced ova year 18 ttnttttt the latest emits The twin has and provincml Ministry at Education 10 arbitrator The town has alao revert original alter of $10 which was accepted by that ministry and the The board wants over widow stands In the midst all this illt established committee on the stand 01 whom The committee came tottn with which was accepted by the board Thats why they now want mil alchzz seems to be policy negotiations lon uiuuyi to establish then trot out aid policy thuehy rem trustees oi the dirty business at ham decilion Get the Book Wnle pom Dont tell ul Mn Cabin in iashtort about policies that come it during what we thought were negotiation it all we needed were potion wouldnt elect munics councillors trustees At the very east that we them all once theyve wildsbed tho instone policru Politics are all very well but we 60 to matte decisions that tiltsavt cauorially iiy In the lace ot ambitbet lnMvedmtevutlnodnliO and or have In The Rye Thail ml hyusmnymui Maintain admitst bib lwahlmfl