Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), May 31, 1978, p. 1

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iOiCiibiiiva NEWMARKET Newmsrket property taxes have decreased or the eighth year inarow but it will still cost town residents on average 91566 moreor taxes this year Murilcipal taxes or home assessed at $20000 havo dropped 30 cents from last year to $185M Coupled with the previous seven years this means municipal taxes tor Nowmarket have decreased $4194 since 1070 During the same period and on the same home school board taxes increased $6070 and regional taxes increased $317 For public school supporters tho school board portion of the total 1978 halt bill will be 3050 pp $3932 from lastyear the tonal levy amo nts to $8050 dawn $3 from 1977 thus making tota tax bill at $70204for public school supporteraup tor $657128 last year based on home assessed at $20000 For so arate school supportefs the total tax bill will be $73680 due to his or mill rates While town spending has increased safer cent from last year taxes have decreased no to increased in ustrlal andcommerclai hssssment occordl to Mayor Bob Forhah We had slight increase in residential assessment he said but It probably wasnt more than hundred people Highlightsol this 11778 bud ct include an increase of 59 per cent in genera government expend tures for the town making total ot $722000 Under this heading are such items as council and mayors salaries clerk andtreaurcr engineering nginspcctlon andbuiiding maintenance For protection to property and persons such Items as fire protection street lighting animal control parking etc it is polng to cost $512000 an increase 49 per cent over last year whi the budget torgubllc works is up 1640 cent from 3370000 last yearvto $1014000t is your Recrcat on on community services also shows healthy percentage increase over last year increasing 101 per cent lrbm $902000 to $1082000 bright note among the Increases Is 621 per cent decrease in griebenluredcbthasteltlear townigxpayerszoughcdmpjéddjfidiut this year that Ilgurc as decreased to $169142 Com unityplanning and development has 550000 earmarked or it this ye up 15 per cent from last years total $54000 But at course the largest dtunk at your tax dollars goes to the school boards This yearethc boards have requisitioned $3607234 lrorn Newmarket up 125pcr cent from last years total at 50306 Finally sanitation and waste removal costs have increased 48 cwunnxsr Mohawk dancers an art show and titionsnd cial diesel in to min the 175th ry oldicarrivalotthe min at Newmarket station behighllghts oi the third Festival hcrc tor the June 22 allovercachcd the limit according to min tor the organizers Newmarkct Downtown Lt Association Mohawk dancers who printhnJuliJmmmeH brought to town or the Theatre Titoy wil be nicdb amuseumtype at lnd an crafts which tescljlup In the theatre an added honusfbsaid uttnnagcr Randy Fuller corn soupond scons wlll Wfifi art show and com nwlll be sponsored by tho atown Merchants lion and is opcn to who docs not make no living in the art ileld pctitors will be divided as age categories up to amscvcn to to it to 14 land over and rises will third to tho irst ihrcc In each group As well awards will bo mode in Ii three roupo tor art pionccr cmc Residents oppose Councillors move Up Canada Railway ngl antho tiltlrgoltten un uno to to prior to tho Pionccr SHARON It rou of In their petition to the Wm 10mm Jcriniici Cr residcnisghcrgare municl boardthe residents upset by an attempt by town arepro estingon the basis oitht Win councillor Art Hall to have 23 following points he Jun 15534 acres oi his tinacre iarm olhe and In question 91 mid 9010f dcsi noted for residential prime ri rlcultural land Ihe dicscl excursion units devefgpmcni Eur ronmcntally it would be V97 tWNlrkel Anvadjoinlng 70 acres is detrimentaltosharonwhlchlsat tndullcr caching Barrio owned Councillor Halls recharge area the branch line to Tot sister El nJackson and she is The schools In Sharon are Allison and iicclonrlho also scckln residential use on med ocupncpy andihc resent atoms to Ncwmarkct at in diets are available from ricty toil 50s Iollantl or twin The Main loom Main Stwitcroa display on old trains will rk the anniversary my other events are bolng tor the Pioneer Days it including balloon abcd rncc down Main St skate board demon 15 acres her land or ex Mr Ilall argues that his pro crly was originally dcs natcd or residential come on Sutton rm and so EALL WERFRIENDS devc opmcnt and was limited to would have comein mm WhiLI hcitcumyJonrhbti the arrival at Jung than attendant outeinunnutumementosimnnnncnmtantamountLinn fnagrm 808 when the Simon tlithxlstingsubdivislon there Wfihfiluy preparing it bunt torn summertnll ottunirlmls exactly were hard at work on the vessel Sea Iony when The Era community plan was ml up increasing tratiic what tttycttrold tluc Cowle oi Mount Albert did last week wltli lot plmmumlmcr lmmmncn by 11man The plan land use cy part of East Gwillirnbury new ERA official Ian Radio licencevbtd Salecrackars hlt school has no lacillty panslon New development couid not Ann Hlfllln ohalo Dur rig is public meeting on the community plan Mr Hall made his desires known but the gin Patterson area limpI3 null or incctlng rejected hitli request at dam and town councl su scquen Muffin lin ililliitiiifii and Pancake coined mecung gang made all ma cam mnmlm NEWMAltKEl The two and so when the Walker group recogwcndnuoxu was with nearly 311100 mm lhovo planned contenders tor Nawmarket applied last year oMi oly NEWMA an In her letter Mrs attesting mile ocular Kemwrrum hm week rtldlotilallon llccnco are slated icctcd ntikin that It be allowed ltcsidoitts oI liayviow mus OItourkenald there had been III For mus Hum Municipal Board except or the Ilull ttnd Jttcksoii properties and one otlicr It special 0MB hearing on III was held In Sharon lust wcck hit the twomember 0M1 pnncl reserved Its decision lctcr German couple at minor personal liijuricn at the corner oi flight and Patterson and also some minor trnltIc accidents She asked council to look into the matter at placing the stop digits and drive slowly signs to appcor at hearings beginning June 12 below tho Canadian ltudlotclovislon and Telecom munlcatlons Oommisslon CIttC spokesman told The Era itrlda no now objections were ill the May as to reapply be are decision Woo rendered on tile Wulkcr bid The CItIC Ll rccd ltad station CIIAY also ob cctcd to the Walker tip pl cation and Its obicctlon remains on tile court and police roundup on page A10 Shantymon member popular speakers Mcmlmrs oi the Shunlyincns Christian are concerned about their childrens nalety and huv asked town council to erect tourway stop fills out the comcrs ol Patterson and Eigln and also wont llrlvo children Orbocue bash twttnitkrzi The other ni recent days estiltcil In many at moving irom to backyard Iiar slowly signs it ro lot oi deadline to either tho op mfihemfigim fiktzmafilflfie erected along latterson tit Lfifififizfi If Lahfiomm spokesman for the rcsidenlis cligziizgnnofhnimflg 5° toun nteukn ttnd 40 Home mu mulled by wuku Wilkins Council received letter comm rumred ham mm 0m church circuit For details residential development on the Hull and Jackson roporlics at their latest appearance said 22pm lc iii ncd ho oitlcin oeeNewnltrom tlioriowsu objection tied with the OMB on pgc MI ewmurkctbualncsaman 13er Walker or to that at Markham batted liMl broadcasting Ltd witlt the two objections and tour aupportln the DML uppli tion lllfltill ii letter and petition to Its ad ifiilumnZtniiJi riiii°l3fimlnlmmn arm taur iIuyvlow Illllii my tlietflttldy trtiin atns Alt tthnc irl itynumid gram an M1 was turned doWn ll Icttiipllcuiitsdonoiexpect Aguqclnugn In Tum For photo please see Mr Gmmnnl who in Mar in innInch Egan scvcral ycarh ago when it up decision ruin the attic until Mum page shun Brenner development Archbishop opens to answer Ihcll clittrgu Newmurk comm mm mild When we moved here both new St Johns tltc llcvclopcr nnd the municipality assured us thcre would be no dcvclopmcnl on that tnrniiaud or 20 years lltats why we come here from Inuit In ono oi Iila last or Ilclul acts Sunday Arcti Iiiottop Philip locock dedicated the new remen policeman ofyear chosen St Johns Church In up lilitfntiltld lilo town iiclnl NewInn mm mm paceraan nornlgHW 7k further development until In 96 you Nit AI Ktcr York he ionnl police olttccr Douglas Muc WWI Wl rm who would boo thuil chosen Policeman at to Your last week and two former Wm Nuwrnarkcl ttroitiditcrn ixchic Cllti Gunn ind tired WWI Fred Dlllntnn wcronomcd Nowmarkot lllrcrncnloithocvcar up Keep deadend labellniIlrtncil verfllml II national unthornl the question The Etn lpnpluloll asks page All Flower show popular In Mount Albert wwrho aniiitul Mount Albort tlowurrnhow drew Izloentrtos Details on site petitioners ask The awards were mttdo by the Delft William liorrls Council at thoKnights oi Columbus at It third annual dinncrtdnnco Hntttrdny at St Jolinii Iioll This or Viinlzutlon also named ono of its own members lut Ncliry Knight at he Your Constable Mnclhull of 10 Division Koawluk was cited by the Knights or his notltimi during tinour ttcoldctli oii Woodbhw Avo nuitrt uccntinlloIthui i071 Ihuotilcorwaulittiiut tutdotllilu wny tiuitrtc his own car although nttll to mill rniwhoii to was involved NEWMANKET It petition til had by so residents oi the it turn Biff tlhncoo St nrcn utik rig lliui no construction on Slnicpo ill be undertaken now or In tho tuturo that would catiso Slincoc bt not to ho dcltdcnt was received by town ctiiuiclt huit Tuesday night It won Oltililliiictlnt Iunt hpl ins II pinathulr corn and coil police Iiotaro ho nit taken to Inlha crnnh iiln vchlciti wuu compilich tomollnhod but he was aliin to rcncttu mother Itllll lwoyoarotd ch Id from liurnln niitu usstat other In cm itoapitnl iii the two tormérltromon honored bythd lint htn have it Lfllliiillltiti council mootin nold Mn or ttolilttprililtn pt thith ms nu ncri oils owopo it liliiitoo til now iioitlonitl Councillor ttny Ivr tntl talk hand no mt nitml um rtromtn ottiio illm amrd mutt itilttluibvrllttlitttiottitlt oi service with ti wit it tl aneymlldlhmmmum Wm Martian named in In I01 tir Mr NE timed iii the Ye thilo Mr tittnnlirtlreil inst youzlmcnuso oi liliwnolzttdit IllllIPVito litmus iidiimiiiéiiiiiit lltlarmnlr Irratrirn entertain Ne mlkel council til bilatin oi Lolum Wt nn Mr Ulmnn intlrottatlor nlto wanmtoturyotthortumlotor uwot ininp rlyncntbuiltltnanr mtmit ovmutlwtnannimmpm vi wt oh nlttho war ninny your notion lltitttdt

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