A2 The Era Newmurltet Auroratterwlctt 0th Ved may to ma EGwilimbury to consideliL or rezonings M0 SHARLL Counciljnor te ueensvie ammdaammnttms FREE at llberslll Plan ate tour bylaw ts io permit ask on our Special Mom pllcatlnns rezomng cammercral uses rigs health restricted to garden and camp on the 6th Cons nursery en es twi so cessiun from applicant permil the establishment Eric Jarvis sparked or second dwelling ror considerable cone caretakers fourth trovetsleflncillor Jw reguest tor rezoning from LeChappnllc in par Bruce afl Gradys Ralliw tieularwascgrg ned will be relerred first to that provision permitting the Regionajhefirmunnf the use ottrailers would the Conservation get out at hand and that Authority and the anuld become all Ministry01413111 year homes Instead of sportation and Contr summer recreational municatiun betnre trallers as intended motion of intent to cir But Councilnoted that culate Mrs Rolling is the times have ehangedarld ionner East Gwiltimbury there must be provisiun mayor or use at trailers ld hate to have to Cufiuln Club say told yuu so persisted Councillor P7959MS Pl°Y laChappelle RICHMOND HEL Mr Jarvis is The Richmond Hill requesting change in Curtain Club will present zoningrromruralloopen The Mumberly STUDENTS HELP CANCER SOCIETY space and mneervatiun Inheritance drama by zone Canadian author Warren APEHPJ SLIM DciVyN iriEVEFUN $i650 monthly The second area is Graves with pets Send House In College is cat er the form of donatlnns over period or two Within the community of lormances May zstsslune research pIOJECl with over 100000 Ice necks Above Kelly Craig handsacheque for wine and would 10 participating annually at £fi0l531037xpt1 $th to cancer representative Mildred Steel allow resident mi The clubrsmeatre is mouseWrinhslocalschoqlshavs help Gr°5a PM Te verta dimeh ma ngle nn Elgln Mills ltd at Cancer Society by raising money lor gm Winn rrrgtmlvnk ml Huronetght murdwemnk New Rd research The childrerltejrom Stuart Scott Secondary School also raised $192 tor this dudes 1w pangs wimp The play is Wafer Newmarket ted rmoney daily in cause at dance the community hldtwill by Cicely Thomson wtlh SC be rezoned residential Shirley Stanley and FEHBECHINI urban from in Leslie Reid producing FITNESS cam stitutlonaktoeorFEspondiaCuLlaiiLtime is wimwsuwms imimilms cost mini inllillthT ONI The third rezoning $350 $175 or students INIFRNNIONAL HUME concerns 105 acre Wednesdays only For parcel or land on the east tickets call Madge side or the Sutton Rd Nidtalsan daemon OMHA Continued rum page Thornhill He wont be allowed to coach hockey lhnidnightDeea and hm probation until Dec 3t 1979 This suspension is rtsultoftaking your lean train the ice in game Stroud and being in coneurrcnt testa naments read the OMHA announcement The Atom Bs were in two tournaments on one weekend Torkott ex plains because they tried to cancel nut 01 the Stroud tournament when they had made the semifinals oi another that was smeduled that weekend The Strand tournament orricials told Torkutl they PLANT TREES FR MONEY would schedule his team so they could play tn hoth Scouts and Cuhs lrom this area were out in full lurce Salurday despite tournaments he Id the rain planting hundreds nl trees Above Michael Marles left and Tarkoff SalEd the Shannon Sinclair head all into the park at Rogers Reservnir equipped isnt much he can do to with shtnel and saplings The Scouts and Cubs obtained pledges or the Change the dwswh handed down by the number at trees planted UMHAV Centre fund oes over to Eiifilifiif£i 1777 fisieee eeerpuwerful vTheyAhmk RICHMOND HtLLi centre raisethe money to Mr Match said he theyre Grids rhe York Centre or pay or any renovations would hope that rurther The Woodor squad Learning Disabilities has needed ltiurned out that pledges are received to completed the 56350 surpassedia samrund 390000 worth at vhelpin purchasing other without rorkoii ending raising nbiective by rmovallans were needed untpment up with 23 wins all losses $3000 according to lurid oi which when yen in and six ties raising chairman Paul clude all the various The new site of mg Turkofl was not paid Alalch grants and Wintario centre is Just north or to coach the team and it He said the area money the centre had to Elgln Mills Rd an Leslie was his first year as service clubs really raise 530000 St in Richmond Hill hockey 0030 helped great deal and that the centres thus fund raising activities Heres what we do Install new brake shoes andor disc pads Replace all springs and holddown parts Replace caliper hardware Remove rust lubricate guide pins Replace liont grease seals repack bearings went well Thr centre has szsma already received and pledges Ur the other $3000 The centre has leased unused schmlymm me firmwares wmzu ANYWHERE York Caunty Board Oi 055 ALL Education lnr ii year tiéwfiiaa er 3913 wheel fiyljlndevs angler sinners 3959400 3954152 at me turn mms an or are tor period or live ears Jiuuhe mmLSD may he NEWMMKEY sNorPNG FLA Inspect master cylinder hydraulic UFEERLANADAMALL lines and hoses nLLMaion cnenlr canes nouoesui ADULTS SH CITIZENS CHILDREN MYSTERY Tomi 7FmTamiidjusremergencybrakeai 77 rfir Check rear seats tor leakage Flush and bleed hydraulic system thad test Send ut FTD Complete brake Job guarantee IE Big Hug Sears brake shoes dlSC pads and brake Bouquet parts when used in private passenger car service are iully guaranteed parts and mumfl labor ag nsl manulaoluring or material 58 $7 $3 Mm mm or 000 miles whichever comes first museum immm mun mnummmrmvmm tur mu mu Jilfimsmmpo mum WLI FESTIVAL ll 21 52L3la as 5925 mm mm Available only at these three stores RichmOnd Hill Newmalket Markham liuhcri nu Sumtm Min JME MVER 124 550 515 005 $9 25 Tmmmm mtg nzaéeflWKMZ f0WWmmrrsunltouunluoAliens 39 95 53 75 fimmuurr Specials 7153331 cup saucer Arranggmems RlchmondHlll hm lvlarkhamplaoe 56th $12 $15 Straight iifiw3ifiiififil7 Sfilhfiihsreeax lllAItflAllD etc 8834 444 ext 225 tIQBZSéOaxméa $15660 an 2951