Co The En earmarks Aurora Kenriilck 0nl Wed or rsor Ior Cars Ior MW May 39 1978 Farm Ilems MAssEv Mower plus in nu as on no llak Ridges Gardenllenlle TOTAL ABSTAIIIEIIS PIZZAVILLE limo alliance and ask liar your larm Also alarksmlln VV mm WWII no fixcaeke every prwde 53L day snoowln Rd$mond or Juan can Ridges Klno slderppd mug wesl or woman Name yPLusll no um on eaiézsmlaa iii Y°°°535°75 136°ILo°€LVJnT rm ffiy BY MAIN NEWMARKETI LilyT333333 WW InnN my neoggoruxlnv Sugaralas champion moo one rrees snmos Bromine ANNE vnlléérllnuaer 22315 33 42 mm FOR SPRINGFERTILILING megLlama 500 Ma Ill LOAN OFFICER oiellvl ocLldsdlifzrla ROTCLUNG When VOUR Insurance comes due llilrses Ponies GENERAL CLEANUP Slow In see us Mi mo 10 rowerr mrrgallwllllgfiluiafriél JTo buy or To renI Inr WILLIE WEEDER msumc 7273322 Body workspal CHAMP DANNYS HONDA UNDER THE WATER TOWER YONOE STREET NEWMARKET ITOW Salas Sery Parts ea VANlmllerlrolls Dual USEUFBLJWLE m5 sale relrlgeraiar II rs Ior Sa ondlllon sop rs III makes Sales Service lirl CNEVELLE MALIIU ififimrflOPTOEfllamam radio sharp cerl ed only slow Anlhmys lso cars lo cllouse lromi Bradlord 775 IIVI IId mi rayon cwRuNA dour sedan 25000 miles original owner zieearl auIDmaIiC iinled windows eleclric deirosier ms and snow led sllso compiling Lorelle MAJ ml ill irro CHALLENGER IB ciD no console good on mo sllsll or separaiely 727917 el dear Asking $175 queensvilie Throw iPark Lanel FHMEBVSJMA 34 Moiorcycles We have large selection of Suzuki motorcycles from The JRSO Io ihe camper loilEL slave nearer Al condlion Also FZSIHWS Ford loll lruck excellenl lbw mileage EunDpA CAnpn ELEAN R5 ammrl on Menilon ls Ad and Receive lo Percenl Discount er sell campe SOFTTOP camper Irail lols oi sloraoe lor camping rdeai lor small car are liar ill sleeps six la carrLe manurr vsms pusnei any quanIlIy delivered lv5alli aller 1H 44 Bu Trades UPPER CANAD FREE ESTIMATES Alcan GOVERNMENT BONDED INSULATE NOW WITH SPRING SPECIAL SAVINGS INSULATION LTD lnleresl Iree financing Limiled lime ofler 1278622 or 8951966 MEMBER BBBLHARGEX eMAstER CHARGE cpairslo Aulomolive lnduslrlal Radialors and Unlls cuRyED HOSE GAS TANks REFAIRED oil VerlolTlc ROWLAHDS RADIATOR SERVICE Fairgrounds Newmarkal 995 alal Aner Hours Holidays srs lads STORM PRIME WINDOWS SIDING Advanced Aluminum Products Building Froducls for $95 value mammals Hall dcondiilmer 3500 £951 LIFE INSURED Vlnd PERSONAL DE E13 IVHIHIN Phone Ts AREYQU uavannqulIAllliEv umwin LOAN CAN WORK FOR YOU Featuring Ullllllllllllll IllllOIIIIB PA¥ING 700 Il 051 wiln mower and role liliar Presen my ad and You recelve 34 MEIETNMLV muckth DFCLOAH CRIPPLED carrL gallonsllould chlorine plusconlalner Iur MUCH FOR saw Mme Upwamp munch For Sale only $530 HOUSE um soweoar many ran namec Iarlnes 3122 ppm ear an rm ca 35fififismfilzfi2i and supplies nciudlno HTH loll lb drum INSURANCE ORDER lull AN¥FIGKUF UF IEllis on MORE be sound and suitable Phone Ior children 685 I75 Bu Trades PHONE 77ssr92 CALL COLLECT STORM rAllo DOORS new GARY FOLLOCK AREA coucliia 6954733 firm my laooiau salads more your needs ne an ar Signgbggiflr vfi MACHINE CAIlAlllAllA HUME SERVICES irruck loaded wlln exlras ml lrro PLYMOUTH Adoor sedan alnomalic is runs excelleni 5499 An Inmys lso cars in choose lmm aradlordns cm la in CNEVELLE snap cylinder aulomalic radl good rransporlalipn only ms Anthonys so cars la choose Irnm aradlord rls LIB lull VVOLKSWAGEN reliable Phone imam Weslon ll Holland sr Hwy lli aradlord Nexl canaoianrnai uncommon as VSSDDJVL lb yAMANA Motocross ma excellen DlldlIian ssoolnone711s99o in irn aall NORTON 7mm fiml ammoanew or JUST rrEoucEp lm oodae Dari ex llonal condirion will ceriliy Call 72 647 5r TF Trucks for Sale llri FORD loll dow van auio ps cylinder removaple oencn seal caroeled lloor plus ekiras IJmOmlIESBV57l klla llri mu super coo Ford la rm llaNDA ca 550 crash oarsol cooler new llres and chain mo avs 5m aller pm is KAWASAKI molorcycles lnr sale Dan wood Molorcyele shop Alexander Road Nmmavkel call 09542 72 I975 YAMANA I75 low mileage good candlllon cemly xaHJhuntfiSCIMI WTFEIUWEL ii 11ng Working mans prices package and can mileageWulflszsm lm aMc yANuuRA low srereo pamally compleled Fellerlaw ills ui Wlanerdp will vaN lla moo mnes Musl pefin Besl aim Phone wsaloo kl mi FORDslalmard box needs work use Ilrrii enuresiseel lie ml CHEV ion va aulomailc on As is me Phone mum I5 mick soon Phone visual Trailers Ior Sale lm NARuroP leni lraiier sleeps raole propane slave sink lo gallon wsrer conlairler ice oak cu up Hnasl Exellem cmaiiron silnn wv lilaradiord Phone he led la lNexi lo lraliersleepsausedarllnes like new sisoo enone 595 375 ll GLENELLE house lraller sleep slave Trig Al condillon vnona issuer or oldMod lla IV yAMANA as excellenl con lion oxlras 5190100 phan areaeosallerspm ml NONaA Co on good and low rn dage phoned in la HONDA This Summer Gel Ahead on Honda Molorcycle come Today and see our complele Line TIIE MACHINE Canadian Tlre 775 37 Molor Vehicles WANTED ro our old cars oauonl lor scrap Nidnesl prices Free pick up Arrow TIle 5071 iii AqurlloI ve juaranleed leaGore For mosi cars Ilghi change plus Idol 895 Dmnrhidruawmnrke 15 Aulomo Ive ads lrucks in slack 65 ex 7722 are id Burris alllll Marine eon SALE 15 ii cllrlrcrall capin cruiser lrbnard llllly equlpped 9216 1l7 iora Ian wlln iii no more $600 ii ell as unnum lo ii Ilhnalass Dlrillhv 95o limon ovenlnus on III nu IIARs ouipoard molar mineralan walar lwielr New cmdlilon x300 or be annuals4m Ill lqfljllharsollpoaln Ilumlnum marl Ialll 30 Bolts and Marlnc Il sPRINdpcK aluminum opal wlln lop 25 np Evlnrude molor iwln Ianks irailllr excaliani conniliorl arm cm Fon IALE Mixed nay arr rain line per bald Pm IvaIlsa WELL RorrEo MAlillR lullaola ior daruan and liowarr by lraiiur load or ll IIUIIIBI delivered Fhoha mos kl my lor sale 15 will le EAVESTROUGH call Evcillnqs min SFI ac rnEE sr 895 7679 SMOKED IEEIIJIIS JOHN lvlclnllcrroryorcx err van TRAINEo K51 VFRINFERfy STUDENT PRICES if TWO YEAR GUARANTEE FOR FREE ESTIMATE 8958397 ASPHALT SEALING LAWN FEnclNc ALUMINUM soFFlr LANDscArlNcsouolNC 9959730 BEHAVEN TURF FARMS LTD LMJIITNII 4782261 Wholesaleilr Heliil Omitla oINo Mlnon anwlI Mara enemas SPEED nELlVEIlV 0R rchu coauco roe pick or omens panlmiSDDnrp munilzenl LESSGUTTERSV lilpDs liiillililm llrlllillrie munaawrnlnrrninrurnn cuonorllccu mnrsulAl AND wopkmnnsmp HOME IMPROVEMENTS Carpenlry concrele oleclrisal NO JOB TOO SMALL BBB2856 SEE YOU AT THE AURORA FAIR FIBRE TH FIIVI INSULATION ON WALLS OR ATTIC SALE PRICE YORK HOME MAINTENANCE 47644l5 8955l3l PROFEssIONALLv FasclA 7124mm us snurrcos my NEED KD er 1754M 8956845 WE DO IT ire YOU NAMEIT $008 LANDSCAPING No Nursery Sod Call Clark Carrulhers 4784068 Navelyaiomorodll your ammo mmmapdoupulwm Nnmorfiemandy nal 55033 or aTsam lnqulruoout lewnupkeap gardening uaalnniminp gelle aulnq pal mic summaiconlmcls era fiewmaréel Janldcaping SODDING FREE ESTIMATES Lawns power rolled Er Fertilized 89596 AIA 20854 DAL SUTTON EQUIPMENT 130 PM AM on Don Mil Weed spraying llilllll ln unilng Fm eslimales Weed culling Free esIlmans Have your lawn mower serviced or repalred Also recondillonedmawers lor sale can simian CI l1 Oil run once Oraanlc mushroom composr yard load delivered us Phone in ifli do Gas and PRUC ILEE scolcn Pills Savedig your own ainui Evenlnpsweekendx ll 4L Meals Produce Ior Sale Spring umb Importedrri 895230 Petsaanerlnelfza Palsandfiemlels Dog nbedloneeclasses All Breed Wednesday evening Sunday classes phone 8958281 zvEAR om male Alpan Irce la good name Phone 775 2536 elln oLo ENG sheep duds weeks old use imss aller 5pmandweekands re FIREWOOD cherry oak 47 Meals Produce far DENNISISCLUTTING Healing Coal Wood and maple elc seasoned Year Phone mule lid sT 29 8956785 no 55 Tenders 4784469 Al LIE Reg $3495 95 WITH lNaUL iT IOH 0R DE FOWLER PACER l70 IONIlL duiLuEks Ass ll ll ll Crane SrVIce AL 8954637 Jcliacllllue Free eslimalas 7755544 WELDING young man will do woldinll luliy ciasslllad ai lawn home 1day week callsrepilen 357 la CARPENTER Licensed All phales ouailiv work pudralliaud Free esllmplls 995 couple la cams and iiy pen Milli mill and leader FOR sALE 32 pigeons and moslneui call avems Lid Personals DD SOMETHING NEW Call Rendezvous Daiinu LIMlled We All rats are welcome 5d BIRYH coNrRoL Prlqnancy iesling Calm selling Free and corriidenllal Tuesday mornings M1 and Wednesday 79 Frospecl 5L Newmarkel 395 ISII No appninimcnl reccssary v0 conlldenllal onosis lrealmeni 27 Prospeci srreel Newmarkel 595 aslr ruesdoy am and wcdnesday 7o eri Ni appornlm nineeessary 1F TROUBLEDT wanl lo laik call TELECARE mm or 72 Izlzzlilollrsaday ll FAcEpwmlA pRINKlNo PROBLEM ream Anonymous or Anon Family Group can help Fhml 7271900 or 8701227 Newmarkel 54 Legal No NOTICETOCREDIYORS ANnorNERs In lire Esialeor Ballnur Leon Nari iaie oi as wailer Avenue in lne Town or Newmarkei in ihe Province or enlarlo opalnsr illa eslarc or sailnur Leon Nari who died on lna lain day oi Fearuary rm are hereby ulred lo send IIIII parllculars or such claims Io lne undersionad Execulrlx on or oerore lne sorh day al May ma aller wnlcpdaluneeclale ssels ae dlslrlauyed having regard only lo claims ill have ihen been received and lne undersigned will nor Ire iianie lo any person or whose claim sne snail nor men have rlollce EvELchAmERlNE MART IsWalierAvrrrur Newmurkdi0lliarlo carpe am voRK FARMNTRV oena carpanlry CallinoiMaklrlo sldino irlsiallallon Lo cruely Par pain 127 ms 4m NmmNwmwunx vslom wood work and liomrimprovemenls Tad apoderemaexer iis rim Rarlwoiiom and Repair lulu 45 Gorilldn rig REDASEBD Ndwmprkdl Iakd siruul aoulh slay Dray 7153 no rF POTATOES x151 par oveni orlng own conlainer milus nnrln oi oalnurai on oavamoni lar mlla Alan dump Iruck load Flinn add 56 Pr vale Tulrlon yiroT HISTCiri Girls Apes la eweek 754 le anInD wnupl Conldrvnllon lurid lung Iiousa May and ii lep erle or plan Manm Fulfill Clllll Munillvldr lmor airs7m TIIE liner comm BEARD0F cililcllmli TBIM FOII EEIEML WINNIE FOTI GLEN CEDAR IMAM law mm diam marked as la comm lor cunllruclian al ulan cadal Fubllc ocnaal rann al Nmmukll man do dewad la Ina Dilqu al coveloan in Ad mlillslillrvu Conic an wullnulnli soul Wear Mod omana nal lalar man too oclock on Eadlain payrgni smg nna mIdaydlnl rora prwnoa Ind mumm we no avenue to were oonmlu on wmeday my in mo II on ol moi IN dream loinr pun mlll an own srraal ml loloiild onumaranaepoulalsloooow oiled mos Maid in in ucivucl WINIWIIIMMMIINWIIH Wm new lo or owlcl good random wnliri Minn AW Macmillan no clllc aonueelon anal submit lnar renun iu in moral nonhuman roronln aid Olpolnory spam Ayn llhrowaaia Ofllllh MzE 2WInallIM M3Wamnm mum Dlmlllfiaima rlnla Nlay lo rera Eaenrandmnaaeacoonouhdaya Eosuflhmmmoimw000 nude Miloh lo rru you down Hoard oi urinal an ayemeld lo uwo loo parem ad madamerapped any lander Bl necessary In lomrl IEIDLERJNW muscle man ILI napn warm nanyin Pr vain Full on RADIO rv ANNouNCER Training Learn nolv In spare time you could he on me air In liva 9212420 Nallonal In sillula olBroadoasllrlg ruroRlNo by qualilied leather loraiialrrrlailiary suuiacls arnl admiral Hlan Hoeear 56 Privale Tui ion MUSIC lessons ovllar piano lrumpel hanlu clarinel and accordion and drums olovANELLlMuslc co will is Business5ervices rRoPERfVMAIN TENANCE palnllrlo clean up and repairs ere and ru 60 Auci ns AucvloN SALE ruesdv May lm Sale oi larm machinery inc properly Elmer Junnelon Eean cwlllimoury rwp iv miles norln Queenva case lraciors No mil wlln cops cockslluli leis iraclor wlln 23 llres eeiaras lraclor model 420 wlln loader wheel drive John Deere comoine lo ll wnile culIlvanr wllh narrows lav ll John Dare subsoil on wheels Ford Culllvalor I2 ll John Deere disc ll McKee sell unloadinp MBBLWaHDILJIACCIX cirlsel plow l2 il slraiorCahVflall IYDE manure spreader case cuiiivaior 29 ll Adams No Am grader good running order im chev Va van aulo wilh window in doors sold as is me Travel All iImerrHO Suzukl moior hlker Ion GMC lruck cab and hassls cuanriiy oi olher larm machinery Terms cash Sale pm Rel Larry Johnson auclioneer 7053513270 247 MAchNERV AucrloN sALE SalurderMly IllFJn saleiorLEsLIEGNAP RR oraolord on canal pank Raadsouln oi ilwy dson4oo wa mild in canal Bank Road and easl lo sale lvvalcnrorcaiearrowsonaoo HWYJ Sale 01 liraclors and Allis Chalmers model wlih allacnmenls John Deere sin Diesel Ford wlIh Sherman rdrlllirl elm cdpdclly demon duly siock oody oenliled selllno suislello modera reserved old cocksnull iurrow IA lrip oeam plow Disci Field Sprayers Meyers lrrioailon pump lam ll or pipe and snrlnkier heads Two slim wapons wlln rial racks wiln many uselul miscellaneous llems For lurlner in lurmaliorr corriacl owner or 47754953 Terms cash ehaouas wlln lD Nornlllo in he remuyed lmIll eeiiled lo AucrioNsALE salurdyMaya ATHLch Aucl oI luran dlah2i lamp and ouanilly oi mlscellalleuui name Iudlnaooahdlnln room chairs drassar cnesi ul drawers Iour rm cllalr old small rocker old oidss hook case china oil lamp vev aid linear lamp copper lea keilias ocean oiendlea caddiesquanlily oi hand and carpanlars lools la ilohd sdws axes owls picks shovels rakes hnea ele Miscellaneous china glass vulldlc Tool Ilosl flaamel INMTTHIII bar Wmmrlanlemr oak rralTporlable la dry Par illrrawrsadrasaw laelesaw In For Flu Harlin 305 ElmWOQQAVGM Richmond jLHI lalFamal aouih oi Marlinm Road Gall ol railay Iracks or aireuia Werirol ddyvalw arm 50in am an auclium Rap or AbelInca Insurance ATTENTION FARMERS Welcome lo our DEMONSTRATION DAY IRACTORS FLOWS TILLAGE NORTH UNION COMMUNITY CENTRE Miles Nomi Ill Gueensvllle MoviesRelreshmenls OlherEqulpmenI on display Sponsored by lUHNSTUNflLfSE SERVIE Telephone 4784218 $MAilil Auto ERVICE 895 43 up orokes wheel allollmenl salary cerrlllcale cliev TWEJJQJJMKJEHL TON RD 7228482 700 PM 11978 Is filiad so vale Tul on REFORT CARD uLliEsr rry We Care ruioriai Ser es or ouaillled academic mslruclian Days 2154i Evenlnns 7211544 or mlmi Ask show our sumfiler programs TFIS 59 Business Ser ces MOVING AND NAULING W8 am 215 All Aucl tins Salurdlymly Auclion sale or larrn machinery oraln iurnliure and anllgues in properly oi loyd and NoracoEnpiisn Lol 2A can Earl Gwllllmhury rwp miles easi and miles nonn oi Newmarllel on Don Mills Ad naw Woodbine Ava MF 265 diesel lraclor like new 755 nrsl MF ias dleel lraclor wiiil cab and Freeman manure loader FMF sail Drwdlldd cumr illne No 12 In ll ml haybine ll DvllIVDQ sIllI iooln euliivalor 7ng ion wapan ilao ou archM wagon and MIT bu lurnco prain boltxMcKed harvEIerr McKee 22 ll alrldrrlaiic sell mioadirlo wagon dual Ilras Horn and oecki New loco ilail lype manure spreader Glenooe luv ll cuillvaior Malco narrows is set wiln JuMaLInMLML5fllsc grain and Ienlllxer seed drill on rubber NN side rake Mi=uurruwlripoeainpluw yrs Turnco land packer lull line or isl class iarrr machinery leverylhind in excelleni con lilo ou lariey mo ou oals zoo mixed ore Brass bed kliehen Caalnei dressers beds wasnslands loliel sel oak nailseal and nal rack oil lamps exienslon rapid bollor prinl and ladle hand made gulllssmaii cider press plclure lrames old iamlly oiaie nunoieds or olner aniclas Farm sold irrrns cash sale or II AM rurnlrure sails rlrsl Ladies willprovide lunch Red and Larry Johnson Auclloheers Plrmal1ilsni nortrill AUCTION SALE SATMAVIII or II sale oI lurnllwe anllauei household appliances Cari colour TV alt The eslale OI ALMA SMALLEY Sanalom Ont mllcs nonnwdsl OT Uxeridoe on cone llorrneriy semi IWD miles oasIoI HWY on Herold Rd losanmor sandlord lnclualnu IVSI Meleor Rideau car HM Diane and ben sulle INC dean lrcexer wesllnonouse dryer Dlne wpmrdiwessoacrcnairsz no wood cnalrs cnlna uhlnmrcllehflfleldriofah3 Woedmomisulie dressers mirrors love seal ruos elarywaoa slave dinlnu Iable hall lanky wash sland Illanllel box sllver ware fireplace rouiid llble oidnkels sewlnd machine dishes WIS Dans MIMI pans be pill lflmFSi chlures shovels rakes SBMIODIIEIE MalW more arIlcles Nu rdsarvd To roan sandlord ucw will serve iuncll Many in levesllnrllemsahlhlfisalr abalflanlm mlkiru Earllravrlirr aucllfllln REOU Lorri ADVERTISING EAYS are DIVEENDS Ill SATUT Followlnp NEWMARKET HOLLAND LAN FORD ONVARIQ 71mm irrwmmorlrnIn Fuolic Hearlrio commencing ma in roronlo onlario lire Canadldn pad and leiecommunicalloro commission on iollowinp decision ellecrlva iorlnwlln DING All nadlan caalas slamr oniorloi Lllrliled JJCEa on buslness under lhe name or JARMAIN can Appllrallan Io amend lls cable lalevlslon dream iicence lor Newmarkel Holland Landing and onlarlo as Iollows Radio service lo add lhe receplion and Is nullnn ol KGLFI Kilcherler oniarlo CKTEFM sr Calharlnexonyl crNC FM aurllnalon onlarloWEBR em wailvrM wocx FM museum and wppofi eullalo new york and wrle FM Niaodra inn York Decision AnamveoiuMnr rna Commission APPROVES ine OI FM Signalswllhlhe exclullon proposed mum Inelolaning icy as rel of iisMsrc llln Public AnnuuiKulienlmdlloi applicaiions lor lne caoie carriage oi us sling slallons modded in solicliallon in Hindu an anadldn lulu ine commission oENlEs lne proposed rand vernslng marily direcled lo WHEN FM Bullalo New york canonan AngloIlkylxmn VMI Telecamnlllnlcnlluns rnmnuun Notice of Public Hearing allawa April 2i lm issuE No OTTAWA oNrARlo luNE i2 in AM rne Canadian pep Ra olelevlsloh finmicalidraccomm sion will holdaeuoiicllluu mo on June l2 mil ai lne Gayernmcnlm Llse euilnel Canniliklzl Eldexleltcwrl canamennel mmp SewIan Dam 5M1 NEW rsana will year pilbli éfilllil ILA mark 000 Ill lle ll tic bills lllcr nlarl llins Avior ECII hopes 91 ling liver 31 sehii and reim ierance cenlre Ridedu slreel Dilawa unlarpr consider lire ioilowlnp Newrlnrlloi Onllllu lloisaloiii App calion lor proadcasllno licence lo English language AM radio slalion al Newmln ioMarlo as iollow MT Frequency so kin Power loom walls lday and nlphll sol Davis Drive Newmarkel Onlarlu oENERAL iNFoRMArloN New In Iglgmgnl Locaiion wnere ine applicalion may lie ulmifll Anyone wishing lo commenl on an opplrcalion in supmil wrlllen inlervenlion which should mini clear and concise slolemeni or me releva irdx rne rounds upon wnicn lne lnlerveners slipped opposiiorl or pro lnlervener wishes lo appear on geadline rer recalpl ol muon arr May lm can Applicanl and cch wiih drool Exlrnlnlllon oi Applluliom Ai local address given in ihla noliee and al ihen mission loo Melcalle slreei Room le ohm lario lor examinalion al lne Weslern Ru lll Procedure Further iniorrnallon is ouliined availapie lor lhe sum or as cenls Came Frlnllng cenire Frlnling and puolim Deporlmenl oi supplyand servi onawa onlarlo lrllorrrlallorl wrlla lo cnrc or phone ailrim would Canadian Radiolelemlan and IEiemmmunlcalluns Commllslan Adverti Eslale ul NELLLE Complee Household co bedroom home Mahogany dresser brass beds Oak diningroom chairs llvlngroom sulle numerous KIIchen sullen ios Ir Pedesial Iable anllquc WMnfipal cabinet deskmexcallenl loo eknihiurMorIlsorEled mower AnilifiaJardlnlerslaa lurtderariyoiherllems loo num menllon Including various Sm nl prices TEIIMSCASII lScnooMVRI mlmiierae DniorinJosAzlslm 247 pm LAucnoNIrlliilAllomnll luso Wesl Fender sireel Vancouver arllish Med nearing inlervenllons To be senl ay reglslered mall or persmal dcllieri or service Reolonal oiilce piilaliorl is posed II should alsosLlalewnelherorrd Applicallanslrorn lne Paclllc Region are alsoalili column nRulBsUlP lrom rne eu res AloerIS SC ucI on Hitlocum RDAY MAYG I978 in 95 Mosaly sr Aurora RICHAR nienls Coin oak ldge 95 CondIIlDflL Balll black