Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), May 3, 1978, p. 21

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HEER Newmlrid Anion anlek 0m Wed May 78 THOfl re CGSHGL rr BLPAULHUNT Implicit in the aioremeritloned ectlves th Sh ro tied survey or students in York County eliective curriculum one whidi is temporarily gauged T5 imlillmntivntion student must be shown and crestImporter notion that when the student Ia givethls type lrle be midJuli to determine it their sex education to the needs oi the students at each grade level have Impremd Ponlhem 1° EwlllARKET Students In the York County stmctlon ilie inlornlation will be used Unrorninately needs are being met by the current instruction Second It should provide ieedback to the educators unexpected Prefiflflnci can happen to them ex id is oiten heard irom students it cant happen to al system are not twins the sex education like the proverbial horse that is led to water there is it would uire uiet sou students be surveyed an involved regarding depth otooverege topics not well area it and knowledge available to them according little cvldencetosuggestthat sex education Instruction equal numberallot male and iemalc and stressed the understood and methods by which iriiormation might me 1511 1MB Neilch Very It Itcan happen lothem personally rendBrill mmmmm nhmi ls eifeclive in reduclngtlie thestudente would be rotected iuu be conveyed to the students more eliectively real pombility that fluid ilcer Wills Yorfi aunt Sofie pregnancies or veneral diamse amongst young Thestudentsnamewould not beecorded and no Rev Which repmammfimmmmflfirtrmkfifimflPZHHW and19 people she aaldu om would be done by which the student could morid Hiu told the committee that 3sex education In wnfiequmceim M80 man my tire 581 918 an kirflfiimeguflli V7703 939 One possible reason or this failure suggested by identified itspreamt iorntfiafluteomwmyewnmstl7rr7 7M7 itleéoheired by Dr John Deluson she said the the York County boards subcommittee on sex nEaEARCH oaiacrlvaa moneyand the ediool boards time Herlm the PWng alresxuppose at th nhjeciive of sex education Is to extend education um relevant instruction is given When In summary the proposed ruearch Is aimed at He said the knowledge must be applied and this OWWPODEln PIOIIIISNIOILs 01 l0 EB cans page rmbvev misconceptions and make the educators have thought it necessary rather than when achieving two main objectives she said First It can maybe do of the momma to do 50 lg Passed and that as long as reponsible birth control methods Waits are used and unwanted pregnancies and veneral known to the St the childnfeded it shoilid aid In the development of meaningful and on to the studentl diseases are avoided that sex is Mam He went on to say that students seem to be given the facts about human anatomy birth and birth con trol pregnancies and veneral disease without having the sex not itself placed withill its moral and ethical context littering concert inds upfirslweek fLionsMusicFestiyal wilhin the context oi marriage What mottluon in NEWMARKET mm gs fizzyleg ASL Theme there to apply the actual knowledge ilsex is treated as oiilie wills for Thomas smvmlm agylnzm delcksll acaaualactand themoral and ethical implications are STREE IS WRONG Sexual intercourse is not just pleasant pastime and can never be treated as more physical act bet WEE two people We wonder ii our sex education programs not leave the impression that it is normal enjoyable experience between two unmarried adolescents rather than teaching that it is an ex pression at love and mmmitment between two people not taunt llustc Festiva is air one Melody Lyn and meanst He ex resscd ave concerns lac em Flsiivnloi Siam held den Richmond roll mum KEN asis on the reality of human Iileill the womb Fl to In Melody ph aid or each week Hm RM and Hm surging f9cflloirh Studtzits rriuat betaught that ii pregnancy results Palm vroiin Grd Eutwa strum from their actions that alter conception they are when the met oroup Georpe This is ed Mwmalw amps $7537Mma dealing with human being not clot tumor or mfiwinnLcrba n7asunfiv 7piece oi hsufiimgflmy is not sicknessltuia cured me mmL magma AIM Blue mm Pan me Marv nor Is the resulting fetus something that can be easily es Maple and Margaret Evans Ux dismed fsu Edguntrfiiilssyleggmme WM Anydlscusslonolsex education birth wntrolfi Lee araetor cyndy Acmmian ti yam and kopConslmCllon Ltd was Nmmrke Roland MIME presgrilglny sinful IClndelomslmn iglllboth in phy tor the out no and Rob mm Momth 95 me In an or organ soloist islnerrnle Kteiriaure Rexdate Robert nartseti psycholoycally of abortion and alternatives to not awarded because Sandi Malhun Richmond oex Ridges abortion should pregnancy happen enlered the class Lmun Accordion l1 your and NOSAFE anonrios he d9 Tridmsm 5otile £3355 Rabt Barton Oak There is no such thing as sale abortion and that Memorial Rose landlord and Newmarket Accovdion Grant for teenager convenient abortion is not the best or the school with Richard van Hemer Terry gulls runney Gormley solution Wm mamgm Reesor Newmarket and vs Pocsal Kuwlck He su ested several alternatl to ab ri med Prince MIMI Low 6mm firm ucalon gianWeEnmWM Vioiin cyndy pm NIFSéhoolrrwensm Ngwmgym mm termtleeanusguaranteedbyleglslatlon motliera77 usPllblic School was Lee aradiord Pearson Richmond Hill allowance and weiiareare available and Bilthright an load the Teddy violin rrio Aoocie Accordion Grid Roy mm Ramona Hill in Remus nu 331532735123er mums mm mum mewmandim than sanauta Mather airtimond caroiine caddies Downt Fin dm HItlrMiatacISheogarrRlcher sylew epnmm 5mm 93 uron eig mm NHL Mum Am mm sex education or children and teens rests primarily in st away with the millimetrest Hermon Latttna Paul Bradlord 77 the home with the parents becLMemo mMmZA some 1d Ior outstandlhagl 123m uewrnerketH steffihméffiiifii 77 7AluLlirogrsmoioex edtlbatlon7ar7inmily lire ubalid WM Newmarkfl Scouts and Guides who collected paper Saturday fall This Is the first time they have worked together and educathn I8 SiIthS falls HMS he Draper St Charles Gartiier mmkmggxgfiww 41 couldnt have squeezed another sheet into this truck by the the girls outnumbered the boys Over 125 boys and girls mfluvafimns WM5 and Values are laugh and in Richmond Hill Vlultm om Ru £3211 Tfifmgm end 01 the day according to Scout official Norm Fowler leaders and parents participated Above leader Howie Simplified 0me up the Kaye Lone Smilh Nebleton Hakkinen TheWest Dlstrlct Guides and the lat Newmarket Scouts Wright and cub Quinn Plotter shuflle loose papers The TEACH PARENS Id Ma at in This is not to negate the need for an adetiuate ffleAflfgxsvslfH fly reotrmgg VaML collectegoyer 25 tons of paper and plan another drive next papers were sold toe recycling lirm oi835 per ton program ma schools bumrmps mm mm needs Poirier Memorial V° in be glv ythe sdtoolbeardln teaching parents how BJ ECTS Lanesmttmuooiato lteeoraien Oren tr Lot in childr th til miinrtiiinii mmndfiifi° TOW 10 Sweet Adelines ms lle summed up by saying that unless some oi the TO BILL FOR LIGHTS as did the Mo Ell ontrv Folk Group suggestions were considered and some attempt made NEWMARKEI lllurn Memorial WI Mrs Alreta John XXIII unionviiio to incorporate them into program or sex education Turner Richmond Hill M75 Ir Chi IllI HM lgffil UEé Elisabelh oration Thorn Rogers Publlc School such courses will only have the effect of increasing in competition an Mll Rev AJ Thomsbn Newman Nooteten 5r Mail TM by for Atlrora Archibald carcy Public school uooielon sexual activtty and really serve no worthwhile pCir litiilig schoo choir roronio oevins Drive puotle School Emphfi Mozill ssi fountain again ed John xxm Noblelon Mesduwaruox John xxtil School Union pose Committee chairman or John Denison then questioned the boards right to teach children who medumamlueire ifiztlwlimszi as NEWMARKET everything goes Minerva Illorhlnn riflggmuszi gmfldwflgangw 33345 ms were we is no moral armnu and rripio Dual dies chorus aurora eata town council cordin to lan to or eg on Cdlhryn no3 or Noblelvn sr School chorus Aurora 139 flamed 599 um imam dream flight muncuimwmm oruieSweetAdelineswon7ltultlne lilo or more Does the board havearesponsmllltyto children Wanr mm Momemcee awar water in Gmmde Jackson SKhnolNawmarkrsl Ma nunr David ownShel Grid classroom orimltt Aurora Edward much Shermannuat 003 nllal Trophy for pumaMme lrorn lhornes whereit is not taught Do we have to pay tor lid competing chomaes April The Yng Highlands 517° 03 P3 eeorae st sensor Grimm Aurora es present but only because mm Ohio dltlonet lights at the 2223 at regional chapter Will be antenna leielfdllwfiusi 051331 illshkgngjggzg in girl vocalist Mendowbrook cutter Aurora Edward like to see pa Mung CNR crossing on competition held in May the Wmlfirw Pg 11 Robertoirran also oi ewmavket Manner Avrwn rountein there an if WaterSh regional tSyracuse our draw being held here promiscuity II we teach an pragmatic eve market won the C°° churettsrcnoiriunited 395 am 35 mad competing were nine Judges at the New said Yates °° xx Chumr Wm Police hunt swam We lie succeeded in Canadian and sever us York competition lauded The committee plans lurther meetings for public lliWI Shlyk theaddd $331 15 mfm mf stag Chutrénrfilzgflfllkytn gxrgégfiffbumsea gettlng the matter choruses ream the thegrouponitscostum inpuitrompareritsountaestedgrouasbeforemaluog voca Aurora eser reterred hack to or unknown are pink outfim and its final reoonuiiendationii to the board sometime in Mindy Lynden oi nr autumn 3390 WH fgfifigfinmmmme engineering com jumping made only one recorn late autumn to rill took the hmntgslsszilm Amman NEWMARKET mittee Member of the Ymk rneddatlon that it have 15 Iirieltues Trophy 55mm smm smn unda connio Crud York Regional Police are 98° 00mm Earlier the yaw were Pleased Wm or 20 more members on meat outstanding newng mnnwskiK25wik searching tor man My film mm committee it me mu place finigh stage nextyesr lflistlit mic tirade cistiprym Acezgtvflnszwzugarfid betwemfiorwyem of pgstemtxe oncerne Nemarkctn Ya according to member Dimemionhe 5mm twardedihe Ann es SchoolNewmarltal WWW lake and the Holland mil tor the lights Wrmummn 130th tor out gunfirlnfiotmflIPmfl fixatmimm Garosklr oireoder River and the small pond because they are ior my he 35 Spectacular7swaseoomoloetlohoiconiettiStar is or loyear lllch Ill be ad scent tn School yttornttiil Awrdlon ill your and Tm m5 EWING 3k 38m 1cm 119m Md Wars dart throwing and leaking dunking board The or mom ea WW BIM PMe Ch under Kevin Show aurora six year old Aurora boy building wh it 00 mun night was yet another attempt to raise Student Council in Barkweil oi Devlns Drlva aurora the mono winch uses its funds to sponsor danca clu was awarded the Prince Cbsrl Newmorxet 323333 13 wlm was playing it is ofin he point of being bsidize mone tor inent Motors ikophy for Medeiros Scarborough Aurora tuiius courts last stagnant an A5 the mat hall Wednesday in II and In Drive ending girl Am armrdion it years and week and offered him Ill type of device Barrie our Swirls lot the oven chammnnshw me irom Aurora ones rrlplo Dlllli Bck candyiirid money iogo would cortalnlyhelp r7 77 rust time in five years The team was defeated by Colin William Mcadowtirook Public school mm Hem tral ho had entries in 29 events while anonal Trophy Newmartet Efflm wihmslil ff ride The problems associated with fifiarf hadzmmumm in only 2L Wendy York misleading fly Danllo Marion Downsviow 12 my Fwd lowoxygen content in the came roughesme htermedjaw ammund champion misfit in the mild fiSWJSW PW WW sandrs TcsioRlchmand NIII imam described lakecand razor he said NEWMARKET rip exandpr School MW eaeitdrieb7w eaHlltMwaytOheeomfi one Memorial and hum Accordion ii yam and b1 lean maven ounc wm be awe ted the WW fish Eliot aw ide Halon Rexuala mm would we OWEN so riloralIrounrl Champ rea aps ring ethutwirsdliidthbz 533th PM mm lshii wuiowaata with short dark hair and igflflagfihfmfififafi mm muffin Councillor Davelterglm offer for the sshnol competition mailed in the second place finish DebblMcCa1Ihy Holland 67439 ed announced the York However it hasni ac Track and Field my was held yesterday mm being award Prlchlriw CPlaglnd Pubtié Landlnv Lallttts Paul 33 makes any has emu County Board of cording to committee Everyme was invited paruupme in at least one his mum of school Newmarlret maim cams Educations committee chairman Harry Bows with mp winners going on interim mm Itioris held during havmfim 2337 Wehave received petitions Spectaiois cheered on their levorites end all are as follows Newmarksl KallY Kelllev and will be meeting In the order in Aurora Roberto Foilllalu sometime this week to slim vJudllhfinmr hunnlll7 discuss it further and placed Vocal ouai ll yam and MD ttlntenlta under carol autism and make it April ewnnartn art on tried to build up tan uirt hm Marriott Celia Morrison and auilnasiev cm annam Nowlncrkot ucwmannar rue Whltchurch mm havent and LYNDA nurilmson 1Wllkes aha on stouilvilie Museum located in tile lormer cepledikiyel Min book two to Nubian 51 Public School Bogarttntfirdimwn uloékn wlu sold it haEoeen very The York County ggnmtmiemmr Wm mm ipeoieinpenhourolvtayis noninoo toipm to 9° We btisy week lor Huron WPXBZContest was held mm celebrate CanadfiflntrMuleum Day mm mm siu ntslhebsndshaye7April 25 7at7ivisikliain riisrntfuri CAM According to cunlor Mary Hopkln ooilee Pinks and FPPEZE beg involved in the District High School rm M777JMimuFes vaflic fineHr ti DnvInsDrIve Pun alaoglelIXIPIllhelallvdedliiendlnce It the yummx 55 55 Communictly Corgiarfii bgusanarlayes Jafice mil sighs ms mums mummy hmsiimhwirzii April is and 2s Redneanerrore mm Nawmarkat estimated 1500 have visited il record figmehffassspv2 Sfflgg mm if 11 Marina 3537 st M3775 255$23133MWMW the °i but 53 tilESilQitsiESllf Elngrsluiliionlrs cw will Schwh Wan he have everawardedtoaband in Weryonaior their eiiorts union Ir mm mth met any this cat Thejllni At the Gassa tlama 53 mPVbfiMm if rm atria mm we Tilloading ndplfiet second wltoh Girls Gymnastics Meet W1 fgmlrrei Mm Min Mummek mm Wilmt 0W mark or 92 while the Carolyn Saunders placed urns Richmond Wm no provai For intermediate bend placed rotor on the lunler beam tntorm at cm aeco Fm PM fiwmetr mthobo daa aiwaodiitindzsnaamblafln lhefldoLExeudsmr IL will 43 Pub mm Forge remanded by udge 1719 its inboard received llrst with 84 and first on the his wniarltat do aovi chnlrl Roilerl trdlldigiimm bllcSsboa ANawmlrkttl77 Richmond Hm ortdu classroom or Charla Sch lrh thm 5333 schoetfrihmartrtl Membeu olNewmarkets Prince Charles Public no rFi°L2hifigfflfig nudesen tytP tfiluoommitteernesaid placed giro With fa 1o amtsingly Manta stoa we won errs amao III it Mark dooroosi Public School line up ready to perform during WWI lghillFOHVfilOI Sidrnlhe grfifirrgegehtacguffifi 2228 migwfigrvzcmfi at Wu pnrilclpnled and 7ithe7season on April in Ilmzhinum Mm school wontha GertrudeiJncllaonMamnrld Rose Bowl or having the wnvmmhdn my and mm heme the WW especially Mn Karts and against woodbridg The muau vim ne Elementary momma or enlrlcl in this years lath an jam imam JudKGV KMEEWlflrflkmmrMondaxmghtbV Mr nutter tor all their seem weeio Vliuro or VMJ lit rollalen Winmm io3llsi°ifiulnai lllvllmiu Lions Mtisie Festival churgoa will be teamed Mnltl tntetire waitin vlt

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