Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), May 3, 1978, p. 1

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iii 40 Mars iiiiii irli iuii are THE ERA Since 1852 NEWMAIIET AUIOIA IESWICK MAY Ill mir iiriiiui prneeu cIii rellly he in To Iuody Ibo Inner vtiiiiluli ihr wind the rude and Menu 04 Mealvino haul in eh inIrliel IiIae HuI VIIIerlIle were wened iiiii liimiiiii hill Ilore IIII or him here Illede in up Inn In eIrlier ml flight Iiie flying iagara residents etition against laza on Davis Dr il KKET There are null plazas in dK inu ul lhem uii llrlpl end ihe own rl umlher one at liraham Banned lit rim piiiiuig in opposition in noiiiii 1000 square tool ii plala hilh mi in illices above Ii lhe rue ixirm Davis Dr iiiiliirl Mr Boriisleel plums alreId iii lnwii il iilzined properly in lkfill mp stores Lil114s would cause wawi now irIlfic in in Ar and il would uiiaii neeensilaie llie iru iii Nina Sl iu Ic tale No way inflic Ir peiilion Iail in Town lliralll Blight Ind read II Hi mom mu hid night Ii uncom Borneel Ulyfisllm Ind in in xignaluree at seven inis residents lrnlre Mr KVRA new ban urine by me WlBoIrdolEducIllm parany nunlain new 53qu ram II rm lhe expno cl fkDrUlnmI spiteman 0f lui 73 mm Hillii JEVYSuuur IM Teacher 9n identical The pelilion is being an mick iii lr Bonisleel lr Hlighl mid The Era heirqu Il is unsigned His name is lyped Ii ihe bollom ol the page Ind some 01 lhe sigiuiures ImmpiInyiru il Ire primed The pran lor the plan time up at ihe luWTi plInniig group Way nighl loo lIle lur puss mm which would lime in apprme ll hellire ll was puma miii LVlumll Mylar lrlllipni9fllb ll Toronto is the uvmrr iii the land bul wa niii alllldllll iiir lulnmfill Also discussed Thursdn mghi were ihe plum or tunerl homeoo hele sitk Nllul Si bul also ironing Davin Dr The raidaiis iil lhe are It hut ihe aria uhol for the mMim medulm Th Ivor the tunerI home said luunrillor Blih Silil Ahli hllfed lhe meelihip lJu lippoeai lo the plum YORK COUNTY BOARDS TEACHERS FEAR French will cutinto regular programs made the mmmail durifl board Iull rdIliooI mmmiiiee tree lul inell While continuing lhIl Imiu Ippmvd lur lhe Frmcn In ham used lo Iubudlze egular procaine John ippen ll belll ol editlion direclor took wanna me be bolrd is Sun our illgIl raid lowrm TlMEOUT TO GO FLYA KlTE Nunn in ronlul In held llll Human Illernoori lo nhkh him Iould he Iollrll which here the heel build on The lino Wyer old Ilerk Howie ltlll Ind DUNN 540ean nude linll Idiiiumenu io illeir Ilin belorr Iiieinplliix In th ihrm In ihe UMI midi which cannyd iiiiii iiim Set CRTC orJune l2 llTl The Allddlfln Radar ldensum ullll Tullciimmuhiraliiins lilmmissiiin will mld public hearing heginnim June 12 an all applicalion lur emdlll radii slallnn licence The applicniion is helm made by group of Iran husmessmrn headed Auliirrilihilr dealer Brad Walker ii derision was rendered the communion all or Thflrllu late lasl war hulsusr Km Vim ii DLM iiriiadimiiiii lodged an innerlion Ir his illfll hm rp plied llkml earlier and had been turned down heeIuee lhe Ummlsslun sold need or he slalion had mil been Drmm The June hearim will lherelure lake the lIM appliuiiovi Inlu MM llbfifllims iii llf suppnr lllr rwiliarkr radiii lfllllm Tililbl be suhnnllid iii liw illnllllkslllli ll inirIIiiell rench in he clammm mean ihai lour or tile eur diiun the road ieiiiniiu iriiiih iii rll Milka ii going in he i1llllpulMH he lamed Miami iiimiiiiliee thdlrmln llr John unison The giiiernmevii has Irlulll deereed lhIi Unino Hill to he nilirgual In iaii only ihe teachers can 60 ii In incl In is an imposed lhim from the outside MAPLE LEAF STUDENTS SELL 10956 BARS PIMRlIT ll inighl iwiir AppeIr in lhe mime illill iii Work Rfillrm hul il iiiiii be iiirgoiiiri al Maple leal nniiiii iiir long mm iii lmnr in las lhiin mn weeks Mil ludmls iii lhal 001 sold 956 ihdxiilnle ban and in he prim mm mun iiiiiii as am lor lls UmIIIUfll school program mi iiiixxilnle bun pur inane iiiriiugii imillar Fun iiiairiiig mim iii Dori Mills were niiil iiir si irriri but so p01 iriil ul ell lYllIWi raised is nluriied io lhe whiin dll Added incenliir lur hi pupils in wll hnrs lhen Ins glillerinx aria lit prize Inlllru ll be dished Iiul iii ihme um mid lhe lnusl liars Prim mum iriim cheu sets lirinia nuke Cullluln and slullvd Ininialsnll the lay up iii portable TV And 10 speed bicycle Amde Mohamed ii Grade siudenl rode home lul WKlnesllu his new in speed lllllf unir selling 93 hen iiiiiri vim dlhllld else at iiie iimil such policy has cru rod Ipprdiension amuru inch1 mm Mrs Hurley Tler lire number iaihln er dpprlhenlne nol usl iiiiui riexi Seplernber bui the iron Ahead she plained We hale em lllnllcllh lryiiq lu lith Wainlien line at he mlficuluel II1 in warm uid Mrs Hurley is lhIl lhe Fruich ludiir ig mtgWMmbMMmfludubthII MMuIwafihIflmflnhfiflm RufimhthlMdYnMIHMMm mugunmeymnnwmJunymmu Whatever happened uCaIAdII 91 In may batty TommvhhphylhmIlMMMUWIeIMII DIRECTORY lCl 3W SodI Nata Thrash out school space cancellations NEWMARKH flats eommmicIiim Ind mopaIlion beltem the ori My Board of Wuhan Ind Nevmlrkd mention deplrlmaii the Iry Ia iiie prooian at cm cellnlion ol mmmunily use 04 noon Newmnrlei TruIIee Crllfl Cnblr lold ihe imvn retrolion commillee Wed medy Mr ribr alaig wiih Mn Supervlwr iiti linni were iniiied l0 Illmd lhe mMIr la dluuu lhe high incidence ol Kluili mulling oul mm mun use priingms Mr llbar armed milh lin iii cancellations prepared by Ichnul man 513 dilplllN mme lhe dale lhal were cancelled iiriiming lo recreaiion lommisiiioner llIn Shannon lisl The rromerkm High Jum class cancelled by lhe nrrealion deparimml said Mr rihar iiir Idlk iii people mining dllVIrillM lit mi lisi Mimilei Imr disagreed Thei ii wrung Mfiaid Mr lribIr said some at lhe dalnlin Mr Shannon list war in mi iancellnl in no school bill lllmr merm lhinii ihire wme tunlusilm iuer ranrellaliim limes Mfllll iimmiiirv lhairman Ra Tuinne rend Mr inbar leiier lrnm Parish Tubemade lhunh INdl lumplalncd about the lamellilliori of ill Adm use IlllR BdlScfnolonAViib Ma and 16 dlsfiilehlld iii iiui Drrdt 71 iii eurwmmi lhe Ierler diil lidnnon iiilally Tm iiirigrigaiirii ihlnls ii eir lam eiiing ihrni inii ni liii Nlllll iniilriil inter ll Alll lr Tnlmieu Th tales lll hurih mi iiui are Ildl iiiniplrliiiil wt hrir llrhllal yriiir iiriigmiii hi rlllllll in ulllml im ll inuriii uh iiiiiiiiril lNlilUNQ mi ii iiuiliiiiu nmgc ii iipiiiriiiiig mil prlllmlillli rllll 1r Tulmlii rv dlld han ring ll ii YANIT liii wliuilll TW tipll know My whai iheir whoa In 1m in he nlllIhle he liked Mr nbnr School princileI need pamiu lo we iheir lanolI ihe ume columny yaw1 wmcipnll Ire liked in Ipply then It the Li ilie Idiwl year tor ihewtnle ynr Io thee wonl be my mflid with aha groin Willa in me me Ichooll IIid Mr ribar OchIionIlly Iomrlhing lume up till Illm Um play is iismunnim Glen Cedar slated for Sept 1979 NEWMARKET Glen rdIr Public Sclnol here wont he reed lor Klupllk unlil wplember 1m actoer iirl hum Board Educalion eiiimIrIel lrualee lraig ribr The curruil lunghie an aide ullI tor wilh clung dale June Allowm on day or linIl imam Mllllfipll Band In Winilll ot Eduulion ap urinal ii lmlil like we will probably slm minedion on the tall at AuguIl lhe ewmukel lrmleeloldnie ErI Lul week lmelnnioa iI peeled in no woo we and period Thll would make lhe ripelira in lime or me im WWI Plr sud Mr lrihnr With gniwii pressure iiri ewninrkel haul the lruslee Aid he hopelul the winfll ran iiime ahead lil Mll My hope IS well yr rip wrung mnlriirlor in lhere iihii iAlll iii he pt and do llullll he now iiiii Idlllnfl lhe llrlllI ill vfllkiwbruul ire iew mini lull ii Uni Ichool nu mm regular mam Kelli in Aurora mi leek rubleei eeri old he pruiirwe has ennuirt gran Iix lhe $15 million propel Now checking facilities for new Christian school PVWMAKKHT Thr iiriipimd lhrlhlmt mil iiir lunilrk l5 grading gnlim mm in heuimlru realm according ll Pulor iron rue lil linre lhunh mmregniiori oi urnr iiiuriii liie inning iiirce lihlnd lurmalilm lil ihe school uhllh ulill be known The immarkrl dlkffl And will inup pm in urine lhunh re liilo leasiliilil iil rlllllh lulix rixiil TINA aid iIsiiir rlihrh Vlhnl lhal iiieniir is lutth iniii Khal iipi iii lfilil we should in Vie more mixing Ihoui mlm purlbios ide pan ol the church hul now were illMmSln nheiher or ml In addiliori in Ihe church would be ihe hetler flle haunt the school It we opt or lhe addition lii opening dnlr lur lhe school iiiiio pmhnhl hmi iii 0r iieilriid iiniiI Seplimher in so slrucllon quIliticIlioriI have been Ided Io Hill media who on previoiiy mm the lingo3e woni be ibie in do so in ii Zrdc prugnm sdteduld iii be introduced in viiik inn Public semis mi Seplan oonimiiiee unreal In cum and grow in cludin leIcherI Ind hoard membere in look min the pouch llt nodillili iliuli ll plnia heme mm Me sud he haml ulled Hi the miniIlry ol educIliun rqumnu me school but oursm micipue there will he In problem gamma apprmal mould ii be decided ii iipm iiir sepiember 1m iuliir rush em deliaim ii his hm ll heriime hurt lllunl Bliarii ill liilulilliiin ruelee in l9ih Rex lnig lribar Does he plan in ninltsl lhe Newmflfi Inlle will on lhe hoard this Ir donl plui in gel involved with me public sdiool tinrd hesiIid The Irlltiln sdiool is lhe IllernIiive lo mm an lulu l0 dam my were Sun In the you IIIIIIIfl A1 INA uLbIAM Gustar runs for NDP again KING Wally will be he ledall NDP can did1e for York Peel HiI nommIlion wII unconiesled Friday whai the ulnam held in minimum maelu It the librlry Kim City mi will be the third lawn durum lor Mr who no in lhe tanner rIdIr York simvoe in lm IM l7 luring his Icreplunce speech Frldl Mr Dunn slImmed me cvenmai in humi money on unem ploymail Ind Idler when my mild he invenir mine in mi inh He lllo Ilreued he diIIdenlueI n1 loreian dominIlion or InIdI my Ml 11 trial at pa rem iii our mlnlIIdilll mung owned by other rouni illie My told the was PM you mnl pli Ille you am il He poinied out thi menion rqirduu ruurdi and dewlopan Ire mm in the home counlr Ind expel lrurn me home mumr Ire umighi ir while lanndinm ilh suhslInliIl oeng wind up drliim uxis Mr Gullr slid here are lli ens wlullab and lb going in Mike lime we mumrglul chute Mr liuelu gnulea in im iiiih iiqu in ennuin MINDY In 1975 thu mural double work load nine lrvdib in one you he mod honom dqm lrl Poliiiul lmf mm urt lnhfllil Employed as periorrnmi niplIHmenl liiliier lN iiprm Mr mom is nllrflld mid has Mali ihlldrfli Mallhtl iii and lhaiiil Ind wile Jane are Lurrmll renaming larmliiiusr 30th Brldlord uiiile Mrs inislzr works Munro degre in social wiirii mlple nu iiied in lamu ul prminca lntludll Quebei Ind the erilimes lielure mm Il lo this Iru Impll mInIger in wall ilk pr undmale in me iui prulnill derlion and ii lrufwr al eumIrIei Huron llelflhlx ihuired Frl01s meeimg Jail Hadlielli Ill lvlmrkel In airlrali Galina WIUI DeHavillind Ind Iiormaednol hardlruuee imaml omccr Gul Ipuku FYidIy was John Haney MP lor Stubtn Wm He from 1772 in i1 lhm loot hII IeIl Mr he in Illa Mr GuIlIrI proleucr polilicIl Ieiaice Ii ArmIi Gauge Yerii lmvmily Mt Albert gas coming and maybe the rope too

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