Kll ii itm ttrrfapondfnl tmttlthlt The ttrtttr ttt Nurses lltlr program is prlnl tl doesnt ih ttlitlttvnlurtlllluu lwllll and their it lruflglmfi to tttltll1 tn tm tl llltl on the lltghauysVlland titti ttght are Tramportahon tttaalllm mister ll tttdtcated llt ehmllid engineering ttaw Bob Scott rvl nlkll sold the ttnlallud as time rt tut ltlunlts permit xllV letter said wtmed here thlll Io juilll ttrtutm putrtta ot tg null rcault ol Lax also oroaod tentral region it tmnligatr all mam Highway tllrldlnllin ltqullld ll lhr tlthltl mun ltlunlll rm hr mimslr tut lL lt lht in gllutly mantis nl tutr lb ltr linislr nntr ttmslslfnll ltt requrals tttlullw dl lhl aurrant lights tr tlllad at an huntti request urttte per it tttiiitsttirl with tutti lengthy mutt dlrl al hlghha ll ttt rts Apr 29 ltl HILL The lvl tlll Gt commuter trattttetnaugunted Illll Premier lltnlb and Trans not mtt tummunieatlors rm ntm nllinall tht trti station lttlxurdllun schedule trt rurt at ll 10 am lllt0r all wtll start Lt tttt work on lhf Hnttt at mun Station to 4v but VAllI that board Vtlfiullt tl ht level train WK he nation here II elkre Mayor Margaret ll ttl King Township ll litttwn ol Aurora Bob wt tumarkett Garnet ttt aughan and Mt lat ttttr ol Whttchurch om nc stheduled tu Sinc l852 HEtatERA NEWMAIKET AUIOIA KESWICK APIIL The Hts has btvn noun lanada Manpowl Grant ol 59 166 ll pay rune volunteers lD tiait three or our sailor citizena with daily The volunlm are paid $122 per weak maltit the trust nl the program to help senior stay at home aerxllePl per week It costs up to stat per melt ealth inspecto rder nine cleanups 316me ark Regional Health Lml Inspectors have issued at leasl nine clean up or are charges orders in tumarltet lar this sprilu ucrurding to Wayne Butler llslrltl health trepmtrr titw Mn tthklM tnto the problem ever SlfKl the snow tagan melting he ald GI hagt prle upa ll ust matter ttt garbage being put where tt is not supposed to he and not helm llllnld up when tt gets mesa The prnbiem was xyilltghlml puhlllh lasl week hen ttmtt LttulKllllIY Bob Scott demanded vounttl talte aclturl to hate seteral garbage strewn areas HIM up He par itrularl tiled the urea bdttnd the market Plan starts pt ul garbage in lrtxit til the stores trppoatte the plant on the mth Sldl cl latis Dr and thwnlown area rommtlltve til council i5 turrmll sludnml his reqqu lllr attttm Mr Butler said he checked the garbage piled up lrontol the Aslorea acrua Iront ewmarltet Plan lound It to he mostly home type gar hage as opposed to store type The prtthtrm nttttttr tenants winery and garbage mittrt tutttparttet hf sald Maple Leaf students to maintain aatlor in wine publlc inaululloll The lnctdly Vtaliora adve an action by helm unu light houadtold dutiea ahoppir and bankll It the program cant ind new lundlng anon it Will lold Michael Kleaki ol the provincial Mintatry ol hm rs The problun looks worse in the sprtru bxause lot at garbage ts thrown out during the Mnlfi and gets hurted tn the mun accordlru to Mr Butler in the Caseol the Dans Dr plant Mr Butla said the tenants tn the apartmatts over the stores hate not been protidrd lllh garbage receptacle mntrary to oun tllllll Scull claims and tvtrtsequently the garbage has ended up all overlhe lrmt ol the plaza The ltur ltiod handliru slur tn that plan have thetr tmtt garbage Mlfltlfitn said lr Butler but there In nothqu lttr the other tenants He sold the health unit will he theclting all husmeaaea tn truth and where memory ttrdertrut clean up Moot these ttrders have time limit and tr will he checllru baclt lo we il lhr orders have but mmpited Vtilh ll ml we could la charges agatnst the people tnncerntd in most 156 moperation lrtlu uld It basically seems to be problem stemmiru lrom the lac that garbage tvntatners are not hang supplied to tenants Ul these plans launch candy blitz for school program VEWMARKET Al the hallway martt Friday ln wt week Chocolate bar sales bltll students lrom Maple llal school were hallway to their 12000 bar sales target The bllll organtred Maple Ital Community School lurid raising contenor Marg Mcrpln is to ratae lunda Io ltrep the community school pr am alive The pro ram unique commume lort to uttitu the demattary achool as an adivtty centre or the mighhorlbod ran into linancial dtlficultiea earliu Ill year when an educauort mlmslr grant was not renewed Mr Murphy hope It raise mby theendolJune throufll this and other activitiea such as hm dog sala duruu school lundi periods and lund ralSIM event tn mnjunetton wtth local rsuurant Studmu lrom Gradea to al the school are ultra part in the sale and Will be mmtru prizes lur outale ellorta The prizes rarue lroni to speed bicycle la tainia racket They sell Lhe candy ban or st The sale end lhla Friday The money will be med to l0fi uperaliru man the tnmmunity school prolrlm operand the Maple Lea Adtlwr tttunetl Brices lined on fraud charge TllltllKTlI An haw millimhurt ltrni lined 20m in mum murt hert lhuudll dlllr plllltllng gutttt lll lrautl thartta Brice spurtht mire ltd Ill Queensvllle was lined $211 ht Judge James Trttlter Tht tttnlpdll rhargrti tlltr litt flitl but trailers need ttt tramprt ttxtt ttttt anada trtttii tht ltiiteti Stateh in Iiwenrtar Mr And Januar iv mere ktpl tn the ttiunlry llllfldll Judge Trotter ordered the ttmt to lorleit all lite trailen Loglon auxlllary to parade Sunday NEWMARKET To commemorate the 50th ant nlveraary ol the Ladtrt Aullllary ol lhr Royal artat tutu there atii be adr Ilrough the ttmtt ol Veunarlel thll hutday beginning ta Labia parking lot at atrt From metat the partar tii the Walt war rrnoupl tor wrath laying terflllolly and lrom therr la Trlrilh trtttrd lhnrth NKIMIKEY ll CENY muluty and Social Sayica uid There are no lurldu mama lor lhia kind ol pope mw We have 2i propa ol thla nature in the province whim use on derway belue the UN The chest umilar prayed ll tn Untonvllle Gary Calid Newmari tloriat and voltnee cot SPRING Acrtwn nun tun alga ol aprlna II the tank at ten aaimit around the larm ern year old Ita Mattetensed the new lamba horn tdar mu Farm thla Iprlng BEN Another in CI 1th la the areaa youth group Quartermaster Kubbell Idlll the flag at laal ThundIy ma ERA ms Stnclair Stevcta val In in Nd to become the Progeuive Formative undidtr lor the newly created ledeal ridtm ol Yora Peel For walla ooe page A5 Some town rutdaiu are null contaird ova the latent the stop sign at the Intruettnn at Jnaeph and Millard For their vtewpnirl read bettera to the Etator an Page A4 Thll ueelt Buaineu Beat loan at new real eatate ofltte lor euniarltet new heautt Iltlll lg Aurora and an almoal new drink apnl in Aurora Urayatttrtes reatpetwrl mentlt utter all dermita mautve renovations For daatlaturn topgr All ordanattx with the 0h claimed the program so is needed race at coal govanrnatl unald not match tt mm to do the nine ohaerved ll the government this the program over ita IOII to unl lul more my ll you get on guternmatt ti tadrt izrta luv ES YORK meeting of thr NeillAH att League rhr group roostatlng ol memhen meeu at lhr lpIrlIII rnlrr etm pert ttl teamtramp thrrttott pmtdutt ol lhr oment turtitart tuge at tattada ramaritet itrartrh tunerted mittrt sputumd program the ttttat mmthl wages Ill be nutrt and addtru extrema lhal II he zun Thrtusl atrrn out It he sit per trait llmprm in nu Mr Klrsltt said he attultl title to the serutn puman tn the elderly unilietl and unllorm and tilted the remn heel Io learn the Jal tareh Mrs Jtt PG buffer appeal frivolous Forhan charges L1lHKET Ar the Town Boat him illth recent Munici al Board Gmmm natlnga litreel ul tattd abutth tnttitmbury ha been alrivtloua appaal by Forhan ad Och Llotlur Devalq 5Her and ll rat on In an YIII an In NHan by Newmarht to an East lelllmhury appltution to have aome land on Vunge Sl lad Mayor Forhan agree it ia lrlvohl appeal he denies there la any ammoHy between Baal Gwllllmhury Mayor Angus Mm and Hmull Illnt even mayw the 8t decimali waa hadd he said Inc why theyre haa but dutytated rural municipality by the OMB The re iallttttg about urbannull aepuatnu and they build an inmmal park at the corner at Woodhine and Davis Dr right at the boundll ul Newmarlet Their planning depart menthaaa Iotolhomework no tb aaldthemaya Theo hu uld il Eaat Gwlllanhury wanta butler mm It ahauld aleilnitharldeolute boundary ol Nanariot Cinnabar Maya mt Mmori aald the appeal launcId beenae we want holler on Newmartetl side the boundary ll there was bullet mm in tt would loam the more on ua to devolq me my land he talti Why Me But Gwilllmmry appeald the Liontar and totally the on rulqu the acre parcel unmodtataly mm the aim tn the eaat That ruling hasnt been brought to our attenuan said Mr Maton but waa ol the underatanding that the dectatort ttdnt go the tea Nevmarket wanted it to The Ll acre parrel owned by Maxwell Stile waa recently redogrilled urban raidential aa won the Llorllar develwr ment whteh in exactly what Newmarkat wanlud gutu well have lD look into thal and Mr Morton Mr flu and he an ucipataa the to be laat not aid it it hold up the devel at the hawthorn so traahortllhile am looking It con atrueuon start It the enure development aometime in AlIt he and apoloaman lor the SeamrydlhICaNnollhe OntarioCaMmtvtaMhaarthe appealaaldtharahaabaum daleaetltrahrlutltbeia inlactJuutohoa acres ewVON program struggles to remain alive Ktullilltlwtl mbubm wth thank nritl pvtlllthg lt lti ltrtt 1t lJth gt at tl ttt lttt mum put htht Ill tn um titltultw HllJ tuttt guunnm we pattr tt Main St counters petition lMthhH llillllltt ttl in lttmillttvtn llulltl llllpr4tlltll Y1rl tiatt wr another Illmt tr ltttttt ttrh watt ltttxht nltttu ttm zh trv muttr uvttttut lllltlutltl wt htv Kl ht tgtttrtts Ill mt ulhd ill at LYlalllt tIIVllllli ltlttl Blunt ttr thatrtttut llH Vn hati nunmtg la latML mng the sdlfl and atttt uu lla ll lul tt pmptr All tgllti ht are pttttttw lttiugltl II ltlp the nthmath amtrung The drun rtatm the had started uaktru lttr lhI tllttlullllll ut hl tatuntttun KuMMs rta and tta ltartt ttt mdnallnltnt hd will he lllnan ltnttt ahat tttUHll Ullll tin tn the laFl ttl ttttt ptttthms king rtartlt the ptmu dltl ll the RH rtttintru tilltt hm tttll tl lrlt tnltfll cum ttllllllaillns ltlfilalll tuttth Moth pmtttrm rht rtatt lfllhllth th tutti wttl he ham mth amlt Library contract awarded Monday llx rtllllll wt ta mpchbg unlitti ltlfltln titght tttw tIIlAlKl ttttttrltit lttltrtiut ltr hntllr Itl ht nhrrt ltlllltttl INK tuturltt lttltltltll 1m ht tmit tAtx it rt mu tttt he tr ttlt tt li tmt We In Ilttltl pl tm mt punt lttlltlw Atl tttlH llltl ltn ittmt mtt intrutttliptm pmpt ltlirtl lev 4tlllll tttt Hml ltt mm what lttl ht an lat putt tn ttt prttt ttttt vu tu tlt tlt tl 1tt trtll tit LI Police raid ball clubs stag party llllrl purt heltl lit the tultiltrhli lltn rahlllailll lulr last ten Intan atthuhtt on Frith trttiut Illh putter lat mg tharges lttr tmnittral tl and gambliru lttlttt littl tit auditrite til low It llll ltitttis llult Hall in luplt Mtllthttl thm Infilln ltllll 0lrli lltlt engage In wt tm up the taflv tn ltittttm truth htt what game and triatityatlt lubll new In thargtd aith gmru an tmittttral theatrical per tttrmatae and perlorrnttu an lntlecent art are Jute Yvonne Aahlield It and Sandra Lynne Drake alao kmwn as WIIKIL arvoh and umber 11 huh DonutI Robert Jdn Rilchie Slt nl urre lr hmnriett Ia merged with pctntttit an theatrical per