SPECIALTY OF THE llllllSE THE TlllESTJll STEAK All SEATllllll Enlay amine and Dancing LlILErKLd under alimony is to be the intro mnnycolumns he happenings at Aurora High School ylitlle is known about AHS because lt only in ml with la population at approximately 500 Saturday Over the Hill Mob APEEEHJLIJJELS weye 777 sdlool is involved in new structea which means we dont have football learn Don Mills Road Sharon Onl ll FIRST HAPPY Hllllll Tues Weds Thurs 310 pm 630 pm includlnqa snenal surprisenackage scfiool colors are red and gold but you believe how many variations of gold you can result when we order something and we red and golgrwe olten end up with red and fired and orange and so on7 its just awtul mascot is gopher my start as gophers no we hfltpiwork av up lrorn gerbles year we tinalty made ltso we got ourselves an in goodness gopher He about three and net tall and aboutthe same width pyecEned his name on Nov 1977 when it was that his name would be Gamer Gopher gwears AHS Tshirt and red knitted 9sjusl as ute as button tlen itcomcs to sports the ones we participate in Champion soccer teams in our history as basketball and track teams This year the AHS ting learn placed second in York County ntt again thls year our school aired well in the tsuence lair math Pam also is brilliant have live school bands tti our credit mmmmcflrmminvtfiwmndmuhn nyaiiiriliesas possible They have rented tied winter carnival dressup days act but nothing stimulates the unactive mind HS also has an organization known as the Red AT ul FURNIIURE MART neares bringsvou the outstanding values in Mosraruuatilv ppiinuilor im wuh an eye in perlnrmance and ocautv nontraditional aualrlv Innk lo MOFFAT and BEARES Seethem lodnvlv Here frothrMQEFAJEurimcifimeHlntondwlorlt ti newalmond shade mov oi rust what volgveueen lookinq tar ll llls oerlequ into rust about any olgv srhcme Frost Free Big and Beautiful Over l5 cu Frost Free double door Deluxe Reirtgerator Freeler by Malta Check these features Huge l5l Cu ft lotal lood capacity Full Width all adlustable cantlleveced shelving Jbig deep porcelain crisper tor vegetables tor meal Separate butter and cheese compartment Easy roll wheels Automatic and Frost Free All magnetic door sealing gasket Spgcial Value PWFETSfiéWDHlGHTS puppet show at the Aurora Library on Thursday attracted more than hundred children ineludin two ear ld Amher Collin hl 501 This ruu hel the community by is ove rig gang mum immanent help Marla Wholan and Llizaheth ortlon above were among the six Dung 5mm people working liehind the scenes to put on the show providing an Easter break doll for the children it may be the last show for while hecause urganilrr Ruse Paulovicli is leaving the library leovlncrs in town who call and request at anro tor odd Jobs For uther inlarmation call tool at 727mm dge grants AHS student conditional discharge It MARKET trust our iudge telttonlt pll on 16 hi lurnra girl who discharge and placed on in months probation by Judge Charles Walsberg The lenient sentence by iurenitc lnlo Cums milling the oilcnces noting that criminal record would pill hall lei plans the is vizaruld has theirs This was shove and heyund the tltlrmul ahaplrtting ll This is serious altsnee hut am making $56 rim was handed down hy Judge Waisberg tollowing plea by delencc councel tor the 16yearold Aurora High School student to hornnie an airline stewardcss Crown Attorney Murray told the court the ullences showed that the da Hill was Counsel claimed that accused had been llt ed conditional his client had been led valved in selective an exception in your cusc Judge Valsberg said Ill handtn down senlénce DTn tellsreach your prnhation or you will he hark before the ngnin NEWMARKLT Three Kirkland Lalrc men who appeared in provincial court here last week on narcotics charges were handed linesarlcr pleading guilty helore Judge Charles7 atsberg sirwnrdtss vi gtrl vlhn pleaded hr thelt UT 5760 it leather coats stores in upper NFOfiEatSOH DéltTXe Rangein fresh new Almond What pair Here is the new Fiesta range lrom Mollal and in great You get full width tluorescenl cook top Automatic oven timer and clock Timed appliance outlet big elements and is elements big oven window lull width slorsgedrawer removable surlace elements plus many more excttlng iealures Salemicefig 95 Delivery isalwaysfreeat Beafrés Furniture Mart Here is the Freezer Buyyof theyear Dale Bowcrman 29 John Boisverl Z7 and Fred Tl Johansotl 25 were charged with tralllckmg in hashish The three plEadEd nnt guilty to that charge hut guilty to the lesser of teller ill possession The three were charged alter police stopped vehicle on Hwy 400 in King Township March 22 tor rl trailicfi intraciion and discovered on search about one pound nl tlashish in chunks Mr Bowcrman who has criminal record was lined slutl or so dayS in jail plus one day in jail Mri vlfiltilnson was pnsdny jail sentence plus 320 line or an additional 21 days big lamlly sized MOFFAT 16 cu it freezer Full ieatured with lock and signal llghl divider and oaskgl sealed unit and llush mounted control meldedl7slnckslsllmllwiuodomiwaltr BEARES FURNITURE MARL lieme Use your Credit Mr Boisverl was also msenlermeddtrnne they in jzllland 5200 ttncorzr days How easy can you get Buy new car and well till the trunk with pieces of brand new luggage Buy cellllied used car and well till it with pieces of the same fine luggage YOU see we know youre going lovJanl to getaway and enjoy your new car So were making it easy tor you by giving high tradeelns and setting you up to go on that long spring trip But lhen at Slessor were all easygoing guys on the other hand Ilrngvllmflflaas illusion can you 9517 What to do Ask your lawyer He knows its Ask illoulltl Youll Find were known its last lilir in friendly Better yet pick up the phone Let us know when youd like to Clinic in and Clint jjylletllcr its ll lllSTIllllC mortgage or ytlllrc ltlnltltlj for ways to lvlinillitc Sterling is itpprtmcliillrlt WhatWe know lliyoulc in the market for mortgage money you slloultl benefit from what we know SterlingTrtlst has been arranging mortgages now for 67 yellrsTllilr milkcs us professional Wctl lilac to show you theres more arranging mungtitle tlliln figuring out lltlw much you pity cacll littmtll Sterling wont tilnttlc you pill lCl tilpc rillilluc yllililll tlrlulltautLECL lr llit you witll llltllcll tllilrtzts IREVIDVS new ours EXCLUDED tllll MiltlVCl 71 Ditvlli Drive Ncwttltlllttl Call atriendiS982700 tlellltdfi Mull NEWMARKET 0nalest guys In town