nfi ir Nounmm build rParIicipark In townxhlps community Jacksons Polni that in services committee owned by CN but he prelerablywnnin ML NEWMARKET The lowii haspassed the arresi and cufiyicilon Klmmfi oi vandals SlMlLAR TO KESWICK PARK Kirismenjonsrder Suiion par surr JV he Siluoll according to ii Steve flockal said and ii iouiiiy °°k LRhummwanHoluirreceiyedbyuiemrklsisomelandyjnrJOHflwnfll ni The letter signed by Kinsmen are mnlnluinlng location said iiglin Merriitelr 858 Illn ll ngfi suggested me John McLean comm ees 29 ll poax iiiesoiusi iibe exiled iuiawfiaulhorizinrroggnhiisliiiig park mminad 37muggerl0lheellifir Partner1 051350 reward siniiirir io one bulli ln ioriniormaimnlegdmglo Keawick by lheerSWle land in quesiion was where ihe park Erik Larsen said he see if lheyhad ally down by Bonnie Boom buiii VMAPLE SYRUP TIME Wendy Reldi seven years old and Slater lleailier four lenjijyell akflancakeelunch last Sifirrday allemoon Chalrman oi the Whil church Sioulfvlile Museum Wes Briiilnger has been broiilng syrup for the past 60 Lear and The bylaw authorizes the commissmner parksand recreation in placards 73 properiies including premises parks aciiilies JTBTTAXSERVICE PERSONAMUSINESS TAX CONSULTANTS N0 Appoirllmenl NeCESSMT Eérvmg pancfies fiisfiécome family project or the past six years Len Dale Yake and Blair Kay right have look at ihe maple syrup which is collected and hailed in large kettle ouislde thermuseum Group tours are available during ihe week throughout the month of April School groups and senior citizens receive inside and outside ours and can Contact Mary Hopkins at 8954454 min am until pm for illV iormaiian 0pen900500Mono Sal EveningsécCiUOpJfI Excepi Salml Slill The Same Address 474 BOTSFORD ST N1 Bul ihis yeér we are located on ihe ground lloar sireel level 8958321 8957991 when ydubuy aliuckeiumar Olin¢rfeoé oajo fiépararaschooiieaehike in win RICHMOND HILL Mr Joyce said the budget figures the It will cosi ihe York biggesi increase IS in filRogloliREilflrFCalhalic Snlarlei3CloElDlZPg lyapprovedii SeparaleSchooi Board an ceni oi the mini budget is extra szem begeuse of taken wiih Salaries higher OHiP premiums he sainp BOOK NOW according to Ed Joyce There was some SEATS LIMITED superlnlendenl of discussion ai the March inisnisss and tinance 2i hoard nicelllig whether henna iiir CALGARY the rim budget or me Focus the newsmagazine W1 boatdvlhlsllgutBlSDnCDL our out twice year by the reasons for an In ihe board RETURN crease irilhe separaie was eicniuiiiiy school mill rare or ii decided to conlinuv mommin FLIoms miiis per $10le publishing after one CALL us FOR RULES Whal Il means for trustee poinled oui lhai homeowner with house mo board has pulley assessed al 520000 is an which says Focus shall he increased separamschonl published ai leasr lwiLe leg bill or in all car Tolal lurrlgm is If you plan to drop Will 11137 wmlfiren Focus you vrliirxvrr 1956131 0122is Per reni Alier brief rtvmw Hair Bazpaar Gnmnn Vancouver Wrrldlor KruhtnllSi cum Harmlle Burlington aunirom orohio Oshawa Kingiion oiiiwaMonircniounoer Criy RENTING VS BUYING my mmwnm GRANADA BUYiNG 30754 AGranada TCoioiiiTifisa rtectsetlortiieliedroom orepaiririiistokeepyoir $292 08 amida ior dliunsdre open uni on 77w Mqr ardSleflfirrilb one rail soon re ma rein rugoi $21313 Colonelsanders oysan girls makeuidmger lickln goodji $8112 inhuman OVER inn LOCAVIDNS IN ONTARIOSEE voua PNDNE 800K ron me on NrAnrsi chem233i Ad kl 311733 or an InCrEaSL hoard first he said MAIN in wArER re starét HairBazaarf 112 um Mum lqulr MllIMIrkalflc canmi crrwmommr iMMpg Fulmflimya cflrmvflxllgnm lirallavnfllmfli mam on Zilflnrllnn entirety219 nu rm handgun Ea ls llvln room Earl Warrnn sealed liill in ordori Sinclair Bill Sieplionson rfir Cralg aridEBob Hesrkolh standing loll lo rigtil oi Greenlreld Dayid Taller Peier lekans Bill Mchan and Andy McComfl amen8 friends Join Earl arm his rrlends 70=8Qb Gre meld foreguitlioriialn oCharleEDoerlngI News Co iNqus drops in at 1115 AM for an 71 David Taller chai on the days happenings TfiFlrfinClfll no Gordon Sinclair for Lais be Mailers 5PM Personal ai 11ii5 AM followed by Peter Dickens lor Auihorilallve News and Comments 1150 AM OBIIIStephensonlorSporis1240 PM Bl McVean ior Dialogue Allan Spraggeli iho Asirologur BbbHEaiieih at 1007 AM You and yourVSun Signibeiween Andy McGonveyriqr ilveslofifi moo AM arirl11100 AM Repori 1250 PM nlavlno baseball He enJoys Involvlnoo David Craig lorAullilemllvo 1mm land ople News+ MmH combinaii nih ma as Bob Heskoih for News and The House of Warren so Commonls 11 100 PM and and onlorinlrilng Dlnl us with Bill Maican 1907 Lori lo righ Allan saraggsii Earl V9 weakday4000AM 01 00 PM arren packs full house 01 JgLenieriainmqni Inio your ls downforearm philosophy and inlecilous good humour youll find Earl delight HeJiasa landmasslnmouniry ae well as conlemporary music nourmei recipes bowlingand 01 minus snaciliiorrsparisespeoially whnn iho Cincinnall Reds are morning Wi Youre lhe Conler oi aiiraciion YOU inspire me Our uxporls are selecled iraineii and updalod nclion marvulous madeAImyou haircui An by ihe worlds leading speciallais in the lleld oi lnleldUaliZaiJ hairsiyle liliing haircoloring We FaanionHalrmeaulynloheipyou flCthNGVDIJI Or llie pickup and body oi bouncy new wave rnosl allociivo look Como in lor oonaullalion you Inhli everydayexperiences payilculurl wilh amusing Incidents nboui lilo nmll In way you bacomo purl Earls iamlly loo whon you plan In I6 iha House of Warren 16ailtodayflory0iiiappolniinent Buy You News urr 11x1 iiii