Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), March 29, 1978, p. 4

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Serving vorlt county sine um Newmarttel0ntario oy utand iruotuhinqéo leited sunscrtpiions mm vlor two years new tor one uteriaar year sirpie topics 20 each the NewmarkelA Eu is one at the inland which cludes in Ai xWhlthPickerlny News Ad vert er Bramnlon Guardian Burlington Faslr Week and Slbullville tribune Member Canadian Weekly Newspapct Association and the Audit Bureau at ctrtutotion Second class Mail redistraiimnumaer woe Phone Newmarket avsrnJi Whatwedenfiknpwfin huri ele spitewhaig Hi says What thepeopiehontmmorilmtmpunimdggwut theJthceatJf them lfial seems $9st number oi officials entrusted with belong together the fabric of society As long as we know whats going on they seem to say all is being done that can be done and lets leave it at that Some elected councillors feel they can and should meet in private as often asthey like preventing the public and press from casting an observant and critical eye Clearly such an approach is wrong because it makes it difficult for people to properly assess incumbent politicians at election time WZM 9B€Wlemedvslastweehthahthe=staffitwvammesi Whatwe dont know just might hurl like hell Greenacres Home for the Aged in Newmarkel Nonproiit groups may place announcements tree of charge in Billboard by calling 11952333 80v 21m Vewmarkel Onl LISY IX WEDNESDAY MARCH 29 unarmedpeel opmaeriagawheumre In your 305 will be the suoiect of the third tecm sponsored by Seneca College and the Family agitating 19 at 730 pm in Newmarkét Community Cenft DrckMullents the lecturer The Fabulous 505 and marriage out be the subject ed April l2 Admission costs $2 75 For intermation call 8952371 THkRSDu MARCH an The Aurora and District Historical Society will meet Thurs March so at in Victoria Hall Guesl speakers will be Lynda Nykor and Patricia Musson authors of Mennonite Fur Wemnlam TradifiorrinYork Sounty All welcome The Sheppards Bush Conservation Area pavilion in Aurora will be oiiiciaily opened Thurs iiarch so at noon The pavilion was provided by the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority the Ministry oi Natural Resources and the Aurora Lions Club iashion Show oi spring and summer clothes ior people of all aggswwtll be held at cmmanuei United Church Murray Dr Aurora on Thurs March 30 at7ilf Tickets cost £2 for adults $175 for teens and for children For information call 72787I0 or 7274659 armour meetings to discuss official plan amendments that would allow housing on the Aurora tiigiiands Golf Course ahti establish LCnlre The meetings start at 71u pm FltlDVMrCHll The Optimist Clan of Newmarket will hold its second annual spring art exhibition and sale Fri March 31 Imin to 11 pm at the Optimist Youth Centre 55 Forhan Dr Admission St For iniormation call Edi£040 sttrtnnrYrPRILi Thc Newmxrkel Swlm Club will hold its annual swimathon at QuakerPool Sat and Sun April and For mtormation call 895 John The Royal Canadian Legion in Newmarkci will hold euchre tournament Sat April at l23ti in tthcgion 511707 SriglcySl Cash will he oIIcreti as prizes and all are welcome to attend TUESDAV APRIL free lecture on detection oi counterioit coins will be given Tues April at 830 pm in Newmarket Communi Centre ingrid snuthleatiingCanadiin authority on coun lcrfuil coins will lit guestspcaktrr VHI1FIAY APRIL Postmaster Central Cities Lamontagnc will speak at the ppm rmeotingmf the VoritPcel tretitrhir Liberal ssotlatton on Wed April at it pm in King City Secondary School Seneca College will begin an eightweek course in yoga at Trinity Anglican Church Aurora on Wed April uoginners start at nm und Intermediates at 130 pm block parent plan tor the Holland Landing am will he discussed at the next meeting oi the 5in and home association ch April at or pm in the saline FitinAv APRIL spruce IAsr TWO vanes DA VID Ft HASKELL puattsheo eiiery Wednesday at an rCnarles an fublilh TERRYCARTER DWI or an news ers News Editor We Ecunumisl and sun sauna News 30 Charles Si Arrrrbflorkreranriday or bywritingrlornieansrv WVMS Get is 3€£1Lf schismat To ALL or The infant DAVE Aro ave flailAI orow mu rmyo Editor in cruel ROBERT MARTiv Advertising Manager Phone Aurora 7274024 tuberculosis in that home win Perhapeitcanuarglteidtatmsht have resulted and the newspapers would have sensationalized the situation Anyone with more than passing interest in the media howeverwould know that they tend to go overboard more often when the facts are being suppressed by bureaucracy Sometimeslhefact that people are being kept in the dark is more significant than what they are kept in the dark about It has been said before The price of democracy is eternal vigilance As long as certain officials see their roles as private Concern they will be at odds with sees publicraffa as anyone who rightly display and there will be blood pressure clinic at the Upper Canada Mall on Fri April markingNationalr Health Week SATURDAY APRIL The Newmarkel Sieelers ol the Central Ontario Senior Football League will hold their CFECElEbrItyandkwardSNight Sal April up In in the Optimist Youth Centre 56 Forhan Dr Admissxun includes dance and buffet For 7Ehdfspors if The Aurora Figuré Skating Club will slage Carnival 7E at the Aurora Community Centre with shows at pm and it in Sat April It and pm Sun April TEESDAKAPRILH Toronto Mayor David Crumble will be guest speaker when the new LorkPeel Federal Progressive Conservative Association holds nomination night Tues April 11 at the Newmarket Community Centre WEDNESDAY APRIL 12 The art oi hrcastieeding and overcoming difficulties will be discussed Wed April 12 from to am to 1130 am at meeting of the Queensville La Leche League Women and babies welcome to attend For information call HIS2334 FRIDAY APRlLiA in an exhibition game to benefit muscular dystrophy research lhe East Gwillimhury ire ig ers it tatmcmwreuitshooterrar Fri April 14 in the East Gwillimbury Arena in Sharon Admisston 99 cents Dr Frank Peters president oi Wilfrid Laurier University will he guest speaker at dinner party of the Newmarkel Christian Womens Club Fri April 14 at the Black Soil witestaurant BradIorrLFouickets set each call 4784192 SATCltnAv APRIL 15 There Will be rummage sale Sat April is irom 930 am to 130 pm at North Union Community Centre Bong Rd and Catering Rd Ln QueensvilleDonations of good used clothing apprecialed Callivatlsu 4711432213 or 4732210 The First can Gwllllmbury ncavcrc Cube Scouts and Venturers will hold bottle drive Sat Apriiis intheMapIeLeatSchoolarea The cast Gwlllimhury Oldllmera will hold hockeydancesfi Apri115 at ovptmrr Newmarket Optimists Club 56 Forhan Dr Inr cludes hol buffet For tickets $10 couple call 39543317 or 395M5l springtlaitcc sponsorcd by the Newmarket Vctcrnnl Ladlea Auxiliary will be held Sat April 15 at pm in the Veterans Hall 4011 Millard Ave All welcome For tickets to couple call Donna Williams at 3951551 or Dee Allardml 8954336 The York North Provincial New Democratic Party Association will hold spring dance at pin Sni April 29 at the Aurora Community Contro Admission coate poraon anti lnclutlea bar and outlet For tickets cult Flo Unte 121g FINRLly GWEN IN HELLO RAV IND BOB ANDBRIICE ANDTOM AID DORIS 41 contact Newmarket recerationdtigparifl the As winter draws to close the Ontario Snciely wants to express its very sincere appreciation to the participants and sponsors iii the 20 Snowarama events held across Ontario this year Snowarama brings together snowmobileis members of Service clubs police Show machine and equipmenl manufacturers and distributors the media You aint heard you tune in Newmarket CBers in the morning You should hear the old gals making like Walter Cronkites ldonl have CEradio but can pick em up in fact with this one biddyl MreEmlder knowledge whatsoever regarding Terry Metcaii nor do have an interest in soccer however read your letterbccausc one little sentence caught my eyes 77 This Poor Colored Chap Realty Mr Fowler art you objecting to life salary Mr Metcalf will receive or in fact are your objections based on Mayo in authentic 100 year old log cabin rebuilt in downtown Bellevllle Is the headquarters rorour citys centennial being celebrated this year Bellevllle pioneer Unlth Empire Loyalist settlement has been the home of many diverse personalities such as the wellknown author Susunnu Moodlc the irnsclble former newspaper reporter who for short lmc wny Canadas Prime Wrist HAU ham Buaaitttq 76 cng Titse mime WENTweb Mf ma smi WELL wailt MEI 115110 an HMO ac AND IllRE nAo closer Alia with smutVilma 0006 min an and EVA AND SHACK AND ms Par SNAKE ANo num Manet IN unknown AND semir tom rm asp+ sum row mm ism AND wowsIa rwo dorm AND nuihin yet that is mm AUBREY AND HEN 4ND Leiiersio ih and the general public in an enormous community rrforACrippled ctriidren sumA0 mhehalIrJf WE physically handicapped children St Johns Ambulance and CB operators were also very helpiui Many thousands of men women and young people made our 20 Snowaramas huge success more than SiuDJlIJD was pledged across Ontario wouldnt even need and lousy that all have do is open window and she could be heard anywhere within the Newmarkel area She bellers and hollers like stuck pig av no lLiLIfiLLJhaLMLMetcnlffix is newcummer not to mention your reference to his color Any editor worth half hiSLfiall 111 questioned this reference to oclnr before printing your letter so lm rnlher disappointed in The Ere Iapiieéiiilli the point you run and you do write rather articulate Iefteri but find ynul rinviiesvisiis Howell and Bill Davis the talented Hollywood producer of the Sonny and Cher Show and the up coming John Denver specluh our city is situated 120 miles east of Toronto on the MacDonald Cartier Freeway and is on the mflln Cnnndlan National Rail Lino tromfioronio to Momma The citizens ot Bellevllle extend in frlentlly Invitation to nil MluistarserMnckcnzlcfurmcrrebidentr to joln E03VVPINDfBIBLTfiNDGlighdjnwTAND Ma rumfuasua We owe special vote at the to Whipper spear and many other acliv es of the society Many people ap parentiy do not realize that Whipper serves crippled children onla 41wer vomtger basis and receives no com pensationoi any kind tor all hisvefforts He gets no salary commission or and has an accent be wah March Iii was the payoil Suddenly terrupting her claptrap she told her IisiEnEr she had picked up caller irom Mexico In tact she had two other local listeners other than yours Reference offenSivélsr Aurorareader says the mans color oiiensive PAT SPIERS Spruccst Aurora 125 By the way White Editors Nate7 Ms Spiets is right the editor should have Iakert out the referarce to the mans color and we apologize with them for lheir centennial celebrations and especially Homecomingv Week starting July in Homecomlngr Week will feature exciting paraded moonlight cruises on the beautiful Eliy of Quinta ethnic feasts and band concerts of course will also be time of reunion and iomtiy gatherings EN CQBKEr City of flelleyllle Appre Geo rginct femur Thank you for your ooimnnillNolghbor Worthlnk It In very wrlm euro that tli well written and Its good to llunr nbtiui our nolghe bora lto it switch from hearing nboui breakins null our tlinfln it daily lIi nlco to kiiuwl lit sumo of our mum iirorgootl one Wii unloading editor oWaT Mayor Crippledkids sayihcinks expenses In fact he pays all his perSonal costs thepcuplo but apparently no hBSwrliomhiseuim pocket whippei ee ho other reward than that crippled children receive the help they need and he would be the first to give credit for the success of Snowarama to other groups and individuals ALEX McINTOSH President Ontario Society ior Crippled Children Reader blasisCBladies trny some gal and Son After severu ns beiwen her pals she said she would get his ID and send him some carrrrds frrrrrom Ginidaé twhsreverrihe hell that is Apparently she got his box number then the funebeganr if Whats yer line This same question went back and forth for several minutes Finally shesei lf yer wanna spilt to Canada yer hev ter talk English You speak funny Mexico number she hollered Gimme yer tine some CB code then it suddenly dawnedthutshe meanttown Just totprovethutshe wasnt as dumb as thought she was she asked Spell the nitric of yer line in English The mor guy down in Mexloo ls probably still wonderlng how to spell th nnm ii We have shine dandy CBera up here in Newmarket It has replaced thevcoffee klatch for the ladies In fact from what we lieaTlfliEe replaced the vacuum cleaner thc dilating housekeeping in general and even getting the kids lunch Cmom indies loitvo the switch off until hubby gets home and help clean up the ozone If you want to play try huwwtclu FiFOWLElln ciciies know tho person who lnAlrI lmaygwlo jarHor in publishing this Tnown in high police Act also realizc may lhe heads of kooks acros lhal there are major anti hosiageftaking in unreporlcd to the publi Chief increasv in the York Shamt on them Era publisher Dave Haskell along writ its story that must be written this one and topsecret repori circles as The Report realize am leaving myself it possible prosecution just like the Toronto now bring charged under the Official be putting bad idea the region but to lhe uublics right to know is more impti Recently while reporting to York munch police chiefBruce meiordr rimes such as ext York Region the Many people scoffed at thisrsuggeslig mcrcli trying lo justify alum police budget of The main reason the chief hasnt reve he tittails is because ii is not in our he terests tti know Police commissioner litllliitg Khoed the chiefs concern titha said imc is crccping north from Torotlli wish the relic of crime could be Sallehi former ml or Mrs Rolling lh thort lhrcals lo cummil is this is not pose of ll crc been inc crimes were millt kept secret from the public lfyou prinlil voulcould give some other kook lhe That why it isknown in high police as tho Kook Rtporl The Kook Hcpoiti plusivo documcnl blowing away our li ill pastoral peaceful mosl til the worlds ills lht Kubk chorl Ws cncc and ouriilrconceivcdidcas about rural backwater pass us by ill shaller your ill about minor hockcv lclling your kids It night the fricndl hh i1ttm tipplctpic opkccpcr on the canto Ttlc Ktlok Report reveals for hellrsl anywhere lhc seedy vurldof extortion taking and other major crimes lhal havt llflilh from scclhing crimeridden Tamil tiplflld up shop likc raging cancer ll tranquil ficldsand piisl urcs of York Rtg Tlll Kooklteporl v1ll send you sci lrum your homes liul only in the daylight to gather tip your clli ldron your 1093 gerbils and lawn ornaments altd send iine ccllars must admit tit lhis point that It uwtring Io yourrec roomsflollouishell iii ZIClU ly have the document in my pass llalttnl actually seen it and canl bcl 11 sure lhal such dncumcnlcxisls liul there is no ltlubl in my mind lhat it upon exists Else why would Chicf Cra sVaimetmeplyalromsmakcfilhusoicommcnis Whyflvoul ltulling say that she knows the crimei 110 YET bDX torriblcsoler1ible that it canl be rtve be public thought llneLWas irllcrerns promiseditrc excerplseliifl Top Secret Roporl on Major Crime Acil York Region known in high police Ktmkflluygrl IiosrACE TAkiNG circlmi in playground in Newmarkel group fll lcrt living confined inside chalked circl illhcr children atlcifimc hiding in mtiriiil lcnr behind buildings Allempls were mittlo in convince poll hstqwi19it was liarinlcssgamc but mull lliinking of one lad who shall remain Iii for personal safely who ran inla U1 sliuulcrl Relicvcc kept this from bcco Little children playing Ntwmurkcl arena are regularly hams llie piwmg surlace and held capliit cramped box for minutes at time In track down and freed the ct or neivslfl iuler is withheld and only alIard woodm cxists for their comfort nxrottrioN Vending muchl lelephoncs anti coinwipurulcd appliances lht cniirc rcgitm of York havcrbeen lukc money AND THEN SMUGGLING Thousands of can InakE31helrlpl5WflHWYlllfpmldllldl Shncbvfounterhewcrossth ltrfcntlcdborrdcruinxthexworldinalh iJLYLLK nor would Wo know thul the Brndfbrdnrcnm tounlrys primc areas lionsls lhul ll lslhc hcnrl intlualry proliferation of salads across rot is ofNowmifikcl and 11m iimilunlofegrconsebulngesmugglctun agriculturoll of Canadas the 81M he Waugh vrirnctl art would beI Wm hon rNow nu kno lly Ytlr ltccilsmortr DI guilt foil gootllo know 1me illflllallli xiic somoono thinks they Anti now they II have lo hire 11 53 doouvorrocognitlnn group like Richard leonu slnff did Please kcolt in tho Colulnhltil 1le mo cnn gcl his coti fionitllillt ill vululllotihilte lfuok 1th itsl NWMW WW Tlinii lltct tulliccniltiiiy Intilcrliil tilt111 lills 9I ml or il litltlttur tiru gutting Mltaibora tour igfliiéJlniil JlulL AIIIEWMP Viilimb

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