You Can RelyOn PHONE EHONE 8952381 Newmarket 8952331 Nrewmarkm 1214024 Agrrora iNrIj 7274024 Aurora 4765541 Keswick rffi flamm KgswxicL AFTER HOURS CAtL A75TEH imam ass234 2TliirlsEnvT 32334 24HRSEEVICE ThousandsofReadersin Northern ¥orkrl9egienm KINGCITYI aeaulliul bungalow surrounded by trees EXECUTIVE HOME mam mondeadend slreel compleleiylinished 1WELargelovenceramctlleioak Gracious llvlng at Its besl bedroom REAL ESTATE LIMITED REALTOR lower level with separate entrance jaggrolfiomklfi wlqtl sldesplit3cargarage3l lamllymgm detached are and much more Call 05 an an most wanted teat res ll SERVING CANADA BETTER Henry 55 wnh walkout 2V2 baths 25 miles to Egg ilflsi Toronto lst mortgageat low per cent Call SS7 900 May Jones 165 DEEP LOT JUSTW year old detached Newmark immaculate storey With airtime Youve been looking fife main lloor beam 93 de 99 Vii bedrooms broadloom twat heal lamin room with walkout tieldstone d9 are 95 °° 13 on lol 60 200 Near communily cenlre sale fireplace bedrooms plus den spacious sjrasegwhat buy at $59900 area lor children Call Mary Hollandi living and dining areas only $49900Call Reine Schickedanz COUNTRV LIVING Disrlgeesseanlesc gym wr DUPLEXIN TOWN Lfdfggfguggvglosvafrgflgvegkénll room Ll TING Churchlll otless Jbedruomllbedruoma tsha5 much lose IF YOU ARE LOOKING billiard room as no lot Must be sold wngaiow my madam pummel separm WV aw down lo Auroraslderoad and 400 See ltnowwm lathe 3PEdr°°m ha high Call Kurl Duell large bedrooms ealrin kitchen fireplace payment needed to buy this one Asking Hm Kampe swim I°sf0£hsg°fefin huge basemenlarea olllne homes$69900 354900 Call Reine Schickedanz Sésh See my Call Bob Walton BRADFORD lNlmElleMEECtlgréace TIME CUSTOM BUILT Solid brick bungalow fireplaces walkoul r7313 leeggfr563Y °° Collage headckznauchabu on Wage trom basement kitchens bedrooms can morally wacres crnpland60 acres mixed hard an reforessed iandscap msEhama 7W an 531 aI ergld VKarIipeLw so wood pond Site solid investment at barn Immaculate home shows pride at will consider hold lsl mortgage Call dmdms 339900 Call Jim Daugherty ownership $105000 Call Bev Moxley for Reine Schickedanz $61900 ALLISTON details 4year old brlgk bungalow bedrooms GARDEN LovERs separale dining room Iinished lamiiy 5499005Facllvely decoraled bedroom 096 150 IOWW brCKDBDQBIWv room tenced yard Iruit trees only $49900 semi on ouiei court with walkout to large Grooms large rec room will walkout Call Jim Daugherty lol Steel tool shed paiia paved drive balhs sewmg room lol backing onlo II conservation area Only 564900 Call Reine FAMILY BUSINESS pane ed reg rocm Call Mary Hollands Sdfickedani 777 Bulcher shop tulty equipped including LARGE PATIO walk in cooler plaza location in Aurora With terraced rock gardens overlooking iusl lake over be your own boss Call Preston Lake excellent starter home new Henry Satt wiring insulation and copper plumbing IMFECCABLE 10 ACRES lenced over FEEL oME Only 339500 Ca Beg Moxiey moo sq ft ol delighltul living main lloor In thls Aumra backsvllt There is Prlvarl iamiiy mom country size knchen on the big mature lot The abedroomsalt separale dining room raised llvlng room tamlly room are lost what YOU wall with fireplace bargain al unmet Call 559500 Ca Harold Kampen HUGE LOT with many malure lrees surround this bedroom bungalow Willi huge living room ahd Wasterbedroomln Peiterlaw Listed at $43900 Call Jim Daugherty WANTEDI be My buyer can go to moot tor bedroom MOVE UP home Newmarket area Subdivislm in tile Quaker Hill slorey bedroom acceptable Call John Moss today Willi living and dining areas large rec area plus paved drive privacy fence with LOOK No FURTHER added garderrTarea Asking 558500 Call Large Mo swrey bedronmmumewn aw Rem SchCkEdarZ large as l45 lot in Tuwnbmadlucm in baths tamin room breezeway garage $58500 you want room to breathe Here it main our laundry room Asking $56900 is large eatin kitchen fireplace Patio Call Bub Walton paved drive garage bedrooms rec rodm Needs your finishing touch Call £s RlVERDRlVE PARK In quiet culdersac years old well but brick bedruum bungalowwlaigerlgilctm garage lot 138 58 paved drive muslm pleasure to Show 15 Call Ma NOWORKTODOHERE This tamilyrhomkhas new rec room and IS newly redecoraled Very lresh and ap pealing opiel crescenl near schools SSSfiDD Call John M055 LAND Land land Industrial Cummertill Residential Call May Jones Mary Hollands JIM BUILDING LOT i2 miles norlh otAOIl18 230 x100 EXECUTIVE HOME 3500 sq it at Im nicest treetculverl well in seplic exquisite living space plus moo sq ll plumbing permitsand plans lorZAOUEq It rec room plusTM 2indoor swimming bungalow Samoa Call Kurt Duell pool ii acre landscaped and tenced ial or 77 Call Kurt Duell OWNERANxmus WHERE CA You BUY CALEDON 2slorey4 bedroom linished basemenl wilh 344900 DETACHED bedroom home with building lot 60 200 for only 3161100 In lireolaee stave dryer tv lower car eslale iols ranging lrom to8 acres separateentranceseparateliving 8dining surrounded by prestigious homes between areas nevy wiring and plumbing Try your garage large kitchen and living rooms aollon Paigrave $300000 Call Bob otter Call Reine Schickedanz asking ldeal starterpr retirement Call Mary Wallon $57900 Hollands Gillordl Close to lake gelling Vendor will hold lirsl morlgage Call Bob Wallon REALTOR Royal Trust Royal Trust Wi REAL ESTATE 1355535 8955101 11BDAVIS DRIVENEWMARKET mumnommmml tPlaza 2253139°Y°°il5°iz° 8985991 8T3 ML COMESAALJVE with beautiful MVTHOHNLEAsESIATESW STKRTER HOME Excellent Location Spacious Et Bedrooms Large 300 deep lot anda bedroom with large master bedroom Quamy conStrUCtlon Excellemly Appomtedr car garage all heat garden brlgtlll VAURORA EXECUTIVE menouun poor Fireplaces Optional Very Attractive Prices Payi Features mEBlWIEfinllyWUmwith bedroompbriclcbun flowImmanuel itireplace walkout lo nicely ldscaoed condition large kitchegl walkout to Zeller °FamlyR°°mis4 10 Mortgages yard Eat in kitchen Iormal dining room cedmcnnu treatedkldneyjshaped pool deanedrdoms and games roomneargoll Located in good area close lo shopping HaroldLougliiiri 4002 INVESTMENT PROPERTIES Large Trl=pler$63fintomervoiwoi and bedroom apartments Fourrplex S750 lncamrlcanbe trim $74300 and many more to Choose train course Loughlifl 898 4002 $3000 DOWN 41 Pl Is all you pay to llve In this storey duplex on an extra large IotThIs homti large bedroom apartment downslam large bedroom apartment 0P5 Asklng $59300 make an otter SERUM TRUST flflllPflllAllll TOTTENHAM COUNTRY STYLE BRADFORD ZSTOREY JBEDROOMSIDESPLITII Brfkk for wilh bedroomsi bath 7300 Modern custom blTllI rrialn lloor wa ou mm large rec room garage Iamll room replace baths eatin 03mm Omar SW 5471700 Li kltcheyn shaped living and dlrllng room mm 34007 cenlral air condllioned broouloom up LAKESIMCOE WAfERFRONr pliancos garage love par amt mortgage AllOFFERS CONSIDERED 13 150 lot Bruce Trle 3934001 OBI12H SOLID BRICK DEEP LOT Directions North or South on Bayview to Green Lane bedroom huge kllchon still under milesmm 5198 0r HWY NOi bullders guarantee pnllosi slldlng ylfis East on Green Lanerto Sales Office unrwn nu arr own as rou com doortFullhl hhaeomenlmnorlor69 plus separate wlnlurlled guest house may in city Gord Jones 0904002 MA Superb value Trim 8904007 NEWMARKET BRICK TWIN BEAVERTON DUNGALOWIMMACULATEII CttARMOALORE $53000 Superb onsumnblo l0 par cunt Adm ti Weekly ForfBeSt Resolute Vlclarlnn style home wltll molds quarto mortgage bedroom anlsln kllclilm Inrun YEAR ROUNDCHALETHOMEII $89000 50 lake Ironlagc modem bedrooms chalet 14 Ilvlng room with llroplncé lining room bnlhs large acre lot bedrooms llvlng tnmllY gnmus room custom lypn homo Call tlowmnrket 8932100 Polar Humphn Storllnu Trust Dnvll Dru II Newmarkvti IAraomnAbndmumthalhmcor anrdoo living dlnlilg room brondloom wlttl clrculordrlvo Excollunl tlnunclng throughout unspoiled Ilnsqmnrll paved anrnncu Ilium 0734001 T07 drlvn lvurlllqka yinrk Bruce Trim Mlle