LOVE LY CONSE RVATION VIEW Irom your masler oedrooms privale deck Large formal dining room complemenls lhe familysixe living room chrburning ifflem munuLkLtChgiL lnsuLaleo sunroom garage andso much more All on Treed OversizedLol righl in Town ONLY 559900 on FRASER BAVLEY HAY 895 7331 THERES QUIET CHARM inlhi5 beaulilully kepl Older home Lnls halural wood linish Bi gleamlng hardwood lloors allraclively designed earin kil chen separaled no room denand much more creale an oulslanoing value al $61000 00 FRASER BAYLEYHAY 895 733i zACRETREEDLOT Im 50 FT FAMILY HOME sowoooo Priced lo sell quickly lhis mosl allracllve home fealures Sunken living room williiriflislone Vllreglacgfl fined ceilings large separate dining room wllh Oak lloors and walkoul lo cedar deck colonial arm sized kllchén mud room and lully lenced ol Cell MIKE OR DAWN IRETON B95 7131 Or 895 3037 BACKSPLIT BEAUTY Have you been looking for exlra space al lraclion ol lhe COSI Kllchen overlooking lamin room Willi fireplace and walkoul lo lully lenced yard 568500 00 MARY MORISON 895733lpor=898fl807 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAYAPRILlsi197a 210430 l0 SHELDON AV EWNIKRKET Newly decoraled bedroom brick bungalow Carporl Qualily broadloom iriruugrioui 34000 down ASKING 34630000 HELGA SCHIMANSKI 995 733i Tor 777 lzm Exl Al 36470000l ACRE PLUS Properly presenlly used as Licensed Dog kennel bedrooms ouallly buill brick bvngalow For mflherinlarmaliun Call HELCA SCHIMANSKI 8957331 Tor 297 i270 Exl dl MUST SELLii Four bedroom home balh washrooms In need ol repairs JIM SL055 B95133 KING TWP EXECUTIVE Picluresque selling amongslrIreesfia big brighl beaulilul splil level cuslom buill homi Many many special leanres Convenienlly Iocalod lor wlnler snow condillons and nlcely shaded lrom lhe summermeal 5129900 SHIRLEY FIT ZGERALD 096 3725 FIRST TIME BUYERS 500duwrrpnymen could buy ullhcr of lhoso spanklng cloon soml delachod homos Bolh loaluro an oxlra powder room rocreallon room and broadloom Close lo schools and shopping Coll JOAN ROSSBW 3725 M0 870 VILLAGE SETTING Bouulllul counlry sllo lol W1 sloroy bedroom homo GO nus posses lhii door owner has bouglii Coll AUDREY ll TERRYMOXLEYIWI 3715 755 living QAW 89573037 rfwcALL LARRY PROCTOR 59573 AntonI alumina TOTS THROUGH LEENS can walk Io school lrom here Close lo parks and arena loo Wellrkepl bedroom home Up and down washrooms palio walkoUJLOflI sized kitchen Cedarrlenced backyard double drive more ONLY $5690000 ROB DURY 89577331 HIGHWAY ll FRONTAGE Ideally localed across lrom lhe Upper Canada Mall Approximaleiy acre loi Large 10 room house requires repair ighi iamiilyei FRASEBEA1IEYHA 5957331 Lmnfimo $3006 DOWN ii you are shopping lor exceplional value for reasonable price please check lhese lealures recrealion r9°m EL supgrtLbrick fireplace walkoul lrom larmrsized kilchen IO palio and Swlmming pool exlre enlrance lo rec room plus extra piece washroom downslairs Cumplelely decoraled and immaculate CALL MIKE OR DAWN IRETON 895 73 or 89573037 JUST LISTEDSMV0000 Beaulllul spill enlrance bungalow desirable Eagle Hills Silualo lol olfering you all Ihn AN ECONOMICAL FA Huge brick and aluminum ii delached home Four iarg brith eal in kilchen Qualily living and dining rooms I7 panelled rec room wilh wcl bar laundry room apple and maple lr DIJ¥ELYlen£edplflperIFSIDELIQELLW paved drive 352500 Try $4000 d0 mouse SATURDAYAPRIL I978 200600 103 RIVER ROAD Wee ICE A9 or 9mm Beaulilully uecoraled brick bungalow brighl spacious Lrshaped living dining room ealin kitchen recrealion room wilh brick fireplace CALL MIKE 0R DAWN IRETON 8957331 or 89573037 INVESTINTHEBEST051500 The heaulifully laid oul and decoraled semi bungalow features izuu sq ol grea1 flamin living Many exlras include remlfirfim Zlh HeHroum downslairs exlramashrooms large brighl kilchen and Newmarkels Nicesl Slreels CALL MIKE OR DAWN IRETON 875 732 or 3953037 gage lhal can be nARY MORRISON oikling clean bedroom exlra washroom on enlrance JRTH WAITING FOR ONLY ssmomo Kingrsized masler loyer Exlra large dining room overlooks sunken living room pallo walkoul lenced Wramlmmmew BAYLEYVHAY 3957331 lully lencedyard localed on one 01 ricedrltrsell EASE THE SQUEEZE on lhls 60 200 lol Backs onlo larmgr lieldloo Beaulllully kepl year brlrl backsplil lull balhs oversized lamy kilghemjneplacmm tiers garage Ihe lisl goes on Minules lo lown only 366370000 FRASER BAYLEYHAY 99 BEDROOM520 FT KITCHEN Large spacious home leaiuring iv ll liviii room20ll kilchen 19 ll masler IsleilroiimI walknul lo lencefl yard double panel drive JUST LISTED AT $56900 WITIl $6000 DOWN CALL BOB DURY mm iili cu OPEN HOUSE SATURDAYAPRIL inn FROM24 PM SPACES COMFORT are combined lhruughnui lhis lovely ape Coo2 balhs large iamlly room r9 bedrooms car garageLjSKlNG $6790 wilh an excéllénl sssumable morlgagi CALL MELVA MIL VI BESTVALUE INTHEAREA $5790000 bedrooms large llvlng dining room qualily broadloom Family will fireplace cargarage IV bailis Gill lor all lhe exlras HELGA SCHIMANSKI 375r733l AN AFFORDABLE HOME $50500 Convenienl localion on aquiel slreelfilw comiorlable bedroom bungalow ill basemenl wllh walkoul lo150 ill will lolTWliisTEvElthlrifiElFig lo CALL TODAY R9 PH HUSKISSONM es 895 amour LARGE ROOM on lhe edgeleown Complelely redone in good quallly and in good lasle Inside and oulslde Vou musl see Inside lo rullv an preclale ssmon KEN RUSNELL 895 3725 830 $3000 DOWN PAYM NT Jusl as neni as pin bedroom bungalow largo kllchcn living IL dInlnn room corn nlololv relurblshed sllualed on IBI lol Easy commullng $33000 llrsl morlgage arranged AUDREV TERRY MOXLEY lllfl 372 film COU NTRY ETTI N6 $10900 Tnls bedroom W2 sluruy homo l5 spolloas lhroughaul Allmlrlum sldlrlui dolnchod inrnuo llin porlocl slorlor homo FRAN DE BUHGE II 377510 095 3401 DIE NEAR THE LAKE and marine Iacilllies beaulllul gall course almosl al your back door spacious allracllve spill level home The execullve slyle lhe localion andlhe price make driving llllle lurlher well were lhwhlle KEN RJSNELL 0R BRVAN RUSNELLBWVSHS 665 IDACRESAURORAW Real plclure book selling wllh plnos nnrl birch lreos arusllc ranch slyia bungalow nesllml In lhls very prlvale snillngWarm Ih and almusphere ore appuronl lfiroughoul AUDREY TERRY MOXLEY WEI3775 1M5 WHYPAYRENT wlion yqu can huy lhls lmmuculolo bedroom bungalow or only $34900 Tnls lovon homo has largo brlglll rooms wolkoul lrom kllchon ndolnchod garage and ii slluolod on piclurauquo lio lle lool lul surroundod by mnluro Irons FRAN DE llUrlGElziqunns R05 INSMill uos PRESTIGEQUALITY COMFORT Air condlllonlng replace landscaping ils all here on Fares Glen In Newmarkel For less lhan 3100000 You donl have lo sellle lor less Call BRYAN RUSNELL 898 3725 25 ssmuoiiuui PRICE Mrs Clean lives here so loslelully decoraiodlnrouglioul Large living and dlnlng room lamlly room wllh replace upgmled broadlbnm caimlry slm Iol WWSI Io sen AUDREY TERRY MOXL EV 09073725 970 mvon STEPS 70 THE LAKE Tlils Immoculolo lwdroom bungalow ollors mm sq ll 01 living nron largo llvlng room and mnln lloor ullllly room Town survlcos FRAN DE DURGERflwJHS 7W THE PRICE IS RIGHT Thalanailan is excellent The lhefirw home provides excellenllamily IIIll including l2 halhs broadloom lamlll room walkoul lrom dining room double garage RAY WHITE 8986715 OPEN HOUSE SATAPRIL 251PM LLQWI lmfip YHILQB ILrl Rossfiflfllfl WlEfi For $115 WATCH SPRINGUNFBLD LB Dollgllllul clinlol slylo homo on ID at Dollnllcly ono oi klnd bodmoms bullis llroploco PLUS 77 lienlod solarium WILSOO Jann Roi 3775