niliiarkel midget Flyer Brian Clarkej tier nent as i22alll middle is knocked down by an Alaii he takes shot an Ajax goalle it ileioy ileiti and teammate Rob Mc stills The mirkot Flyer etslurned the tables gAJax squad here night taking it and eliminatlng mm the OMHA finals was the llnal match ll besl ol We series Alax Itd the semis ll Unlarlu Ilnals tilhrr thathzm or till rtlaynlghl in Ajax 3215 look zeo lead lll permd with hilrianljtarkt and ze 14510 rtrguson Alan land Ildrke drew his in madr it 271 the nll oi the bill the Flyers held onto their lead or the last two periods Newmarket goalie Rob Schmidt played fantastic game in net lie made lot at tough stops and kept us in the game said manager Laird Ruby The Flyers collected minutes in penalties dropped 54 decision to Ajax in their lourth playoil match Atax took ll lead early in the lirst period but Flyers Weddel and Ferguson tied it up belure the second Brent Pelerr man Weddel and James Macuun drew the assists Scott Fitzgerald gave Newmarkel the lead with second period pointer réen Valley 55° ifoce Trusts IlllK Valliy Land and literia and Irusl Alll meet in inpiiinship novice ls Salurdny at liter semi tinal ll llll JLwmnrkel hmkty house last Actk per Bla riniin idhle Tv itt llll optimist at in this to determine me consolation lllIIS the WWII linals tel Vittoria and lichelinzx Irukl skiinkod Tubeless Dirndlils Auto Sate Mi nun goalie Hi It I1 gm Illg the shutout or lnmln ilaridge 043 55 it ilrhort and on llvtklng slammed girl llr lrusl In the ll ten ey an 59 he blunde Arr Alchellnxzx Tubeless Sale 39 it hi 66 no iniirnnliwnl Miriam Cons le 14 at Induslry Newmaltoi op 14 IAIIIHII rihavma 14 at ottoonnidvs Hoslournnls Sponsors oi isan Day Tournament 15 LISI 0F DONORS iv than Milk int my AU 017 Evos Lumllur Mclelm 11 Ascnl Electric uconlml Safleg Will My mwrrs Ptaymult oillinros sale Hm rfllilluvo Peters tiei stylist It Is Cuslom Tailors 64 0W Jilin in Ulnlnumg r0a CoIn 7014 liifitiligtinell Nuwmhlxet unwtvraml 70111 Apricot Invom 7015 ti tannin minus tamm luaur an Mum smith Plumbiflv ls tunth in mainK tan IMd neat Est Rani ri lltlllllblll In llfl it Jain tlnnii oi onlva If llnltiin my Ms Mom Innd ulitrllilitnu in nrv or rlilrmlnn arondloom out not nl onada tMmln smell iin no on Vlnslaurah lllllll lit Hit wliiiil mimge Construction 60 WIKTI Darryl Martin munting hat trick or Green Valley Bobby Skinner and Kevin Galloway added singles loiLGmri Valley Green Valley goalie Shawn Ferguson picked up the shutoutin TIE semi linal encounter Jarmain Cable trounced Dimer DaLsun 27 in the consolation semi finals with goalie simoil Hughes registering shutout or Jarmzin Blair Smith and Paul Bloye tallied singles tor Jnfmaln In another con solatlnn semi Ilnzl the Uptimlst novaes clipped the fiptlmist Monarchs with Andrew Craig blasting in tour pointers tor the Novices Stephen MatCormack tallied the last pointer Neil Kilpatrink knocked in the Monarch loner ish T6 Thank Sponsors And Donors For Their Support In 1978 SPONSORS Mrcoy mister Colonial Chev oids lehErlS Motors Rays Gouq Niqu E950 Upon ll Newmdvkul Suhhulau Souk Ardills sports Family trust Really Bills Novn Sumo IInnk rlnlshinil touch Milslur lmhamirsinn tlewmllrliet ileiillli Fonds Nowmarhl garden centre xlnrmen rluh Mawnll lnlnlnntlomll unnm Cnnlldn Milli Nowmnrkel vmn rlili Evlmlnkll unit will Ilam Smirk Glll ttewmiruei riiniiimnti out 0080 Patronlzo our Sponsors and Donors NEWMAIIKET REBIIEAIIIIII DEPARTMENT lll MAIN Stsulllil iiiwuullin salon Lo rprlsstene Continental tlalr Stvllnn NUDrly New Shop Vidmln my trust Vvlrlallon 5107 Martin clllmse nnslomonl Gulhmllhs nooole corner Mn KtVIII Nern ilar right moves in to help out The Flyers lost the match 54 in Newmarkrl Saturday but ousted Ajax 21 the next nlght in Ajax ers win OMHA séthuiinols assisted by Ferguson and Maeoun in the third the Ajax squad netted three power play markers to lead 53 Newmarket pulled their goalie with little more than minute and Ferguson iound the spot lor his second goal oi the night Mlke Ruby and Rob Mchrn assisted nofigfi 3W while Ajax was tabbed or Iii4 onlytomlnulesia aw inniin shit was hard Aurel checkln hard In tittort or Emails my tournament hf £0 Saturday night in in Newmarkel the Flyers commences today AURORA The 91h annual Aurora House League Tournament gels underwnytodayeleom with the Doane Hall Atoms playing the Summers and Smith squad at the Aurora Community Centre The tournament is only or Aurora house league teams in the atom junior peewee banlam and midget diylsions Each of the 32 teams entered in the coin petition will play at least one game buI could he eliminated in the llrst mum Championship games ln each dmsiun will he played Saturday with the linals or line atoms at in bantams at ti pm juniors all prn peewcts aI it and the midgets at The tournament ls organized hy the Aurora Hockey olllels Auxiliary to provltlt opportunity lor house league youths in Aurora to enjoy the excitement oi tournament play The auxlllaly holds iund raising activities and uscs gale reCPipls to sponsor the Lnuulamlan They even try thelr hand at hockey and thls year theyll be taking on an Aurora alum team Saturday at 130 pm just ochre the champion ship games begin Gull Ariana Mnli Shoo llcpiili 11ie EriIWevvmiirliet Aurora Kelwlck On Wed March ma uzl Fathers IQ RAISEMQNEXJEQKLIBRARY tomeeHZhurehDodgers nniioni rill Vin pnieeetisaigedwoimci magerfilzcttiy potent at inehumra Aurora Church Dodgers bytllcgilnlcwillbejiven elull CunimuluLy Centre will lat ithc Flying to lino Aurora Librarlo1iclglts an available AuroraiFuhIle Library Fathers hockey qlrcnn cs norm TAIIpn Fund from Church Dodger Tlit cvunl is splinr player or members the allheAuram Communil sored by the Knights of Knights UI Columbus Centre olulnllus and the Aurora They can also be fit Now you can have pickup truck and dump truck alln onell Loslle Appliance Storeu neane ilall Pharmacy Aurora town attire and OMars Shoes GOLF LESSONS Monday Wednesday 700 800 PM800 700 900 BE vouli OWN litiSS invest in prolitalllll business modest Investment WIIl start you all in your own auto motive home hardware and spells equipment st 1000 PM will Handy Andy Ilanchlse there are minis areas STARTING APRIL 31978 Eight éeisnnzsglogmsswa Canadian retail olgnni DURATION LESSONS m3 ruic WHERE ggfiggHElGHTS cosr $25 EQU lpM ENT tuna diff mflhufll 32a7ngoiizuaaan NEEDED GOLF CLUB 11 is cmEIIII Em whim was iii JiegismilionANIHbHeIdetNewmanket mnDeMmeMUlkweek ThiyhoislrboMHnPflél or IaIeFFord or GMC JqJaJiIonpiekolrrtrueks 47000 Jrlflv fit it cmmv capacity in stocklor immediate delivery MAIN ST anonomninnmm nil in NAPIXI last minute attack Call Dan Carrulhers lor demonstration 522557 by Flyer tailed iii iind the mesh Sutton 7223101 lilwlllrltl CASH CIAIEI nonr IMPROVEMENT HEIIIQUIIRTERS VOLuME SAVIHGs Fon House BARN Combine other ploducts 149a on COTTAGE HOME windows dome em to BlENGTNS lfyl Hi pouring maggoggogggw ZZZLi 2237 3332 OR MORE SPRUCE LUMBER coiiper Wire mun7 Copper Wire WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT UANTITIES TO NORMAL SPECIFICATIONS with vinyley rover 25 ideal lor moat hiring in FIRST QUALITY PLYWOOD projects around thov ALL LENGTHS FROM T0 I6 615 FIR 981 I6 homo rutt 250 ROLL SHEETROCK EXTERIOR 1411 V2 34 Wolnlonized Outdoor vNlIliN liYISIM SHEATHING 131 1923 159 FIR V2 58 Pressure Treated Wood WESTRUC lhtplllcthllcll Hi 7lii 39 STANDARD SPRUCE st 81074D pruce Strapping 2968 IX3 1x4 N0 AND BETTER NLGA l970 50 M2x4 FIBREGLASS BATTS ASPHALT SIIINGLES It 12 III St PT 1297 CG SELF SEALING STOCK COLOURS lirll oil so METRIC 11 SIZE ID I3 IS l3 33 V2 58 58TG 35 53 11 IINIITIN FT IiINII1 BUNDLE III Propor Insu filial Saves You Money CGC Redlop InsulationF GTssfibre Butts IS Vidt IIIO 70 SQ FT IAIITONS OR MORE SMALLER ORDERS IIL Rigid Foam Insulation sheet Irvso or glue into ilnrc 33 Paper Backed Mandi Rolls 588 588 II7 RIO i0 SQ FT I0 SQ FT Economy Caulking Scnlh rrncks around doors nnd windows EACH Mason Glide Horizontal sfider Wood Windows 291i2x 2t 344495 2616 I7 35 34 a432199 Raltl IO SQ FTV 35 ARTDNS OR MORE 206 IICIK III0N N0 DEALERS VPLEASEI Fibregllls oi Canada FrfitloliTitBufis 37 12 II12 R30 90 SQ PT 30 SQ Polyfilm Mil 500 sq It llllrridr Aluminum Foil Itlil one side I00 sq 399 Mimfilllonnlita Just pnur into plnre nnd rnkr CU II Pipe Wrap II Vidc Thick it Long 19 First Quality inertr Both Set Whether youre building it new homo nr rimoilnlling your present one we lows the Iiutllmilm rnuumble or yllu This tllrtc piert ant IIIIIIIKILB reremurl ston bath tub ill thlp lnd slnln runinlnnl piirreloin on lieilvy gnugc stool ll vllrrnuh rIliIln ttlilct thII is utnin nml llrid HNIHITHI nnd ll wtlll Ilnxin II vitrtllilri 4I1IIHI thnt tenlurtll lodge IIlI nan llnti hplnhll rim In rlntitiir whiLu Vi Korplne Plus WExterlor Foam shemhmg set 36 34 Ship upped Edges 5632 89 59 42 34 lulu IiINISII SIIEI II 56le 63° EACH HIE lrKN Sizes lilinyi lire rough AVAllAllll pm wme 51IEACH WE CARRY WIDE RANGE OF WEATHEHSTRIP PRODUCTS FOR DOORS E1 WINDOWS HAG ynputlr Caulking Gun Rnchol Art ion 44 EACH Aluminum Storm Door Prcllllng nnd ulllplolo Illll hnrdtynrt so its ruddy lii instlill QLIIELI=uurus ineludu cheek rhhin and lcml 94 Size nvnilnhlc it Gs nnd Zltl Sold Separately an 21964213 Vanity Basin 10 STO Moth Tues Well um lor Prices AbolIa Aro Strict Cash Carry SATISFACTION GUARANTEE nwtAcEMElilrun MONEVBq curenruuv ncruuoeo FREE PARKING nuoorr rrnms AvAlLAilLE MAern CHARGE ottAnoEx FHEE srlMArmo DELIVEIIV AVAILABLE AT nnASONAnLE HATE Thurs Fri II um NEWMARKEI 3954293 OPERATED 0V DILIIIITE CA II LTD Sm 839