Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), March 15, 1978, p. 4

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wizard Newaiirkeimnrmiiruwiak oak Marco is trip pubilanraav Ammanv 56 Iiims Newlarletr onmio Inlana Puainnina ROBERT MA Firiv the Auoil Bureau oi Clrzlu7 slraiim number W09 isonnoioroséouinng gi rlOjis th ligihffé Jiowever you look atit the sentenceimposed 77When rescued by her parents 7w7ho JOCWIW AUnc Pierreneedsyoullhrow=6m sissy options and join the armed force schoolboy soldierand see the world nothiig of cutting down our education fillLaslrweekrinth ace nonhuman oun7LySchooLBoondiudgeuouamelepe resistedemflking the 7comparison to the minds of many all been on 51yéargoid T0ro7nto man convicted in warnedbyavigllantpasserbythelglegiriwas lastweek of assaultin a710 bruised some of herhair had7been pulled right mwdlg ouhanasfiefiaailmiWr Theifiaflr Whose 185 indiQQed he Before passing seiitehce Jiidge Mori ownedrseveral boll5951 8916 Charlies told the accused who had claimed he will Newmafifeh was $37250 my was making citizens arrest because he firmfilendmg SXkasjtlflllthdd°t believed the girl had broken window in one oi we rwhis houses am an alled ourrmosteeruel Tor ma if Propertyi film m3 halve behaviour It was aripunprovgkid unmitigated seem 097 35 Hal 53 we attack on little girl have no doubLabout your to pay for six weeks of freedom Tesfimonyrshowed theinah had jumpedout gum You he with amézmg as of his car pnixingford Dr and yelled at thegirl Yet this man wasallowedto pay $250 fine peop le understand what it is that téa Educationifillam usteesaize7ailemp All we know is it costs moreeach yea some of us are beginning to wonder if El infjducalionjsmeauri by demo the graduates is deeife ng as costs rial The answersio such questions are Em found in what now find to tie the standardr jerk responseHo suggested budgetcul come regular as bowei movements defenders of the systemwho also toil will Im gains WEflyour He OhiiSEd heir flawed and write iinis toxtherwhole isode 7777 77 with is haniover her mouth IOJS ence her xpenence will not screaming forgotten for 10yearold girl Hwy1400 $7dCHik hole nee 51in is 77 The interse oigvyhich is Newmarkets works from nllleto five and for the past five entrance oif7thepmvincesmajorlnorthsouth Bars haibeen Chepkingthe tflmflif during highway is liketheBlackHoleoQCalcutta at daylight hours We hopethis time before night councillor Bob S¢0t17flle towns replying he tries finding his way on dark syslonir7 Vilhemina 7ur is teacher She ii ll7iepresideni7of the YorkQounty elem leachers associalion She7isquotedjnasl the Toronto Star as saying those it uEwhi io seecuts in Yorks 3825 million budget warped priorities Society spends lavishly or luxuries pennypinching on its inurelhe educa children spokesman tor York Vengined3700mmntee1haiiman7said7mitynigm 774744 elementary teachers said Yasterday viiiraisingihe pointelhisyear Annual foratleaéttheiastfive ears the We NewmarketytowncounoilhasasketugéOntario Earl pgragrapllm lie swy mimstry this year on vmhali of council Trgnspunanon and Commnhiaafious ministryio The siorygoeseontwsayélhatrhls been idesignate and supplymore lighting at the in 777 Suggeslssocieiy change its riorities mammrmmurr ODgEESNeML er ei neaden reared in lfiltfiyFaflqlhfhaDlloConcelVeinllFfiJfigranegfliflWmeuminiéwffiayrepned education Shecites rdlngmthesm 9fld dflhnf mad mes 1955 am than the intersection does not need better lighting Whathasmillenedm SigfliCFlceFnhs Fed term Bfilmmrwmfiflaafithaikmw ofaquillingaveflldia Aurora Sideroador King Sideroad bothef which because enmigh Ireuse it justice in NewmarketéL the gameoi hockey Ourthanksio you for 4430 1119511139 cost ofinUCaiing Ch have better lighted intersections at Hwy 4007 lmRocentlaclt yvlasf a7 jvthel7p7ee2vee our help urging have aroigliilffl day in 1978 rv an or ess in re lea ue oi moatio lRENETlMMY ya iild nee ih7 lie Wm Iliar1 only Maybe filmmeanswerrwfll be different Toronto entrepreneur uni sfiurorfirrrcn 37 morning uillhedniiypeiierwhlch realize that the Star siorynayi who ownsseven homes is whim example undemwnsfi Compleiél Perhapsr 9V9 iHCOIWCL Nevimarketu The in First the hell Shmeifilee WIk limitations sla enoui roundawindowrbrolte stafled the 3Mnlverondahifi bn 7hg Cf WW one in these homes an refereert other was Metoalie by therwayr iirlrlerGFrV 77 finseto take his angina late 67 ther leaingle antiwar ac SOLMS Hurley innsurryIliui Nonprom drone my place Friday Marchu olk Night at the who wa ssing at the fiatlvely good his giltlflielld Celeste bf Effieigfiffifagnwfiffliiiffi3 ouncements true at charge7ln nlubuard by Factory coireehouse endersonDr Aurora ilme refereeins third Period MeiCGlfe gmmt V° Kn Phonins 3952333 before pnmrrlildfly or mdmiasiunrcosTts ThermanViel51yof unbelievable same 15mm ey iitutingtmlhe Elana 2367Newmarket0ni attaék her pulling out 7competance ioiiowpd Washinzi Being senior nsnr 30 There are manyepoople who re pie YMXL Zhelhh fiiiSiHE hefflfld The gamerwas extremely guffifanseemelan adlmwit r7 An oldtime dance and box social sponsored he even mkmeofiher clostairdintractionrlikeLoggingxgigpingantlkmishkw8ddediiI figfigfifl $32 WEDNESDAY MARCli 15 Why King Towmlllp Mom Enemy Wm be iinge7rsl7dontknuw what Mold crosschecking on mommy cheques nle here that metcalle once 11 lon flhe annualJedi held Fri March 17 at apmnn Schomber would heVehalfilienedii elbowing and inter ourgovernmon in laugheda broken lesihey Newmnriiet Family Llie Centre will he Comm had hotcomeralong elo+ference wefe simiyrm limes7pwa5read to hoot horses dont Wequareh153ttérthe730pmlectureby stoplhe attack rm nsend 71 an y7hutlln Canadian Svmepeopleinsoueiyri Dick Mullen on Passageflht the Newmarket Public skating Innings Civic Anna In Churir flier man ne player7as h7uit SurplusI back in glider then Jiitsia leg7or M5 ElullfYrfife egarffm PBXIQu gymnltyCentre All Welcome Admission to in Néwmarket and frecelved smtence gin and lylrg on the ice as go keep many oi me two The big attraction KlaiadOaayégyesilgi NINE 03 mng at the WV485 Quaker iroomoiingihe mldwifiter lireiic moflmm Eks hf an Jm t° at box mm al 60 times the bezln jaiereoptediorthoiine at leasta ngTaLQ lsireeAdmlssionfo Well filmy her nds Willie hard pu niakeend education eczurermaNmstm SkatingisoltetedaLLheatenuL isrquestionable how 7wehLonaLtJleotIler wishing you the nest oi Child psychologist Elaine Borins will speak f1 Wusq msimm 13 513 le Hivxeewlfi man mild Pamym lhe mi Antler irrfitrruafifn IWEEHdJJHSEhTN YL¥ Therermuslberhoweve about chm abuse at Rag we School vaimming at the poolztospm and7to9 pom beso vicioustoa mere player was heoviiy ume dame agdlnlhal canexlstonthatszio Al Saldmndlfl Jam 15 at 7330 Childv but I5 HIS chiécfiii largothe wargls we cant expect any JPlllxltlmlorthfee months we dihgiorsoidiers is but lP 77Wa cour an inu we later is ntsln Can do hand Everyone welwme 5AURDAYMARCH 13 otlaw could be so lenient roughest17 wrmwnomflfiaxifiwgggé +51 iAllldlflI my schoolwill hold variety night The The man adrriitted nisifiaonalty being assessed MIL actionsmie police but Th5cnn only result in v7wfl77fln 717 my thousands us wiulein court he den iieedless ln1ury and saucer years Canidiansmakeitoiiless own pockets tailer SE6 mg tainme 7players leanning iiiatI7Tmmmmjmlflrtmml unansmamonthssolryv education andhasnm ngwdowl 77 ea I9ECfirin9ludilztiheceplabioandapar QWIW man ejuiceat soccerrteamvisitnEnEland tnérofirirwi e7a ThrmlennadlIWleslnminflewma feiudgewflho cwfl half mumfiflméym inrald ot therAuioraLibraryriundrwedrpMarchr imbirfsiflihockeyflnge 15 at pm Tickets $150 each available at the 31 19 DESI flan Newmalkfl soion and the lihra couple call 3954926 or assoosdr lh the lid lflilnkyouiregoingjo lnspending JuquAOMrw innmmammmuimwuew mm In r7 held in th on leM na it ii rfir lawn 523 IasLéiflheconchwhxl can meaning h°°5£¥9m°m°°d rr Parentaarifnviigd weau dmd wilt Gwliiiernirsun°nin or ltlziinnlllzbefi td d9 he did 93s tH ed elm mnnumnm gueMHWheeasems he 51 5° 39° The mans 0W complajnlwlmthelasgue 5° lee 55 tlmeg tting the rent soldieisandeducatlonNouWeareiold principal or Holland Landingfublic School SGMLlarch18AprlllandApfillS7lromlOamr witness turned ageing amhéfluw ms mime rat the treatment ailordeds budge Wilma and whai our barre 0mm to pm at Newmarket Community Centre him by Happening oneweomer toCanada rememb 1M mmmfihfla rm hold euchre tournament Sat March ia 011711 Bait man Was Afterwards nor79f weir ml brief youve bee TWed Maréh is at pm mi rig 30 pm Cash prizes will be of on gmmmfinfit some choi We can clingysin 77 77 tered Aérflgmmulhexififl could be heardamong page ilreadybdugh tluse1d aaéurézslégmgfign lco efiiénéeg 2r ours lime 99909 arenls in are entuna ro uso The next generai meeting at the Holland murtanolioid mem lin gonches as mike giddymanner have heen= whether we are getting our moneys we was what for it will do Amnesty miernmona WM he lc at Quaker Popl7ll7olllngaworth ArenaTohd Sharbr story and on witne 77 every yardyourunls mm Around uh 1mm flawed finch Arena Forlntormatlon ailaarraaia 8955925 le hewa asked to figfihfigflfldeflgr giftbflflriihe 9mm monthly paymemoniourf many fies mrnanyrfi WI 57am York iaerUnnui Chur serioua hlnkiiig °Bl° morisalie no aylhepr vincelaxeswhi This is just one wIJBEflGEn itles rid suuonm7ncma example The whole school iioardsandmuiud 777a0anoda Inyceelintroductoryiiightwii13771 The York ChorJSocieiy and theYork day was7 tilled withy held WeoMarhh is atB in Newmarket Symphony Orcheira lel pertain Handels slmliarexnmpies Commuiliy Ir esalahrpartszandagnn March lithatoplrnl ATRICIARISTICH then xus nou property at eryiaigés77l7ngnorlh bweutal ChiFEMS jotlteelestfortlcketscall7 4013 or 8957166 Newwak intensitiin The Loiieerned Cltlxgnar King will meet ziwwr seas WedqMarch 15at3 plmirinlhe Kiri City 71brary Speaker will be Ronald Tanker who Filip hunch 24 tgseeraniiesnbiw will talk aboutore Pottagevllie7s mp7 eawniicirurokeoounvi Museum will the sheath hbldiiaFronilreetoTrea Woman zq mimumanciin 7iiandAprii7i72ieai animuml he lso7conitl Trinity United Churchln Newmérkét will maplesynlp The no Rig on Vivian nd The York Cesitiejor Noivisliurley hbdflednndbakesalefrlr March 17 tromug three mllegnorth oi Aurora sdra For in published in your is oljuTuh lormatlonciillao WMT 35W 15 Learnin Disabilities 4113115 undervuesufin Many of 57m LA UniiedUh ler Week proposed Tip that7the won 7777 Minor SW coplionaplayere and rangam Tani 77 chlNomgiflEo and cookie Willi aerved for 56 center lheltewmorlietfloccericillh wflholdastr Sficlnmflvwnness some gfiaflng to 000 We lgéto knbwifm Impatrlcke dance Frl Mamflh at all attire Thé file has flab monegsjwmh 5the community aware of Iiesilons 24 inmittee wishestn down TUIan the 011W 470ln filmflw liaoiirigvwnrisuéfioaucceasiuieuoiring 7Msv Hurley7 ll such special course not WtSrflbrPorteuWalmusicmutd tlisifica $53313 et Eortaoondhndieozlork7 lire cesga what kind at an tve igliiot to myn giiiitofildiogiye nlesma 1beioreLsghandeEm soingwid oxlrovggonliluxuxy 7Peihops71ihii Kilian og ier drown ra lngdorllllr tom ks ood

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