rnh cog ma five whole region RICHMOND HILL7 Sl Johns Fralch SchoolfirNewmatketW ikelyvvseévuhoenti region bySefiIeifibe The management committee Inc York Region separate school boarngLveunanimousr approval March to expanaibnoi bus routes senvim the school ca 1lianNowmIrketAuronltiwle Onlst Marci ua eFren available to separate school sludenls in the southern end at the region can have group oi senior citizens from the Eagle HaHiSMI LaniSEVHayeS Ben Harrison Oriey St apartments spenlrlast Friday morning Hayes and Arnold Knoxr Not shown in the sembling lite Cancer Society kits or can photo are Francis Harman and Agnes Horner assers in the Newmarket area This has who also helped in Putting togelher 31 become an annual event or the senior proximately 499 kits tobe used during the citilens who have been helping the Cancer rer month campaign Canvassers will he society lor years From lelt are volunteers ing homes during the month or April Th Y°udi about iS now vlihlnyour reachiall yours to enjoy while its investment value iiebirt ileptinslailfifietalenninwi keeps growing over th years Get itwith the Cancer fund driuéfplonned NEWMARKET rheeilng oi the Cancer Soctety for progress tor Sherry help oia Victoria Approitimately 25 people Newmarket and District Execulive Members and Party tor the campaign Grey mortgage built Io atignded the Match LII Jute Cafljdlan Campaign Ares Captains an mm gains from fit your need and your Wed March at the ewflmgr fiségUamaaa Er Londqiihit two churches YorkHealth Unit Landing Mount one Sicloria and Gm 31in Pa no firmsor WEVE SIMWilt AmoamcmmwMWmW Jhuvemmlmalomuvw the victims or vandalism wmdow mid Secremy nor hosied by Campaign recently and York TVHQ Ontario Division gave afflgmaanvdgSChLefilza Lniled Church in Maple Jalkmhe campmnam ps airm Regional Police are in bottle of beer was Mm Helen Tugwell trim on Vesugmmg thrown through stained Zing Nowmariretr at King City United glass window Police Presented An Education Booth Chum vandals caused reponed that save wmbc at UPI Canada Inusv cuu rm smcl mo $400 worth oi damage beer bullies were also As kick to Mail on April and CFA ILIOHAN YOUNG me timed piaie glass round strewn around the Campaign and lor kit Daffodil Day will be April MANAGER ACCOUNTANT window was smashed grounds distribution plans are in at Upper Canada Mall in MAIN 511 NEWMARKEqusiM ffi400ir NV 241002 OFl 12130 01 Eddie Snack knows algood value when he sees or should we say smells one One Case of Mix or Match Soft Drinks From The POP Shopper Present this completed coupon at the Pop Shoppe M6 Davis Dr Newmarket or lng Centre is axrmes WWW 11 pop Shoppe 7e 826 mulls Illi llullollll Sillllfltlllflliimlli tilillllminlllit iulnoltli Morebuving power iotygy rlllllinn Ill lilllllll allvllllillilllltr