Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), March 15, 1978, p. 25

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mlp Wattle 00L AND Die MAKERS coax or stall Rxlll Palm day camp pillar out 76 Help We led Tnucxui NIIDID tandanl slrolpnt trucis wlln one cltuiticlt nAv CARE CENVRE OHMInn IDA Day Cere Farm lleml Legal Nojkos NOTICE To attentions mums MAYTER at In sslala or ROBERY EARL Rfltel¢ Bitslneu Servlul MAHEWOKKEEPI Newsprint III SYSTBIS Auror fauna Wed Ilium Ervlas Morlflnéd for sleallng lumber Rplr Ill WFIlullnu ll unload driver avllla Full tlma or art glflgufigfllfigéwn lo Medea lo nEilTsoB oped tlni lerelulldnysvfeeli afififlbfi Wflfi DAVIS ElnnllNKEmeAe TT orlosl raleseulhly Fl orliy nIida Phone ml CINEH useonc DGIwvfibLWM snklnw eliperlenuddoot are air mllinrl or slNMmeran 74 4mg 93 Lawnfighmntwmmw vsmlomc mm or °NEWMARLEG15 31 ltoluallznlllty WWI Mffiflfiflfififlflfigjmrgfl flmrgnnlvmrfllnam LucAL allyalrlrnool sects LED um crews the above Income Tax Returns Completed $1 mflflfyh mu 77 77 an if asrlllae panelist 7malulullpaamn7nmm$m TMArSnUWVIIlelr marld TProm pyly Sisafiflfdmf 12 Emu lor Old Au Pendulum lolllo Itlrlollilulava been CermsmnrmeLam fimcwgmgmlgymuffi Nayamparlm are may We speclallle In bookkeepan For small dleflperlosDOIIlandDW I450 lo to per nouns Phone ncllylly Stiptnd con WM Vi any nalitlad pursuant to me buslnesses the materlal lrorn the nnEININoERAii350NLYn mom 27H mummy my No liquid cooled 70 up Ilke Moan mm lm lrrnnycm 7E MwNewprl¢emLuunu mm mu WWW il unseen LL G°Td°7 NJDAAIImbfllyHm 13 UV muvr If gmm nlghlsPhoflelSSIM 7I7Il pop sacs rm SKIDuu Eniécgmmo flllv pl Marco my olier grungy 23 chaslng nrglerred up mm mm TNtuol=nona Arum LII Mann Eur Illnlhgcaszslf out In metal ompany our mu we Ms M110 SERVE 77 my fly Eva Lump mini ream Mir lo ill the PWPETW carrvlnti slam llulll Immem can Excel Deviant iii 37 Molar Velma Havanaurawursulamwrfififioé willalr tonllflfflutyMIflLJlflfllfll ye ML LARY TIM bookkeeper HUBIIIV TdeIIyersd notice The MINI Melalcralt7Ltd 95 WANTED To any old 777 separll 9H7 irequlred Inrwfljmanjmr menuwwucfi 7mwmartrpl Aurarawer WEINEwmarfiiT WWW by andl MmamiAppwnlmotely it do our 395 3m in lo lllls rin da otM WM up praxes wtteel ullormml salety cenllleale yolmger brother °7 77 Aurora Onlarliyrfil noursdally Jdays weak Tm Km JAMEYS oraTZN ac CWWI Mllmey Ma 777 ML 95 WANYED 3mm hay and Econ the 9431 Experience to Trial eatanca ll nancllly uenI E95h and Ch 5h 30 333th gm 57 draw any auanllty g5 Housahmd 33 go AucIlnns Murrnylilldreiprnvlmlal senlial Salary commensurate mm MR mm auamy Terms cash NM SECOND MUETGAGES court heerlna here last lenze Bunanvlne area perm In IN and ROOM worklng rowellll LM fiBl Till YUESDAVPRIL WRk Ill Mr Wallace 9° and llxturas eta snlit °°i WW Farm IIeins Tr IA No bonuses had Inn mu brand Apply Gumh cznad anddlmllwundnxmalay llsolicitor Inn in Ad MACHINER Extanslve my 127 true at lly la 80232tiCl Newmake Em lll DallaLSL Uxhrlflae all gonleéAmy quest MgNNolgkalfigeees aucllan all let NUT fiégomugegmo final If Can or IE Dallas In BIS 885 CRIMSON Farm Supply WW wmarkelt unset mm 55 Tenders do on Phone uni srouityllle Aiso In7 out Into consideration ath Lam Hi LNEKEQD EdnnmconlEv ml lvesmckmmemlsPmmixesr vow FASY 8EHVICE aluaed In lull aamplala tine ML Wallace Ilvlng room WHSITFVJ 52° expaalaucen an Mummy Coniaullln alulllhlnealesl Hémgaéfify rl escorv days ai ii Person ytaulolrm new mm in small NOONE EvER REGRETTED auvme YENmum °°°°° Ms Jam ior incident gr In an PPLYING ON EWICQS Viv gl re only $333 3357 Sign OUALITV 3331333510 imam Bram mum or now ow ca rs Ne mantel All til our GARDENCENTRE from Apr sarlveratnmosbstwaenii gisfiraféaillzlllgcerznfimet For Iurtlier Inlormallon regartflJLogr was eizfiévmxnggeg Nulcttrnson FarmWSJIIHpI ANTIQUE mumii FTis lLL Jul lst kin4 are only toa Hlifimfiimv Ni ii xwv la Several traaors OF APFLICAYwNS are Invlled Contact Your Local Agent 333 iifixdhufifig 5954553 whines will 995 fugueTylalrlizlllslfl or me pod on Ruldefll BILL KNAPPETT ma Mills elmMs iiiim BUILDE thaye knowledge QérdenIM received by in Clerk at lna REPM ATTPM Hume III onlififlfiérlizfil 97547 iii 35 1535 053 asylnosulciln25éfy fififllilrfifilslfil 3273 mmxyug mama rv sa lat sl TARY well last All to please phone lor me aruean ma can re wich we Farm MEfil Bum no mm mam mm aransiacgflm wzr sex weex plan now to at pm Kennedy snarl will Newmarkel EW ML Law on Se no and ltlls larpe sale Featuring many early tools rs pwuumshwtamwmml salamcla requires work ME we Fwd cmrei MW mm DY L°V° IMludmw broad axe ex lclls lor 395ll00 animal nusoandry of er waelr 354 mewv WM we um lvloNnAvApt3lLlrlnla1a NewmarkélJYsWfl wllson Auclluns Llp ux Hennuwaewram lli lawmm vmlw rnallaavs osl are ll ome runmrua rat sll lflmflmfl Slick cpnasl Eii aunt or rte supply and apv ooa walla 2lil tot oat Care 7mm immuneit 12 ¢2°°° 77 77W mperlaiesllansotas satMarsttlt Wm $35 fwfi Im 90 AVAILAnLE Rellred HOSESH°Ema7 arnfennnce per cent calcium cnloride 77 1mm VEmarld spec es would pa an mm mm mm we mun an Town Road 35759 and 5DlMF5R4 drawn at JAkmflWimf mm corrective Phone 777 AL DEALEL7 777 777 IV ll Vi all 4am 07 ems by llle Tawrl Losr mackarid Wiléflfir wlmfifiyfi 7MFWWm hEJMII 733 cc PK specialty RelelencesLPliono orrrest athaIarreom sti mini Wu mixpeneflfie0n=dfllllflg machlneeandrfvomarImHumenesaalelyr rwmgmmmm onsssuoemo Nut 30mm am mm Commmm HM Nn hurled headed mallellareal URNACE he to produce small lypes ol DAY CARE mar WVer PM 717 assess Lost lrl Nutemu sale at npmalurnislllnos °iimdl°l7°°¢°i wellan armory We oller good wages steady WW mm be Meadnwhrook Scnool inranls E7 FIBRE THEHM Dawmerlls may be nhlalnm bar 75 law lo elezlrlc slaves xome alllluuz mm 93 mm wsycomumum wouseauamu al lne Ollke ol me ann aid lurnilur antrlas ml villa hook elc etc to merit benellls an prolll sharlng Ierlalned ltl LosT Lad la an 771 My CARE MondayMarcil we pm INSULATION Engineer Ail Tenders must 30 cludlile wasnstands parlor 559 Wetlath merits lor qualllled personnel my me or santlmenlal yalue ease ll ABLEIMu yours Monday II7 Frldly 5°V° 5Wms Insistorilo oualit mate tat ampamw non mm 793°°9 lamp one an im one for appolnlmenl General 10A Day Care Wm Approximately ts Reglslered 57 WW as tllleo crtlloue tor an amount 57 tollla upminipn pump orpstt PEe mom lmvi uLE Rani odilclian Devlces Vandorl Ontarlo and grade quarter W505i mallsllfmllcs Nualmamwwagum mm quam tuarrlrlgpmalL 2°°°la Itll FINDS FalomInUS Hunter lhe Yolal Verne Prize eqister 4013 9K SEN mo like new armlevllagzlGO REGSIER ow Jump my Dumas new Call Iolln Fowler dim wilh the unamwn treasures Willi We Dram ills 12 til leak ivcllwefl proceedlny l476Mls 0R ialumswlilisoimilialltte Auctionsufi Wm arr Trim um llp bcy nprse For iniprmaltpn uu 551M55Rm next regularly srneduled nineties Nousetlow rlusions invited ellone no eP 9i Ural lc uraumllr 7am VI ll MEMBER EL stauncit manna confsuys itsmo Terms cash pay or 439th in 96 whlllr nsoinnaerrauv year old Tnursday March Ilat rrr sale hmues duele min 33 ML size is 18618 Simon Rd Besl mar rnalle arsms crane Se LMS ml at Victoria Square Cnm I° on wrulrgll Quegnsvifle my We necessarin accepted mm as gt my or at Iloneermsrlsl m9 ID Child WC Wfls 5Elelrl£mn partTlme Days tllndsday rn ralnayaltabl NEWMARKET Hwy all manna Ave WWW III 351Vle Lop 44 Building Trades cALL TAollllnpElta conslarllnerlls welcome °°°° We mm 77 77 cameand Visnor Can mangler Noam DD Bum clearlng aucllon sale tar llle pal lml wlcker rocker llass IllEagle ewma 93 Municipaiaillsu nn estate at me LATE ANNIE unusual lrpn wasnstalt ipo ll zxterlpr paperlnu mm am new iced NDOVER neld at tile relin Boston rlxker randltlontln renoyalians and alterations re WI Sal Cnmmunlly uressedhani rocker can climax Pllrlcll Drawd E£E ILA Res mu VFreeesllmaigsjlsngW TOWNU In ngyfp MAI15N721 Ha7aI7DM7Mm7R°m mfimm77wamflfls tor LOX AJllll 74m £Iilo7nfilurfl7flnlllrilnr dummy Frost Free several benches and loot Rimmr Ia il1 SOLLIVVFASCIA GWILLIMBURV RSSNSRSE nmnum lnearly riEw stools lireplae screen oreax till dolor Carslor Sale 3lMolor cerslor Sale SlntlfasclUTVEKSVFIEMS TsNuEnsFoR D5 eleclrii slpye like newt glngarpreap clack as ci tasoollrrarpr my Must have good transportaylon uooiu minnows aNLilHERS SUPgtxwGAPLAcING FEE ORSE5 upwm um um We chairs new ltd resume to Box 317 The Era 30 LARW mm Auction my Wasnerlllxa rlawl Antique rakm9 norsel7 medtclne Emm Newmrke my XL Laldti Illllllllllm Iimltirle aoxmcmm We also alto larval as anla mu mu wooden 504 am an mafia Lu cupboard zglass doors morlar and pestle round am my GUARANVEED MMrntAls AND WORKMANSNIP Sealed Tenders PIEAHIIY con 45 mlles norinwest or good antique douqtt box butter bowl bsnaayes ml marred aslorontanlswllbs jxhrldge From uxhlldwe go dlngerbread cioexlextension wneal rect butler prImy PM mm 51 VF recalled uy tne clerk at lne 1miundnnw$andlaru Rd table leaves anllaue tat door decoys nidaytuddy Es Es YhnwriolEaslelIllmmlry al was mils Com lamp good cnlna cahlnel ornale snadawbox Irame Municipal ortices om miles to ram ladder badi rucxer diner prints mirrors cut IDRE out ulr RepdirsloAulomo vzdllnfluil alRafllalots and units Sharon Ontario unlll 100 train DESICHIEIH wood aMIQUE zinc plalefl SIRE harse lmll wllll Sixty H0 5r Ir illl Local meow 3n Railsymd to nine crlesl apod antiaua wealnervanalcoppar batter Wt CIIRVEDHOSE Mom mum ma owns mp 351 sulle antiuua leekellle rusn llgnlr Iroa GAS YANKS REPAIREDIO Vehicle only D7HA 1n mlke¢°w3 needlepoint ctlalr chest pots ioie coal rarrler IllsElli tor llsupply and placing or ealance area and ripg drawers wit swing mirror pottery spilloon saltglaaaa SALES mm MW ranu ar swung rm nulll ero rugs pp ery bowl tale splc RADIATOR SERVICE selllnp dauanlers at Rock all lamp ouantilT paddina oulill lob lots 01 old Mgur still Agesloand Fairgraums Newmarke76u Spa cations and Tender man Starltta fivyalslay and rocks low bone board bottes keys Many more um Dcrumenls may be obtained ManO War Dairy Ellqu cabbage sllcer tools tubs llelns not lisled preview rsimallyllllll lie TUA established mules In DANNY HON mWSm at ltll our ol the Yawn menl Nitrogen mm walls pllla handles new lramlplrl rarms Carnal layMuEhlll mar 00 GENERAL CONTRACTING 46 Gas and Oil E9° 53 50 lel Insemlnflllm 35 NOYE ec Em De Com Ions UNDER Ttie WATER row mm mm mm and be actompanied by car Du an lsarl estate sale many altar responslhle lor sealants lartrel OP very 55 YONG STREET EWIK 72Man Work ea mg on mm Cm mum WM EV sum ltems not llsled nere npl ltenry 97Auclnsnear No Wynn Mimimam Wood equalloalteasi Iflpercenlol 7Alamo pump and vacuum 59°sme Vflcmu WWW Il ammo Acre on 500 Ph mm me Yolel rare Frlce llnv universal nunsimL er in William we Will tellsti FIJle swapped as 7777 Tinlnala ea sun In lard T56 lprnpmeownem V1027 llW maple etc Seasoned Iyear yendmwmbupm Is °°7r we lhlLeslnli sale neld inside TOCLASSIFY gm own low 77 7777 7eda L7mi noon77srpa Systralnerrr gluilwlm 75mm mmmmmn IIoIInMIIVIc mam all Wrmfifi mm Wuflmnmmyr Carpentrvcustam wood wurk MIXED MAnnwooD counfilmaellng We swamom Norm FulfilmenAucImnaar wewouln like la laxel 233l mom oltur pm week MILEAGE CNAMP °V°S will dellvervd 355 walar nlalp retrtgaratilr lWWllllrlllv lo ltlallk all our Allen on on ll mum daysalldaywaatianpg ill smallsmprcnapcxs l1 Dlhasvvmarkvr pltked up 47qu ar ova Lewes or any Tender no l7ail Slahlbcleaner lb mm relativs lrleng7s7an elgn rymwn mm WAGONS mo VF to 1119 Trill flfltgsanly acceeled Ignlsmacnlaerfitnila film Mow lemurs s43 pt Wesl7 1pm 77 it curleiuuw ROADCONSTRUCTIONi florwsmpum more info Freak Prom 41W a7 in 413m 5V 4SW Sale Sale TownEllpIneor rtpr wltn loaderpullay games Ior inrlr lrlndnass and sup no lpr nit 57777 ME CLERK lm HONDA CIVIC AMF Municipal otilcas lurrowpluw Ioaulo 5mm em Guns port in me rKlm loss at rim mm mm Sharon 0nhrtoLflG lVo rlsal like my lsi all sat near Wile and malner Juan tenuousmull condition cerillled moo ANNYIS 7m Cumyam Wm leggy reserve Conugnmmu iEveretl lmlsytgpplntllli lite l978 Season Isl at My 10 Isl welum Froms red be 89 rowusmpop plants and harmws JD welcomes Com no syualilamlly lizard U15Wti Vember Tralnlng to begln lsl at AprI lm anemia gaaa can custom cutting andkllllng 650W SH° NH Merlinill VARIOUS PIECES al len sulla wltttl la Commerclal background helplul dltlon Va speed posl 15 cfjeflw °5°°¢ Wmwel AIIOIEIIDHS lo sullen Arena QUVEYY YWIMIIHIIW bicycles SIS Eat for s73 pnone mtill traction AMFM7stereo new cxnaus rgsgn mniarworls HaipJNanM lzesolllzlrxitzzeirang Vrnf$llmgfq one lomuvnm FANDINODUIIM 2V3 Im cllEv Impala idoor klnppavlneffll Sudan blue low mileage 7I7ICENSEp MECHANIC lnkl oyer itllllllll pain Plimm Requlred lLLnr PARVIM EXCEvaENTPAYPLAN ALL COMPANY BENEFITS ya lunl reflullIJ id tumvlfllv mature no it cassaty nlosser EV Istllitl TOM VANDENWG eERVICE MANAGER tully equipped Llc Np liTx Newmarlla alts3212 Hi im nusrsn 53000 mllas yllnder automatic stood cnndlllw will cerllly Pilono 71mm RlIIIv Im DUSTEJUHJHE Im Fonnjonluo station wagon Excellenl condition Prime Ara Aw tii ELIAILE nlolnlzl oulred tot it dssnooi am It Dlllnd Landlnl UNIAmp carried unarmedméfifimngum Mk Wise st Aurora Incl up Im BIRD 000 miles lm vw 13000 mllu Bath enllled excellent condlllon Pnorla etaum IANnAII Va ps ph eswiclr can spillil tiAvEL consul ilplrlented till ravel Counsellom orir Radio will mule wilnsl it lid lute ovelllb HWY 400 SERVICE CENTRE artllar epx Il llltarloLooIvo KING CIT¥ONT inn neparlllel eIng accevmg SHIFISIIPERVISIIR poslllbns or gallons arelnew bean Itcce tedlor Cally lncllned malure In lvlduels gfiIfllerasled In career In Petroleum no Good bnslc salary unllprms mnellls nravldad swivel bucketsconsole 51000 miles Wmlkemmmnllled excellent condition mm or oeslollor at Mo itn MoNTe new no motor amomatlc its P3d Cettllled7notiel15m1 LII Im voLKsWAéEN station wagon MIEIMI owner 75 glalasrzerllllkddlwfl Phone mmr lel im Dance Pollro tor porisli vPlIoneW5l95 2ii Im on qoor nardtup nulomutlc air conditioned s7 ant radio now pol and radial iIras oxull undlllon Asking 595 carlIlIau Mallets7071 lill lrri cltnvsLeR 00 Am 9r the Manager and Box uvlllyllssflPndnellsiglh filly Ont L08 txo sunfin 055159 Motorcycles I6 Yea $135rislu or past KAWAIAKI motorcycles tor Illnrch JV pttyr rilloml ovsvam all gala 91 XVIII rmzlnrfxillu ll 130pm Ilylan Dfinlflmfl anulred me In neuucln ma WWW 98 57300 Mu Douuo out arcanilttnnl ssonow conillllon Will unity call mm mmnmI mm Irkel LAENT compANY BENEF15 nmtt SHF Ill ulrl ulpltal uaar In PPLy my my Mum gum tricolor Hm riltntll PER candlllon rrrlilild 40 till imam Ion flew out vAMAItA lmll nile 1500 badminton olzllnvcorgjllionelrllnsnwzlllv illtslin IIIIIRD lteir IViz Itlll tall Ior WWW nulls may wrath It as fififiéfiflfil IIIWI DISTRIWI that ml at but otta HIM condlllarmow mlllnu AV uulrtulot MULTI Min now lII Him 7541 HI an Ild opportunllll Rn fulllnnlry until Mdlllon lprlnllrw FEV tuttitqu mltmn tor ll tplm mt oLDIMOIlLI mile II Mm lill Ritii mleuleIlpowwymlll llllr MEncunY lpn trk Tip vrstlriaorafmyflilri rnacnanlcalty gaap im cenIilad $615 Plime 75 nos El it 71m Film BALCONerm nardlop blue In barrel speed Iteadars cam etc Very oood corn dlnarl MUST BE SEEN To us APPRECIATE Best ollarav5soqr allerlnm Ill Jz Trucks Ior Sale ToN cneyy van automatic as slabllllur time bar AMFM radio ltt In 91 lm DODGE brawn Ll No nmis only moo leberls Mulurs Eaula street Newmarkot mmz llt Ins oMc lion dually plckup nlno v3 us radio ass tantra ilbreolass cap Al cpndltipn ceriiilud or unerlllled mllaili Simon tor appatnlm nt it Im FORD VAN Lemplelely snap rlnlsnad Inside sunraol rallllal tires sltlris spare tire with coyer lrallar nookVP lor any we lrallur AlliFM cassette rodlo ce radio titIon Jio lm anti Ion axcoilani condltlorl oest ollar maul ll ml FDRD van Ilrl auiplnallc oxcollenljunnlnu prder pllnrlo 12155 alter pm lm oM stun van cun yarlau and no llrllansd Into molar turnip needs some toI tm lllmnA cu 150 Mm In 30 Mottomam law mlll Acllltnh riyuraon Early cnlilltlaou alts2391 251 Davis Drlv Sides 99 expertly strand double wt mlles north Newmarkel taka Aatnurst Street selltn IMon povemdnlror minus Alan arayn Jun TF3 yon SALE dell pulnmes np lvrllllxrtr used Phone 78 All lill Pals and Kennels KEESHOND pupa Husky lamIIyl pureorad rllpia lumale Any reasonaqu oltar accented Phone 6751537 ii BABY inmates 2bllrei drern not PhlmL to InENEsroonLe unooMIm All arrad dreaming and cllinnq Phone nos 4w scollaneous not ulttlwuararadunllrr causation program Is In ardent need oi ctllltlron yaars and under mm were born prematurely tor usa In resaarcn utolotl only nnll hour n56de tl warm your mama Par man In tormalion coll Giunuo tlowrw irisills avmlnos XitID urlan Elnavr LIntI lay Ay ilrwmarlill will Ml bl lMpmnIIJIB I0 Iiny dautl Incurred In my norm ny my wlll lnllnnl slnllor altarlntwatoMaran mu mm mwrnllrllal to concord alLIzIIIFVUJMIJKI tonalllotll so call mum 8956785 WHOIESAlE BEEF AND HEALTH F0008 Newmarkel Cfiblw6radrfléé Hlnds $125 Economy Grade Beel Sides s9c Fronts 83 apped tree we also carry retail ml at beet pork and nailingchlckanira CMARGEX 8954146 BUDGETYERMS if TF1 POTAYQESIorseIERefl and 53 PersiaHHS wnlle wlllow Grove Farm SharonPhonelIBABH AID We Sunni RED EOIAYOES not per TELECAAE 895I2I1 or ousnei bring awn mlalner nporsauay ll METHING NEwCa Kundnlvaus Datino Llltitltd ll 45 lpol II in All loasprc wmcum tr su BHTM CONYROL pregnancy lesllnu caun solilnarree arid coniidentlal Tuesday mornings I1 and Wednesday DJ 21 Prospccl st Newmarkel ails Asll No appointment naccssarv v9 Conlidunllal Diagnosis Vrcnlmcnl 77 Prospect slraur Newmarkol ars ASH Tuesday am I7 and Wednesday 7m annulnlmunl necessary roceowmtil DRWKINQJ purnllps A77 och Afidnywlfil or IAn Femllv Group can nalp Phone 72mm or 55032 or at lmNtwmarx ll Willonrwmn RADIO Tv ANNOUNCER Tralnlnu Le nqw in spam llme you could lie on thd iilr In llve méiilliel For rouortlocl massage on how you tunllly liliono 7unyllme 92 2420 Nullonnl In ellluluoluroudeuellnu Music limo uuiiilr itlbllol way hdIIIOr clnllnol llllu occnrulon rind IIIllmI oioyAtiilLLt Music CD mym 7and7ltall7soaloo7tonders7 clearly marked Sunofl Arena alterations wlél be received by Mrs oper noisier pro aim0erle Baler Hay allI mm row air corn planierl DolIwBunlr6401W0l5lovfi no Om FARNlAucTicN sALE onea er prll Irsclm ll WANYED llrrla oaottireeper to trial balance Par Tplunsnip rurcnllecl tenae lorms ndenllelorlei rnusT be rmerolllceTMTIhEFurchaslflq Manager In deposit or ssum In ash or centricd Millie Lewes or any tanpar not necessarily accepted For lurlner inlorrnallon contact smilll MIlnLArcnIleris to Main st soutn Newmarxet or Toni Applaby purcmsingManager tell MINISYRV OF HOUSING ONTAnInnousINo CORPORATION lnlitrldr Pilnllnn II $C Unlls Aurore NIIIMS Blvd Aurorn Onllllo trliprlor Pubtlc Spl paintinr Eadie slfml Newmlrkelr ulltario eaterm BOIYSWI Tendon II In resolved lor til abov until moo noon an man may April by IIII Bunch fll lrllullno cor Lori unit filfio El nlll ill wlllowdnle onllllo MIN in Tm drancn Menoer Inm when III Ind Iplclllullum 7p IIIDII fur 59¢ line RI Ill Numnl elm thlnwnl ar any tandar llot ntcflurllv Iépartow Lake camp Anne In 15 ewlin mIn cunoolnu snlllna on NJ 250 ucrolfnuar OllIIllJ ESL 60 Volvo 12 dayu $1M Incl bun Unllud Church 86 Bl Clnlr Toronto used and may be optained an senllamgunlegz Aillad Aulrar oil arriepb Allis rubber ctlalns roliar clecl te Weed Sprayer I00 Oalrrlank year wned sprayer is lnl sedora snow blower year Iurnro oralrl boxes nay rocks ilred wennns manure spreader slpe rake set at narrows sets tractor Gwlll Twp flung mlle lp sCorl sluns on was No no 17 mile narln oi pond llaap sale or Tractors tuil Itna cl tillage lelw corn growing naryeslind eoulpmanl ncluoinga David eruwn mo Yradur wittt rab good can dillm lnl Nuw slo seml mwnl Plow lo turrows trip mam spring when watch tur Dry shelled com Also by llolstlrtl Mallnolll don llutirntlllt sell new vat Mainlont sal Arum molors work benrn grain augersur Llncoln weldar rnatn slore applicator cemenl mixer 17 Ham mar mlll flu or tools hard ware and scrap baler twine is dull noxcr least Nurses standard arnd mm in real wastes palrn No ade yr old standard ll bred iiIIy lénapaleell no lllPTOll double horse lrallnrll topping can pony harness horsosnpalng equlp menl Ends au Holt straw they Biscayne lbs Ill Flsh hul IS Dom Tempest oawrlder and Load Inner Qu lurnllwe nnllquo links etc sala wlll start prom llymliLslvsarms wllfifurfillzre and wagon load lollnwud by me htnlry and teed Sllhleca vment and llvalock Noll llna ol st complete iarm auct no mflcfllflwvllilr ilfir onaliiprl mom or It now In In past years Natal sal lImaIn JILLIIIKII avoilabtl sole Managed and sold lly Lloyd Wllwn Aucllons Ltd Uxhrldao0nlllol$ 1574 is AUCTION Julian liVENmQ Marshmrlwpun llloctlltocli uni Prnmllllor Nail otrolm ulactislorlr as nooil bnil inali man and rim LML op hill and rpiyesl also duo Ilul This month nature lurk mt mi wtlill billl bv Nu All ultio mood lulu Luncl available at late LlOVUWllIdMlAflsllprI original snears land No1 Mayo El cu I235 ltlan loo atres No 54 Cum Planter tier New rial cocksnlllt row ew ldaa Picker sn tier illle Glam eela rain Elevtort casewo Narvalar wilnolclrllp row corn and aitacnments Grain Dryer aulnrs Nuikv I000 gal Liuuid Manure Spreader pump Sonar ChllI Post urrrr new colldlllontl Milt Mlll HP Motor ttole dispenser Not Snap Feeders animal health requirements alzoll essential larnl Itams too numerous to list 2500 ban needl 7complel Altulla layr silo Illle ot raw some nousanold Items flllvalnDLILDlnnérLEEIEJ urnliure setllnd ml 00 Machineryat approx oo run For Iniormallan conlul owner at radium Aalewlhyrolyoura laillnn Lmlendnnee Term casll naouas aplnd wltn ln Allan Nortar limiter scl No InsAsu Ana no TQA l6 PRICES FOR YOURlFUIlS SELL YOUR EURlFELTS THROUGH OUR MONTREAL AUCTION HOUS LARGE INTERNATION L7 CLIENTELE hlflaflmflfillflfllus ill ll no mm Wed IplckershellerZrowN MI lstll Jason Mam Jag hi7r17l71urauenur erw7llni 71H AM 77 lags sagggs Newmarxel Geofnlna Clvlc Centre tor mm L033 0le For James steers no i7al ti7oo7l recladding ol7 W310 Ike MI Ind No arsdlord West train VOLKSWAGEN 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