Madonna More 157597 VROBERTARMSTRONGiJMHEDREAL TOR BRADFORD BEDROOM HOUSQ tastetul decorationiand superh housekeeplng enhancesthenumberotg leatures here W2 baths extra large tenced lot makes this home must to view $59900 GRETA CUTTING VCOUNTRI SETTING Beautllully landscaped 66 i61 lot productive garden make this anldeal starter or retirement home Separate dining room sunken kitchen tlnlshed tamlly room with Bar min to heart at Newmarket $53900 LYDIA SANDUSKY IMMACU LATE STARTER OR RETIREMENT HOME or bedroom home situated In quiet vll tMt Albert Cfise to shopping and sc oo Priced to sell $52900 DON GRAHAM INCOME PROPERTV Large Dupiex 11 bedroom li bedroom apartment close to shopping and down town $54900 DON GRAHAM FARMS FARMS FARMS Wehave éal good tarms llsted tor sate Irorn 15 acres to 100 acres suitable for rses general farming or investment Cali MIKE OROURKE excEPTioNAL COTTAGE Younchoice Summer cottage or year round Home Iully winteriled brick Iireplace pinerbroadloom lioors beamed ceiling New modern kitchen walkout to cedar deck large lot block irom Lake Slmcoe in LeFroy excellent commuting via Go TraianEORGE CAREY SACRIFICE PRICE Large Semi with +cLbedrooms family Exile rentfinancing carallale esueaihaaohuM KNIGHTS In prestigeous subdivision in Newmarket area Oak railing ceramic tiles and quality ahardwimd Iloors are teatures oi distinction Maln floor family room with tlreploce and walkout to V2 acre lot Maln lloor laundry room bedrooms 1431c baths and 12 pc bath central vacuums Intercom 5115900 LYDIA SANDUSKY MOVE RIOHTIN This trshly decorated home leatures large bedrooms washrooms tlnlshed family room with fireplace huge games room quality built home tor $900 GRAHAM LLOYD This Immaculate aluminum bungalow located in quiet district teatures large eat In kltchen3 bedrooms lull basement even thoelridgeand stoveaare Included COSEY BRICK BUNGALOW Located on qulet street in older area ol Newmarket bedrooms cedar deck surrounds the swimming pool Paved drlve Ideal starter or retirement hom9 The tranklln Iireplace In the tamlly room awaits your personal Ilnlshlng touches 35675WGEORGWAREY room with brIEIflirep ace aanalkout Lot COMMUTER TAKE NOTE This home features bedrooms garage walkout Irom re btfwmlles north Metro $78000 VJIM KNIGHTS CHARMING bedroom home on deadend in Newmarkel FInlshedrec room with bar New turnace sun room Attractive lot 75 $49900 GRETA CUTTINGfl Lo ms new root and paved drive Lot size SILL CUYPERSfRmohwGRAHAM LE9¥D= bedrooms theseaPP lrigtreexeri FIEL tEASA BeZIherlirsllovlewathls beautliulla CENTER HALL PLAN Close to Main Street Newmarket bedroom home separate living dnng 59 145 $69 COUNTRYLLVING Five minutes trom Newmarket This befllNIUI raised bungalow features tamily Escooniwlth stone corner fireplace walkout to covered patio walkout Irom living dining rooms to raised deck dream kitchen in solid oak centrally air conditioned 36 young trees on 107 190 lot ANNE DAWSON Anxious ANxmus lssbediourri rsiioatéoanracreiot must be sold Dont wailand miss this one GRAHAM LLOYD IMMACULATE BEDROOM HOME rupgradedbroadlm llz baths tastefully decorated to suit the most discriminating buyer JACKPLODER PLEASANTVILLAGE LIVING bedroom home lust north of Mt Albert extras Include brick fireplace large lot tlnlshed iamily room excellent tlnancing $6290090 DON GRAHAM SOLID BRICK BUNGALOW with attached garage Lshaped living dining roongEnclosed sun room looksrout tomature trees on 50 125 It lot PETER LAWRENCE npartles bathrooms stereo lnlei HERE IS YOUR NEW HOME It you are the person who desires the ultimate In quality living In one at Newmarkets prestige areas large bedroomssepaim jvlgg and dining rooms tirepla tamlly rooTriThard wood lloors ewnh emirrocwilnlshL washrooms sauna cedar sundecks All umundedhppdyacflwtraJaLgeJoL The best In construction and decoratlng QUALITY COUNTRY HOME th5 beautltully modernized large country homecsIIILretalanllChjf Js orlolnal charm bedrooms country Tklrctie tamlLyroomlorgelol alters or Investment potentlal Central loc Mount Albert GEORGE CAREY acreall brick level sidespllltealfiiiTgTT replace IV baths walkout to cedar deck extra car detached garage early ll0¥D HOUSE BACKING ONTO PARK Heart olNewmarkel beaulilully llnlshed all new root aluminum siding wmdesm docsz cushion floor In kitdhen tloor In rec room walkout plus extra lece washroom $5l90000 BILL CUYP PERSTTIME OFFERED Clean neat Zbedroommleringlar rand exceile IocatlonVendorh CL McCALL custombullt bungalowdilerlng 100 no lot covered patio 20 12 family room ilreplacep electric garage door possess on nutfifimerk $70500 JACK PLéoER L47 JEANETTE 5T $59900 This bedroom stucco home situated on huge lot within the town Ilmlts iealures separate dining room living roomwlth stone Ilreploce eat In kitchen plus tully Spaclous tlmlly room tlreplaca asundecksarga andibullti an ideal Iamlly homel in lung L900 LOREiLISKA tlnlshed basement with rec room and wet bar BILL SWEEZIE ALERTEEUSINESSPERSON AgLeL strial corner onegrafitifandrtown waterfiEEverancés available CLIVE McCALL BRADFORD BUNGALOW Quality delines the character oi thls home and provides bedrooms tamllyroom with llroolaCQroxtra pp1eco washroom bullteln Fdishwaeher walkout to sundeck plus plus BARBARA LEGGI I01 oswdj ova renovated 141on tTfhElTIOQkmr 4465 openerelargedog kennel plus many othe llnel tures CLIVE McCALL ditching for home with 2009 Vs building 40 24 garage and rthe thls lstho Ideal place GRAHAMLLQ Di 1V2 ACRES NEWMARKET Great potentiali excellent commutiitg IV torey houserneedsrwork car garage arn small trullonchardrplneitreeo GREEKy UIIING INCOME PROPERTY Brick duplex located in one at Newmarkets mostsought alter areas Contains bedroom apartments Double driveway and detached garage good investment at $5470000 GRAHAM condltlonng new turnace aluminum siding paved drlve low upkeep Only 541900 MIKE OROURKE xsObarnrplusmirtbulIdlngswllhfl MGUNTALBERTNORIH Abedroom home Sliua ed on acres amidst maple and apple trees other leatures Include extra washroomrseparate dining rooméGandTrattached garage bfirTgalow situated on minutes IronrNmmarket7Thisn Iealures stereo Intercom Central condltlonlngseparate diving dinv EXECUTIVE AREAOF NEWMAIIK eaWukodenua IO acres 00m oak tloors two Ilreplaces and ACRES Good lot with good building site ii spring on lot 53990000 JIM KNIGtm PROP This cvston located on morn homel extra large gracious sei llieplace Is Inground pot LARGE LOT IN VILLAGE OF SHARON Numerous possibilities exist In Itfi bedroom brick home iul base tlnlshed rec room area separate1 roomattachedworkshop on back at $5490006 MIKE ORO RKE lbedroom nditlon witt extra ins hall afll MINIMUI COMMUTER PERFECT Minutes to Hwy 400 this V7 acre it has the country atmosphere ev looks lor Custom built with extra rooms featuring rec room with II wet bar and terrazgo floor Second on lower level torflsummer comforl $92900 ANNE DAWSON TOWN rooms mad Ieaturin arlh llreplac arm trlple wing roomii we aslered wali BIGh As bedroom Ibrlck side split tlnlslied room separate dining room Iireplau living room central air paved beautliui treed lot $9470000 GR CUTTING PRICE IS RIGHT bedroomrdetachedrhomels png hospital and can be youi $500000 down Included walkout baths room legged Int GRAHAM inside will returblst erlooking pt LOCATED LOWI brl ht tt ALGONOI ern lurnlsh llages sepilc II good year MANY TALK OJ CKIOI Is bedroom shad lust or mandcdoorss ewtrlhg root rSoemover Oh Yes WI he roomyTh ll would antir lose and the YOUR FARM IN MINIATIJRE AlLthis Ear completewlth pac ous small stream meanders throWI propétlfipirie trees shadethelrml Justlnlmités north at Newmarket BARBARA LEGGITT iPRESTIGE 0n Yon ilioned in lireproot quarters OWNER As PURCHASED MOV ally rec oom roughedln llreplaceaudl washroom plece washroom 33 MANY leveI groundtI00rIdeY room ccass tire overall 9tc°mv9€l ced tastetullydecorated and real new owners $6990000 GRAHAM Calls older or kltuhenc Iargellving room completely tinished basement reeroom replace laundry room plu hbodroomtgltLSWEEZlEi 3V ACRE CHOICE BUIIIDING LOT Just3mles east otNewmarket rolllng land with yeaFT ound stream 55930000 Coll MIKE OROURKE showexcel LivelnwapartmontrTéhHMI you carrytrio mortgage both entlyrDoublo lol BiCLCUYPER